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    Meditation: Weekly Discussion

    Meditation: Weekly Discussion

    Weekly Discussion

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 04:00 AM PST

    This is a reoccurring thread for questions relating to your practice and discussion around your experiences.

     **Questions** Ask questions relating to your practice, the theory of meditation, various traditions and lineages of thought, or practical tips. If you're new, please read our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Meditation/wiki/faq) before posting, as it contains a wealth of information that all of us should come back to occasionally. **Discussion** Also use this thread for a more free-form discussion of your experiences and other tidbits that might not warrant their own full post. Use this space to connect with the /r/meditation community, it won't be heavily moderated. Also check out the [monthly meditation challenge](https://www.reddit.com/r/Meditation/comments/avpyuv/march_meditation_challenge/). 
    submitted by /u/Emrys_Wledig
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    Don’t let people’s personal experiences on this subreddit make you doubt your own meditation practice. Just continue to practice and enjoy your own personal journey with the meditation skill.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:33 AM PST

    I commented this on a different post but I thought I should make a whole post about it to really encourage people to just live in the moment and accept others people experiences as their own, as you do so for yourself. ❤️🙏🏾

    I love this community because it shows me how diverse meditation can be: how other people are able to clear their mind and the different unique experiences they go through. I read everyone's stories and it's like sitting in on a bonfire in a circle and hearing everyone go around, one by one, telling their amazing tales. I also tell my tale and feel confident about it, I like to tell my own tales and experiences in order to feel a sense of community and also enjoy everyone's else experiences.

    I don't really use people's personal mediation experiences as a possible guide for my own practice because I feel like meditation is very personable, just like mindfulness and spirituality is in general: being whole and open with ones self and live and embracing their own present moment. Being true to one self, per say. It doesn't matter to me if someone is high and say crazy trippy shit, since I know that experience was personal to them and even if I wanted to see visuals or see mystical things, I would never see what THEY saw. That sounds pretty impossible to me. I understand some people are new to meditation and come here for advice and guides so they can "improve" their meditation practice but ultimately, experiences can't really be imitated, everyone is their own person and sees their universe through their own individual eyes, and everyone has their own personal journey with the meditation skill. It shouldn't intimidate you if someone seems to have a more "vivid" meditation experience than you or discourage you if someone has supernatural sensations with meditation and you try it and you don't. Don't doubt yourself or your own process of how you, your brain, and your body do things. Just continue to sit and breathe everyday(or whenever you feel like it) and continue to reap the benefits from mediation. Again, just my opinion. 😁

    submitted by /u/HealthyMmm
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    A meditation technique I stumbled upon.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:22 PM PST

    Today I stumbled upon a meditation technique I think helps me keep focus. I use the insight timer app and set an interval for 1 minute bells. each minute I count the bell and keep track of the number of bells. if I mess up I start back at zero. I usually make it to ten. next time I'll try changing the interval to two minutes. I usually lose track of thoughts and I've been having negative recurring thoughts in my recovery from alcohol and cannabis abuse so I thought this would be a good way to stay focused on something while building up my working memory.

    submitted by /u/onedayatatimebuddy
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    Short story and why you should continue to meditate.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:20 PM PST

    So the other fay I was heading over to my father's job to pick him up. On the way, I took a wrong exit and I proceeded to the nearest u-turn. The light turns green I make the u-turn and I look over to the road I had just been on and there was an accident that had just occurred. I thought to my self wow I'm quite lucky that could have been me because it had just happened.

    15 minutes later I make it to my father's job and he's happy to see me. He hops in the car and I'm ready to take him home. We go on the highway and there is a couple of cones in my lane indicating for me to move over to the next lane. I turn my right signal on and turn there was a medium-sized truck behind me who got very upset that I just cut in front of him and I see he was extremely close to crash me and starts honking hard. I look ahead and the car in front of me starts to stop because traffic is starting on a high way. The truck behind me begins to drive faster but on the lane next to me I saw him open his window and begin to yell at me, unfortunately, this man is driving a bigger vehicle than me and crashes extremely hard into another person who was stopped from the traffic! My father and I were extremely shocked as to what had happened. Luckily I and he was okay but I'm not sure what had happened to the other man. My dad was freaking out a bit as to what happened and we kept ongoing.

