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    Wednesday, June 3, 2020

    Meditation: Beginner tip that I learned the other day!

    Meditation: Beginner tip that I learned the other day!

    Beginner tip that I learned the other day!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    I just began meditating & while doing a guided meditation through the app Headspace the guy mentioned leaving a reminder note somewhere to kind of check yourself to remind you to stay present throughout the day. I choose to wear a rubber bracelet, as I'll glance at I always see it in the corner of my eye. Has helped a lot!

    submitted by /u/memeuser098
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    I thought you were all nonsense hippies...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Had a really bad few days recently and was looking for some assistance. Seen that 'meditation' was the answer everywhere I looked. Tried it previously, yet couldn't find any benefit of just sitting there in my own mind. Made me feel even worse sat there in my own head when tried previously.

    By chance, I finished work at 5pm today and put on an album (Talk Talk's Laughing Stock), closed my eyes. Practiced the techniques described and... Boom.

    I went to some weird place. I can't describe where I went. I wasn't dreaming, I was concious. Every single note and sound in the album was ringing out to me, notes and sounds I would have never heard. Notes that played on a train or in a crowded room wouldn't have found me. My thoughts were a mixture of dark and clear and yet something was guiding me through it, making sure I found the answers to what I was asking of myself. I finished said album in 42 minutes on standard time, but it felt like a split second. I woke up fully having surpassed the hour or so and just felt so content and in the moment. A feeling I've not found in a while.

    The good feelings and benefits didn't last long after that, but have forced me to lay some time aside everyday to continue with what I found then.

    What I did find may not be official 'meditation'. But the benefits of what I felt today have opened me up to the idea and the positives of what you can find within yourself. Your issues, problems and grievances are all there for you to explore and tackle within yourself.

    So thank you for helping me find a way of tackling my personal being, by setting time aside to place me Infront of myself and to understand what it is to be me. Something I've never ever done before.

    submitted by /u/Galonite
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    Today marks my 200 days of daily meditation!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    As the title suggests, today I have been meditating everyday for 200 consecutive days.

    So I thought I would invite you all for meditation later today!

    At exactly 16.30 CEST I will be taking a short, 10 minute break to breathe. I invite everyone to join me, in a sort of world-wide meditation session!

    See you then and I wish all of you a peaceful day.

    submitted by /u/beamoflight42
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    Is this what meditation feels like

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    When meditating is it normal to feel your body vibrating. Like the feeling you get when your foot or arm falls asleep but its your whole entire body.

    submitted by /u/Spirtual-ST
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    I’m feeling low right now, and I wanna get this off my chest

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    When quarantine began, I was so happy! That meant I could focus upon changing myself without having to interact with society at the same time. However, lately things have been off. Acne's been coming back to me, my hair feels like Velcro, and I'm always feeling, warm. Like my whole body is always feeling internally sweaty. I try to wake up early so I can get my day started, but I always wake up at like noon.

    I stay up all night just on my phone, and I want it change. How will I disconnect myself from my phone at night? I thought I could be able to go to sleep, but I can't because my sleep rhythm is off. I'm a REALLY heavy sleeper, too, and I can't wake up in the mornings. Q 1) How can I wake up in the mornings? Q 2) What motivation can I get to be able to have the ability to transform myself Q 3) Why does my hair feel like velcro?

    If anybody knows answers to these 3 questions or had any similar experiences, please tell me. I'll read all your replies. Thank you🙏🙏🙏

    submitted by /u/AlmondToast9508
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    I thought of an analogy for mindfulness

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    I know I'm probably not the first person to come up with this, but I haven't heard it. I came to discover it myself. The following analogy has immensely helped me to emotionally detach from my thoughts. Hopefully it can help someone else too.

    Often when we watch a very sad movie, it makes us sad. Our emotions are attached to the events and emotions of this movie because we have become lost in it. But have you ever found yourself feeling really sad at a sad movie and then snapping out if it and saying "these are just actors. This is just a movie, a work of fiction. It's not real." I have, and my sadness instantly disappears. (Not sure if others can relate to this). Once I put the movie in perspective, the events have no hold over me anymore because it's not real.

