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    Wednesday, February 3, 2021

    Meditation: A different approach to breath awareness!

    Meditation: A different approach to breath awareness!

    A different approach to breath awareness!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:00 AM PST

    Hi /r/meditation! I wanted to post here and give a brief intro to the free app I've been working on for the past few years with my friend Robert.

    The app is called "Breathscape." It helps increase breath awareness by creating algorithmic music that synchronizes with your breathing in real-time. We find the experience to be very peaceful and immersive!

    The concept behind the app is simple: by creating music that is very tightly correlated to your breath, we can instruct users to simply place the phone and listen. The app leverages our capacity to deeply engage with music and turns it inward. There's also a biofeedback aspect to the experience, as slower breathing will cause the music to be more relaxing (which then slows the breath further).

    We also don't necessarily intend this to replace anyone's traditional seated meditation practice! Our hope is that it might be a different kind of immersive mindfulness practice, particularly well-suited to anyone with enthusiasm for music.

    We're still a small team working on this, and thus far we're only on iPhone, but we're planning to get an Android build happening this year! If anyone has any questions feel free to comment or DM me if you'd prefer.

    submitted by /u/tkdman04
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    Today I will start my streak of meditation for (at least) two weeks!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:06 PM PST

    Last week I had a good streak going, but as soon as the weekend hit I stopped for multiple days :( To be honest I completely forgot about meditation, as it's not a secure habit (yet!).

    I'm posting this for accountability for the upcoming weeks. I'd appreciate any tips to try and secure this as a habit, wish me luck and thanks for always being here ! :D

    submitted by /u/nocturne-19
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    Next time you are out for a walk, try this walking mindful exercise. I made this because some of us sit at work all day and you may not want to sit to meditate. It’s only a min long and provides instructions. Enjoy the walk!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:09 PM PST

    Are there any specific types of meditation for anxiety?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:06 PM PST

    I've been practicing meditation for a couple of years now and have been seeing the benefits of it everywhere in my life.

    I no longer deal with severe depression, find myself rarely ever bored and am much less stubborn.

    But one thing I have always struggled with is social anxiety. I have good self esteem but feel like I am being held back by a subconscious fear of judgement.

    Even when trying to be mindful about my anxieties and letting them just pass, it feels like it's much deeper than other feelings I have and I can't seem to overcome it as easily.

    If anyone has any advice on ways I could approach this through meditation or similar practices I would appreciate it immensely.

    submitted by /u/http_elliott
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    How long should I meditate as a beginner?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:09 PM PST

    I just started meditating last week. First couple of sessions have been OK.

    Now I am trying to meditate everyday, but I'm suddenly feeling a little unsure about my posture. I can't tell if I'm sitting up too straight, leaning forward or back too much, slouching, rolling my shoulders, etc.

    Also, my back is starting to get quite fatigued after a few minutes. Not bad, but enough to make me wonder if I should pace myself as a beginner.

    So this has me wondering, how long should I meditate? I would guess for now I should probably keep it under five minutes. Maybe build on that by adding one or two minutes per week. That will put me 20-30 minutes per session in three months. Does that seem reasonable?

    How long do you meditate?

    submitted by /u/what_looks_good
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    Submerge into imaginary world

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:14 PM PST

    Hey, I hope this question isn't stupid. Is there a type of meditation in which I imagine to go places, maybe even in another body? How would one submerge themselves better into that world? If you've read some other posts on my profile (apparently some people do that), you might know what I'm aiming for. Is that generally possible through mediation or is that the wrong approach?

    Thanks in advance for answers, I love you all <3

    submitted by /u/schwedenplat
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    Extreme awareness when I decide to meditate after waking up in the state between sleep and wakefulness. How do I reach this level of awareness again?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:39 PM PST

    Sometimes when I wake up I get super lazy and I just want to lay in my bed. My morning mind chatter is ridiculously aggressive to the point that it just starts backfiring and making up for not being active while I was asleep. At these times it seems like I start meditating automatically focusing on my breath and it seems I experience hyper awareness to where my mind chatter calms down and I can just focus on my breath and I can hear the background noice with no interruption until I doze off and it repeats. It almost feels like when you peak on ecstacy and you get hit with a wave of calm. You begin to strut about, all of the sudden you hear the refrigerator humming, and the steps of the people walking by, picking up their conversation. It seems I can't reach this level of concentration of awareness while I meditate awake. I used to meditate before and this always happened as if it was automatically, unless I decide to lay off my meditative practice.

    It feels nice to be able to cool down, but it seems I can only do it at those point, not on command.

