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    Wednesday, July 29, 2020

    Meditation: I love and accept you. Unconditionally

    Meditation: I love and accept you. Unconditionally

    I love and accept you. Unconditionally

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    Now you owe me.

    I want you to love and accept yourself. Unconditionally.

    Now we're square.

    If you want to one up me, and I double dog dare you, love and accept everything else in this beautiful universe.

    Te amo!

    submitted by /u/Sincerity_Amigo
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    I uncovered a beautiful childhood memory which I haven't thought about since it happened.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    I was in infants school (ages 3-7), back then every friday during lunch we had the 'golden table'. This is where the best behaved kids that week from every class would sit, and they got to choose a friend to sit with them. My sister was 2 years older than me, and there was a boy in her year that was known for being 'bad'. He would misbehave a lot but my sister took a liking to him, and as a kid who was very impressionable, I decided that I liked him too, having never spoken to him in my life.

    Friday rolls around and lo and behold, I was picked for the golden table! They stood me up in the morning assembly and asked me who in the school I would like to sit with me. I picked the boy who was 'bad' and there was some chatter, because this was the GOOD kids table. That lunchtime, he asked me why I picked him, he said 'but I'm not good enough to be here', and I simply replied 'you seem nice enough to me'. I remember he didn't smell the best, and he was very quiet the rest of the time he ate.

    I was only 4 or 5 years old at the time, he was either 6 or 7. Thinking back, children don't lash out or misbehave the way he used to because they're happy. He didn't believe he was good because that's what he was told by our teachers and his classmates, maybe even his parents, when he cried out for help with his actions. He smelled like he hadn't washed in a long time, and that wasn't his fault either. At 4/5 years old I was able to show this boy love, and during that lunch hour he didn't misbehave a single time.

    I didn't think twice about it, it wasn't a charitable act, it wasn't something I thought long and hard about. I was just a 4/5 year old trying to make friends, I hadn't learned how to judge people yet so I didn't. It's possible for people to be that simple, to not overthink or judge a person's character before they get to know them, and sometimes, a fresh perspective can better people who have for so long been judged at face value. Be kind.

    EDIT: The only thing I know of this man as an adult, is that he got into an argument online. The man he argued with later got convicted of paedophilia, and had a lot of conservative views that supported his acts. I know about this because my mother saw it online, and her opinions on this guy I showed love to as a kid was that he didn't have a chance, his parents got a divorce and his mother's new boyfriend didn't like him so she ignored him too.

    Her opinions changed when she saw what he had to say. He argued against this man with researched points that he'd sourced, and morals that were almost impossible to argue against. He was so articulated and intelligent in his words. My mother, after seeing him as a kid that didn't have a chance truly believed he had a chance. A week or so later she saw him jump onto and vandalise a car, but we don't know the details of that situation lol.

    I believe that he's a good person at heart now, after hearing what my mum had to say. He was able to show such strength and compassion towards people in his arguments that a 'bad' person would not have. I don't believe my actions were the cause of his behaviour as my life played such a small role in his, but I'm glad nonetheless that he proved himself to be good.

    submitted by /u/newpositiveme
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    Put a pillow next to my medatation cushion so my dog could meditate with me. Now he automatically sits on the cushion when I walk into my room.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    My dog is very clingy and follows me around like a baby duck. I put a pillow next to my meditation cushion so he can take a nap while I meditate. I've only been meditating for about 5 weeks and he walks into my room when I'm going to meditate and sits down on his cushion and wags his tail.