    What I want to show you guys here is that it's very important to keep going on this journey because, in my opinion, it has made me very calm and at the moment due to long hours of meditation. My father was very surprised that I had handled that entire situation so well because he noticed how calm I was. Through my eyes I was quite upset that had happened to that man and I felt sad he had to crash that hard because he was being impatient and wanted to curse me out. I felt grateful again to have avoided another accident on the same car drive. To me, it seemed like a spiritual experience because doing a lot of law of attraction work and meditating like usual. It was very incredible and I hope that man will find inner peace with himself.

    submitted by /u/pistachio02
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    We live in some of the most unfulfilling and disconnected of times. So the rise in popularity in mindfulness and meditation is not a coincidence.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:30 AM PST

    And because of this I wanted to share some links to the subscribers on this subreddit so that everyone can learn and practice even more.

    Alan Watts guided meditation

    Jiddu Krishnamurti - The art of meditation

    Guided meditation by Sadhguru

    Ten mindful movements - Thich Nhat Hanh

    The ego and meditation

    It´s beautiful that more and more people are practicing mindfulness and meditation.

    Here´s an early christmas present, free self-help ebook

    submitted by /u/enjoytodayenjoynow
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    How to approach anxiety/worry?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 04:50 AM PST

    I just realized that the feeling I find most difficult to bear is anxiety. I only got to pinpoint this today which is crazy bc I know the word for the longest time but Ive never been able to pinpoint this unbearable feeling as anxiety. I dont get it often but when I do its very difficult for me to handle and I break down into the most vulnerable mess.

    I dont know what to do when I worry. Im so afraid because I dont know what will happen or what is happening and it usually involves something I care about a lot, something Im afraid of losing.

    Ive looked into this a bit just now and read about worrying not achieving anything and about simply feeling and accepting the sensations of fear and anxiety. These were useful and helped me out quite a bit but I would love to hear what you guys have to say or any stories you might have of how youve overcome you anxiety and maybe insights you might have.

    How do you guys go about anxiety/worrying? I would gladly appreciate any insight you guys might have. Thank you so much 🙏

    submitted by /u/deeeplyaverage
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    I created this free pdf on advanced meditation techniques you all may enjoy

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:53 PM PST

    It's kind of a parody on things but it may benefit some of you.

    Here it is: http://tinyurl.com/chefboyi3

    submitted by /u/Guru__Pathik
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    3 powerful life changing habits relating to meditation

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 04:51 AM PST

    Which types of meditation do you practice?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 04:37 AM PST

    Uncontrollable shaking when focusing on the body?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:32 AM PST

    I have a problem where I often get uncontrollable shaking throughout my whole body when I try to relax and feel my body. This is violent enough that I can't really just let it happen or relax. What is going on? What is this called? How can I fix it? I used to be able to meditate fine without this but now it's really hurting my ability to practice at all.

    submitted by /u/wrathyy
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    How fake gurus/ pseudo seekers/ false spirituality/ your mind cheats you

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 04:06 AM PST

    To know through the mind keeps you just with the mind. There's is no way out. Then how does all these approaches of doing and not doing and undoing help?

    How can an approach help if it's formulated and processed through the mind? Won't the mind interfere and make something else out of it? Yes it does.

    It may perceive an absolutely dark room , as filled with ghosts, cats or anything based on your state of mind. And that's the great delusion. So, the one experiencing the ghost will say it's my experience. It's the truth. But to objectively claim it, he will look for more assertion from the mind or some supporting signs. For example, the glass fell on its own. I thought it was a ghost and this experience proves it.

