• Breaking News

    Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    Yoga: [COMP] I’ve been working on holding this longer and today I held it for about 8 seconds before coming down :)

    Yoga: [COMP] I’ve been working on holding this longer and today I held it for about 8 seconds before coming down :)

    [COMP] I’ve been working on holding this longer and today I held it for about 8 seconds before coming down :)

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    [COMP] held this pose for 8 long & slow breaths just now, the arm trembling was intense by the last breath!

    Posted: 19 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    [COMPs] Been at this all night. Just gotta have fun with it. Arms dead x)

    Posted: 19 May 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    [COMP] 2 month downward facing dog improvement - constructive criticism welcome please!

    Posted: 19 May 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    [COMP] Handstand

    Posted: 19 May 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    [COMP] My shelter in place Saturday mornings have been been great opportunities for inversion practice. And there’s been some success! :)

    Posted: 19 May 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    [COMP] Day 3 of a 30-day vinyasa challenge & I'm not going to let being mid-road trip stop me from hanging out in chakrasana for a bit. ♡

    Posted: 19 May 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    Where's a good site to learn holding poses? (ie. Handstands, crow, etc.)

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    I haven't encountered them much in downdog or yoga with Adriene, but I want to learn from a proper teacher.

    submitted by /u/firefly_omens
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    Ok, I'm a convert ...

    Posted: 19 May 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    I've always thought of yoga as being one of those "woo woo" things, and I've dismissed it for the last 15 years because of that. However, like many others, I've given it a try due to quarantine.

    It's day 3, and I now understand that I've never recognized the physicality inherent in the static poses and the flows, never realized there are so many teaching styles and that I could find one that would fit better for me than the ones I was previously exposed to.

    More importantly, I have pretty moderate scoliosis just shy of needing surgical intervention, but which I'm very lucky to experience asymptomatically ... And I have never, since as long as I can remember, been so open, relaxed, and loose in my back and along the entire length of my spine. 100% I didn't realize how much tension I was holding in my back, and it feels like every time I do a yoga session (currently doing 2x a day), there's a massive coil in my back slowly unwinding.

    submitted by /u/k8ne
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    [comp] From today’s practice. Any tips on form?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    I just celebrated my 1 year sobriety date & I'm building a yoga studio in Chicago with niche classes in mental health and recovery because of it

    Posted: 19 May 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    So May 1st was a huge day for me... it's been 1 year - 365 days since I decided to take control of my mental health and quit alcohol.

    This year has been the most intense, at times traumatic, yet transformative year of my entire life. I was silently struggling with my ailing mental health & using alcohol to cope for so, so, SO long. Over the past 4 years of trying to "white knuckle" my way to healing, I have been hospitalized in the ER over 20 times... just this time last year I went to the ER 3 times in 6 days due to my poor decisions of using alcohol to cope & suicidal ideation. The very last time I went it was by the hands of the police due to a welfare check. I have never admitted that on such a public level like this, ever. I finally went to in-patient treatment on May 1st and my life has dramatically changed for the better.

    Yoga has been one of the pivotal forms of treatment throughout my recovery journey. So much so that I spent the last year building a business plan, gaining two yoga teaching certifications, executing financial budgets, building a website, building a marketing brand identity, working with the city, creating partnerships and so much more to launch my business. I am here to break the stigma surrounding mental health and substance abuse disorders.

    Times are extremely tough right now with the pandemic but people need access to affordable, holistic health outlets especially after all this is over. I want this studio to be part of the solution, part of the recovery of us as a nation. Not only will we have our weekly niche classes in mental health recovery but I will be offering a FREE weekly class to first responders as they need some sort of mental health outlet more than ever.

    I have no Plan B. I have put everything I have - money, time, energy, emotional space into this. This is my dream and I will do anything to achieve it. I am not in this to become a millionaire, I am in it to transparently share my story and to help heal those who are suffering, just like I did.

    xo - A

    submitted by /u/trikonayogaco
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    As part of my practice I made a series of art to remind myself and to gift to my kind friends. Yoga is what we do off the mat. This one is called be kind. I think I will hang them by my front door. ^__^

    Posted: 19 May 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    Does yoga count as a daily workout?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    I absolutely hate exercise. I don't even run even if my life (or losing a flight) depends on it. I just hate it.

    But I love yoga. I have been practicing intermittently for over 7 years now, and now with the quarantine I've become more and more constant. Still, sometimes I wonder if it counts as exercise, as I'm 24 years old and don't do any other workout, I'm starting to worry that I'm not doing that 30 minutes of daily exercise the doctors recommend to stay healthy, and as I grow up it's going to become more and more difficult to integrate any other workout to my routine.

    So my question, though it might sound dumb is: is it healthy enough to do 40-60 minutes of hatha or ashtanga everyday? I sometimes do HIIT yoga but only when I'm feeling like it

    submitted by /u/worstcalao
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    Really good practice today

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    This morning I did not want to do yoga, I just wanted to stay sedentary, watch TV and maybe go to sleep. I managed to convince myself and I'm so glad I did. I felt balanced, sweaty and refreshed, and I'm now in a much better headspace. It was possibly my most inspiring session so far.

