Meditation: Just purchased Headspace membership. Getting back into it! |
- Just purchased Headspace membership. Getting back into it!
- Turning my mind into an ally
- Welcomed 3 children in the family, fostering them, aged 11-14, incredibly difficult past and heavy life, want to introduce meditation in their lives. Any tipps are appreciated.
- I can't meditate anymore
- My primary motivation to meditate is fear.
- Anapanasati
- Blocked heart chakra
- will meditation help/what kind?
- How do you keep track of your insights?
- How To Overcome Anxiety With Online Therapy
- Your conditions for happiness are the chains of your suffering.
- Alan Watts said meditation is supposed to be fun
- Advice for newcomers.
- Looking for meditation channel / podcast recommendation, also others.
- What’s the best time of day to meditate for best results?
- Water Ice.
- Ownership is an illusion
- You are like a dog chasing a stick, where ever the stick is thrown, off you run. Become like the lion who watches the the thrower. One only throws a stick at a lion once. In the gap between thoughts, non conceptual wisdom shines continuously.
- question on the mind & magick w vape/weed/drink help
- Train Analogy
- Not judging others
- Do your time your meditation sessions?
- Difficulty Channeling Energy Into New Pathways
Just purchased Headspace membership. Getting back into it! Posted: 23 Feb 2021 03:05 PM PST I used to meditate everyday for 10 minutes, couple of years back and my mental health and focus was great. I stopped after. And it all went downhill. I realized I need to get back at it after a massive depressive episode, so to get an extra motivation, something new to keep me going, I decided to treat myself with a 1 year membership plan. Pretty excited! Peace to ya'll [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Feb 2021 10:22 PM PST Hope this inspires someone to keep at their practice or get into it. It's a tremendous favor to yourself to learn meditation and psychology. Some other books that helped me: "Buddha's Brain" -Rick Hanson "How to fail at almost everything and still win" -Scott Adams (was like my best friend in book form) "Stress without distress" -Hans Selye "Meditations" - Marcus Aurelius "Getting past your past" Francine Shapiro [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Feb 2021 01:55 AM PST Hey I came across meditation from scientific end, and have been practicing for 6 years now. It helped me and my friends incredibly. Thank you all for being a nice community. That being said, we are 5 months in with helping out 3 children aged 11 12 and 14, mother died dad is drunk and aggressive. They were living on the streets, dad beat them up while drunk for no reason, and there was pedophilia going on in the family also. Naturally the child support had them go through psychology sessions but even with that, they did not open up/they have a incredibly difficult time going through things. We want to introduce mindfulness meditation into their lives. Not to "fix everything" - we are not naive, but to make things better and easier for them. We are around 5 months in so they feel kind of comfortable here, my SO is teaching them (finally they can read, and count numbers, so that is nice) and also bonding them pretty well. We were thinking of buying them a plush animal and naming it "meditation buddy" so when they have a rough time they can practice the method. Also we are planning to go with 2x5 minutes at first slowly building up to 25 minutes in total per day. I was thinking about counting the breath till 10 or maybe Sam Harris' Waking Up course is what I have heard on another thread but havent seen it yet. So any experience or anything at all is welcome. edit: before I even press the submit button, of course we are not replacing proper psychology or therapy with meditation, it is still not popular in our country and we would just like them to try it :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Feb 2021 03:28 PM PST A year ago I used to meditate everyday, but then something happened in my life and spent the last months in therapy because of anxiety and depression, during that time I tried to meditate a lot of times, but the anxiety was too much to take and couldn't take those thoughts out of my mind. Now I'm proud to say that I'm much better, but still I'm unable to meditate, everytime I close my eyes and breath hundreds of thoughts come to my mind and I can't relax. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance. [link] [comments] |
My primary motivation to meditate is fear. Posted: 23 Feb 2021 07:56 PM PST I realized today that the thing that most drives me to meditate is fear. More specifically, fear that if I don't meditate every day, my anxiety (more fear) and depression will spin even more out of control than they already are. I don't think this is a great motivator, as I put stress on myself about my practice, and mentally beat myself up if I miss a couple of days, which I often do. Does anybody else relate to this? How can I go about setting a better itention? Maybe "better" isn't even the right word, and instead I just need to be more neutral about it. