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    Monday, December 7, 2020

    Yoga: [COMP] learning to hinge from my hips in forward fold

    Yoga: [COMP] learning to hinge from my hips in forward fold

    [COMP] learning to hinge from my hips in forward fold

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:43 AM PST

    [COMP] checking in on my back bends

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:48 PM PST

    [COMP] On my long journey to a solid handstand, I found this shape today. Enjoying the process! Tips are welcome.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:11 PM PST

    [COMP] playing with side crow; this asana used to intimidate me as a new yogi & 3 years later, it’s my fav arm balance

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:04 PM PST

    I wish everyone endless happiness and peace ��

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:50 PM PST

    My dad's old mat has finally died, I want to replace it for Christmas but I have no idea about Yoga or Yoga mats, please help!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 06:43 PM PST

    He would have just bought the same one again but it is unavailable.

    Here is the old one.

    I am hoping to upgrade him a little but don't want to accidently buy something that is actually less in line with his needs.

    He has been doing yoga for decades and is pretty good at it I think, if that is relevant.

    So far I think the Manuka Prolite might be a good replacement, but want to make sure I am not missing anything obvious.


    submitted by /u/AmJusAskin
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    How many times to do Alternate Nostril Breathing?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:40 PM PST

    I read online that it is 4-16-8 split, but how many times should we do this split. I couldn't find any details on the internet. If it is on the internet, please tell me what you googled or what website you found it on. I don't want to clog up this forum with redundant questions. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/carryburdenfaliure
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    Yoga for broken foot

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:56 PM PST

    Howdy! I'm looking for some YouTube videos that have videos appropriate for someone with a broken foot. I can stand and walk on my foot I just can't stand on the broken foot alone or do anything too intense. Props welcome. Thanks in advance !

    submitted by /u/W3wantth3funk
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    Feet palms not pointing up

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:14 PM PST

    So I've been practising some preliminary positions to full lothus and the problem I get the most is that in postions where there is an half lothus or something similar my foot is never facing with its palm upward as it should? What do you think is the cause and how should I practise to get the feet in the right position?

    submitted by /u/Sharik1609
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    Question regarding upward facing dog

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:57 PM PST

    20 / fit / male / 6'0" 160lbs

    Hello, I know nothing about yoga, but I've done this move quite a few times during training with large groups of people similar to me.

    I seem to always be the only one with severely limited range of motion when it comes to the lumbar section bending backwards. People with no yoga experience whatsoever in the group can do it way better than me.

    I think I'm pretty flexible, standing feet together, bending at the hips, I can place my hands flat on the ground.

    Question is, is something wrong with me? Am I just not flexible? My only condition is relating to the area is moderate to severe hip dysplasia and very light scoliosis.

    Sorry for the long post, I'd love to become more flexible in this position. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/TheNoobyRedditor
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    Can anyone recommend a yoga routine for the morning to set myself up for a long day of a really tough academic course?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Hi guys!

    Apologies if this isn't the right place to post, but all of you seem to really know what you're doing and I could do with some advice!

    I used to practice when I was a teenager, but have slacked in the past couple of years.

    I am doing a very academically intense course (think Law degree in 10 months), completely online. I really struggle getting up in the morning (which sometimes means I don't at all), and am generally quite lethargic so was thinking that getting into a morning routine of doing yoga and waking myself up would do me some good. I am stressed up to my eyeballs and trying to quit smoking after a scary asthma attack so I need something in the morning to get me out of bed and feeling awake without running for a coffee and a cigarette. Also I was wondering if there are things I could be doing at my desk to help my body out a bit - for a 23 year old jeez does my body click.

    Does anyone have any ideas of people to watch on youtube, links to practices etc. or what I should be looking out for? Feeling a bit lost so any advice you could give me inc. morning routines/how long you practice for/what time etc?

    Thank you all so much!

    submitted by /u/polandir
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    Mat for a 7-Year-Old

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 03:00 PM PST

    Hi, I've searched and read the FAQ, but I'm having trouble deciding on a mat to gift my 7-year-old daughter for Christmas. She's gotten into doing yoga with me this year and has even grabbed my mat and done Yoga With Adrienne by herself a few times. I'd really like to encourage her by getting her a mat of her own.

