Meditation: Weekly Discussion |
- Weekly Discussion
- Weekly Discussion - December 28 2020
- Life Long Meditator
- Random tip
- New to meditation. I had an amazing experience tonight. Did i just experience Rapture or bliss?
- That feeling of Death
- First time I experienced bliss while meditating.
- Private places to mediate?
- Greatest meditation ever
- Newbie - Progress Report
- Do people who keep a diary or a journal meditate?
- The silence
- I don't know what I'm doing anymore...
- 4 Meditation Techniques That Can Improve Awarness and Mental Health
- New meditator!
- Why is meditation worth doing for you?
- 1 min. Meditation - Rain Sound (Inst)
- Are white noise machines any good?
- How to get into "the flow" when doing art or something else?
- Hi I need help
- I live in the future
- Can the ego use “gratefulness” as a means to accept a situation?
- “Why do you meditate when you can just pray?”
- Opinions on manifestation? Can it really change your life?
- What are your thoughts on pseudoscientific/non secular meditation practices like ones where people try and activate chakras and magical powers?
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:00 AM PST This is a reoccurring thread for questions relating to your practice and discussion around your experiences. [link] [comments] |
Weekly Discussion - December 28 2020 Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:09 AM PST This is a reoccuring thread for questions relating to your practice and discussion around your experiences. Questions Ask questions relating to your practice, the theory of meditation, various traditions and lineages of thought, or practical tips. If you're new, please read our FAQ before posting, as it contains a wealth of information that all of us should come back to occasionally. Discussion Also use this thread for a more free-form discussion of your experiences and other tidbits that might not warrant their own full post. Use this space to connect with the /r/meditation community, it won't be heavily moderated. Also check out the monthly meditation challenge. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:52 AM PST So, I've been meditating since the mid 1980s. That sounds like a long time. I've come to realize that meditation is pretty simple. There are many many books on it and they all like to put their won spin. But meditation is all about the brain. Body posture is secondary. In fact, you don't need to be in any body posture at all to meditate. You don't need to meditate for lengths of time either. You can break up you meditation though out your day. It's so much more flexible than any book would have you believe because the brain is so flexible. I dare you to make meditation your own. Jazz it the way you want to, the way it fits your life. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:25 PM PST |
New to meditation. I had an amazing experience tonight. Did i just experience Rapture or bliss? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:01 PM PST So im new to meditating, I've been doing it every day sometimes twice a day for the last 2 weeks. I promised myself i would practice daily for 8 weeks in order to challenge myself and create a new habit. So far its been good. Every session I feel a release and a sense of calm that really gets me through the day. Ive always had an instinct for this as i can remember as far back as age 10 when I would concentrate on my heartbeat to fall asleep at night. I also have a martial arts background so mental disipline is nothing new to me. Tonight I experienced what i can only describe as euphoria or pure joy bubbling up from my center so strong it almost made me cry. I was about 30mins into my meditation, and I typically go through a spotify playlist of guided meditations until I'm satisfied. Tonight was different holy hell it was an amazing feeling. This happened during a point in my session where I was totally focused on my breathing, I was counting from 1 to 10 over and over again visualizing each number and going slow and gentle while drawing air into my diaphragm each time. Focusing on my body and my breathing. Just before it happened I started feeling almost disconnected from reality. I am a first time poster to this subreddit. It was such a good experience I had to share it with someone. I had no idea what bliss or rapture was until this just happened to me and i had to Google it! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:47 PM PST I cannot shake this feeling. It feels like I am dying over and over again, unable to protect myself from the world. I feel the fear as if I would die at any moment. I use Return by Breath but the horrible images of Death plague my mind. [link] [comments] |