    Now it has become an objective truth for him. Now he will go on preaching. And many will believe too. Because his mind has perfectly established the presence of ghosts, this belief will ooze out of his very existence. And many around will get influenced.

    And here the whole story of spirituality and religion and cults starts from. Now, he will give meditation. Stay in a room. Be aware of glass and signs. You will also someday experience the truth .

    And mind is wonderful. Because it was already fed with the description of the end result. It will imagine and superimpose that end result , onto the present moment.

    And now we have a few true disciples getting enlightened :D . The ones who couldn't , will either give up or keep trying. Out of peer pressure, boredom, curiosity and as an escape from their real life problems.

    I always wonder, that most of the people on the path of spirituality, are experiencing havoc in their lives. People's lives have major issues with relationships,career and much more. Generally, spirituality is a good escape. It elevates you in the eye of others.

    You know already what I told you. Because what I told you is through the mind and body. As you know your mind and body, you know my mind and body too. Aren't we all almost the same? One doesn't need enlightenment to see this.

    So, regarding the doing, not doing, undoing of path, as the ocean is the one and only truth. Someday, It also oozes out to the mind and body.

    First comes all illusion and then one day it oozes to your mind and body. Only then you know, but you can't describe. The enlightened ones, only describe the effects. I am in bliss/joy etc. They can't point out to the exact thing.

    That's why all the haikus, they only point to the truth. Because nothing can describe it.

    As your life oozes out of your personality, so does the universe oozes into you. That's why , the wise always said to wait. You never know when it will happen.

    Because If you keep the desire to find, the mind will find it for sure :D

    So you just wait and watch. And you drop even that waiting and watching too. As there's nothing but ocean and only ocean, it will ooze into you. And that's what enlightenment is.

    Now question is, when it oozes into you? Then the mind and body experience it. Won't it colour it again ,like it Colors everything it comes in contact with?

    No it doesn't. Because when it happens, the mind dissolves and the body dissolves in thin air. You just be. You just be. No sensory perception through anything. But you see it all. Because you are everything.

    But who is seeing now? What are these eyes? Nothing. Nothing. And Nothing. Call it universe or existence or oneness or anything. It's a waste of time and words.

    That's the indescribable. And here you are.

    There's nothing to know. There's nothing to experience. Just be

    Just remember you can only be, the enlightenment happens on its own.

    Any effort and you will miss. The tiny efforts are to just lead you to no effort.

    Like tea leaves are just dried. And then nothing. When the time for tea arrives, the tea leaves reach completion.

    The tea leaves themselves , can't do much about it ,except just be and just be and just be.

    Much love and blessings to you.

    Note: I just modified the reply I gave to a wonderful person and made this post

    submitted by /u/ParamShivoham
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    What quote helps you the most out when you’re meditating?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:50 PM PST

    I recently read the quote "what is my next thought," and found myself being more and more mindful with such a simple quote. I notice everything around me.

    So, I just wanted to hear your experiences, I know I'm so far away from being fully present, but there are little moments I catch myself smiling for no reason other than being.

    submitted by /u/rabbitskind
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    So is "the answer to life" really to just sit and meditate until we the day we die? Is that really reaching "enlightenment"? Why our souls / bodies were put on this planet?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:19 PM PST

    I just feel like "go inward" is the "answer" to everything.

    isn't there more to life than just silence and staring at the void? isn't morality a real thing? aren't we here to create something?

    meditation doesn't take away the horrors of the con of capitalism. meditation doesn't stop other people from being homeless

    I'm just saying I think if we have the ability to meditate to heal ourselves and do all the wonderful things meditation DOES do, don't we then perhaps have other abilities as well within ourselves that are potentially blocked or inaccessible for us for some unknown reason?

    Something about the idea of meditation being the end all be all is so condescending and arrogant to me and feels more like a Platos cave situation.

    I believe in infinity, in imagination, in energy, in quantum physics, in microscopes that zoom in without an ending point, and telescopes that zoom out without and ending point.

    we are meant for MORE than this. we accept breadcrumbs!