    1. Super cute
    2. Makes me happy I've been keeping up with it

    Note: I just sing chants and practice mindfulness and play with healing rocks.

    submitted by /u/J_of_a_trades
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    Every time I meditate I get this growing need to achieve a higher purpose, is this normal? Or am I just weird?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Like every time I finish a session, my mind thinks that regular desires/motives (drugs, sex, money, love) are obsolete and that I should focus more on saving the world or "doing my part". This new desire seems to be getting stronger the more I meditate. Is this good or am I just letting my thoughts control me again?

    submitted by /u/possiblydroppinout
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    Breath Awareness

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:04 PM PDT


    This is one of the best websites I have come across which has the information on breath awareness from all Buddhist texts. Thought it would help someone here :)

    submitted by /u/urbanassault67
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    There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. -Shakespeare

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    The comparing mind is what creates both bad and good. Meditating helps me to realize this and apply it to everything in life to seek a 'middle path'.

    submitted by /u/mnkyCmnkyD0
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    Faced traumatic abuse for 18 years from narcissist parent. Turned to meditating.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    I am on the waiting list fot psychotherapy and will be waiting for 3 years in total. I live in London and NHS trying their best, corona virus has messed everything up. I have been waiting 1 year already.

    So I turned to meditation. I've been doing it for some years now. It started out as 5 minutes a day 4 years ago because my attention span was so bad.

    But now I can spend 30 minutes a day, just listening to the world. Letting everything be. Recently I find myself crying whilst I meditate. Not thinking of anything, but the tears just come by themselves. I let them come, I let myself cry and cry. I don't stop it. I never feel sad, I just well up and it begins.

    I feel so calm. So present, so content. Almost happy but not quite there yet. I've never felt like this in my life.

    submitted by /u/afropunk95
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    What to do when you can't focus on the meditation?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    I have been meditating for a quite while now, and it has given my life a new meaningful perspective. Sometimes I am able to completely immerse myself in the practice and get closer to my inner self. But sometimes the incessant flow of thoughts becomes so overpowering that unfortunately I am left with no choice but to abandon the practice, and it certainly does make me feel a little worried about it and it makes me question myself.

    Does anyone else at a similar stage as mine? How to deal with it and maintain the focus so that the thoughts remain under control while meditating ?

    submitted by /u/Kovid1013
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    My mind is no longer interested in meditating

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    I started meditating some 4 months ago and at first it went splendidly well. I was "progressing" rather quickly and was really looking forward to the daily sessions, feeling more content and more observing of my surrondings in my day to day life. But maybe a month or so ago I began getting bored when I meditated, I went from 25 minutes daily sessions, to barely being able to finish a 7 minute sitting. I really don't know why that happened but I feel like my mind lost the initial interest and curiosity in the practice perhaps? It got me really bummed out because I was having amazing jorneys and benefiting a lot from it, but for some reason it just hasn't been the same in the last 30 days or so. Has anyone been through a similar situation? Is there any way to solve this?

    submitted by /u/o_jureg
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    Is breathing exercises a form of meditation ?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    I'm referring Something along the lines of 6 second inhales and 6 second exhales or wim hof.

    submitted by /u/Thomas200389
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    Meditation is our intrinsic nature

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:35 PM PDT

    meditation is nothing something that mind can do, mind needs to be transcended for the meditation to surface.

    Meditation is man's intrinsic nature. It needs to be explored than achieved.

    All the so called achievements are by the mind, meditation is oneness with the nature.

    submitted by /u/AIFLINDORE
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    A few years ago, I used to get this all encompassing feeling of warmth and peace when I would meditate

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    For a brief period of a few weeks around 4 years ago, every time I would meditate I would feel a very tangible sense of peace and happiness. I've never felt anything like it before or since. I stopped meditating regularly for a week or so, and the feeling has been gone since. Disclaimer: I was experimenting with psychedelics a lot at the time, but I continued to do them well after I stopped getting this feeling while meditating and it never came back at any point. Was what I was feeling real? Has anyone on here felt something similar while meditating? Is it possible for it to come back with effort?

    submitted by /u/Mo_Salad
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    Are we aware of the breath. From the breath. Or as the breath.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    Does anyone know any good mediation for perfectism or procrastination?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    I am lazy but I want to be less lazy.

    submitted by /u/Danielk0926
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    12 Beneficii si Avantaje ale Meditației | Dezvoltare Personala

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:22 AM PDT

    I feel in love with meditation

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    It makes me so relaxed and stress free. It gets easier to do the more I practice and easier to focus. I can basically meditate for hours with no effort.

    submitted by /u/Zolathegreat
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    Meditation with kids

