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    Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    Meditation: At this very moment, no one is thinking about you except you.

    Meditation: At this very moment, no one is thinking about you except you.

    At this very moment, no one is thinking about you except you.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Something interesting is starting to happen.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    My mind is no longer engaging with negative thoughts. I am aware of my mind trying to engage but I'm able to quickly move away from those thoughts. Lately I've been working from home and I have a lot of free time on my hands. When I'm not working, I'm meditating. It doesn't matter if it's a 45 minute session or a 12 minute one. When I have down time I am meditating. I'm starting to feel grounded.

    submitted by /u/finallyfeeling
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    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    Is there a right/wrong way to sit when meditating? Should you sit criss-crossed? Can I use a pillow? A chair? I'm new here... but it seems like the only thing that matters is focusing on breathing. Posture seems inherently important but I'm not sure what the general paradigm follows, if there is one

    submitted by /u/bootygieg
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    Life is the greatest swordsman, yet it does not cut those who don't bring a sword, only those who challenge it to a duel.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    Life is the greatest of swordsman. No man can overcome it. No man can control it. No man can defeat it. Yet it does not cut down those who don't challenge it, those who accept what they've got and do not desire something else. In fact the opposite, those who don't challenge it lives comfortably under its protection. Yet those who lifts a sword and challenges Life, those who resist and desire other experiences than what was given to them in the moment, are always defeated by life. They feel miserable, anxious, and depressed, because they want (x) instead of cherishing and enjoying what they have. (y) No man can defeat Life, so they are certain to lose. So do not lift your sword of resistance to the greatest swordsman, for he will certainly cut you down. But yield your sword and allow Life to teach you its ways, and you will live in bliss and happiness under its wing...

    submitted by /u/CantFindMeHere-_-
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    Meditation to improve focus.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    Hey guys, my first post here and I wanted to get some advice on how to improve focus. So, I'm thinking I have an undiagnosed ADHD because of how crazy rampant my mind is. It's always darting to a thousand different directions along with being extremely hard to focus in on things when necessary let alone be able to be in the present moment. It affects how I learn, affects me in social situations because I'll up in my head thinking or replaying God knows what, and tbh it really makes it to where if I have to focus, I feel pressure between my eyes. Now, I used to meditate every day for about two months and it literally changed my life but then I fell off. My question I was gonna ask is, does it have to be traditional mediation or can I make my own style? I did previous mediation where I would close my eyes and just focus on my breathing and lately I have been having trouble with that and my mind would hella wander. So, I thought about just staring at something focusing in really hard while listening to music and just breathing. I'm only asking because I got into meditation to where it was easy to just sit and close my eyes and breathe and now it feels impossible.

    submitted by /u/chris10islayin
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    Don´t let a couple of minutes ruin your whole day

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    You're in control of your own mind and your own thoughts, the only reason why a bad day can happen is because you carry that negative vibe from these 10-30 minutes where you let your thoughts run undisciplined. (Of course your vibe can be killed if something actually really bad happened).

    When you think you have a bad day. Stop, and take a breath. Be aware of your in and out breath so that you will be conscious of the present moment. In which you will probably have no problems at all. And if you start to think or speak about some things. Think and speak about the positive things that happened.

    A beautiful sunset or sunirse

    The beautiful sky

    Your health

    The fresh air

    I wish you a beautiful day

    To help people, I created this video about my days of self improvement and deep meditation. Hopefully it will help you. Out on 21th of November

    submitted by /u/enjoytodayenjoynow
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    My experience with meditation

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Some context: I'm currently am 17 and I started to properly meditate daily since July. Being in lockdown mind was literally looking for something to jump at. My thoughts always went overboard to the worst possibility and I reacted with anger as the solution to any problems.

    By beginning my meditation journey, the benefits reaped are truly, TRULY helpful in my life. My mind is tranquil, I always asses a situation with an open mind and I have a pretty substantial amount of control over my thoughts.

    But here are some things I struggled with. One, if I broke the regularity, I would see myself slipping back into the rut I once was in. I had to be constant. Two, if I ever had a blocked nose, meditation wasn't the best for me, I'd always be annoyed at the fact that I can't inhale without being cut off abruptly. Three, I am still trying to get into the state of meditating without back support. I use a pillow against my bed and sit straight, but when I tried to do it with no support on the ground, I kept shaking and my back ached afterwards.

