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    Friday, February 26, 2021

    Flexibility: another snapshot

    Flexibility: another snapshot

    another snapshot

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:51 AM PST

    Progress after six months of consistent backbending

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:05 AM PST

    Don’t usually work flat middle splits because of van damme but always feels good to refresh that position

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:42 AM PST

    Dancer's hip struggles (snapping hip)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:04 PM PST

    Hello lovely people! After a period of inactivity from my normal intense hiking job, my hip started to click all the time (for weeks now if not months). Its quite tight now too which makes deep stretching difficult. How have yall ended the reign of the snapping hip? Thank you 💗

    submitted by /u/tofufish123
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    Tips for getting that last split bit? I’ve been stretching every day since January but now I’ve been stuck here for a while. So glad I took this challenge cause I’ve improved sooo much☺️

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:20 AM PST

    I need more help with my squat mobility!!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:00 PM PST

    Since I posted last time ive been working on my internal hip rotation as well as my ankle mobility, but what i also feel like I need to work on is my hip flexion. Now when sitting in the squat i feel like falling backwards, i feel like its due to my hips not allowing my torso to go over my centre of gravity. As of now I am unable to bring my knees to my chest while on my back, and I feel being able to do this will allow my torso to move foward so i can balance and not fall backward. Has anyone had any experience improving their hip flexion? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/UncleBrucie
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    Advice on high kicks?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:53 PM PST

    I would like to know what stretching helped u the most in order to achieve the kicks because I can not do them fast. I don't do a kick, I slowly get into it because otherwise my abductors will say "Buddy stop there"

    submitted by /u/Low-Nature-9316
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    Just made it into video and for motivation to my fellow here. If I can do this, you too could do this. I believe 1 day I could do this without much effort. So in the meantime, I’ll never slack off.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 07:13 PM PST

    Flexibility program for an extremely inflexible person

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:55 AM PST

    Could someone point me to an exercise program for those of us who struggle doing basic movements? I have not been able to find something for someone like me.

    For context: I have trouble putting on my dang socks sometimes.

    submitted by /u/iEATSTICKERSBRO
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    Can't do a pike position

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:43 PM PST

    I've recently started a simple workout after not exercising for years.

    I've found that I'm not in such horrible shape as I thought I was. Most things I'm doing are relatively easy and then there a few other things I really need to work on.

    But the one thing I've found I can't do is a standing pike position. My legs just... won't do it. To be clear, when I try to get into it my legs basically stop at a less than 90 degree angle and it hurts to go any further.

    This is probably because I spend most of my time sitting in an office and I especially sat around a lot last year. My legs have become accustomed to either sitting down in a chair or sometimes crosslegged. I've even found that I tend to drift into a "sitting" position when going to sleep.

    What would you recommend to help me make the pike position easier?

    Also, while I'm here, I might as well mention that I also have issues with the cossack squat. Not as bad as the pike pose, but still pretty noticeable. Any suggestions on that would be helpful as well.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/newuserhear
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    Ankle dorsiflexion is gone! Help

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:14 PM PST

    A year ago I had a bad ankle injury landing somebodies foot while playing basketball. Didn't have insurance so I never went to the doctor. Couldn't walk at all on that foot. Got a boot to inmobilize the ankle. Long story short, I took it off after 6 weeks, could walk but with a limp for the next 4 months. Had no dorsiflexion after the injury. My dorsiflexion improved quite a bit in the following months about 60% of the normal range of motion. The pain I got when doing the knee to wall test has always been in medial/inside joint bone area and the near areas of the medial malleolus and the the achillies area. A year later, dorsifleion still about 65% and still pinches around the medial area. Any advice or info will help, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Special-Tight
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    flex. Built differently

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:56 PM PST

    Has anyone found something better than ROMWOD or along the same lines ?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:41 AM PST

    I understand this will be subjective, but I used to be subbed to ROMWOD. I let it lapse when it was tied to a card that was expired. I have not pulled the trigger to resub yet.

    I was wondering if anyone has found or uses anything along the same lines as ROMWOD? Full videos with both guided narration and the stretches being fully performed to fit full flexibility and scaled stretches if you are not 'there' yet. I have tried GoWOD and then some of the iOS app store stretch apps but they are more like illustrations of the stretches rather than feeling like actually being there and working our the people performing all the stretches.