    I find this to be exactly like our thoughts. We think back to the past and feel sad, or look to the future and feel anxious. But these thoughts are not real. They are fictional. Even if that event did happen, it is not real because it is not in the current moment. Even if that future concern is legitimate, it is not real because it is not in the present moment. We get lost in our thoughts the same way we get lost in a sad movie. And in my experience the cure is exactly the same. "This thought is not real. It doesn't exist. It is a work of fiction". And this is not something we have to tell ourselves even though we don't believe it. After some contemplation you will come to realise that it is true. They don't exist. The only thing that exists is the present moment.

    I have found that this analogy has had practical utility in my life. Since discovering it, when I find myself emotionally attached to thoughts, I just tell myself it's not real. It's no more real than a fictional movie with actors. I then realise the present moment is the only thing that exists and almost instantly the thoughts have less hold over me.

    Again, I am not claiming to be the first one to discover this, I just haven't heard it anywhere else. I really hope this can help someone suffering from depression/anxiety like it has helped me with these conditions. Of course, formal meditation has also helped me develop the capacity to detach in these daily moments of emotional attachment.

    Bless and have an amazing day ❤️

    submitted by /u/BroCast97
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    Why do people say meditation is preparation for death? what happens to our self when we die?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    trust your guts 2: surrender to reality

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    As I learn to see what's happening inside me, I start making changes to preserve my mental health.

    Pushing away my family unless they take a stance wrt. their own problems, for instance.

    Or working on a healthy balance between work, uni and personal life.

    Meditation (along with yoga) is helping a lot to see how to change things for the better.

    This morning I was sitting, intrusive thoughts would arise, and I was just doing my best to accept them while keeping focus on the breath, as we do.

    Then I looked at the resistance I was applying, telling myself: "Let's see if I can surrender to reality."

    Once again, I found a small opening within myself, that all of a sudden brought me to complete relaxation. Verbal thoughts almost completely ceased (not always easy to tell). No action nor thinking was required.

    After med., my mind went back to that intuition. Surrendering to reality: on the outside, and on the inside. Ceasing the fight to reach calm, and lucidity, before anything.

    If it is true that reality only exists in our minds, made up by a combination of sensations, things we know, and things we think we know: then it makes sense to start from a place of peacefulness to start acting with respect to that same reality that we ourselves make up every second as we live.

    It is surrendering to reality that enables us to change that same reality for the better.

    Sitting teaches me how to "deal with reality on reality's term". Society, family and myself.

    Enjoy the journey, creatures of nature.

    submitted by /u/ryjhelixir
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    Meditation for someone with no “inner voice”

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    I have anxiety and often get distracted in almost every moment of my life. My sister has recommended that I try meditation to "clear my mind," but I have yet to discover what meditation actually is. I do not have an internal monologue so when the person guiding the meditation tells me to clear my "thoughts" I have already done that. My mind is quiet 90% of the time, unless I am singing a song to myself or saying "wtf," "omg," or anything that is a reaction to what I am doing/or witnessing in the moment.

    I was wondering if anyone could point me to any meditation articles that address this, or anyone without an inner monologue that has found how to meditate. Thank you!

    Side note: all of my anxiety is physical pain

    Edit: spelling Edit: if you don't believe that I do not have an internal monologue then don't comment because you are just judging me based on your own personal experiences. Believe it or not people are different and think differently than you do. I do not want to debate or defend my way of thinking because why should I prove anything to you guys. All that matters is what is real to me. I am trying to benefit myself through meditation and I do not need to hear your opinion on, quite literally, how I experience life.

    submitted by /u/pressurecan
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    The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    How to become more aware, improve your mood, and become successful. Based on Hindu principles.


    submitted by /u/cottagecheese14
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    If i try to think prositive, i create expectation. And creating expectation can hurt you when it your expectation doesnt meet reality. And if i think negative thoughts, my mind say ls "if you think negative thing, negative things are going to happens". What do i do? Please help

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    I always image myself that when i am married, I am telling and sharing my pain to my wife, and she is quietly listening to me and understanding me ( i dont even have a gf ). She will love me. We will make each other strong. Imaging as i am share my story, she will understand me.

    But then my mind say "dont create such expectation, what if it doesnt happen and you will be broken. What if instead of imagining such lovable wife, you will horrible wife who will cheat on you. You will be hurten, you will be broken".