First time I experienced bliss while meditating. Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:02 AM PST I've been going though a deep depression and part of my healing regiment has been practicing eckhart tolles teachings of presence. Last night while I was meditating I started to see colors while my eyes were closed. I focused on then and began feeling joy. Hard to explain. It was sort of like sleep. I could have stopped if I wanted to but I didn't want to so it was like sleep but awake at the same time. I hope I can feel that again today. Just thought I'd share because I was able to eat for after that and it's pretty hard for me to swallow normally [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:05 PM PST Help 😂 also not my room it sadly doesn't work as I share a room and people are always in it 😢 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:32 PM PST Todays meditation felt way different than normal. I meditated with a new crystal and it made me feel an immense amount of peace and love, more than normal. During this meditation, I have the window open, sitting in the sun, and listening to the nice breeze. Thought out the meditation and during the meditation...and after, I had a feeling of gratitude towards everything: this beautiful day, the sun, the wind, the universe, and much more. Everything was amplified more than normal during this meditation and it was amazing. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:28 PM PST Hello everyone. I just started learning and practicing meditation a couple months ago. I first saw a short video with that super happy and funny monk titled 'How to train your monkey mind'. Then I found some very helpful videos by Sarah Raymond on the Mindful Movement YouTube channel. I also downloaded the Serenity app on my phone for daily practice. So after just a couple of months I'm noticing some changes. My general state of anxiety has lessened a lot. Now when the neighbor's dog keeps barking for half an hour, my eye doesn't start to twitch like it used to :-) I suffer from chronic fatigue, mild depression and ptsd and have for the last 2 or 3 years. One annoying symptom that actually preceded my ptsd was a constant pain at the hinge of my jaw. I could not clamp down my teeth correctly and the pain would not allow me to eat anything but soft foods. It would feel like my jaw was going to dislocate when biting down with any strength. After starting daily practice on meditation and mindfulness, this tightness in my jaw began to soften, and now it is all but completely gone! It's also interesting to note that occasionally when my mind leads me back into certain anxieties, I can feel this tightness just starting to come back, and I know I just need a 15 or 20 minute session to relax and let go. I'm hoping that as I continue to learn and practice that it will have positive effects on my ptsd. I've noticed that one thing meditation gives me is the ability to accept my thoughts without judgement so that I can look at them objectively and hopefully make better decisions on what to think, feel and do when those thoughts come up, instead of sweeping it under the rug or distracting myself to avoid the pain of realizing whatever it is I need to realize in order to be at peace with myself. I wish joy and peace to you all. God Bless. [link] [comments] |
Do people who keep a diary or a journal meditate? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:35 PM PST Hi guys. I'm currently doing some research on the statistics of people who meditate and people who keep a diary.
I'm aware that there is this thing called a "meditation journal", but that's not the statistics that I'm needing at this point. What I want to know is do people who keep a diary or a journal meditate completely aside from diary or journaling and the other way around. Thanks in advance! Showgo [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:34 PM PST While practising meditation a few months back, I was sitting down at the beach at night, legs crossed eyes closed with thoughts running through my head. So much so that I was thinking about thinking until one realisation popped into my head.. there was a moment of complete nothingness just pure silence but I never noticed it before because it's nothing. It's not a word it's not a noise it's just stillness and I never thought about it before, so after I realising the nothingness I practised getting back to it and over time was able to stay in that mental state for longer where I feel like I am living completely in the present moment and was able to take it into my day to day life... Can anybody relate to this feeling or am I doing it wrong? [link] [comments] |
I don't know what I'm doing anymore... Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:19 PM PST I'm watching the vids and try to do it but I don't feel that spark to be very honest with you. I feel calm and may get sleep but that's it. All I want is to learn to master emotions and live in the moment, idk what to do anymore I feel like I'm forcing myself to breathe in and out and I feel nothing... Any advice? [link] [comments] |