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    My brother is 10 years old and I am trying to make him meditate, however he finds it very difficult to keep focus on his breathing. Sooo does anybody know ways to approach meditations for kids? thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/98Kvothe
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    What style of meditation would be best for increasing mental toughness and sports performance.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Tips on simple meditation timer apps? (with logging abilities)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:40 AM PDT


    I've been using "Insight Timer" for years but the last year or so it's become sluggish, cumbersome to use & more geared around selling guided meditations & social media (also crashes more frequently than ever). It's simply not doing well for my use case anymore (e.g. time my mediation and alert me when the session is over and at specific intervals + log the sessions, see the statistics)
    In short, I'm looking for an alternative that:

    - has a timer with bells/sounds that can be played at specific times

    - logs each session (starting time & length)

    - journal after each session

    - can show statistics (most importantly how many hours have I logged)

    - an way to download the logs in csv, xml format or similar

    - preferably can be used on different devices (connected to one account)

    - Android support :)

    Note, I don't really care if the app has guided meditations or not (I will most likely never listen to them) but it really needs a timer since that's what I use.

    Any tips would be helpful!

    submitted by /u/DanielAppelquist
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    A feeling of coming out of deep place once a session ends.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I've started meditation for a month now, and the sessions have been kind of sporadic. Towards the end of it, when the session is about to end, I feel like I actively have to pull myself out of this state that I'm in. Once my eyes open, and the session officially ends, I sort of feel like I've climbed out of a hole. Am I doing it right?

    submitted by /u/achillesf33l
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    Meditation practice by young novice of Thailand

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    I stumbled upon this video on YouTube explaining all the daily rituals of young novice monks in Thailand. https://youtu.be/kKkmH2224mM

    submitted by /u/Akshamsha
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    How do you guys do it?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Long time lurker and occasional poster here. It seems like you guys are virtually unaffected by whats going on in your head. I've always struggled keeping myself in the present constantly. I have moments where I'm focused on what I'm doing, but most of the time I'm clouded by my thoughts, a lot of the time I'm either daydreaming, overanalysing things or dwelling on past events which cause bitterness and anger. But you ghys seem to be above everything, like you're bulletproof against your own thoughts and emotions. How is it done? I'd love to experience consistent consciousness in my life, as I can't seem to get out of my own head

    submitted by /u/the_lone_deviant
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    Looking for metaphors and analogies for mindfulness

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    The past half year I've been trying to get my girlfriend into meditation, specifically the ability to be mindful in everyday life. She's an incredibly emotive person which can often put her in a very bad spot. Despite listening to different guided meditations, we had a talk about her technique yesterday which led me to believe that she doesn't quite "get" the concept of meditation or mindfulness just yet. I have an idea that she needs to have it conveyed in a particular way, and so I thought it would be a good idea to compile a bunch of different metaphors and analogies that may ring a bell for her. Calling upon the creative powers and knowledge of this subreddit, I'm hoping to find some here. It can either be ones that have worked for you, that you've made up yourself, or whatever. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/enhancedy0gi
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    Everything that is not love is stopping our path.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    Love is all we have, love is freedom, love is peace, love is everything.

    We lie to ourselves everyday, we think that hating what other person did or said, is actually going to determine a better future, but that's not how it works.

    When you hate, you're angry, when you argue, you're angry, and when you're angry, you let the ego and your shadow to control your actions and thoughts.

    If you want freedom, you have to understand everyone's point of view, not agree with what they did, or what they said, but understand WHY they did or think of something, so you can forgive them, and forgive you.

    "Forgive me?" Yes, the mistake of one, is the mistake of every one of us, we're not only part of the same universe, we have to take in consideration, that we ARE everything that's happening.

    See, when you understand the other, you open yourself to more understanding, and that wisdom, is the most powerful tool we can have, with wisdom we can instruct even more people to follow love, instead of hate, and with that, we found truth.

    And what is truth? the opposite of insecurity, hate, abuse, truth, is love.

    So i love you, and i hope you have a wonderful journey in this life, no matter who you are.

    submitted by /u/Naiko32
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