    Had anyone tried this? Could you try it next time and give me some feed back?

    submitted by /u/ForeverAtYourCommand
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    Can anyone give me some good meditation tips to practice every day?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 05:50 PM PST

    I'm an amateur and Google doesn't explain very well

    submitted by /u/Connorsplants
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    How to stop visualizing?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:57 PM PST

    Whenever I close my eyes, I still see thoughts. I know this is normal at first, but no matter how much I concentrate on my breath, slow down my heart rate, etc, I always have some mental imagery going on.

    Typically when I am deep in meditation, this is visualizations of my airways and other organs. For example, the visualization of the airway from my nose to my lungs. It seems almost impossible for me to concentrate on my breath without also doing this visualization.

    But this doesn't feel like full concentration. Since really, the internal "feeling" from breath is still just an abstraction my mind is making from sensory input. I think I want to be void of thoughts but this seems like a constant thought.

    Is visualization eventually supposed to pause entirely? And if so, how can I do so?

    submitted by /u/Neighbor_
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    Do people meditate without a timer and if so, should I?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:41 AM PST

    I'm new to meditation and always put a timer on but whenever I do I have a n urge to check the time. However if I were to do it without a timer it would frustrate me not knowing that I could have meditated for 10 minutes or 10 hours

    submitted by /u/B055MAN69420
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    Relax and Meditate

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:39 AM PST

    New to meditation.. Some issues I have

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:49 PM PST

    Hey Guys, I've started meditating like two weeks ago. I started with the basics course by headspace.

    My issue is that I don't know if I am meditating right. It's not hard at all for me to focus on my breath and not think about anything else. But I don't know if I am doing it right because I dont know what I am supposed to feel. It feels like I am just wasting my time sitting there and doing nothing. I also don't feel like I am getting any benefits but then again I am only doing it for a short time.

    I also hate guided meditations that tell you to feel parts of your body (like feet), it makes me extremely uncomfortable for some reason. Meditation also makes me feel angry and frustrated a lot of the time. I get so frustrated wondering what the fuck that guide from headspace is talking about that I stop the meditation midway through.

    Anybody else has these issues?

    submitted by /u/KryptoniansDontBleed
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    What are your thoughts on the 10 percent happier app?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:42 PM PST

    I don't see too much difference vs others out there after a few days, plus the hefty price tag makes me want to shy away. IIRC Harris was on a podcast once saying if you make little income then you could write him and he'd let you use the app for free?

    Then again, someone also said if you need an app to meditate then you're not doing it properly.

    submitted by /u/EducationalTeaching
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    Everything is uncontrollable... so we're powerless?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:41 AM PST

    There's a monk I followed on YouTube and he kept talking about how everything that arises is uncontrollable (non-self). So any negative or positive feeling or thought, there's nothing you can do, you're powerless, it's uncontrollable, it arises spontaneously, by itself. This left me feeling so depressed, confused the next few months, I'm trying to understand if my interpretation is wrong. Say you suddenly start feeling really depressed and lonely out of nowhere. I'd just be sitting there, powerless and with no control, knowing feelings like these will always have a chance to arise becouse they're non-self. Even the tendency to control is uncontrollable, he said in another video. So you're just to sit there and accept things (knowing even accepting is uncontrollable) and not do anything.

    What am I getting wrong?

    submitted by /u/composerofambient
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    How do I achievw unconditional self-love?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:11 PM PST

    I've been practicing meditation for the past year and half or so, on a not so consistent basis. It has helped remove my anxiety, made me a much calmer person, lifted my self esteem, enabled me to feel grateful and so much more. But, I don't really understand how to develop self love. How does it feel like? What should I be thinking or reflecting upon during my meditation sessions to achieve this? I'd really appreciate any tips on this, thanks!

    submitted by /u/doubleoh72
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    Dipping toes into other types of meditation, overwhelmed by apps...

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:58 PM PST

    About four years ago, I took the Transcendental Mediation course - and I've done it off and on since then, but pretty regularly 20 mins twice a day for the last eight months or so. I've had several refreshers and I'm feeling like I'm not getting what other people have been getting - so I've been looking to try something else. TM seems activating and easy - but I'm not feeling at peace.

    Perhaps I'm looking at exploring mindfulness or something, I did a bit of that a long time ago - before they had apps. Is it just me - or do all the apps make it so confusing? I'm literally overwhelmed - and my mind wants to read more about it - read and watch reviews - and download the next app and give up on the other. It seems that whether it's Calm, or Healthy Minds, or Headspace, or 10% or Insight Timer or whatever - there are a thousand different roads to take without much direction. There are some tracks (a lot are prescriptive based on different goals or whatever) set out where you do a 5-10 min session a day - and I guess since I'm used to the 40 mins of TM - the limited daily prescribed 5-10 min sessions just doesn't seem like enough to keep me interested. They also seemed too lesson/lecture heavy, more things to think about that you can listen to whenever. I guess it's just me, TM seemed so easy - no app - and now my ADD mind just wants to download a million apps based on the latest review that I read, oh and now Headspace is on Netflix...

