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    Sunday, June 28, 2020

    Meditation: I realised my left nostril doesn't take in air as much as my right one does. I don't know what's wrong

    Meditation: I realised my left nostril doesn't take in air as much as my right one does. I don't know what's wrong

    I realised my left nostril doesn't take in air as much as my right one does. I don't know what's wrong

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    I sing as well which includes breath control but meditation has brought more of my attention to it. Anyone got similar experiences and if so what could possibly help?

    submitted by /u/avocadokun11
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    Just did my first 1 hour session & it felt like a legitimate brain workout

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    Yesterday I hit 50 days and decided to to push myself. Longest I've done is 30 minutes and I was having some really good sessions so this morning I decided to sit for an hour. Ended up being much more of a grind than I anticipated. I had some really good moments of clarity but I also had stretches where I would lose focus and have to try and reel it in again. This session just made me that much more appreciative for those moments your really in that zone. Much love!

    submitted by /u/memeuser098
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    Meditating after a few alcoholic beverages? Is it even worth it?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    I'm not saying that I'm meditating while buzzin'. I had 3 beers about an hour and a half ago. I actually didn't even finish the third beer because I honestly think meditation is way better. I was drinking because I was coming off of shrooms and needed something to mellow me out from a semi tough trip. So anyway I wanna meditate now but I feel like it doesn't make any sense and should just go to sleep lol. Any of you been able to meditate after having a few drinks?

    submitted by /u/enlightenedcock
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    Offering an 8 week Unified Mindfulness course

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    I am offering an eight week online course on the basics of unified mindfulness - Shinzen's system of meditation. It's the standard UM course similar to Unify. It's suitable for beginners. It would also be of interest to intermediate students who would like to get better acquainted with Shinzen's basics. It starts this Monday the 29th of June. Sign up and I"ll send out the Zoom link Sunday evening. Also, partial attendance is fine.


    The course offered for free - donations are accepted but not expected.

    submitted by /u/cedricreeves
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    The mind is hilarious

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    In the last 6-12 months of meditation I have occasionally started having really deep insights where I often realise something about the truth of things, myself or what is important. Each time it really helped me see things from a different perspective on my day to day life.

    However after having a few insights, I noticed myself thinking "I want MORE insights!". I literally started laughing to myself mid meditation.

    At least I can see it and laugh at it I guess!

    submitted by /u/geeza1000
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    How often do you meditate?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    I just started out and have been loving it:)

    submitted by /u/sam_sffb
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    An interesting form of meditation

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    I have had anxiety in bursts through my life (21 currently) but two weeks ago something snapped and I have been struggling. I've been focusing on meditation as a way to keep my mind from racing, as well as other things like reading and better bedtime routines. One thing I've taken to is herbal tea - making my own from things like chamomile buds, dried valerian root, hibiscus and more. My normal meditation is following Headspace, but I thought I'd freestyle this evening.

    I made a blend of chamomile, valerian and manuka honey and placed this in front of me to brew. I began noticing the weight of my body, the feeling of breathing as I began the usual 'in through the nose, out through the mouth' - then I would smell the tea with an inhale, sip the tea whilst holding, then swallow and exhale. Whilst doing so, in my mind I am pointing out and appreciating where the tea has come from (the earth), the feeling of drinking it and the connection to the earth we have as we consume. This then continued into noticing jewellery I was wearing and how it's materials are from the earth, the clothing I was wearing and so on.

    On a normal day this would sound a little crazy to me, but recently my anxiety has given a few existential issues and I am now trying to appreciate the simpler things, things as simple as sipping tea. Making an easy moment and properly living in it.

    Tell us what interesting meditation things you've tried are!

    submitted by /u/defrauded-of-510-gbp
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    Any user on this thread use meditation apps? If so id love to have a conversation

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Is there a site or location where redditors can meditate together?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    see above

    submitted by /u/panzerley007
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    How to stop falling asleep while meditating?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    I find, even when I'm sitting up, about 20 mins in to the session I start to get that feeling right before I fall asleep and my mind starts going to random places and I have absolutely no control, I hope that makes sense?

    How do I avoid the sleepiness or will that go the more I practice?

    submitted by /u/johnboi97
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    Meditation has made me increasingly frustrated

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    Do I live more in the present moment thanks to meditation? Yes. Cool.

    Am I living more in a state of awareness? Absolutely.

    But oh my goodness, being aware of my thoughts all the time is noisy and FRUSTRATING.

    Meditation helped me discover that I have a radio in my head playing music CONSTANTLY. 24/7/365. A lot of the time, it plays music I don't like, on repeat.

    Meditation has made me aware of how my brain is wired to remind me of embarrassing shameful things on a regular basis. Like, several times a day if not several times AN HOUR. 24/7/365. I am constantly being barraged with negative memories.