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Feb 2021 01:06 AM PST La vie moderne et le développement de technologie nuit au corps et l'esprit humain. La pandémie Covid 19 est une conséquence de ( gouttes d'eau bordant le verre) l'impact de l'homme sur la nature et l'univers. Il est difficile pour la plus part d'entre nous de rester à la maison aussi longtemps que vous ne faites jamais pour vous protéger mais aussi votre communauté dont vous etes. Sans travail sans vacances sans se voir vos proches. La pandemie arrête toutes les économies des états et des individus et particulièrement fait la mort des millions de personnes dans ce monde terrestre. Prions pour eux, les personnes nous quittant. Comment pour pouvoir sortir de la situation durant longtemps lorsque le vaccin n'est pas couvert a tout le monde. Comment pour éviter de la dépression. Le bouddha nous enseigne , lorsque vous rencontrez des problèmes , ne culpabilisez pas la situation , tournez en vous même qui est votre îlot . Vous n'avez pas l'habitude de vous assoir longtemps . Vous pouvez commencer cet exercise qui est facile et vous fournit une énergie positive. Inspirerez calmant votre esprit Respirez souriant A la prochain Cordialement HNN [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Feb 2021 03:47 PM PST Hello beautiful people. I have been doing guided meditations everyday since January 10th and whenever I do one thats based on chakras I can literally feel that my heart is blocked to the point where I know something great is waiting for me once I unblock it. It actually feels like it needs to be cracked open! I suspect it may be due to my trauma? I have always had trouble expressing love ect. To combat this should I focus on it harder when meditating or will it naturally soften over time seeing as I haven't been meditating for that long anyway. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you in advance. [link] [comments] |
will meditation help/what kind? Posted: 23 Feb 2021 10:15 PM PST so recently I've noticed that i'm on autopilot a lot, i'm not really present or aware of what i say/think/do its just routine. i also am really unsure of my feelings or emotions, like i feel something but i also feel it's opposite if that makes sense. i want to be more clearheaded, understand my emotions, and be more present to make better decisions in day to day life. will meditation help with this sort of thing? and what kind of meditation if so. like what would i do [link] [comments] |
How do you keep track of your insights? Posted: 24 Feb 2021 03:36 AM PST I've always been somewhat interested in self improvement, I always try to examine my thoughts and actions, analyze them, gain insights and use them to improve myself. But other than writing a diary which at this point is way too long to just skim, I've found no way to keep track. Basically, my question is: how do you keep track once you have made a large amount of insights so you can continuously apply them to your daily life? Maybe you have found some technological solution like an app? Or some other mental tactic? [link] [comments] |
How To Overcome Anxiety With Online Therapy Posted: 24 Feb 2021 03:26 AM PST When treating or managing outrage issues, there are numerous proposals for outrage the executives procedures. Every one of them is proposed to help individuals who are hot-tempered and habitually have angry outbursts. , it tends to be extraordinary to the point of savagery. [link] [comments] |
Your conditions for happiness are the chains of your suffering. Posted: 24 Feb 2021 03:09 AM PST |
Alan Watts said meditation is supposed to be fun Posted: 23 Feb 2021 04:03 PM PST This is not fun. I can't get comfortable and the entire exercise seems silly. I'm already aware of the many insights that come from meditation so should I just not bother? Are there better ways to cultivate mindfulness? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Feb 2021 02:17 AM PST Hello, I've only been meditating for a few months and was wondering if there is any advice for beginners. Is there any good special music that you can or should listen to? Generally good videos maybe on YouTube. Or general general tips? [link] [comments] |
Looking for meditation channel / podcast recommendation, also others. Posted: 23 Feb 2021 08:13 PM PST TL;DR I wanna learn more about meditation so please recommend me your favorite channels on YouTube, books, Spotify podcasts, or even share your way of meditating :) Hi everyone, I'm still new to meditation. I've been learning and practicing by listening to podcast. This podcast has almost 40 episodes, they usually talk about suff related to the mind and consciousness and at the last 15 minutes, they'll invite listener to do meditation. There are also mini episodes, like 15 minutes meditation with words of affirmation, and my favorite episodes are the one for good day, and for deep sleep, I've been doing that daily for the last two months, but now I think I'm getting bored. It's been a week and I always wake up before I get full 7 hours of sleep. I've finished all the episode so now I'm looking for something new. Please recommend me your favorite channels on YouTube, books, Spotify podcasts, or even share your way of meditating. Thanks before and have a nice day! [link] [comments] |