    Maybe I'll go back to TM - anyway I just wanted to put this out there... In the meantime, I have seven meditation apps on my phone - and my goal is to decide on one and delete the others... Or maybe just concentrate on my breath...

    submitted by /u/jondbca
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    The meditation of third eye / Agya(Ajna) Chakra. Actionable Post

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:16 PM PST

    Ah the thirsty one!

    The third eye is thirsty too. Waiting for you for too long.

    The one on path of agya chakra is a little dissatisfied. Because they see something. Nobody wanted and nobody could ever want one as bad as the third eye

    But one caution. Do yoga. Especially pranayama for 40 days. Follow absolute and strict monastic discipline.

    Only then head for the third eye. Otherwise, Any impurity also will manifest at lightening speed. Some have hurt others or themselves because they weren't pure enough.

    Let's look at its sadhna

    1. Sit in one of the 84 asanas. Choose one. Siddhasana is best.

    2. Put phone on flight mode. Put a timer of 42 minutes.

    3. Close eyes.

    4. Try to look at the exact point between the two eyebrows.

    5. After a while, you will observe the eyeballs have stabilised at an angle between 270 degrees and 360 degrees (assuming north straight up from centre of nose and passing through centre of forehead, while looking at your face from inside)

    6. Once the eyeballs have stabilised, only then the sadhna / meditation of third eye/agya chakra starts.

    7. Now with its siddhi. Continuous practice of 90 days with minimum 42 minutes in one stretch. At the same place. At the same time.

    What you see comes true. What is true is what you see. Enjoy.

    A story from Buddha will be lovely here. A disciple came to Buddha. And said that the flowers he see seem more real than the flowers seen with open eyes .

    Buddha said what you see is real. Real is what you see from here.

    If anyone can provide citation to this story from the vast Buddhist stories/teachings here, it would be awesome.

    Much love and peace to you

    Note: I replied this to a beautiful soul. Modified and made this post. Thank you

    submitted by /u/ParamShivoham
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    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:13 PM PST

    Intense emotions during meditation?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:42 AM PST

    Today I decided to begin meditating for the first time. I did my research and I've creeped on this sub for a little while now so I knew most of the basics. I began my meditation, just focusing on my breathing, and constantly bringing my thoughts back when I would feel them stray. After a while I felt myself drift deeper and deeper. Then out of nowhere I felt... giddy? I started laughing like a mad man and it just kept pouring out of me until I started crying tears of joy. Then I eventually started sobbing. Nothing I felt was due to any thoughts of negative or positive situations that are happening in my life. I just felt it and it was by far the strangest feeling I've ever experienced. Has this happened to anyone else or am I just going insane? 😬

    submitted by /u/Whatisupwithlife
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    Self compassion and Meditation

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:33 PM PST

    When I first started meditation I believed that it was just to focus on the present moment. But I often found myself getting frustrated with myself and being rather unkind to my inner mind. This made meditation rather unpleasant and difficult, I needed something more. Than I switched to Forgiving myself, allowing those thoughts to arise and gently swaying my attention back to my breath or mantra. Before I would simply try to note my negative thinking and return to the breath, but this felt like I was ignoring the thoughts in my head. Now I note my thoughts and assure that it's okay and that I'm perfectly fine how I am, flaws and all. It feels like I'm giving a big warm hug to my inner self rather than trying to be this emotionless entity who merely just acknowledges my harsh inner mind. I'm not saying that this is the correct and only way to do it, but allowing myself to be kinder and more compassionate to myself along with maintaining an awareness on the present was the perfect combo for me.

    submitted by /u/ScruffyWax
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    Can someone explain the 16 steps of mindfulness breathing meditation?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:53 PM PST

    While I was reading on mindfulness meditation, I came across this concept called "16 steps of mindfulness breathing meditation", but I was not able to fully comprehend what it was about. Can someone please suggest an article, book, or video which explains this in detail?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/coderZero2One
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    I’m a beginner to meditation. How long should I meditate to start out? How many minutes per session and how many times per day? Any tips would be helpful thanks!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:52 PM PST

    What should I do about back tension while meditating?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:32 AM PST

    I'm new to meditating, and I'm struggling getting comfortable in my sitting position. I have a cushion under me and everything. I just feel a lot of tension in my lower back.

    submitted by /u/Mutatio-x
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