    I appreciate meditation for the peace it brings to my life, for the calmness it gives me in each moment, for the mindfulness, for all the things.

    but we are fucking on this planet for MORE than this. more than these stupid fucking jobs and this ridiculous charade we put up with and support with our complicity.

    I just feel like meditation is the gateway to THAT. not the fucking answer itself!

    submitted by /u/throwawayclownoutfit
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    I experienced non-duality for the first time last night after meditating for almost a month and.. WOW! (sort of long)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:04 AM PST

    I've been using the Waking Up app by Sam Harris for the last 26 days and have been going through the beginner's 28-day meditation portion of it. I've sat every night just focusing on the breath and listening to Sam's instructions and doing as he says.

    He's always mentioned non-duality and how there is no "self" and that both the subject and object are one in the same. This always puzzled me and made no sense at all. I've never felt this phenomena and just felt a bit more relaxed by his meditations so I wrote it off as not happening for me.

    Anyway, yesterday's meditation at day 26 really hammered down on focusing on this non-duality with eyes open during the meditation. I tried very hard and he said it can happen at an instant and the snap of his fingers (which he did because he said it's not a slow process, but an instant one). The whole meditation I tried, tried, didn't try, just let the feelings and sensations come up, gave up purposefully, tried again, and... nothing.

    I felt nothing, no non-duality, no anything. The meditation was over and he said it's okay if you don't see it now, it's something that will be worked on.

    Okay, that's fine with me. So before bed I decided to google how one might see this phenomena and read a couple articles on it.

    Then I went to sleep last night and randomly woke up in the middle of the night. It was nothing out of the ordinary and the non-duality thought came into my mind. I was laying down on my pillow and thought, okay, I'll give it one more shot.

    I close my eyes, breath and try to realize "I have no head" (another technique for non-duality) and I open my eyes back up...

    There it is. Non-duality. I don't know how to describe it but the windows and bed/pillow and whatever else was in my vision was RIGHT in front of me. As in, it felt like it was just a centimeter from me and I had encompassed my entire vision into myself if that makes sense? I was the vision and no longer experienced it.

    It was surreal and lasted maybe 3 seconds and I let out a laugh as in a ah-ha moment. What a realIzation that the object and subject are the same abs you can actually make that happen.

    I am fully convinced this is the beginning of my practice for me and even though I may not experience that again soon, it is something that can be honed and created more often through practice.

    Just thought I'd give my two cents and am really excited to keep meditating.

    submitted by /u/slapclap26
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    If someone who was brand new to meditation asked you, "what is the biggest benefit you've received from meditating?" What would you say?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:27 PM PST

    Sometimes sitting isn't what you need: A short guide to walking meditation

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:01 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I noticed that there isn't many people talking about walking meditation on here so I thought I'd give a short guide for anyone interested. I picked up this practice at a local Zen center I've gone to.

    This would best be done where you're not likely to run into other people. I usually do this either in my living room or an empty part of a beach.


    • Stand with one hand folded over the other at about your solar plexus

    • Take a breath in and while breathing out take a half step (your big toe should be about lined up with the middle of your arch on the other foot)

    • Continue breathing with half steps until you're done with your meditation

    submitted by /u/thesprung
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    Anyone else get to the point of meditation where 20 minutes seem like nothing while meditating?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:13 AM PST

    I stopped meditating and now I’m usually stressed and sad.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:36 PM PST

    I used to meditate once a day for 20 minutes before school started, but ever since I haven't been able to find the time and mindset to bring myself to come back to it. I was disciplined and focused during the days I meditated, but now I'm more prone to decay into sadness and melancholy. School is about to end, thankfully. I just want to come back to feeling like I belong where I am instead of the horrid sensation of never meeting anyone's standards of success and progress in the world. I feel more alone too. As if my thoughts have been bottled up and have bottled me up alongside them. I need meditation back in my life, I need to find myself once again.

    submitted by /u/TheNewPsy
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    Tingling (pins and needles) in hands and face while mediating.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:25 PM PST

    Heyai, just finished my second session/day of meditation and I've had tingling in both my hands and face both times.

