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    Tuesday, May 26, 2020

    Ashtanga yoga: Cheatsheet for Ashtanga yoga poses in form of an app

    Ashtanga yoga: Cheatsheet for Ashtanga yoga poses in form of an app

    Cheatsheet for Ashtanga yoga poses in form of an app

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I was looking for a free Android app that would have a cheatsheet with all practices and poses, so that when I forget a pose or I'm ready to add a new pose to my practice, I can quickly check what's next, but I wasn't able to find anything.

    So I decided to create one, so far it's very basic list of poses and only available for Android. It also doesn't include more advanced poses yet, just the basics.
    I'm planning to add more features in the future if there's an interest.

    I'm curious what you guys think, would you be interested in such and app and if so what features would you like to have?

    submitted by /u/caticoapps
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    Minor surgery recovery yoga

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    I had some large freckles (moles if you must) removed from the back of my left and right shoulder blades. They are both stitched up and will be covered and stitched for 14 days.

    I normally practice 6/7 days a week, mysore for 3, ashtanga for 1-2 and hot yoga for the other days.

    The surgery recovery information states "if the wound is close to a joint, refrain from lifting weights or stressing the wound site by flexing and extending the joint. This will prevent the wound from opening up accidentally."

    Since I cannot extend or flex my shoulders or basically top 1/3 of my body, how can I continue to practice and continue to find the mental freedom that yoga has provided me for the past 5 years?

    Looking for suggestions and recommendations on non-shoulder or upper body related yoga/strength training, etc. I will also increase cardio by walking and biking after the typhoon passes outside :)

    Namaste 🙏

    submitted by /u/khhbooch4
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    ASHTANGA- first time

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    I have been doing yoga for past few month and i feel like i am quite flexible. So this week i applied to first Ashtanga class and its mysore class. I am wondering do i have to prepare something, should i learn something before going? I am moving to fast and i should first practice yoga longer? Thank you for help!

    submitted by /u/an13b4
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