What’s the best time of day to meditate for best results? Posted: 23 Feb 2021 05:48 PM PST And whether or not you should do it while already tired or not [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Feb 2021 01:11 AM PST Mind and awareness are like water and ice. Ice is none other than water and water is none other than ice. Not two things, but one. Mind is not awareness being deluded. Minds nature, when realised, is none other than awareness. Although mind and awareness are different in a sense, they cannot be distinguished by the analytic reasoning. One day, as your confidence in a awareness grows, mind will appear as witless as a child. Awareness, as wise as a venerable old sage. Awareness will not run after mind, but eclipse it. In a relaxed serene state. Rest at ease. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Feb 2021 12:13 PM PST I had a very interesting meditative experience I'd like to share. I realized that the objects that surround me don't actually belong to me, and if I was to exist in authentic relationship with the world around me, I had to live free of those kinds of cultural illusions (even if I still need to navigate my way in society by playing the game of consensus reality). It's like, there are physical objects I am enmeshed with and interact with, that's true, but all ideas of meaning and property are conceptual overlays that don't actually exist, except as abstractions. Built into this insight was an understanding that approaching situations and relationships in a transactional way sabotages this contact with reality by reinforcing that conceptual overlay. And when all of this dawned on me, it's like I briefly had one of those little "waking up" experiences where everything seemed to become more "real", clearer, and brighter. Any thoughts on this? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:30 AM PST |
question on the mind & magick w vape/weed/drink help Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:07 AM PST Hello everyone! I've been wanting to learn lots of things but firstly work on my chakras, spirituality, meditation/dream/astral, witchcraft, etc...but for a long time i've been smoking weed casually & to sleep, plus I drink with friends, & vape salt nic a lot bc it gives me buzz & sometimes calms me or calms me to sleep. Is there any major issues I will face while im doing this for meditation, dreaming, any kind of magick or chakra or visualization stuff? Haven't ever really recalled dreaming I know of or remember, mostly picture things or darkness while i sleep so idk why havent dreamed idk if it's weed drinks nicotine or what.. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Feb 2021 04:03 PM PST Your mind is like a train station with trains going everywhere- the past, the future, and elsewhere. Sometimes it is busier or quieter at the station. You can choose to get on those trains or simply let them go to their destination (away). [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Feb 2021 10:17 PM PST I have a strong ego and it often comes up in discussions at work and life in general, I often think that the other person doesn't know as much or I am a little suspicious about their work or what they are starting and I often question it or talk in a not do great tone. I don't like this about myself and I have paid the price for it a lot in life. I want to change and improve on this. My question is what kind of meditation can I do to bring about this change (I am a beginner and starting to do body scan/awareness meditation and guided love and kindness meditation) and also how and why does meditation help with this? Would love to also hear success stories if someone has had such an experience? [link] [comments] |
Do your time your meditation sessions? Posted: 23 Feb 2021 03:42 PM PST When I started meditating a few months ago, I decided that establishing the daily habit was thte most important thing, so I set no goals whatsoever. 2 minutes. 30 minutes. Whatever. Just as long as I did it every day. However I was curious if continued practice would lead to longer sessions, so I used a stopwatch to time each session and recorded it, just for some data to crunch later on. Today I decided to set a timer for thirty minutes (just a little longer than most recent sessions) and just meditated until I heard it go off. I found this quite useful as well, and might try 40-50 minutes soon. Anyway, it got me thinking - a) do you time our sessions? and b) if so, how long are they on average? [link] [comments] |
Difficulty Channeling Energy Into New Pathways Posted: 23 Feb 2021 08:57 PM PST In the past year or so I've made enough progress that I can feel myself beginning to release old habits, wounds, etc. to the point where I find I have more energy and awareness. My trouble is that I can't seem to figure out how to channel it into new pathways. Whenever I start to feel good, alert, and driven with a new reservoir of energy, I begin to relax and stop worrying about how I spend my time. But then I falter on the habits that gave me that energy (i.e. meditation, etc.) and resume habits that I know take me out of that state. When I don't feel in top form I find it easy to rationalize which habits and hobbies are good for me and which are not but when I start to experience the benefits of my good habits I achieve a level of equanimity and peace that makes it very difficult to fully convince myself that one activity is better than another and eventually I begin to take the easy road again. This seems like a peak experience as opposed to a plateau experience but I would eventually like to plateau. Has anyone else experienced something like this? Any tips on how to prepare before the peak experience so that the benefits don't dissipate shortly afterwards? [link] [comments] |
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