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    Wednesday, September 2, 2020

    Yoga: far away from perfect but i’m still practising

    Yoga: far away from perfect but i’m still practising

    far away from perfect but i’m still practising

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    I finally managed to get into a headstand position without using any support. It still requires perfection but I am proud of it nonetheless. I couldn’t get out of bed 2 months ago and lately I’ve made some lifestyle improvements and yoga has been one of them.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    Wheel pose or chakrasana, next goal = straight legs

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Finally got my crane pose down! I’m loving yoga and all the positive effects it has on my life, especially my rock climbing game.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    This probably looks like an atrocity to all the amazing yogis, but I’m a a beginner and just starting to be able to do crow pose. Does it look ok so far? I hope u have a great day if anyone sees this :)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Be playful, yogis! �� [COMP]

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Yoga Philosophy Topic. I do not belong to anyone.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    I do not belong to anyone.

    What does this mean? What are the implications?

    submitted by /u/mayuru
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    I gotta say I like how yoga can control thyself. I am not sure how long it will take to fully heal;however, practice and listening to mind and body go a long way.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    'Frame your front foot with your hands' impossible?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    SO many times in transitioning from low lunges or pyramid whatever pose that has a wide stance and lowered torso, instructors say to frame the front foot with both hands on the floor and then step up the other. This...does not happen. I cannot get both hands on the floor on either side of a front knee. Where do the breasts go? Are my arms too short? I can get both hands down no problem for a lizard lunge, so I don't think it's a hip or hamstring issue. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/countdown621
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    Please help poorna bhujagasana

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    So basically i had a back injury two years ago, and ive been practicing to get into head to touch toes from cobra pose

    Im very close im almost there, my feet are up my head and chest is up i just cant get it all to connect with like a 40cm distance between

    What do i do, i feel that i can really do it

    There is no pain i can really stretch it, but i don't know the specific method for that final touch, what is the specific method? I watch alot of youtube videos but the method isn't specific

    Poorna bhujangasana head to toes touching im almost there like 30-40cm distance, no pain, i can stretch to get it but i just cant figure out the method after alot of youtube videos? Do i need to open my chest up, shoulder blades closer together away from ears? Use my legs, push my legs in? Push pelvis into the floor, please help, its like a concept and i can't figure out the last bit, no pain, i feel i can stretch to get it, and i have the strength but missing the method

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Samsuperhappy
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    Nadi Shodhana no hands

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    I've had the pleasure to be in two classes where this was taught, both in the last 18 months.

    Just before savasana while lying on our backs we were directed to bring our attention to the surface between our eyes and then to behind our eyes. Chidakash, the mind space.

    In this state of awareness we focused on our breathing, gently trying to breathe through one nostril more than the other. In retrospect (to me) the success of this exercise did not matter as much as the attempt. And the enjoyment of that attempt.

    Would love to hear of any experiences anyone else might have had with Nadi Shodhana and no hands.

    submitted by /u/siddharthasriver
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    Do any yoga mats work well for sweaty mofo's like me?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Hot power is my jam and I'm ready to spend some money upgrading my $30 walmart mat to something that performs better in the deluge of sweat my body produces. Think Lake Michigan. In my mind, I would just have a mat and no towel. My current mat turns into a slip n' slide during the last half or third of my practice and things like down dog, wheel, and even wide legged fold become death traps.

    I browsed through Manduka mats last night, in particular their GRP line which start at about $90. But in reading comments on amazon, people who sweat a lot still seem unsatisfied. I also looked at some cork mats that I thought might work, but when I picked apart the comments I saw the same problems.

    Are there other mats I should consider?

    submitted by /u/TzaserFace
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    Any tips on how to write your own yoga flow?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    I usually just to videos off of YouTube but I'd like to try to write and do my own flow. Anyone have any advice?

    submitted by /u/ArtHistoryCoffeeGirl
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    Sitting while meditating hurts back and legs

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Every time I try to come into a meditative cross-legged posa it's just irritating after a while and especially I feel it in my legs when I unfold. Cross-legged just looks and feels like an inefficient pose because my back hurts from the weight it puts on. I tried correcting the position of my pelvis and tried straightening my back but it still hurts after a few minutes. But my legs especially feel tight again and I feel like I have to stretch more to compensate for the folding of my legs in cross-legged sitting. Am I doing something wrong? I just started yoga and regular stretching about a month ago but have been doing a routine every day and I don't really feel any long term improvements but I do feel great right afterward. I would love to just be more flexible and be able to touch my toes with straight legs. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/bazeroni
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    Getting started at home

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    So I want to start getting more healthy, and while I was working, I'm currently unemployed, my sister suggested that I should try doing yoga as my previous job was very labor intensive. I just want to also get more healthy in general. I was thinking about doing some yoga, along with some sit-ups, push ups, walking, and other things I can do in an at home setting. I currently regularly walk, but am not that active other than that.

    I've only done yoga once, like 4-5 years ago, and while I was bad, it was a lot of fun, but I didn't really know much on what I was doing, so that's really where I need help. I already have a yoga mat, but is there any other equipment that might be useful?

