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    Meditation: Ego death and selflessness

    Meditation: Ego death and selflessness

    Ego death and selflessness

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    After meditating very frequently for over a decade, I've developed some interesting practices that may be of great benefit...

    Firstly, try to always be mindful of the physical body, really try to feel the solidity of the earth beneath you, surrender your muscles to the feeling of gravity, be aware of every tactile sensation of the body, and breath with your abdomen, dont control the breath, just watch it...

    Sometimes I pretend the mind is trapped in a seed, upper hemisphere white, and lower hemisphere red, about two inches below the navel and two inches within your abdomen...this is an old Tibetan technique

    This is what i have developed for ego death, or at least lessening its strength...

    Once youre relaxed and settled, first practice objectively observing the mind...sometimes I pretend my eyes are at the back of my head and im literally "watching" my thoughts...

    Then gently say to yourself the word "I", "me", or "I am"...and just objectively observe the feeling it brings up, the sense of self, just really feel into it...really try to find the very sense of self provoked by those words...and just observe,

    Where is the sense of self? Is it the body? Is it somewhere in the head? Is it sight or sound? Can you locate it spacially? Where is it? What is it?

    Its like taking a snapshot of the entirety of your existence, and trying to find where the "I" is...its just a word...its not there, you'll never find it..."this is not the self, that is not the self"...not even that monkey mind "thinker"...

    Practices feeling into your sense of self and just peeling back the layers, like an onion, until the sense of self just dissolves...

    Also dwelling in the moment really helps, once you realize all that exists is the present moment, you forget the illusion of past and future and find the razors edge of the NOW

    Also, notice how ALL thoughts arise and fade, the entire mind is impermanent, really try to find something in your being that is NOT change, you wont find it

    You are awareness, thats it

    submitted by /u/Jbstout7
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    10 days of meditation has benefited me massively

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 08:03 PM PDT

    I started meditating 10 days ago and I already feel so much better. My stress and anxiety has reduced to a lot, I've been overthinking things much less, and my depression has been a bit better. I am much more present and aware, and not getting lost in my thoughts as much. I was previously getting quite poor sleep, now sleeping a bit better. Its also helped me with lucid dreaming, which I struggled with previously. I'm very surprised how beneficial it has been for me.

    EDIT: getting into other good routines in my life has also contributed to these improvements, but I definitely feel better since starting to meditate.

    And don't always expect immediate results, for most people it takes quite some time to see improvements.

    submitted by /u/Marcoosguitar
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    "When you can make yourself into zero, then your power is unbelievable" - Ram Dass

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    Meditation and spirituality

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:22 AM PDT

    I know a lot of people here meditate as a secular practice, and that's exactly how it began for me as well. I started meditating as a pretty firm atheist, just seeking to gain a better control of my thoughts and emotions.

    This has been a slow process, but I feel as if I'm had the most unintentional of spiritual awakenings through meditation. Within a few weeks of beginning a meditation practice I was aware of...well, you guys know. I was aware of the presence inside of me that is aware. And I've been using that presence as a guiding force since I became aware of it.

    Practicing mindfulness every day and trying to immerse myself in nature as much as possible has also led me to a nondualistic view of the world and universe.

    Then the real awakening occurred last week, when I randomly woke up at 4 am and felt absolutely bathed in divine love. I felt whole.

    Since then, I have become aware of the spark of divine energy inside of me. It's an incredible feeling, like wow, THIS is what it's all about. Everything that exists is part of this divine energy. We are all one and we are all God.

    I am just curious if meditation has led anyone else to a similar spiritual awakening?

    submitted by /u/Cher_Horowitz_
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    Non-attachment in relationships

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 09:25 PM PDT

    How to practice non-attachment in relationships? The nature of relationships is desire. It seems like one must discard relationships to fully embrace the non-attachment principle.

    submitted by /u/Stujitsu2
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    Hong Sau meditation

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    What impact does the daily practice of only Hong Sau meditation (as mentioned in the YSS/SRF homestudy lessons) have on you?

    submitted by /u/unstoppable125
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    Tension in the body

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    Hi, I have recently started meditating to help me recover from long covid. I am trying a range of different things, but mostly the breath or bodyscan. What I wondered is if I spot some tension in my body (typically shoulders, jaw, face) while I'm meditating, should I release that tension?

