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    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Yoga: [COMP] Firefly progress Left: March 11th Right: June 26th

    Yoga: [COMP] Firefly progress Left: March 11th Right: June 26th

    [COMP] Firefly progress Left: March 11th Right: June 26th

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Sun Salutation figurines at New Delhi Airport

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    Guys! Guys! I actually managed to do crow today! I came into it from a yogi squat and it was so much more beneficial for getting set up! 3 months in and I finally feel like I'm making progress!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    [COMP] Salamba Shirshasana progress. Finally able to get into it controlled through 3 month daily yoga practice (5 years inconsistently) Know I have a long way to go and it’s a journey, but very proud of how far I’ve come. Suggestions welcome, be kind :)!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    [COMP] Just a few weeks ago, I wasn’t able to do this modified headstand on the wall. I’m still working on my leg lifting and my core. ��

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Help beginning with Yoga

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I'm 25 in good shape. Recently my cardiologist told me to change my exercises from weight lifting (my own weight and external weights) to yoga, which is cardio friendly exercise when you need to stay at home and do not have any machine to do cardio at home. The problem is that I began searching for beginner classes in youtube and I am unable to follow them. I end up pausing the video to check how does the woman/man do their arm, legs movements to then do them myself, the multiple position names which i need to learn and also learn their variations when moving from one position to another, also making my routine messed up because I stop doing the proper breathing routine that yoga is about. All this considered makes yoga more frustrating than relaxing and rewarding. Any tips? Should I begin doing other stuff than following "beginner yoga" videos?

    submitted by /u/lalargaespera
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    How long is your typical yoga session? I've been doing 20 minutes. I'll double it after another constant week of yoga. Goal is to do an entire hour of intensive yoga. Today I pulled a squat and I am tight around my low back . Not good. Take care and listen to body

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    Yoga May suggestions? ����‍♀️

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    Im in the market for a new yoga mat. Was gonna do my first investment as my practice has become very important to me.

    I thought about the obvious: Lululemon.. but they have TERRIBLE reviews. (Stains)

    Any suggestions? :)

    submitted by /u/iceintokyo
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    Tips on yoga breathing for a newbie?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    I've been practicing yoga for a year and I love it. I has helped me with chronic pain in my back and neck and also made a huge difference for my anxiety. Maybe it's a bit silly but I have one problem: I can't yet seem to breath "correctly". For example the instructors usually say breath in for this movement and then breath out for the other movement and so on, and I can't get myself to breath that deep so that my cycle of breath lasts for as long as the instructor expects. So it's been a bit hard to synchronise the movements with my breath. I have sure improved since the beginning but it's still bugging me. Is this something that gets better with time and practice? Or it depends on the lung capacity of each person? Does anybody have experience the same while being a yoga newbie and has any tips on how to improve? :)

    submitted by /u/GammaSecretase
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    New to yoga, and wondering if body proportions make certain aspects of practice significantly more difficult...

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Hi! Only very recently I've started to really find joy and pleasure in yoga (stretching before was a necessary chore), and since really starting to explore asanas, I've found I have a hard time with the sort of movements that require lifting up onto my hands from a forward fold. This is an area I'm determined to work at, since I've had a goal for a good while of achieving press to handstand, and plus it makes floating transitions frustrating.

    For reference, I'm a small-framed, mostly flexible person, with short arms and a short torso/long(er) legs. When trying to go from a forward fold to a float, my hips get angled behind my shoulders instead of stacked and I'm already leaning maximally onto my hands before my legs straighten fully.

    Have you run into a roadblock in your practice where you felt like your body wasn't quite right for what you were trying to accomplish? How did you overcome it, if you did?

    submitted by /u/littlestkhajiit
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    (DAE) Lululemon conflicting views?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    With the pandemic still going on, I've been resorting to yoga to clear my mind and feel better. I received a wonderful lulu lemon yoga mat last year and I've been pretty obsessed with the grip and sturdiness of the mat. I've gone to hot yoga and many yoga classes with it. With recent news such as: T-shirt and even comments from Owner . I find it difficult to continue using my mat since I'm used to the mat being my "safe place". I know, I shouldn't let it get to me because it was a gift I really wanted. (I know, I probably should have done my research first).

    As an Asian American, I find it outrageously offensive that a company that sells yoga gear to have such negative comments. When I practice, it's become difficult for me to be at peace using a product of a company that is hateful toward my heritage.

    As a user of my first real yoga mat. I've been using a foam mat years prior. I like how the mat has sturdiness and grip. So I feel a bit spoiled now with this luxury.

    Does anyone else have conflicting views about this company?

    Edit:// My news sources are old. Please ignore them. I do wish to continue to research more on this for my own knowledge.

    To be clear. I am currently trying to find my stance. I do NOT wish to sell my mat or stop using it. It was a gift that I value. Thank you all who have enlightened me!

    submitted by /u/AngryBubbl3
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    Pain / Tingling in Hands when doing Yoga?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    I'm an absolute beginner to yoga, and tried it a few times in April. While doing the cat/cow pose or any pose that required pressing down on my hands, my hands started tingling with a mild, lingering pain, so i stopped.

    I searched up Youtube videos, where instructors taught how to "cup" one's hand and distribute the weight among the fingers to have no pain in yoga. That didn't work either. Yesterday I got back into yoga and tried it again, and faced the same problem! I know that one should avoid these poses, but using the hands to hold body weight is such an essential move in yoga / stretching.

    I'm a clumsy person and would love to improve my flexibility, this is such a bummer :( Wonder if there's any underlying problems... I was thinking of paying for a yoga instructor (to teach me the correct way), or is there another way to solve this?

    TLDR: Putting weight on my hands (ie, cat / cow pose) causes my hands to tingle or hurt, how should I solve this issue?

    submitted by /u/blitzmixer
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    Tips on baby crow

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    I've been practicing baby crow and get a very awful, weird pain in my right hip as I lift onto my hands. Does anyone else have this issue or have any tips to make this not happen? It's not enjoyable !

    submitted by /u/thuss13
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    Longer-term courses to deepen practice

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Does anyone know of a course that's meant to be a progressive sequence such that each class builds on the previous one? I've done a couple of YWA's 30 day sequences which are great, but I'm wanting something a little more rigorous. Basically I'm wanting a YTT but without the teaching component. I don't mind paying for such a thing, I'm just not even sure what to search for.

    submitted by /u/lyssa-bear
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    I'm looking for a yoga app with videos suitable for beginners that I can "cast" to google devices like the chromecast or google home hub.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    I looked at glo and I couldn't get it.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/snippyorca
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    Ideas to improve flexibility with limited daily time (31m)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Any suggestions for a 5/10 min daily yoga routine to try and build some whole body flexibility when short on time? I (31M) have been an on/off yogi for 5 years but need consistency but only have a few minutes to spare outside of other exercise/commitments and would love a morning yoga routine I can do in 5/10 mins that will improve flexibility outside of sun salutations. Thanks 😊

    submitted by /u/jouljaboy
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    How do I create a sequence for home pratice?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    For example, do I need to worry about targeting muscle groups or is it just, standing postures, sitting postures, relaxation postures etc, how do I know what order I should do my Aasana in?

    submitted by /u/friendlyfitnessguy
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    Does anyone incorporate grounding into your practice?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    I've been wanting to incorporate grounding (or earthing) into my practice. I live in a city and space for organic grounding like sitting/laying on the earth is limited. I was thinking about getting a grounding mat to use during meditation.

    Has anyone incorporated grounding into your practice? Did you notice any significant differences?

    Has anyone used grounding products? Recommendations?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Life_Manufacturer
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