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    Sunday, May 3, 2020

    Ashtanga yoga: Yoga Teachers/Therapists needed: Yoga Teacher and Therapist Lifestyle, Attitudes, and Well-being Study (IRB Study #19-0274)

    Ashtanga yoga: Yoga Teachers/Therapists needed: Yoga Teacher and Therapist Lifestyle, Attitudes, and Well-being Study (IRB Study #19-0274)

    Yoga Teachers/Therapists needed: Yoga Teacher and Therapist Lifestyle, Attitudes, and Well-being Study (IRB Study #19-0274)

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    With the increasing popularity of yoga in the US, researchers have focused on studying its health benefits for yoga practitioners. However, it is equally important to explore the health and well-being of yoga instructors and yoga therapists, their attitudes, lifestyle factors, and professional training needs. If you are currently employed as a part-time or full-time yoga instructor and/or yoga therapist in the United States or Canada and are 18 years or older you are invited to participate in a study conducted by researchers affiliated with the UNC Charlotte Department of Psychological Science. Your participation will involve completing a confidential online survey which is expected to take no longer than an hour of your time. If you complete the survey you will be eligible to be entered into a drawing for one of 30 $25 Athleta gift cards (which may also be used for purchases at The Gap, Old Navy, and Banana Republic).

    If you are interested in participating, please click on the link below which will take you to the consent form with additional information and afterwards the online survey itself. Please feel free to forward this research study invitation to others you know who may be eligible to participate.

    Click here to participate!

    Thank you very much for your time and consideration. If you have any questions please contact the Principal Investigator Dr. Jennifer B. Webb or one of her research assistants at [mindbatchlab@uncc.edu](mailto:mindbatchlab@uncc.edu).

    submitted by /u/mindbatchlab
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