    Thanks everyone! This is all really helpful and I'm glad I asked.

    submitted by /u/Fiadh82
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    Whenever I meditate and get deep into my thoughts they become jibberish?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    So whenever I do have thoughts and Acknowledge them during meditation they become jibberish sentences, they don't mean anything. Example "whenever I'm doing the fuck I'm doing the duck luck"

    submitted by /u/Damian1226666666
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    Overwhelming body tingling

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    During my last few meditation sessions I began to feel a really intense tingling sensation throughout my entire body. It felt like a mix of shivering from the cold and being electrocuted. The feeling was so overwhelming that I couldn't sit through it — I had to move and shake it off. It felt unbearable. I have tried to sit through it for as long as possible, but I only last a few seconds before fear starts flooding in, I become uncomfortable, and then I shake it off.

    I used to get this feeling a lot when I was in bed as a kid, so one theory I have is that the sensation is the feeling of my body relaxing and letting its guard down, and the fear comes in because it's scary to let my guard down after living my whole life being guarded and tense.

    I have also had this same sensation happen when I've tried to astral project in the past — so another theory is that I'm feeling my astral body try to leave my physical body.

    Does anyone have any insight on what this could be? And should I practice sitting through the fear and discomfort? I've only been doing 10 min meditations and the sensation starts around…I guess 7 or 8 mins into it.

    Would love to hear your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/rainbowbolognese
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    Out-of-body like experience

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    Has anyone ever had a sort of out-of-body like experience while practicing meditation? If I'm deep into it, it sometimes feels like I'm thousands of miles away from my body. Almost like an astronaut looking down at Earth.

    submitted by /u/ellenboran
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    Will meditation help me enjoy the rest of my life without a relationship

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    Long post alert!

    I know the title seems bleak, but bear with me. For my whole life, I've always had anxiety talking to women. It wasn't until two years ago when my mom told me I was born autistic, which makes sense why I've never been able to not only have a relationship with a woman but also why I don't understand social cues when interacting with them. I just moved up to a new city 2 months ago and I've made a few guy friends which is great. 2 weeks ago, I went to an event where I was hanging out with a buddy of mine and his kickball friends (both men and women). I had a great time, but after the event, one of his friends came up to him and told him that I'm annoying and I talk too much. This really opened my eyes because it made me realize that when I talk to girls, I over-compensate for my anxiety and end up talking too much. I went to a singles event yesterday and I could tell that every time I would talk to someone I'm interested in, I would inadvertently end up talking too much again and annoy them (even though I obviously don't want to do this). Usually the day after these events, I would feel depressed because I would keep having negative constant thoughts from the event. I would talk to my friends about this, but because they can easily go on dates, they just think I'm weird. The one thing I did notice though is that people who are happy and content with themselves are people who get into relationships because it's something they don't worry about. Now, with me being autistic, I don't think I'll ever be able to get over my anxiety with women. Not trying to be negative, but I don't think I'll ever have a relationship because of this. That being said, if I am alone for the rest of my life, I want to learn how to be content with it. I want to learn how to find happiness and peace in my life and not even think about it when I go out with my friends to events. Will meditation help me with this and have any of you ever gone through this?

    submitted by /u/Budget_Scheme_2471
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    Is there a type of meditation where you follow your thoughts (non-reactively, of course) rather than using a focal point (such as the breath)?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    Today, I decided to try a new way of meditating. I'm not sure if there's a name for it, but it was quite an interesting experience.

    Instead of trying to slow down my thoughts by focusing on my breath, I followed my thoughts because I was curious as to how my thoughts were interlinked with each other. I noticed that one thought could lead to a totally unrelated thought about a vastly different topic.

    I did this non-judgmentally and non-reactively, of course. I suppose I was simply observing my thoughts, but I was wondering if there's an actual technique similar to this.

    submitted by /u/TeslaFiesta
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    Feeling the energy inside me

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:19 PM PDT

    I have been meditating for a long time and I read a type of meditation where you visualize energy, so I tried it. Now I can always feel this energy inside of me if I focus on it.

    What exactly is this or what's going on? It feels powerful.

    submitted by /u/Purpleberri
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    Just started meditating

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    So I just started meditating yesterday and I had a few questions. 1. How do I know I'm doing it right, the way I meditate is I close my eyes and try to visualize the flow of my breath going in my nose and out of mouth. Is this correct? Furthermore, I also yawn a lot during meditation, what should I do when this happens?

    1. I use this app called calm, is it a good idea to use an app during meditation? I use it mainly because it has very relaxing ambient noises and it times how long I've been meditating.