    The increased awareness has now lead to a kind of mini torture. It's like my brain is constantly throwing stones at me to try and hurt me and throw me out of peace. It is a daily battle going on for months/years.

    Yes I can detach myself from thoughts so I don't become absorbed in the constant barrage of bad memories. I have tried to practice acceptance, but I am not advanced enough yet to know how to accept the ever-annoying or ever-hurtful.

    What do I do? There is no peace and the longer my meditation practice continues the more negative though processes I am forced to confront. I read books which tell me that with practice I will find moments of inner silence, but instead over time my mind gets louder.

    For info: I don't have a daily meditation practice but have been ad-hoc meditating for several years, including a Vipassana retreat.

    submitted by /u/plonkyplonkyplonk
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    profound experience after seeing colors during meditation

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I've been meditating daily for about three weeks (started with 10min, now up to 20-25min) and have been loving it. It has helped me a lot!

    I started with guided mindfulness YouTube videos for the first two weeks and have since begun sitting in silence.

    A few days ago, about ten minutes in, I saw a vibrant and rich purple dot appear in my vision (closed eyes). I observed it for a bit and tried ignoring it, but then a green ring formed around it, and it grew incredibly large. I still tried ignoring it but it eventually encompassed all of my vision until I only saw purple. The color felt like it was pulsating and I had no idea what was happening but I decided to let it happen and continue observing. Then, I felt like I was being sucked into something; it was like a portal. The purple then faded into jagged red lines, sort-of like those hospital monitors, but much more thick.

    Once this happened, my body immediately had a panic attack. My body was shaking, my heart was pounding, and my breathing became short, but I just observed it all happening, and was entirely mentally detached from the experience. (being mentally detached from a panic attack feels really empowering btw lol)

    Once the panic attack started, the colors vanished back into black. The whole ordeal only lasted a couple of minutes before my body went back to normal (shortest panic attack of my life btw), and once I opened my eyes, I had no idea what to make of it.

    I went to sleep about an hour later and woke up after three hours of sleep from a nightmare. I don't remember the dream at all, but once I woke up I had an enormous moment of enlightenment. I suddenly understood the answers to a few questions and issues that were plaguing me, wrote down everything abruptly buzzing around in my mind, and felt a huge sense of euphoria. After writing for about an hour I got super tired and went back to sleep. Woke up with a headache the next day.

    Since then my mind has felt like it's expanded, for lack of a better explanation. If our consciousnesses are a pond that's drying up, it feels like mine had some heavy rainfall and doubled in size. It feels like I've awakened. I've been happier and calmer, felt strong clarity of mind, and it's like I'm constantly in a semi-meditative state

    Now that I've given it a few days to process, these feelings have died down since.

    This experience makes ZERO sense to me. I'm firmly atheist, yet, when my mind suddenly had all of those answers, I felt a sense of something that I can only explain as ethereal. I can find no reasonable explanation for what I've encountered, this is beyond me.

    Since then, I took a short break from meditation, as my gut was telling me I should. Today I've tried twice, and the purple color reappears every time, but I've been stopping once I see it because I'm a bit apprehensive about having that experience again. Despite the benefits it gave me, it gives me an ominous vibe that I do not like.

    Does anyone have any explanation for what happened to me? I don't care how far-fetched it seems, please share it! I'm afraid to tell my friends and family because they'll think I've gone insane or something. Like... If someone told me that this happened to them before it happened to me... yeah idk lol.

    submitted by /u/strmcrrsn
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    Difference between Anapana and Vipassana

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    Can anyone tell the difference? I am very confused.

    submitted by /u/lone_lonely
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    Try this for meditation

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    Struggling with finding the right position

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    I find that when trying to sit in a Half-Lotus, or even simply cross-legged position with my back straight, I either feel like I'm flexing my core too much, or my thighs to the point of strain, just to keep myself upright.

    I'm guessing it has to do with weak back/core/hip muscles but any insight would help a lot. I haven't been able to find much looking it up.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/chillybungus
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    What can you learn from a meditation teacher beyond the basics?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    With most skills like tennis, Yoga, martial arts, etc. a coach/teacher can help you advance in various progressions in a linear format with physical results. With meditation, I've been to a few zendos where I received good advice related to my posture, reminders when I was slumping over, distracted, etc,, but past that there wasn't really much other advice offered other than to just sit for longer.