4 Meditation Techniques That Can Improve Awarness and Mental Health Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:20 PM PST Depending on one's background, the word "meditation" can be an ambiguous term encompassing a wide range of practices and techniques. Some view meditation mainly as a mental exercise, while others associate it with one or more spiritual/religious traditions. However, at its heart, meditation is a non-sectarian practice, and the various techniques share a common thread: meditation is an exercise in focusing the mind, usually toward increased awareness. As such, it can be a useful tool for reducing stress, managing anxiety and even reducing pain. We often recommend the practice of meditation as a way of promoting better mental health in our patients. Meditation takes many forms, but for the moment, let's turn our attention to four of the more common meditation techniques. Each of these practices takes a slightly different approach to awareness, and they can even be used to complement each other. MINDFULNESS MEDITATIONMindfulness is perhaps one of the most commonly used meditation practices in our culture today, recently seeing a surge in popularity thanks to apps like Headspace and Calm. However, mindfulness meditation is far from being a novelty. It actually derives from an ancient Indian tradition called samatha, in which the participant trains the mind on a singular object or function to achieve greater awareness in the moment. In most practices of mindfulness, one is encouraged to focus on the breath—observing how the air enters and leaves the lungs—while calmly observing thoughts, feelings and sensations as they occur. Thoughts are allowed to come and go without judging them, and when the mind wanders, the participant simply refocuses on the breath. This practice can be a wonderful source of relaxation and can lead to better anxiety management as one's own thoughts and feelings are put into perspective. For our purposes, mindfulness meditation increases awareness of the moment. TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATIONTranscendental meditation is the first meditation technique that made its way West. Deriving from another ancient Indian tradition, it was popularized the 1960s by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and endorsed by celebrities like the Beatles and the Beach Boys. Unlike mindfulness meditation which focuses on observing thoughts, TM looks beyond the noise of our thoughts to the calm state of Being beneath. Participants sit calmly, breathing normally while repeating a mantra, often a single word, seeking to "transcend" the realm of thought into Being. Practicing TM is associated with a wide range of benefits including quieter thoughts, increased creativity and reduced stress, among others. While mindfulness improves awareness of the moment, transcendental meditation increases the awareness of being. QIGONGMany people think of qigong (pronounced CHEE-gong) as a type of exercise, often associating it with other Chinese exercise traditions like tai-chi. However, qigong is perhaps more accurately described as a more physical type of meditation, incorporating deep breathing and meditation with a series of slow, controlled movements. The specific movements may differ based on the tradition and the teacher, but the end goal is an integration of internal and external movement to promote calm and self-healing. The benefits of qigong range from greater flexibility and strength control to reduced stress, and many believe the practice can even help manage pain or prevent a number of chronic diseases. Because of the active nature of this practice, think of qigong as a method of increasing awareness of energy. VIPASSANA MEDITATIONWhere samatha meditation is an ancient Buddhist technique based on mindfulness as described earlier, vipassana meditation builds on the foundation of mindfulness by digging deeper to seek greater self-awareness. Specifically, vipassana is insight meditation, a form of awareness that is more curious and inquisitive. Perhaps you can see how these four techniques can complement one another, each of which focuses on awareness of a different element of life. Mindfulness promotes awareness of the moment; transcendental meditation, the awareness of being; qigong, the awareness of energy; and vipassana, the awareness of self. You may gravitate to only one of these techniques, or perhaps you will find a way to incorporate all of them. Each practice can help reduce stress and anxiety, promote greater clarity of thought and encourage better mental health overall. Bird Sounds - Morning Birds for Relaxation, Meditation and Yoga [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:42 PM PST Hey everyone, So I'm going to start a disciplined meditation programme as a New Years' resolution. I was just wondering how long should I meditate for as a beginner? Do you think 5mins a session, twice a day is a good place to start? Then gradually build up the length of time after a month or so? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Why is meditation worth doing for you? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:38 PM PST |
1 min. Meditation - Rain Sound (Inst) Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:09 PM PST |
Are white noise machines any good? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:45 PM PST Hi guys. Lately I find it kind of difficut to fall asleep. I was looking online and I saw a few recommendations for white noise machines like this one: I've heard they can also be very helpful for meditating. Is this a good purchase in your opinion? Is it actually effective? I would love to hear some opinions based on your experience. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