    2. I know there are multiple different types of meditation, where can I learn about these? And would it be good to use them since I'm just starting out?

    3. Are there any books that I can use to help me learn more about meditation?

    I'd really appreciate any help that can be given, thank you!

    submitted by /u/Dayiiee
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    “Ability” to make my body vibrate??

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    Ho everyone. Recently I've discovered that wile meditating I can "contract" my brain (like when you contract a muscle) and I feel the whole body vibrating. It's like energy is flowing in my body, like contracting every muscle of the body but without actually contracting any of them. I can't maintain the thing for more than 20/30 second.

    I would like to know if others experienced this and if it's a thing to avoid or not. Hope my description made you understand properly. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Matusaprod
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    José Silva Statue Petition

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    I would like you all to please sign this petition which I have written. The petition calls for the erection of a statue of great thinker José Silva. http://chng.it/WPtvVZnRGz

    submitted by /u/Golden_Miner
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    Meditation and being a ‘nice guy’

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    Hey yall

    Im kind towards everyone, even the people who are dicks towards me. I act like a soft guy who everyone can walk over because I feel like I can handle and feel my feelings and im okay with other people being selfish and 'using' me. This hasnt been too big of a problem for me since i have lovely friends and family, but regarding dating, girls dont like guys that allow them to walk over them. But I mean, I do that to everyone. I find that I can just process my feelings and understand where negativity from others come from. I get why people lie, manipulate, are mean, use me as a punching bag etc. This sounds a bit extreme and it doesnt happen much since I can go along with most people, but I find the struggle; is it better for me to absorb and accept and deal with feelings, or to feel like 'i dont accept and feel this anger or betrayal so i will fight because of it'? Not being kind feels weird. I hate the feeling I get with 20% of people overall (80% are lovely) and it feels like if I have to bite back 20% of the times (I work in healthcare with many patients and coworkers) then it feels like an endless fight which can be avoided by just feeling, even though over time my feelings still stay. Ive meditated over all these feelings but 'just being' feels like not enough. Im confused

    submitted by /u/spincerss
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    Frequent Deja Vu From Meditating

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    I've been meditating for almost 6 months now and never have done it before. When I first started meditating, I noticed experiencing deja vu very frequently, at least once a day. I looked it up and some say it means being on the right path in life, your intuition, or has to do with psychic abilities. What do you guys think? It's such a weird feeling like my life is already planned out or something. Can meditation cause you to experience deja vu? Has anyone else experienced this?

    submitted by /u/eatsbootyforfun
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    I saw a winged figure while meditating ? (angel ?)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    I was meditating today when I slightly opened my eyes a little bit , there's a mirror on the other side of the room so I could see myself in the mirror while my eyes were slightly open and right above me , I could see this winged figure hovering right above me , it seemed like a person ? With wings ? And the wings looked orange/ coral and gold in color . The figure immediately dissolved and I was speechless. Was it an angel ? Was it my imagination ? Was it something to be afraid of ? I've had a similar experience where I actually saw lights hovering above me and sometimes while I meditate I can see a purple eye in front of me when my eyes are closed . Anyone had a similar experience ? I'm fairly new to meditation . I started during lockdown and I had no idea it came with so many spiritual moments

    submitted by /u/Historical_Status969
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    The benefit of living in "the now"

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    We live all our lives now in this moment. So if you are present on this moment all the time and be calm you will be calm for the rest of your life.

    submitted by /u/ToasterToastsToast
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    Feeling the energy inside me

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:22 PM PDT

    I have been meditating for a long time and I read a type of meditation where you visualize energy, so I tried it. Now I can always feel this energy inside of me if I focus on it.

    What exactly is this or what's going on? It feels powerful.

    submitted by /u/Purpleberri
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    Feeling the energy inside me

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    I have been meditating for a long time and I read a type of meditation where you visualize energy, so I tried it. Now I can always feel this energy inside of me if I focus on it.

    What exactly is this or what's going on? It feels powerful.

    submitted by /u/Purpleberri
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    How do I meditate on a thought? I’ve been trying to figure out and gain insight on a problem I’m dealing with, how can I use meditation to help?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    Is the mind not supposed to be as quiet as possible while meditating on a thought/problem, how should I do it?

    submitted by /u/k0ltch
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    Could someone become really calm if they did deep breathing throughout the day ?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    If someone were to do deep breathing throughout the day would it have lasting permanent effect in terms of having a person calm most of the time ?

    submitted by /u/wallstreetentre
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