    So I'm wondering, is the path to improvement in meditation just to be able to sit for longer periods of time (which I can now do for a few hours just fine)? or is there something I'm missing that I can l learn from a teacher that I couldn't do by myself just meditating at home?

    submitted by /u/letsdrinkgreentea
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    Guided meditation suggestions

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    I have a very restless mind, so meditation on my own is quite a way off. Previously, I've used Sam Harris's guided meditation, which I've found very effective. YouTube can be helpful, but some of them border on prayer or have a strong focus on visualization, which is distracting for me. Can anyone suggest any guided meditations that they've found useful?

    submitted by /u/ButtisLove
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    How Using Visualization Skills Improved my Meditation Experience

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I've used single-pointed meditation before, as a means of providing the relaxation response. I"ve also experimented with using a repeated AUM sound to maintain focus, as well as brainwave entrainment technology. Some meditation practitioners believe in the practical use of visualization skills. As an individual example, let's say there is an important meeting coming up. After using candle light focus to bring you to a meditative state, you visualize your perfect day. You have an excellent night of sleep. You wake up refreshed - After showering the perfect clothes are waiting in your closet, expressly designed to complement your intentions. Your drive to work includes low traffic flow. When you arrive at your meeting, you visualize the faces of your fellow employees, all with smiles. As you finish your meeting, people are patting you on the back. The key here is the intense focus and feelings, which are enhanced by the previous meditative "pre-living" of the experience. This is not to say that things will go exactly as planned. But your template, created by you, improves your chances of success. It's a confirmation that you are a fractal of the divine, which is within you. This visualization technique, combined with meditation, has helped me end old grudges, withstand large family gatherings, and release fairly serious stress. But remember, the other people at the meeting are also fractals of the divine. So. I wanted to extend the success of my experience, find a way to bring other people in on my joy. I found some like-minded souls, who sought this breakthrough as well. A practical way to feel the results of this is by way of an upcoming experiment, of sorts. On June 30th, at 5:48 am UTC, (That's shortly after midnight on the 29th if you live in New York, specifically 1:48 am), the grand experiment will occur. Tens of thousands of people will meditate on exactly the same image, at exactly the same time. This is non-denominational, and it would be the case that people of all walks of life will participate. A script is followed, a way of affirming that all souls participating are in accord. This twenty minute experiment will follow this script:

    1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
    2. State your intention to use this meditation as a tool to CO-CREATE the trigger that will start the Age of Aquarius.
    3. Invoke the violet flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after this meditation.
    4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to the central suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the galactic central sun, then going through our galaxy, then entering our solar system, and going through all beings of Light inside our solar system, and then through all beings on planet earth, and also through your body to the center of the earth.
    5. Visualize this light transmuting all remaining darkness on earth, healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty, and bringing abundance to all of humanity. Visualize soft pink light of the Goddess embracing all beings on planet earth, and healing their emotional bodies. Visualize a new, grand, cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure light, love and happiness to all beings on earth.

    Now isn't that the grandest vision of the world you could imagine? Do you feel the emotion and joy in just imagining this? (See the Age of Aquarius as being a golden age, you don't have to agree with all the terminology to demonstrate your sincerity to the cosmos). The most impressive example of this technique I've tried was a huge mass meditation, (1.1 million participants), with intentions to halt the current Corona Virus pandemic. It could be conservatively concluded that, without that particular meditation , the pandemic might now be in a more advanced state. But that's speculation. So, what did it do for my individual meditative experience? It poured so much joy into my soul, that I could hardly contain it. The weight of fear and dread lifted from my shoulders. Feelings of victory, knowing that I played a small part in possibly slowing down a deadly pandemic. It built within me the resolve to continue this noble experiment, this move towards oneness that we all desire.

    submitted by /u/Mayan1969
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    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    Best tips to get alignment with all chacras

    submitted by /u/Mr_medic777
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    Good Night Music | Sleeping Music | Tranquil Deep Sleep Music (Relaxing ...

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    Surgery’s Effect on Meditation

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Okay so I had surgery about a month ago, and before the surgery i was on my best streak yet. I think around 26 days, but after the surgery not only could i not bring myself to do it but it felt very different and difficult. maybe i'm over thinking this, or my body just wasn't used to the drugs. has anyone else had this issue? do i just need to push and start back up again?

    submitted by /u/ellerisco
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    Meditation is making me insecure

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    I started meditating recently, and among one of the differences that I've noticed, I seem to be more insecure. Rather, more aware of things that I am insecure about, as if I'm no longer pushing them away or explaining them off to myself

    Is this the first step in accepting myself? Detaching from my physical and becoming less materialistic?

    submitted by /u/TheScientificPanda
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    Some questions!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    Since meditating, has anybody else started noticing more how rarely you really are truly present?

    Also, I'm curious if anyone has noticed how smoking weed affects you living in the moment and/or meditation.

    submitted by /u/ohannanana
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    Is it normal for depressive and anxious thoughts to follow meditation sessions when starting the practice?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I have started to meditate out of boredom and interest. I find that after my sessions, (10-15min a day), I begin to have anxious and/or depressive thoughts later in the evening.

    Is this normal? Does this go away after a while of practicing meditation? Has anyone else experienced this?

    I practice a really bare bones type of meditation. I lie on my bed and gently move my focus to my breath whenever it goes off onto whatever else.

    submitted by /u/DirtyJohannes
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