How to get into "the flow" when doing art or something else? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:58 PM PST Hello! I want to bring more mindfulness into my daily life and I want to try if for painting. Usually when I draw without distractions, I don't really think about the activity, but just thinking deeply about whatever. How can I reverse this? I can think of maybe feeling the instruments in my hands, but that feels like a lot of effort and not very fun. Would love to hear other people's experience with getting into the flow when working on something [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Dec 2020 12:11 AM PST I suffer in my body perhaps i am in the wrong one i always wanted to be a girl a lot of people told me body swap is not possible but I swair my body is not like i want not a body i want i dreamed long time ago that i was in a body of a girl in a big castle it was like in Versailles one time i dreamed i was a girl I was so free and so happy to have true body not a body like I have i never succeeded with girls ever i am soon 21 i dont think its a story of i cant flirt with them its because I think i am cursed one time i wanted to try astral travel but I felt my skin was getting separated from my body but I never suceeded it even if some witches send me good vibes or spells thats why if someone has the power to swap bodies in any manner i need help i feel so old inside its like I am attached inside it sometimes i dreamed i was pregnant it was so weird by the way some others times i feel like I am attracted to dress and féminine oufit i loved walking in high heels when I was young it not all about sexual things indeed i am curious how it would be like to be a girl but I dont want to be a girl Just for that reason all the girls i felt in love were not single or were not interrested and the only girls that got interrested by my look were the ones i wasnt fond of them I tried several sites of persons who claimed to be able to do that but I think there were scammers i think because I cant pay online so its difficult then i tried to look on the internet for spells tried it but havent worked then I searched for people on the internet girls warned me telling me it was so difficult to be a girl as you might know girls get periods receive à lot of critics they never get the same salary of men girls unfortunately in today's society are regarded like playboy toys or something like that you know like à piece of meat men are often interrested getting her into their bed in today society women are mothers and a kind of baby industry they are not only for baby creation stop judging them by their looks the most important is the inside it is not because à woman wants to free herself by wearing provocating ouftits and stuff like that you can judge her. I want to finish this post by saying if you are interrested by helping a personn like me or want to support me dont hesitate but if you are really interrested in thé body swap thing or you do have the ability to swap bodies dm me because I am in a périod of dépression because of the world but in the World of my body too A man Who needs help My kik if you want to contact me there azertyu12345 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:26 PM PST Not sure if this belongs here Like my biggest holdback in live is the title of this post. I only live in the future. I literally just realized it. I live in it my whole live. Fear! The thing is that I feel alone even though I have a amazing family. They are always here for me but I still feel like I am alone. I fear that I end up alone. I have amazing skills and I am on the right track te become even better but I know this thing is eating me up. Everyday. It's the ego, who is living my life and I clueless right now. I meditate everyday and focus on myself. At least I try to focus on myself. Every time a thought like this appear, my whole vibe is gone. Does anyone have any advice? [link] [comments] |
Can the ego use “gratefulness” as a means to accept a situation? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:15 PM PST I try to use gratefulness to feel better- and it makes me love the present moment and feel better about my life. But then the mind/ego comes in. "You're just using gratefulness to not change your life situation. It's just a coverup. This isn't what you want." Then I get torn. I don't want to even touch gratefulness because then I feel like I'm lying to myself....I'm not grateful... I'm terribly unhappy. If I accept unhappiness I feel like I'll be unhappy forever. If I try to change my unhappiness I feel like I'm lying to myself. What do I do? [link] [comments] |
“Why do you meditate when you can just pray?” Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:24 PM PST Has anyone said this to you before? How would you respond to this question? [link] [comments] |
Opinions on manifestation? Can it really change your life? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:01 PM PST |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:01 PM PST |
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