Yoga: Started yoga and i love it. Decided to make my own bag for when lock down ends ! Namaste ! |
- Started yoga and i love it. Decided to make my own bag for when lock down ends ! Namaste !
- Yoga in my first home!
- [COMP] Some hovering cat with my cat (if you see anything wrong with the pose please feel free to comment!)
- Saw a video of this on FB, it seems to have good leg support and you can just rotate all around on it. What is it?!
- Yoga Funk: any recommendations?
- Concentric/Eccentric: Yoga Anatomy
- Help with keeping back straight while cross-legged
- Not enjoying YTT due to switching online because of Covid...
- Im thinking of starting yoga soon. Any suggestions on videos to follow or poses to do?
- Home Practice Humor
- Books about designing your own flows?
- Suggestions for books about advanced yoga poses/advanced flexibility/contortion?
- Uploading yoga music sets
- Falling asleep on your mat after savasana?
- Difficulty stepping feet forward from plank
- Funny Yoga Vids
- Help with pose choices!
- Just taught my first yoga class!
- stretching makes me cry.. is this normal?
- BIPOC Yogis?
- Yoga hurts my feet
- Where do I go from here?
Started yoga and i love it. Decided to make my own bag for when lock down ends ! Namaste ! Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:43 AM PDT |
Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:23 AM PDT |
Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:44 AM PDT |
Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:10 PM PDT |
Yoga Funk: any recommendations? Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:02 PM PDT I'm in a frustrating place with yoga right now. A few months ago I was really growing in my practice - I was starting to get crow, feeling good about my chaturanga, and starting to focus more on alignment and using my core / midline. Yoga made me feel strong and beautiful. I was doing it on a regular basis (at least once a week in class and shorter yoga at home at least every other day). I was seeing a lot of growth. When quarabrine started I was doing all classes online almost daily and really loving it. Then I started getting back and shoulder pain from working at home on my computer all day. I played around with my station set up, and finally found a spot I was happy with, but I did take a little break from Yoga until I felt better (like a week or two) once I got back at it I felt like something shifted. I feel like I am on a downslope with Yoga lately. I Don't feel as strong and beautiful while doing it. I feel like I am focusing so much on thinking about my pose (alignment, core, midline, etc) and i keep focusing on my shoulders (not wanting to hurt them more, making sure that they are in a safe spot) that I am not actually enjoying my time on the mat. I'm also being hard on myself and getting frustrated when this happens. I want to grow as a yogi, and I know that this is part of a longer journey of listening to my body and finding what works. I know that yoga isn't something you're good or bad at. I just feel like I've taken a step back from where I was. I just wanted to see if a) anyone else has had an experience like this in their yoga journey and any advice on how to help myself out of this funk? I've been working with meditation and changing up where I do yoga in my home space. I also am really missing my studio and hands on adjustments which I don't think is helping! Any thoughts, recommendations, or knowing that I am not alone would be so helpful! [link] [comments] |
Concentric/Eccentric: Yoga Anatomy Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:30 PM PDT Hello yogis of Reddit. Anyone know their yoga anatomy and want to help me out? I'm currently enrolled in online teacher training, and having a little trouble with the format of our testing throughout the alignment & anatomy portion. The tests name 2-3 poses, and for each pose we are instructed to name 3 joint actions and 3 muscle actions. The joint actions are easy: e.g., hip flexion, dorsiflexion of feet, etc in downward dog. It's the muscle actions i'm having trouble with. We have to name three muscle actions and label them as either concentric or eccentric. We are specifically instructed not to name isometric actions (being that there are many correct answers that are isometric, but this is not what they're looking for). I have anatomy training under my belt prior to this, and I thought I had a decent grasp of these concepts... But i'm starting to question myself due to this. Don't concentric and eccentric actions require movement? Wouldn't ALL muscle actions in a stationary pose be isometric? The tips given in the program say to correlate the muscle actions to the joint actions. For example, for down dog I named hip flexion as a joint action, and went on to state concentric contraction of the iliopsoas as the corresponding muscle action. However, this doesn't seem right to me. In a stationary posture of any kind, how would one differentiate between whether an active muscle was performing concentric or eccentric contraction...? As the body is still, wouldn't the contraction of the iliopsoas to hold the hips in a flexed position be isometric? If anyone out there has extensive anatomy knowledge and can somehow help me try to break this down in a way that makes sense, I would really appreciate it. Im awaiting feedback for my first submission right now, but while i wait, i wanted to get some other perspective too and see if this makes sense to others. I'm only 25% of the way through this anatomy section and feeling quite frustrated. I'm not sure if i'm overthinking it, or maybe I just need to come at it from a different angle, but I need something to click. Thanks so much, I'm looking forward to hearing your replies! TL;DR: I'm confused about how concentric and eccentric muscle actions—and not isometric ones—could be applied to yoga poses. [link] [comments] |