    Just wanted to post as I'm happy, and in case this message can inspire someone to get on the mat today

    submitted by /u/jmwdixon
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    Who here does yoda... in the nuuuude

    Posted: 19 May 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Sometimes I like doing yoga naked. Someone tell me they do too so I can feel less weird about it.

    Edit... just noticed the spelling error ):

    submitted by /u/dustydingleberry
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    New mat! Does anyone know why you have to break in Mandukas with sea salt for 24 hours?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    I have a 56 day yoga streak and am super happy abt it!

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    I've been doing yoga every day for 56 days. I'm constantly switching between types for some fun variation and have so far tried vinyasa, ashtanga, yin (this bitch istg), restorative and flow. It's amazing how much I've improved over the past two months. In just a few weeks time I noticed I had gained arm muscles. In just a few days time I noticed I could hold the boat pose and chaturanga for a significantly longer time. My flexibility is vastly improving. I can do forward fold with my palms on the mat. The transitions from pose to pose are getting smoother mad smoother. I notice changes on an almost daily basis and I'm so happy abt it.

    I'm also having fun most of the time while doing yoga (not so much when I'm trying sth new and don't rly like it..) and it brings me joy to do sth I know is good for me and see almost instantaneous results. Yay to self improvement. Just wanted to share my joy and my love for yoga. I've never enjoyed physical exercise and didn't understand the whole "it feels so good working out" but now I do. Even when some poses are really strenuous I get the "aaah yeee this is what they all be talking abt". Yay yoga for introducing me to physical well being

    Have a good day yogis❤️❤️❤️

    submitted by /u/goatsgivemelife
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    Beginner to splits

    Posted: 19 May 2020 11:00 AM PDT


    I started yoga at the beginning of the year but started doing it about 4-5 days a week since March. I am very eager to learn how to do splits. Do you have any tips or tricks I could use? How do you learn to do splits?

    Thank you in advance!❤️

    submitted by /u/AngCar
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    Extreme pressure in head during handstands

    Posted: 19 May 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Will this ever lessen or get easier to deal with? The second I'm upside down it's immediate intense pressure. Like head pounding, instant headache. Any tips or advice? Thank you kindly 🙏

    submitted by /u/HellSatin
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    Extended Hand to Big Toe (utthita hasta padatadasana) Help

    Posted: 19 May 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    Hi! I'd like some help on how to deepen Extended Hand to Big Toe (utthita hasta padatadasana). I have a few ideas on why this might be difficult, and I'd love help getting better at those things. I also would love to know if you have any ideas of other reasons this pose might be difficult!

    1. Problem 1: Tight hamstrings. I think my hamstrings are tight, so I am going to work on daily stretches. I don't need help with this problem I think!
    2. Problem 2: balancing. It puts a lot of strain on the muscles surrounding my ankle to stay balanced on one foot. This imbalance makes it easy to fall. Do you have any exercises or suggestions on how to gain balancing on one leg strength?
    3. Perhaps my quad is weak? I am not sure if this is a problem. If I let go with my hand I cannot keep my leg very high up for long, it strains the muscle. Is this a separate problem, or is this caused by tight hamstrings?

    Along with help on those issues, are there other problems that might be preventing me from expressing utthita hasta padatadasana correctly?


    submitted by /u/An0rdinaryMan
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    Finished the 30 days of yoga programme, what now?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    I finished the "30 days of yoga with Adrienne" yesterday and I absolutelty loved it. That being said, I want to continue my adventure with yoga and I really like Adriannes approach, so my question is: are there any kind of similar playlist or programmes made by her that I can just jump into right away ? Im looking for some recommendations, or just a nudge in a good direction.

    submitted by /u/Tustra1
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    Yoga improved my showering routine

    Posted: 19 May 2020 12:44 AM PDT

    For years I have been relying on water flow to wash that spot between my shoulder blades, but two months into yoga and I could reach it with my palms! Namaste everyone.

    submitted by /u/ipozdeev
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    I've never felt this pain before! I need help!!

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Let me start by saying I've never really had any kind of back pain beyond the stiff shoulders everyone gets from using the computer.

    I started doing 30 days of Yoga with Adrienne and after the 5th day, I couldn't take it anymore. My back feels excruciating. At first, it was just some stronger shoulder pain whenever I moved a certain way, but now I have this constant pain in my mid-back around my lumbar area, specifically on the left, not the right.

    I'm not sure what to do, I've stopped doing yoga because so far all it's literally done is brought me pain I've never had before.

    I followed her closely, breathed when I had to, didn't push myself too much, kept the right poster. I don't know what I did wrong but it's literally driving me crazy.

    please help!!

    submitted by /u/Naturally_Tired
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