    So in totality, I would definitely say incorporate at-least 10 minutes a day to slow down your mind and be fresh. I usually meditate at 445pm, and to me this is the best time as per my schedule. Wherever during the day you are the most frustrated, I would throw in a quick 10 mins there, or you could start the day with it.

    Thank you to this community, people need to really know how beneficial meditation is, recommend it to your companions.

    submitted by /u/acquainter
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    Gradual changes

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    With most beneficial habits. I notice that we don't tend to see result or differences immediately. Sometimes we can here and there but it's not crazy. But slowly you start to adjust to the changes where you don't even notice and all the time you feel the benefits of it, but when you really notice is when you stop. You stop doing the habit such as meditation and you will see the difference in yourself almost immediately, the withdraw and bounce backwards is very noticeable. This goes for almost all healthy habits. What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/Grayn19
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    Getting though physical discomfort when meditating.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    I'm curious as to how you guys set up the spot before meditation. Because even though I can meditate for 20 minutes and visualize a whole internal scenery without it being mentally tiring. My body will get increasingly uncomfortable no matter how much I try to make the outside comfy. I've tried laying down or sitting. With and without pillows and the results seem to be the same. After some time it gets too annoying and it interferes with my concentration.
    I would like to keep visualizing for longer periods like 1 to 2 hours without feeling restless after the first 20 minutes. If you know the solution to that please share it.

    submitted by /u/4e_65_6f
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    Who are you guys/gals listening to on Insight Timer?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    I find myself listening to the same few meditations, by the same group of people... mostly Sarah Blondin and Manoj Dias. Can anyone recommend some new teachers/meditations to try? I try to stick to guided meditations in the 10 to 15 minute range, but am open to longer meditations as well.

    submitted by /u/MrsKHall
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    New beginnings on old habits

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    I used to meditate but I stopped and it was by far a terrible decision. I want to start again but have no idea how to and where? I want to do it right this time, I used headspace last time and it was good but now I dont know if I should use it again. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/bigheadgeorge123
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    Dispenza review?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:19 PM PDT


    I am thinking about purchasing dispenzas online intesive/progressive online workshop (not the in person event, just the online course). However, there's a lot of info and videos of him speaking on YouTube, and much of it is the same thing (nuerochemistry affecting the body/quantum dimension/etc). I'm absolutely fascinated with his method and theories and will gladly pay the price for his workshops but if it's going to be the same info that he's talked about already, than I might not. I do expect that he gives more insight into his method and how to go about applying it correctly. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Brenjah
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    An interesting side effect of mountain hiking

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    Recently went towards top of Ben Nevis in Scotland, the whole journey up took 3.5h and I also went up in a T-shirt using Wim Hoff method. 2.5h in the path was frozen and I decided to put clothes on as my arms were numb tho my core temp would get me to the top.

    As I came back to the GRIND in the following days I've noticed one major change that I get over things especially negative ones very very fast.

    Not sure to what I can attribute this change, meditation before climbing, whole cold exposure or the climbing itself as I was totally in the present for the whole way up.

    Anyone have a similar experience of subble change?

    submitted by /u/AnwsersXtime
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    Any Chicago meditators?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    I'm curious to see if we have fellow Chicago meditators. I want to meet u guys and find some like minded individuals in this topic as well 🙏🏼

    submitted by /u/life_at5am
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    Is there a common cause or root to all my problems that I can work on to fix all of them?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    My current state:

    Lazy, depressed, anxious, low self-esteem, scared of failure, scared of being judged by others, can't stay in the present, overthinking, can't focus, can't love myself, can't accept myself, don't think i'm as good as others, don't think i'm a good person, think others will abandon me as soon as they'll get to really know me especially if they are girls, don't like to talk to people, don't like to get out of home, hate people for having more fun than me or being better than me at something, jelaous.

    I do have friends, I do have girls that like me, I do have passions, but no matter what I tell myself, nothing works to make myself feel a little bit better. I can't enjoy any moment anymore cause i'm constantly depressed or anxious or something else.