    If you have any recommendations on there to start, maybe an app on Apple TV, iPad, or iPhone, would be extremely helpful! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/tylerwarnecke
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    Would like yoga advice as I am a newbie?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I am new here. I have been to yoga before at my college but now I am doing things on my own. I'm hoping to do yoga to reduce stress/anxiety, treat my back pain, loosen up my tight pelvic floor issues, and fix my tight hips. Overall, I would just like to heal myself and feel better. I know it is a slow progress but I am willing to start. I have created my own routine but kinda got sick of it. Does anyone have any tips or advice for things I could do? I would really appreciate it. Thanks yogis!

    submitted by /u/salkaslasi1
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    My three-month transformation

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:30 AM PDT


    Male / 25 yrs

    Diet Primarily plant-based (with lots of beans for protein!), and occasional fish/seafood (2-4 times/month). No meat otherwise, and no dairy (except for the rare ice cream treat; a pint can last months in my freezer). I've been doing 16:8 intermittent fasting now, and am thoroughly loving it (it's not for everyone, so always check with a medical professional before you make any significant changes to your lifestyle). For tracking the diet I use a notebook on the laptop, such as Bear - https://bear.app/

    Sleep: 6 hours a day, plus post-work naps as needed.

    Misc: Never drank, smoked, or used drugs. Don't like coffee. I do enjoy the occasional smoothie, but otherwise primarily drink water. YSK The human brain is 60% water and it only takes a 2% reduction in hydration to induce cognitive impairment.


    Yoga Initially, I wanted to do the workout at home, but a little later I realized that yoga practice is much more suitable for me. Tried quite a few yoga apps, but later I found a great one complex - Cardio Yoga session from Zenia. This is a high-intensity yoga practice designed to increase a heart rate and help you to get into the perfect shape. During this intensive class, my arms and my upper body get a nice burn, the core is activated, and all the muscles get a really amazing stretch. The duration of the class is about 20 min. Also, I attend regular yoga for flexibility classes. Zenia App (free version, sub based): https://get.zenia.app/0BrF/f2f98069

    Meditation I kept to the schedule of meditation for 1 hour per day. I tried meditating before this for around 20/30 mins but never really felt that much benefit. So I started doing 1 hr. At first, it was very difficult to sit still for that long. But after the first week, I started to truly realize that all of my problems were in my own head. I was perceiving things poorly, from past images that I'd clung onto. I used the Headspace app (free version, sub based): https://www.headspace.com/

    Also running and jumping rope, but it's on my mood.

    TOOLS The smartwatch helps me track my daily steps and connects to the Wahoo HRM when I do activities where I don't want to risk damaging my phone (swimming, mud races, etc..) Jump rope is probably the best tool in my arsenal. It's cheap and highly effective in burning calories efficiently. The food scale is a must. I needed to know how much I was consuming so I could target how many calories I could eat on a weekly basis.

    WORKOUTS Ok, so I've learned A LOT over the last 3 months. The BIGGEST TAKEAWAY is this… long periods of high-intensity cardio is NOT the best for «cutting». I learned that short HIIT sessions are MUCH more efficient and effective.

    Here are my three-month transformation my routines: Daily workouts consist of 35 minutes of low-intensity cardio. This included warming-up and Cardio Yoga session: cat-cow pose, downward-facing dog, sun salutation, chair pose, half-bridge, twist. I tryna keep my heart rate around 115-135 BPM. For me, that was approx 65-75% of my MAX HR. In this range, approx 25% of the calories I use/burn in my workout comes from fat which was my main target, not muscle growth. Progress tracking apps are very helpful to stay motivated, but I prefer in-app tracking features.

    That's pretty much it. As of now, my goal is to hit 130 lbs @ 10% body fat then start a clean bulk program to build muscle mass with strength training. I have approx 2 weeks to go.

    Hope this helps and if anyone has more questions feel free to ask.

    submitted by /u/MatthewFundedSecured
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    Cheap and creative ways to make a platform in my backyard?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I don't have grass on my yard. It's cemented and we also have a lot of pebbles areas. Does anybody know of less than ~$100 ways to create a deck for yoga and floor-based workouts?

    submitted by /u/oceanchick
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    What is the best yoga equipment you have ever used and why?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    Yoga sequence for all joints in the body.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    I'm sure the title seems a bit vague, so allow me to explain. About 10 or so years ago, the yoga class I used to attend dedicated one day per week to exercising and, what my instructor called "lubricating", each joint in the body. Used to begin with flexing the toes, moving up to ankle rotations and flexions, then the knee, the hip, and moving on to the arms and the neck. I was wondering: a) if this is beneficial in any way and if it helps strengthens bones and joints (especially because I have a wonky knee from an injury I have yet to identify) and b) if there is a video out there that does something similar because my abominable memory has erased the sequence from my brain and I find myself doing things on the mat that might do more harm than good.

    submitted by /u/aswa-g
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    Weight loss??

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    So I want to do yoga to stay fit, because I'm really lazy and yoga is all I see myself doing. I dont want to gain or lose weight, or gain tons of muscle, just stay how I am right now which is fairly healthy. I'm a 20 year old female, 163cm and 61kg so a BMI of 23,0.

    Cam yoga help me with getting generally healthy and staying the weight I am? (Well just ignore eating habits/food for this question)

    Sorry if anything is wrong, first time poster on this sub.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Sokromek
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