    What do i do? If i try to stay postive and create postive scenario my mind says you will get hurt. Dont create auch expecation and if i try to think negative like my wife is a bad person who is complete opposite then my expectation, i feel all alone. Like i have no one in my life who can understand me.

    Both ways i am trapped in. Who do i think postive? I dont want bad things to happens. I want to have a wife who loves me or understand me.

    submitted by /u/iamlittlething
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    Awakening information

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:45 PM PDT


    I'd like to give a few tips to others who are seeking awakening and want to try and get there. I'm not sure how long this will last, so wanted to get this done quickly.

    If you're just starting out, please focus on the whole body, the sensation of weight in your arms, the sensations in your bum and legs where you sit.

    Are you good at this? Great, please focus on the sensation of your body, your diaphragm moving up and down.

    Are you good at this? Now just the sensations inside your nostrils, is air coming through both the same, can you feel the air coming in and out?

    The purpose of this is to build concentration incrementally, so you can focus yourself exquisitely, one pointedly in one place.

    This thought came to me: Imagine your mind is like a bird in a cage, without a perch. You can't see the bird clearly, the bird flys around constantly, unable to rest anywhere, eventually it gets tired and it falls asleep.

    Being able to focus your mind intensely, in one place, grows the concentration so much the bird has a perch to rest on. From that perch you can examine the beauty of the bird, the bird can rest and is at peace.

    Your mind can rest when you can concentrate your attention at one point.

    Now comes the insight. Lots of thoughts, coming so fast, you can't really concentrate on any of them, but you learn so much, it's like being plugged into the matrix and downloading Kung-fu.

    Try to let this go, you're not concentrating on the insight, you're trying to observe the bird.

    submitted by /u/freddielizzard
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    Has anyone with ADHD mastered the art of meditation

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:45 AM PDT

    I have been trying to practice meditation but with my condition it's really hard to focus and get the effect. Any advice? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/criswth
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    I saw my thoughts tonight.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:41 AM PDT

    After a guided mediation my body was in a full tingle. I felt it from head to toe.

    I then switched over to music and continued to use my breath to heal and release negative energy.

    Slowly before my eyes appeared the galaxy itself. It looked like the Milky Way. I observed it from a far. I asked it questions and it answered as I would. I asked to see the positive in my mind and the stars shone bright. That galaxy was my mind. And my home. When I woke up 20 minutes had passed. It had felt like 5.

    As I left it was almost saying that I will return.

    submitted by /u/discombobulatedhomey
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    How do I meditate upon some particular thing?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    I have always thought about how to meditate upon some particular things in my life, for example,behaving in a particular way in a challenging situation. I mean it's one of the many things. I am not looking for guided meditation. They are too "in general". How do I create one that specifically suits me?

    PS: This may come out as a weird or vague question but I had too ask.

    submitted by /u/hairpulledback
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    Meditation and Breathwork

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    Is it beneficial to practice meditation and breathwork one right after the other? Like in my case I would practice 20-30 minutes of meditation and then a couple minutes of breathwork or vice versa. The type of breathwork would be holotropic or Wim Hof. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/nosauce_b
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    I keep falling asleep when meditating

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    I keep falling asleep when meditating. It happens whether I'm lying down or sitting up, whether I slept good or bad the night before, and to all the types of meditations I've tried so far. Does anyone have advice on how to stay awake?

    submitted by /u/kulkulkuuul
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    Practising meditation the Buddhist way leading to stress management

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    Meditation is always praises as an effective way to manage mental problems. Actually, many methods of meditation appeared before the time of Buddha but they did not lead to true concentration. Once stopping the practice, the mind easily gets chaotic. Later, when Shakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment after 49 days of meditation under the Bodhi tree, He showed humankind His methods of meditation that could lead to the true stable mind, namely "Right Concentration" that leads to wisdom.