    I cant seem to find anything online for it so this is my last resort.

    I have a feeling its because of my breathing, square-ish breathing (think thats the term) 5-8 in and the same out.

    Any pointers to why its happening would be great.

    Any tips in genreal would be great actually 😊

    submitted by /u/BacterialVirus_
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    Study links mindfulness, meditation to narcissism and “spiritual superiority”

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:47 AM PST

    Interesting read. I think the questions they chose - specially since they were yes/no questions - probably tilted the playing field unfairly towards answers that implied narcissism. Nonetheless, over the years I met many people unaware that they have invested their ego in "self as meditator/ mindful person".


    submitted by /u/bojun
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    Felt someone push me or grab my soul

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:43 PM PST

    I've been going through a rough patch this last month and a half with derealization,ocd and anxiety 24/7 I just got back into meditating ( I used to meditate heavily in during April-July was an everyday thing) and been doing mindfullness meditation and sit on a chair for 13 days straight through the calm app and just started doing 20 minute yesterday before I'd do 10-15 minute sessions. Well last minute session which was like 20 minutes ago during the end of my meditation I felt something like someone push me back or like reach their hand grab my soul. It was weird and then 15 seconds later the mediation ended. Can someone explain to me why this happens or what does this mean?

    submitted by /u/livinglife28
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    Just meditated for three hours. Plan on doing this every day because it made me feel better than I have felt in a long time.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:04 PM PST

    Being high during meditation can be a release.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:00 PM PST

    I don't get high often, just when I'm in intense physical pain. I also haven't meditated in a while because I've been going through a lot emotionally. Tonight I decided to try both and oddly it was a release. The state of mind being high puts you in combined with the calmness of meditation was an experience. I actually feel ok for the first time in months.

    submitted by /u/MrsKHall
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    Feeling blocked while visualising - need advice!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:57 PM PST

    Hey guys I just finished meditating and it was kind of unsatisfying. I really didn't want to meditate, as if my body was warning me of this feeling, but I did it anyway. So I was visualising the achievements of two of my major goals individually. I did the first one and it was amazing, I saw and felt everything like it was real life. But visualising the second goal didn't work. Firstly, I could kind of see myself achieving my goal. I saw myself receiving texts from friends congratulating me and felt kind of happy but then it just stopped. I couldn't see/feel anything else. I tried to force myself but it felt forced. I've visualised this goal many times before and it always felt good and natural but this time it didn't. I don't have a bad feeling at all, I just feel very blocked and I have been for the past week in relation to this goal. I feel like something is blocking me from achieving it but I have no idea what it is. I don't know if it's even possible for someone to advise me on how to overcome this blockage but if you have any ideas please let me know. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a peaceful and positive day ❤️.

    submitted by /u/dvvxxxx
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    Does anyone in this community know how to help me?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Hey meditation community. I've wandered into a pretty dark place and I'm not sure if I can get out, or even if I'm supposed to get out.

    I spent 35 years unconsciously going through life - grasping, consuming, striving. I built a life structure that required perpetual growth and income. I'm not rich by any means, but I have a lot of financial responsibilities.

    I began a meditation practice about 5 years ago, and became aware of these unconscious patterns. I now have the strong, sometimes overwhelming feeling that I am trapped in a net of my own making. The success I built in my life was fueled by the shadows that I no longer allow power to direct my life. And now I feel like I'm alone in this world, surrounded by hungry ghosts that simply want to consume, and rob me of my time, attention, and purpose.

    Do any of you feel similarly? Have any of you gotten through similar feelings? I am in desperate need of a more experienced perspective, or the perspective of others who feel the same way if any of you are out there.

    submitted by /u/MyNameIsntReuben
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