Help with keeping back straight while cross-legged Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:31 PM PDT I'm sure this is everyone's number one but for me it's slightly different. I've been meditating for years and practiced yoga on and off but my body just isn't comfortable sitting cross legged as I do a lot of muscle work which has made me tight in a lot of areas. I always need a pillow or back support to sit up straight, otherwise while meditating i'll come out of it and realise my lower back is bending me forward. What kinds of poses / exercises would you recommend, and should I focus more on my lower back or on my hips? My legs are pretty flexible and I can manage to cross them comfortably, but actually staying sat up straight with them crossed is a totally different story. any help would be much appreciated :) [link] [comments] |
Not enjoying YTT due to switching online because of Covid... Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:29 PM PDT Hi everyone. I was a little over half way done with YTT when covid hit and our training changed to online. I've been doing the one weekend a month format. Honestly I hear everyone talk about their great and life altering experiences with YTT and I get so bummed because that hasn't been my experience at all. I went into YTT not knowing if I want to teach but to deepen my practice. I actually feel like YTT has taken time AWAY from my practice as I had to spend more time doing written and reading assignments. I'm a month away from graduating and I still have not found a passion for teaching at all, I just miss going to regular yoga class and can't wait to be done with all of these extra assignments that are soaking up my free time. This was made worse by covid when all of the studios closed and I couldn't go to class or do my training in person. I hate the online format. I gave it a chance but it's really not for me at all. I can't focus as well and yoga is something I do to get away from screentime and to socialize, so it's become opposite of the experience I want. I dread doing my online classes. Now that I am almost about to graduate I can't wait to just be done with it. The program leaders basically ghosted us about corona and didn't even answer emails with questions. I want some of my money back but am not sure if I am an ass for asking. To be clear I love the actual studio I go to and my teacher but I thought it would be a lot more "hands on" than reading and written work and I don't think I would have signed up in the first place had I known . I'd say it's about 25 percent physical and 75 percent reading, discussions, and book work. There aren't even any requirements of teaching classes to graduate in my program but it's a whole lot of written finals. I was going to class 4x a week before corona but my motivation with this program has seriously gone down hill since covid hit. Anyone else let down by their YTT? I feel like I'm the only one... People talk about their transformations but all I can think is I can't wait to transform my life back into yoga being something I love instead of something I have to do assignments for. [link] [comments] |
Im thinking of starting yoga soon. Any suggestions on videos to follow or poses to do? Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:54 PM PDT Im new to yoga so i dont really know what terms to use, but im hoping it'll get me in better shape and tone my body. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:44 PM PDT I signed up for a virtual class through my studio and tonight was one of the nights. My husband is at the office still because of a project, so I'm on my own with the toddler, but I am doing this class. Not missing it. You can't make me. So I bring my stuff up and set up in the office, and set toddler up with pizza and sesame street. Near the end of the class, she came in (after a zillion other times), and I'm on my back in happy baby pose. I tell her to show me her happy baby and she just cheeses this great big grin. Like, "yes, I am a happy baby". [link] [comments] |
Books about designing your own flows? Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:44 AM PDT My favorite way to practice yoga is through really elegant and seamless flows. Yet, my training is in ashtanga. While ashtanga is a beautiful, rhythmic experience, it is sometimes hard to get beginners or intermediates to feel the flow during a class. And it's also a little slow. I'd like to start designing my own flows, but really I'd prefer to learn how to do so from a book. My knowledge of anatomy and form/function could be improved as well. So I'm hoping to find a technical book that focuses on flow-y yoga. [link] [comments] |
Suggestions for books about advanced yoga poses/advanced flexibility/contortion? Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:12 PM PDT Hi, I have a few years of experience with ballet and 10+ years of figure skating. I was interested in seeing if you guys had recommendations on advanced flexibility/contortion books out there. My best friend is helping me with yoga classes, but I'm really interested in pushing myself into learning more advanced poses and exercises. Or even books that focus on advanced yoga. PS. I am aware of the possibility of injury. I've been very careful and would like to learn more about how to learn safely and responsibly. I have a strong background, but would like to educate myself further. Thanks! These are all for fun, I'm not looking into making this some sort of career or anything. It's just the best way for me to keep active, if that makes sense. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:38 PM PDT I like to do yoga at home freestyle, and I have a bunch of short playlists set up for it, ranging from 15 to 30 minutes. I was thinking of putting them up online to share, but was wondering if people would really find it helpful? Also I was thinking I'd upload them as one audio file (mixed in Audacity), because if they were seperate Youtube tracks, there might be ads in between or at the end, which is super distracting. And there can be a bit of soft blending. Also that way I can mix in some meditation bells at the end, the 1st one indicating "You should start chilling out now or making the way to corpse pose," and the 2nd one indicating "the playlist is over, but keep on relaxing there if you want," which I think would be a useful aide. I feel like the key part of playlists like this is they have a definite end point...I don't know of a feature on Spotify, etc that's like "play for 25 minutes." Any thoughts or other ideas on this? [link] [comments] |