    I know there is the ability to piecemeal everything through finding Youtube videos and creating your own playlist but paying convenience can be nice.

    submitted by /u/justjukie
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    Couple questions on pain in different places

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:26 AM PST

    Hey, people. Sorry for long post, I'm good at writing too much

    I (f/27) am getting far in my flexibility, which I'm stoked about (actually very happy about it, since I've mentally kind of "given up" on getting into the splits, though I'm still stretching, and some days it seems I'm getting closer), but there are a couple of weird things I've noticed that my body don't seem to vibe with, and I just wanted to check if any of you have the same, or could give me tips on what it could be/what to do. I've been actively, with continuous effort, been stretching since December 2019.

    First, I've tried this video lately: 15 min stretch for splits by MadFit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdltgVDEPmM

    Around 2:53 she does a very wide pyramid pose. I get a very uncomfortable feeling, a sharp-ish, definitely not a stretchy feeling right above my front leg heel, kind of on the bottom of the more inner side of the achilles tendon if that makes sense. And it's only on my left leg, the other one is fine. And the more regular pyramid pose is fine, I dig that one. I can, though, relieve the pain by just lifting the ball of my foot and balancing it on my heel instead. Could it be that I'm putting a nerve under pressure or something? Is it a thing I should or can fix, or should I just know my limits and do something else?

    I'm probably not going to do the pose anyway, or at the very least do a modification that doesn't give me this odd uncomfortable sensation. Just wanted to see if anybody else has had this and if you have any tips I haven't thought about.

    Then I did this one just now, just to do some light upper body stretching:

    10 min seated morning yoga stretch for stiff and sore muscles | Sarah Beth Yoga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLfY0cH9oW4&t=363s&ab_channel=SarahBethYoga

    At 4:24, she gets into this cross-seated hip lift, and she does it twice in the video, second time with switched leg position. Both of those times, when I lifted my hips, I felt a sudden, sharp pain in my right knee, in a very specific spot it's hard to describe, but it was pretty sharp, and I had to stop.

    This is actually not the only position where my right knee, and only the right knee it seems, doesn't feel good. If I do a standing quadricep strech and I push my hips a bit forward, my right knee just goes "nope!" and I have to back off a bit (so I don't do that one very often, and when I do, I'm very careful with not bringing my hips forward. Again, pushing the other side is just fine). Same sharp pain. This also happens if I do the kneeling quad stretch like Tom Merrick does here at 5:35: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_XEo-iecCs so I just do the normal one, which works fine.

    I've never been in any accident or anything, I've been relatively active in many different sports all my life (with varying time dedicated to said sports, so I did football and horse riding for quite a few years when I was a kid, but I did stuff like capoeira, modern and hip hop dance, some ballet, ice scating etc. for a year to two years maybe).

    I don't know if I should try to train this away, or again if I should just know my limits.

    Lastly, and this is just more related to soreness from stretching:

    I got really far down in my splits last week, I would actually technically call it an imperfect split (not completely squared hips, crotch didn't hit the floor, but still!), and I was pretty sore afterwards, naturally. Afterwards, whenever I just do even light stretching, the inside of my thighs, or maybe the inner part of the hamstring(?) is just really sore. I'm considering letting my legs rest for a few days, then getting back into stretching after maybe three, four, five days (I had to take a week or so off stretching all together some time last year when I overstretched one side, which I think was good for me. This soreness is not as bad as that time, but it's maybe half as painful).

    Thoughts on that?

    I can of course also go to my doctor, but I can't really meet them nowadays for obvious reasons unless it's something that really needs checking up, and this is by no means an emergency, it's just slight pain in positions I easily can replace with something else. I can't afford a PT at the moment, I'm a student whose job is closed bc covid.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/brinlov
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    Why do I do this with my legs

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:58 AM PST

    When I sit in a chair It feels comfortable putting one knee up and the other one on the ground and when I stand up it feels good crossing my legs, these are things that females do why do I do these even though im male?

    submitted by /u/SnooPandas4944
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