    Any way to fix all those things by working on only one main concept? What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Br3ikros
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    In the Wind that Blows, the Water that Flows, the Sun that Glows, Feel God, Experience God, Realize God!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    We all want God. But we go in search of God to temples, monasteries and churches. God doesn't live there. God is all around us. Everything beautiful is a manifestation of the Divine. The butterfly and the bee, the fruit on the tree, the waves in the sea, you and me, we are all God appearing as His creations. Unfortunately, we are not able to realize God. How do we realize God? First, we must feel and experience God in the wind that blows, the water that flows and in the Sun that glows. Then we must go further, in quest of God, till we realize everything is God. There is nothing in this world other than God.

    submitted by /u/atmaninravi
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    How exactly meditation effect karma?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    Dynamics Of Meditation

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    Many times, Meditation is just considered a simple practice. It is interesting to note that Meditation is also affected and also affects Karma. If one wishes to take full advantage of the meditative practices, it shall be of prime importance to understand the effects of meditation on us and the world around us; on how meditation even affects matter. This is a piece that I had written, as I pursued meditation as a life-changing process.


    submitted by /u/rajeshpara08
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    Meditation/Mindfulness while doing work/study

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    Dear advanced meditators

    I've been finding ways whether it's even possible to stay aware while doing work/study since the work and study activities require full attention.

    Why do I want to do that? These activities are a large part of my daily life so I'm finding ways if I can incorporate awareness in it.

    Methods I tried: Deep breathing (failed because the moment full attention is required, I forgot to do deep breathing) Trying to be mindful in each activity of working /study (failed because it simply does not work)

    The Method I've been using: Hourly reminder for 3-minute short meditation every 1-2 hour when work urgency is not happening

    Thanks so much.

    submitted by /u/PrettyOrganization
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    Too much of a good thing?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    Lately, I've been staying consistent in my daily meditation routine, and I'm feeling pretty good about it. The ultimate goal is to make time to meditate first thing in the morning for around 5 hours a day, but that seems like a significant amount of more time than I need to spend meditating, only to experience a slightly more profound experience. Or am I wrong?

    I know people on here who say they meditate for 10 minutes a day and they feel like a whole new person. 10 minutes! I'm mainly looking to reduce my anxiety, which is why I'm planning on spending such a significant amount of time meditating. I understand that can be achieved with much shorter sessions, but I'd rather make a stronger impact on it, hence five hours a day.

    My concern is, that's just a lot of time. I also want to learn Arabic, Russian, guitar, spend more time working on my business, etc.

    My question is, is that extra 3 hours worth it? I could meditate for 2 hours a day and still feel incredible. Is the potential profound experience that comes with much longer sessions worth the extra time, opposed to using that time for other constructive activities?

    submitted by /u/APeacefulExistence
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    Take it easy. ❤️

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    Be true to yourself and take it easy. It is easy. Don't believe in the mind that says "it is hard", that's just a mere idea. What's important is to understand that you are not an idea. You are the witnessing of all ideas and everything else.

    99% of thoughts are distractions. Notice the absurdity of them. They always have this sence of otherness, past and future- basicaly unreality. Believing in them is a great ticket to feeling like a lost separate ego. Just notice how delusional they are. They will keep coming, don't try to fight them, but you don't have be interested in them. Forget about them, there is a way more valuable gemstone to pay attention to. This gemstone is your true self. It's here, now. You are here now. It is You.

    Notice that you are inevitably and inescapably the spacious neutral Awareness within which the world is playing. It's not a choice you make. It's your true effortless nature. It is life, but without your ideas about life. Forget about ideas and just be as you are. It's very simple and the mind doesn't want to accept it, but thats just a thought, forget about this thought aswell.

    submitted by /u/EffortlessLife
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    Meditation made me realise

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Bet you thought this was another "meditation made me realise we are all one" post but no. Meditation made me realise how chaotic my thoughts are. I can't go 3 seconds without thinking about something else, after I have recognised a thought came up. Its actually quite eye opening. Its also hard to focus on a single subject for too long because once I make a connection I'm onto the next thing.

    Now combine this with being pessimistic and having low esteem, I can only imagine how much negative attention people are attracting. Myself included

    submitted by /u/CanMurky49
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    how do you combine your path to finding peace with meditation and spiritual awakening with a relationship?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    i hope my question makes sense to someone reading this... i am in a semi constant learning process to finding peace and positive vibes and i don't know how to combine it with a relationship that's been going for a much longer time with someone who is not spiritual. i feel like being tied down to someone is holding me back for some reason? i can't pinpoint what it is i struggle with.. someone who gets what i'm feeling?

    submitted by /u/maurieeeee
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    Energy & Meditation

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    Beyond the woowoo that exists around the realm of 'human energy' I definitely feel like the immediate area around my body becomes less dense and 'lighter' after I meditate.

    submitted by /u/Bulbapoor
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