• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    Flexibility: My elbow bridge progress. Although I'm still trying to get my head further away from my forearms.

    Flexibility: My elbow bridge progress. Although I'm still trying to get my head further away from my forearms.

    My elbow bridge progress. Although I'm still trying to get my head further away from my forearms.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    5 months progress on upper back flexibility! I know it’s not much but I haven’t been actively working on it, just doing other strengthening and learning to engage my back when I stretch so still pretty proud!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    I pulled my back but it only lasted 5 days, is it called something other than pulling to where it only lasts a few days? Or was it just very very minor?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Seeing some progress after 7 weeks of contortion class after almost a year off

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Best stretch exercises for golf?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! Been a lurker on this sub Reddit for a while. I am an avid golfer but I've never really focused enough on flexibility and core stability. I think it could be a really valuable piece of my golf game if I focus on it this winter when I have free time. Any good resources on what flexibility exercises would be good to improve a golf game? I imagine it would involve a lot of flute strength, hip flexors, abdomen, etc.


    submitted by /u/ProfessorChaos224
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    Question about back rounding during Starting To Stretch routine

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:48 PM PDT


    I tried the default beginner starting to stretch routine promoted on this sub, and I have a question about some of the notes mentioned. During several of the routines, specifically the Pancake and Butterfly, I feel as though I am unable to keep my back straight during these routines, it feels incredibly rounded. But in the notes on the video, it mentions that back should be straight for these poses. Am I doing myself a disservice to attempt these poses if I cannot keep my back from rounding? What can I do to remediate my inability to keep a straight back in these poses?

    I tried to search for similar questions posted here, so I apologize if I'm reposting, but I couldn't find one.


    submitted by /u/some_kinda_stupid
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    Not seeing much progress with my splits. Starting back after a left hip injury in January and still have to be cautious. I’ve never had the splits and I’ve been working on them (on&off) for the better part of a decade. I’m starting to wonder if this is as good as it will ever get for me.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Problem with keeping low back straight

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    I'm having difficulty keeping my low back straight during stretches. For example when trying to do seated butterfly stretch for adductors or seated hamstring stretch. I'm just wondering what the issue is here and what I need to do to fix it. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I'm 19 and was extremely flexible when I was 13 but haven't done anything in many years.

    submitted by /u/Ronasio
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    Pancake Stretch progression question

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    I reached a point where my chest is touching the floor in a pancake split when someone is pushing on my upper back. I feel the pull on my glute/hamstring area the most at bottom depth and was told when pushed I go from rounded to a very flat spine.

    I am curious if anyone found a way when training alone to get that kind of downward force a person pushing you does?

    Is there any exercise/drill/stretch I can do at this point for glutes/hamstring to speed this along?

    Is there any exercise/drill/stretch I can do so I can actively lengthen my spine more while pulling forward and down?

    submitted by /u/Elipsutu
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    Ankle dorsiflexion - joint restriction, banded distractions (even weighted) don’t seem to help.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    So as the title suggests I have an ankle dorsiflexion problem. It's bad, to the point that while I can get my knee over my toes, I cannot push it past without raising my heel. I haven't sustained any ankle injuries in the past, so it's not a matter of an injury holding me back.

    Whenever I try to do this I always feel it in the front region of my ankle (I think the talus bone specifically), so obviously foam rolling/lacrosse ball and stretching will not work (I've tried it and though my calves do feel a bit better, there is no difference in my dorsiflexion range at all).

    I've tried to do banded ankle distractions (as per Dr. Aaron Horschig's videos) to see if it can take the feeling away, if at all, and extend my dorsiflexion ROM while I'm doing them, but they don't work. Even when I put a dumbbell/kettlebell on my knee while doing it, it doesn't work (and even causes the talus bone to hurt a bit).

    Any relevant advice or questions would be helpful. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/whiskey112
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    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    hey everyone, I need some information. Trying to use plant-based products for my yoga class and a buddy of mine showed me this plant-based clothing. Does it look reputable? Can I trust it? Please advise https://www.gotvaag.com/

    submitted by /u/SavingsPapaya4609
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    Thoracolumbar Fascia Stretches

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    I have been heavily working out for the past 1.5 years but in July I started a new job after graduating and it is a job I sit all day at. Since July, my lower back has been getting extremely tight while squatting or deadlifting. When I say tight, I mean it is so bad that I usually have to sit down for a minute to let it relax only for it to come right back when I stand up.

    I've done some research and I believe it is my thoracolumbar fascia that is getting extremely tight. I stretch and warmup before every workout, and it has only gotten worse over the months. I spent an hour stretching yesterday before trying to deadlift and it just wasn't happening, way too tight. The best way I can explain is it whenever you grab a barbell and hold it vertically and can feel your lower back supporting the weight, those are the muscles that get tight and hurt.

    Has anyone ever had an issue like this? Are there any specific stretches that help or can help?

    submitted by /u/ucaughtmefedboi
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