    I'm looking for a mat like this:

    • non-pvc, if possible. I haven't completely ruled out Gaiam mats.
    • $40 or less
    • a pretty pattern, alignment lines, or printed poses, and not kid-sized or "babyish"
    • a mat that she can spray with aromatherapy mat spray/wash

    I have a Yogi Bare mat that I love, but it's out of the budget for Christmas. My daughter also hated the smell of it, which took months to wear off. It's also my first mat, so I really have no experience with other brands or materials. I'm looking at TPE mats on Amazon, but I keep reading reviews that say they are slippery. I'd love suggestions if anyone knows of anything that'd be good for a kid.

    submitted by /u/PithyLongstocking
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    Sorry this is a little NSFW...What stretches/exercises do I need to do to reach the expert level. I’m a solid intermediate right now. I’m not sure what I need to do. Thanks in advance!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:47 AM PST

    History of yoga is not what it seems...

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:51 PM PST

    So... modern yoga practice bears little resemblance to anything ancient and Indian, and is actually a combination of movements inspired by 19th century Swedish gymnastics, the exercise regime of the British Army and the fame of a German bodybuilder who toured India in the early 1900s. And I was enjoying thinking I was being all spiritual.


    submitted by /u/alvin_antelope
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    material regarding yoga, chakras and science?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:31 PM PST

    is there books that analyzes yoga practice and theory critically in terms of modern scientific investigation? like "yoga explains that this works by this chakra thing and it is right because of this science fact, although that other practice is proven harmful because of another scientific fact. etc etc.

    submitted by /u/idiotlizard
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    Yoga Poses after Ankle Injury?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Hello, yogis!!

    So I think I sprained my ankle back in April--not sure how. I used a compression bandage on it, kept it elevated, and took it easy until it felt better, but never went to the doctor's, because...well, it was April in 2020.
    I didn't do much stretching or strengthening exercises for it then--and I find it's more sore afterwards when I do them now.

    I want to get back to my regular yoga practice that I had before this, but even when I modify poses and wear my compression bandage, my ankle flares up again afterwards. I don't feel extra sore at the time, so I don't know when I'm overdoing it; I can tell the next day, though.

    Do you have any suggestions for good poses that I could make into a routine while avoiding angering my ankle again?
    Is there anything I should do to strengthen my ankle?
    Thanks in advance!!

    submitted by /u/Scribbly_Otter
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    Getting deeper into gaze during practice

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 07:56 AM PST

    Does anyone have any resources/ key words for any of the following:

    • Types of gazes (scanning horizon, soft inner smile, etc)
    • References to where eyesight should be in pose, ideally internal energetic (ex: Rest intent into this chakra)
    • Gaze and breath work connections.

    Thank you yoga friends! ☮️ ❤️ 🌈

    submitted by /u/peanutbutterfeelings
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    Hamstring “Plucking” Sensation

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 05:25 AM PST

    Hey all 😄

    just started practicing Iyengar and I feel awesome about it. I had an interesting experience yesterday and I wanted to see if the community could relate/explain at all. I've always had really tight hams and I have a fake ACL, so sitting in Vajrasana has always been a challenge. I managed to really settle into it and was feeling good. I felt a release in my inner hamstring, and as I breathed into it, I felt this very intense sensation I can only liken to the strings of a violin being plucked. It didn't necessarily hurt, and I went on to finish the routine. I'm unaffected now after the fact. Just very curious as to what happened...

    submitted by /u/ambitiontowin56
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    Easy pose knee discomfort

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 08:37 AM PST

    Not really pain, but when I stand up afterwards my knees feel tight—sort of like the feeling of tension when you wake up in the morning—and it feels weird walking around.

    Is this my legs stretching in a new way or am I just messing up my knees?

    submitted by /u/jamcep
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    [QUESTION] Best pose to open the chest for someone who sits down all day?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:24 AM PST

    I spend all of my day sitting. I wish to start doing a pose every morning to help open and stretch the chest. Of course the best pose would be the wheel but I would need to warm up my back before which would take some time.

    I wake up very early (4:45 am) so I don't have time to do much. I want to start with just ONE pose I can do, to start getting into the habit of doing it every morning. Maybe later I'll gradually add more poses.

    Here are the poses I found that I think could help. Could you please tell me which one would be the best to do each morning to help stretch and open the chest ?

    • bridge pose
    • fish pose
    • cobra pose
    • bow pose
    • camel pose
    • downward facing dog
    submitted by /u/findingnew2021
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