Falling asleep on your mat after savasana? Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:23 PM PDT I just did this for the first time today but I know it's got to happen. Stories? [link] [comments] |
Difficulty stepping feet forward from plank Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:38 AM PDT I'm curious if anyone else has this problem, or if they worked through it? I have an impossible time stepping my feet between my hands from plank. For example, stepping into warrior. That foot is not going between my hands! It gets maybe halfway there, or a little closer if I really get some momentum going. I am a little bit overweight, so I'm not sure if it's simply the fat on my belly and thighs getting in the way or if it's an issue with strength and flexibility. I imagine it's probably both, but then I see others who are similar to my size doing it and making it look easy. Thoughts? Advice? Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:08 PM PDT Here's some of my favs, from about 10 years ago. Got any more recent ones? Jared [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:02 PM PDT I got a biopsy on my foot today, and I have dedicated myself to yoga everyday since May 1st. As I am non- weight bearing, I need some poses or ideas for the next week or so! [link] [comments] |
Just taught my first yoga class! Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:19 PM PDT I'm in an RYT program and just taught my first "real" class. It wasn't perfect and I have things to work on, but I'm really proud of myself. It can only get better from here! [link] [comments] |
stretching makes me cry.. is this normal? Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:45 PM PDT i am very new to yoga, basically just searching up yoga poses to incorporate after i meditate and also to help with a bad case of costochondritis that ive been dealing with on my own for ~3months now.. ive heard that stretching and even going to the chiropractor can make people unexpectedly cry? and that seems to be the case for me.. i heard that a lot of mental pain can be stored in the body, and while stretching has been relieving for both physical and mental pain, i guess i just needed to type this all out and ask if anyone else has gone through this. a lot of the time, especially since im a beginner and i have anxiety about being bad at things or doing things wrong and anxiety about asking for help, everytime i feel a sharp pain in something when i stretch too far beyond my limit or stretch an affected area, my mind instinctively tells me "this pain is your fault" or "you did this to yourself." ive had to deal with years of mental illness now and i guess its began to physically catch up to me. the good news is ive been very devoted to meditation and working on my mental issues in addition to medication and therapy, so those thoughts are easily dispelled and replaced with self love and kindness, but i guess the fact that they seem to "pop out" of my body pain kind of startled me. is this normal? thank you so much for reading ♡ [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:52 PM PDT Hi everyone, I have been thinking a lot about how there is very little BIPOC visibility in the wellness community as a whole. This is obviously a result of colonial processes and Western capitalism that has whitewashed ancient Eastern "wellness" (I don't know that most suitable term) practices. I have known this for some time but due to my white privilege, it was not until recently that I noticed how serious of an issue this is. I have been looking for yogis of colour to support on YouTube for classes and especially for videos on yoga philosophy. I am interested in learning more about the meditative and philosophic of parts of yoga but I can't seem to find any videos that are not made by young white women or old white men. Are there any yogis of colour online you particularly like? Please give me suggestions as I would love to support more BIPOC yogis. If anyone is interested, I suggest listening to the Yoga is Dead podcast by Jesal Parikh and Tejal Patel. I listened to it on spotify and I found it to be an incredibly informative resource on issues in Western yoga practices as well as whitewashing in the wellness community(industry). Please also suggest more resources where I can learn more about BIPOC visibility in the yoga/wellness community, or in general, everything is greatly appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:48 PM PDT In the last year or so, my feet get so achy in warrior poses and side planks. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I even tried wearing shoes during practice and it still hurts. I'm 5'1 140. I thought it was my weight, but I'm down 10pounds since March ( covid lay off 😒) and still have pain. Any suggestions highly appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:59 AM PDT This is my first time posting on reddit but I've been a long time lurker, so apologies for formatting issues from mobile posting! Bit of background, about 6 years ago I was going to yoga every day for about 9 months. I then moved abroad for university and started to gain weight, and yoga was really difficult to find. I've always felt a bit intimidated by home practice so I've stayed away. However, I'm really needing to feel healthier and yoga is something I feel like I'm missing from my life, so when lockdown started I began doing yoga with Adrienne. The problem is, I don't feel like I'm working towards anything and therefore I'm getting bored - where can I turn to for yoga practice that will eventually lead to more difficult poses and inversions? Essentially I want to know how so many people here build their practice to include it, as when I build my own practice I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Any advice much appreciated! FYI I am no longer as flexible as I once was but my form is still quite good. [link] [comments] |
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