    submitted by /u/Jasmine_Ng123
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    Don't want to become so enlightened that I become separate from those I love, from those who love me.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    Seeing someone look at me during meditation?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    I'm not going to go in-depth with personal self and spiritual Experiences as there's a lot to write about but I recently experienced a Kundalini Awakening (as I've been told) and am new to the whole experience, I haven't started following any tips or lessons on meditating but I've always been able to enter a dream like state by breath work and following a loose self taught way of meditation (didn't know I was doing that until a week ago) Yesterday, I was just relaxing at night not moving much and sort of chilling in a trance, when A guy I've recently been talking to about kundalini and spirituality (he is into all stuff spiritual and meditation and has been urging me to look into this stuff, he says him and his friend can telepathically communicate, stuff like that) appeared in my vision, but it was different to how I usually receive visuals of people. My eyes were definitely open at the time but I was immersed in the bubble, when i saw his head stick out of the side of my sight and look at me, he looked deep into my eyes and I could really sense and feel his presence, he then looked away and I sort of snapped out of it out of pure shock. This guy is very spiritual, and has been researching for years and practicing, he has reached many levels of enlightenment and if I could credit it him for having strong spiritual presence I would. I'm a strong believer of listening to what you see and analysing it because your Brain is a powerful tool and The knowledge and wisdom it holds only reveals itself when it wants to. At the time of experiencing this I without a doubt knew that he was meditating and what I sensed was him either thinking about me or looking into my conscious. Is this a supported conclusion? I understand I could be wrong and simply me thinking about him could have been the reason for seeing him but does anyone have any information to support what I experienced? The experience definitely felt like two individual consciences interacting and didn't feel like my solo thoughts.

    submitted by /u/McCauleyFalcon146
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    Introspection through meditation

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    I have lived all my life in fear. I am always scared I am going to do something bad because I cannot control myself or a deep rage sets in where I don't regret committing an evil act (such as rape or murder). I have OCD. I am scared if I do these bad things I'll go to jail and be beaten up and killed.

    I have never broken the law and I have never killed or raped anyone.

    However, in my last meditation session I was in. I was in a rage induced hateful state.

    I was playing smash online and losing so I cursed at the other person for being better than me. I then did a 30 minute guided breathing meditation.

    I have promised myself to never do these evil things. I noticed my hate and bad intentions I had set towards my opponents.

    Have I been deluding myself into thinking I am a good person? I do not hurt anyone or anything out of rage. I noticed during the meditation that I dont believe someone who has raped or murdered could be loved again

    But didnt the Buddha teach us to love everyone unconditionally? I want to practice this peace he taught. I want to be peaceful.

    I want to love everyone no matter what they did. But a part of me says people who cannot these crimes cannot ever be loved.

    I am always scared I will commit these acts. But as my OCD therapist told me that EVERYONE with OCD is the farthest away from ever commiting these acts.

    I had to go to the mental hospital necause I thought I was going to act and it ended in self-harm. I was ready to kill myself in order to not hurt anyone.

    What do you think? Do you think people wjo are evil can turn good? Can they be loved again? Can they redeem themselves?

    I feel like if I were ever to turn into an evil person I would have to kill myself. I cannot live with that fact.

    Therefore, I cannot commit and evil act or I will believe I deserve to be punished.

    submitted by /u/TurtleBork
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    When I sit and meditate, I notice a deep sense of confusion in me

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    Not only is it a confusion about my who I am and what I want, but it's a sense of confusion of my surroundings, thoughts and experience. The more I become aware of this confusion the more uncomfortable I get.

    submitted by /u/PatdnLite
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    Are we really just focusing on our breath?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    I'm about a month in & enjoy the relaxed feeling after a 20 min bout of meditation focusing on my breathing. & definitely appreciating the moment much more.

    But I often see people bring up breakthroughs or realizations they have during a session. I don't want to come off as this is what I'm seeking & why I do it, I just want to know how/why this happens while we are simply focused on our breathing.

    Also, how much are we supposed to analyze these thoughts? Any time my mind starts to wonder during a session, I was told to let it go and re-focus on the breath.

    submitted by /u/memeuser098
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    How do i stay aware and present in the moment even when doing extremely boring things like being at work?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    Title, i work in a convenience store and i find myself zoning out constantly while on the till or sorting stock. I catch myself doing it sometimes and remind myself to stay present but my mind inevitably wanders eventually due to the boring nature of the job.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Your_Old_Pal_Hunter
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    I had a weird experience while meditating

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Earlier today I had a weird experience while meditating. I felt as if I weren't in my physical body but in my vision. The vision I had was me in a infinite dark space with a bridge in front of me. I had a strong sense of deja vu, as if I've been there before. My physical body felt like it was transcending and my back felt like it had multiple arms clapping at once. Have any of you guys had an experience similar to this while meditating before?

    submitted by /u/luvbot2k
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