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    Sunday, June 27, 2021

    Yoga: Asana Questions Thread

    Yoga: Asana Questions Thread

    Asana Questions Thread

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    Ask questions/discuss asana.

    submitted by /u/kalayna
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    In my mind this is an unspoken rule of yoga

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    That you don't step on a yoga mat that isn't yours. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/obsessedcatldy
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    Just started yoga last week and my flexibility is pathetic

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    Just started yoga last week and my flexibility is so horrible it's laughable, and embarrassing really. To give you an example I am probably 8 inches away from being able to touch my toes while standing with straight knees.

    I started because I have back pain and really feel like yoga can help balance my body and eventually mitigate my pain. I always love doing yoga because it feels meditative

    My question is how soon can I expect to touch my toes comfortably? I know there are many variables at play but I do yoga every day for 30min to an hour. I am a male in my mid thirties and am relatively fit. The reason ot bothers me so much is because my moves are so limited do to my horrible flexibility. So how long do you think it will take me to easily touch my toes to those that have experience? Thanks

    submitted by /u/msharif25
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    Taking the next step as a yogi

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 11:01 PM PDT

    I've been practicing yoga fairly regularly for about a year now but of course, that was during the pandemic so I have never actually been able to attend a class. In order to practice, I've been doing Yoga with Adriene and following her free calenders and 30-day challenges like Home and Breath. I love Adriene and want to continue practicing with her but also sometimes wonder if her videos are too beginner for me now that I have gotten used to her flows. What do you think, is Adriene still someone I should stick with for my daily practices? What should I do to take the next step in my yoga journey?

    submitted by /u/SnooMemesjellies4075
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    What are the holy grail books you wish you read earlier in your yoga/well-being/mindfulness practice?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    As someone who wouldn't consider themselves a reader, I am looking into reading more books around the above subjects.

    I've dabbled in yoga for awhile but really need to commit to a lifestyle change and am unsure where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions on books to read to help someone get into a daily well-being practice that focuses on yoga practice, mindfulness and meditation, or potentially any sort of positive habits building book?

    Basically I have a lot of healing I need to go through and have spent awhile using escapism as a way to cope with trauma and chronic pain (Inflammatory Arthritis at 28). Because of these experiences I am ready to move to a new way of living and start healing my relationship with self. . . I just don't know where exactly to start.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    TLDR: I'm looking for self-help based literature that isn't a sales pitch or pure babble. Essentially trying to establish a full daily routine of positive habits while using yoga and meditation to strengthen both my body and mind.

    submitted by /u/CeeCee_Lemon
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    Has yoga helped your back pain?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    Hello! Not seeking medical advice, mostly just looking to hear other people's experiences with yoga and back pain. I have suffered from on and off back pain for a few years , but it got bad over quarantine (spasms about 1-2x a month that cause my back to go out) likely due to stress and working from home without the best desk setup.

    I changed my desk setup, took a look at my pillows, went to my dr who sent me to PT. Did that for months, and sure, it helped work out knots and strengthen muscles, but it didn't fix it. Starting to think this is just stuck with me until I no longer work in an environment that requires me at a desk 8-10 hours a day.

    I love yoga and would love to have been trying to make it a regular practice, but I often find exercise that uses my back muscles can trigger a spasm, even if I am gentle and careful. For example, I did an upward plank the other day during practice which caused pain in my upper trap the next day.

    Anyone have any tips? Suggestions? Can anyone relate?

    submitted by /u/zelordschips
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    Is it ok to focus on one yoga pose and get really good with that one pose?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    I think I feel a little overwhelmed with how many yoga poses there are and I don't know where to start 🤔 How many yoga poses should I choose or is one pose alright?

    submitted by /u/Swaggy_07
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    What are some common yoga cues that simply aren’t correct? Let’s debunk!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Workouts focused on exhale?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    Due to some lung damage, I have the issue with air trapping in the lungs which leads to feeling out of breath during any exertion.

    I used to lift weights/bodybuilding and swim but can do neither now due to this limitation.

    What are some exercises / style of yoga that incorporate more core activity to force exhale (to push out the trapped air)? (or basically in a position to put pressure on lower part of lungs to mechanically push out the air)

    Any idea appreciated!

    submitted by /u/applyserum
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    Guides to guideless yoga?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    What can I do to learn to practice yoga without an app, nor instructor, nor routine to guide me?

    I'm on a journey to unplug my fitness practice. My aim is to be 100% satisfied exercising with 0 equipment. Back when COVID first closed the gyms I was devastated. But no more.

    What guides can I use to learn a totally unassisted yoga practice?

    submitted by /u/SilasSecundis
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    [COMP] Just hanging out in my yoga swing and thought I would do a little video perspective from laying upside down ��

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    Advice for tight neck?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 06:48 PM PDT

    I use yoga for stretching (I'm a runner), but I have had a significantly sore/tight neck, down to my trapezoid. It's on my right side and is most noticeable if I look down or turn my head.

    What would be a good way to address that, aside from just continuing to stretch regularly?

    submitted by /u/DadStuff603
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    [comp] Critique my form?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    Progress over the last 2 days with Crow Pose ����

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    Yogic Diet

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Hello ya'll :) I've recently gotten into trying to incorporate yogic and esoteric practice into my life. A particular detail that struck me is the dietary constrictions. I'm freshly a vegan (about 6 months) so disregard meats and whatnot, but the thing is I have a knack for spicy foods. I have my entire life. I'm noticing through reading that spices/garlic/whatnot is frowned upon, as they seem to stimulate you in an unfavorable way

    How important is this? Can I really attribute my spicy food addiction to my struggling headpsace? It's just difficult, as Ive made and am making other big changes in my life, but gawlly I'd like to not put down the bottle of hot sauce if it isn't going to contribute that much to do so

    submitted by /u/SentientMonoamine
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    Pain in what I think the big artery behind my knee when I strech

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    I've been experiencing pain ( definitely not muscle) in what I think the big artery, specifically behind my right knee. I have experienced this pain before when stretching and gave it 6 months rest but as soon as I started stretching again I can feel it again. I'm thinking of powering through it this time, anyone with advice or similar experience?

    submitted by /u/TasteDworld
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    Incorporating yoga into muscle building workouts

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    Long story short, I'm a 25 year old guy who is sober and trying to fill the hole that booze/drugs left in my life with fitness.

    I am getting really into bodybuilding. I workout heavy with weights 3 times a week and can feel myself building muscle and getting stronger. I am also interested in giving yoga a try, but I know very little about it and am not sure if yoga and body building could potentially get in the way of each other.

    I would want to do yoga on the days that I do not weight train. Would I be able to do yoga while my muscles are sore from weight training? Would my muscles still get enough rest on the days that I do yoga to allow me to hit the weights heavy 3 times a week?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/jackhunter24
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    Anyone know if I can burn sage in a small room with no windows?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    I got a new stick and I'd like to burn it only in my bedroom. Probably is there are no windows.. is this an issue?

    submitted by /u/ezee_ezee
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