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    Tuesday, February 2, 2021

    Yoga: [COMP] I've been working to be able to hold a tighter tucked handstand and it finally feels comfortable!

    Yoga: [COMP] I've been working to be able to hold a tighter tucked handstand and it finally feels comfortable!

    [COMP] I've been working to be able to hold a tighter tucked handstand and it finally feels comfortable!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 05:01 AM PST

    [Comp] I’m new to headstands and don’t really know what I’m doing, but enjoying the feeling a lot! Would love some direction as to what to try next, new techniques or any tips. Thanks!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:38 PM PST

    Yoga as someone overweight

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:28 PM PST

    I know that I cannot be the only person that feels like yoga is just impossible when you're overweight.

    I started doing the Yoga with Adriene February calendar, and it's....discouraging. I feel resentful because my body literally physically cannot make some of the shapes because I have flesh in the way.

    I know there are a million and one yogis out there who are overweight and do phenomenal, incredible, inspiring things and get into poses I'll only dream of, but.....HOW???

    One of the poses from the first day of this calendar was Cow Legs....and even though I have very open hips naturally (My flexibility and doing the splits from age 2 with no coaching is one of my points of pride), I just, physically, cannot put my legs into that shape because I have thighs. Child's pose is actually horrible because I have large breasts and carry my weight in my stomach.

    I guess I just feel like yoga is completely inaccessible to someone with my shape. My perfectly average (literally, I'm the American average size for a woman - 5'3" and a size 14/16) shape. The only thing not average is my breasts, and those, I've pretty much resigned myself that they'll always make things impossible. I get so discouraged every time I try yoga, because I know what my body is capable of, but I'm physically blocked from getting into positions because of my size. I think it boils down to feeling like a failure because I'm not even capable of doing simple, beginner poses, or poses that are supposed to be "restful" like child's pose.

    Any tips for overcoming this frustration?

    submitted by /u/ExtrovertedBookworm
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    leg won’t straighten

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 05:52 PM PST

    hey everybody, i'm back again for more advice. i've been doing yoga from home since around fall of 2020. my practice is pretty irregular these days but since then i've managed a couple times a week, sometimes more. overall, i would consider myself a beginner but i've really enjoyed seeing my flexibility transitions. however the other day, i believe i fell on my leg at a funny angle, and from then on my knee felt pretty much locked, and really difficult to completely straighten. i'm worrying about this a lot because i dread that i've set myself super far behind in my practice. i've tried stretching and rolling but the back of my knee just feels completely tight, and the front looks a little bit swollen. i'm just looking for some advice if anyone knows what this could be or how i could best approach it without hurting myself anymore.

    submitted by /u/chinfox
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    [COMP] always working on my Parivrtta Upavistha Konasana pose. Please don’t mind the butterfly stickers hiding the need to organize the room ��

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 03:19 PM PST

    Do you prefer classes or “solo yoga”?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:44 PM PST

    I wanted to ask if you guys preferred classes over yoga from home (if that's what you'd call it 😭) like Youtube videos and things such as Down Dog and why you like it more or don't like it!

    I've never been to a studio espically due to being new as of three months ago to yoga.

    I'm interested in classes one day when there's more finanical stability and it's safer out because I feel like that hands on experience may help me improve or point out things I could be doing incorrectly but I just wanted to ask if people here found they flourished more without in-person classes or maybe they found them extremely helpful and better than practicing alone.

    submitted by /u/Lavender_Foxx
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    [COMP] This is by far the best flying pigeon pose I’ve accomplished!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:51 PM PST

    How do I breathe properly during Yoga?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 03:20 PM PST

    I am a bit confused about breathing during yoga. I always hear teachers say: „breathe deeply into the belly" but also „keep your core tight/ draw the navel into the spine" Here's what's confusing me: I can't breathe into my belly if I'm sucking it in/ tightening my abs, because they act like a corset. Is it both I'm supposed to be doing simultaneously (which I can't) or is it one or the other?

    submitted by /u/how_bads_thecoffee
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    A visualization & blessing for the water

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 03:50 PM PST

    It occurs to me that our relationship with water is often careless and imbalanced: functionally, we might presume it only exists to remove our dirt, carry away our waste, rinse the streets, and so on -- which it does beautifully, and yet by attributing it only to the role of pragmatic servitude, we downplay its co-creative, regenerative capacities for sustaining life and consciousness with a brilliant, connective vibration of geometric symmetry.

    Occasionally while in the bath or shower, I will say encouraging and positive phrases to the water as it flows through my hands, or rests around my body: "thank you, you are beautiful, I appreciate your essence, your very beingness is a cosmic energy, thank you, thank you."

    Even if there are no immediately perceptible or measurable effects from this (either for myself or the water), I still feel as though it helps to recharge its often unrecognized and underappreciated capability in creating life. As a permeable, receptive, and absorbing substrate, I like to imagine that these heartful intentions, blessings, and projections are infused into the water as it continues to flow throughout the entire hydrologic cycle. Rejuvenating the rejuvenator; gifting the gifter.

    It's beautiful, humbling, and somewhat bewildering to consider that most of our material self is composed of this extraterrestrial energy.

    Thanks for reading.

    Kind regards <3

    submitted by /u/Keywhole
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    Any recommendations for vigorous flow classes, audio or video, that incorporate music, either pop or raga?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:43 AM PST

    Trouble folding when on the floor - tips?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:45 PM PST

    What's up everyone, I love doing wide legged forward folds when standing, but whenever i try the same thing while seated (like a pancake stretch, some might say) I don't get nearly as far. I can barely move! How can I work to improve this? Or maybe what am I not doing right? I am male if that matters

    submitted by /u/jamaicagroot
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    I need vector images of all 8 ashtangas, can any of you hook me up?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:43 PM PST

    I’m a wrestler, and have very little flexibility, what is a good routine for specifically leg flexibility

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:29 PM PST

    Suggestions for beginner 2.0 9 online classes

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:16 PM PST

    I've been going to a yoga studio for about 5 months and have made gains in strength and flexibility. I know I'm very much still a beginner but have taken several beginner yoga classes in youtube and they always leave me wanting a little more but then I'm not quite ready for intermediate. Any suggestions I like a fairly quick paced vinyasa

    submitted by /u/Krickett75
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    Appropriation/ racism at studio: advice?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:35 AM PST

    I've done yoga for years but only just joined this sub. I'm not sure if this has been asked before or what the general vibe on this stuff is but guess I'm about to find out.

    Before the pandemic I went to yoga studio A. It was overwhelmingly white (most are so nothing unusual there) but a nice place. I loved the teachers and enjoyed the classes. I am white and my husband is Indian. I brought him along to a class once and he said he felt uncomfortable and didn't want to return (mostly he said he couldn't keep a straight face when they said namaste). I respected that.

    Fast forward post-pandemic and we have moved house, so now I am attending yoga studio B. Again, overwhelmingly white. The teachers are not as great as the last place but it's also cheaper and close to my house. But there are a few things that just feel a bit off to me.

    For one, there is print artwork decorating the studio that are 'funny' (?) pictures of Hindu gods. One is holding many paint rollers for some reason and doing graffiti. I doubt anyone at the studio knows this but that is the Hindu goddess Durga (or when she becomes angry, Kali). My daughter is named after her actually, and we have a small shrine to her in her room. There are a series of them but I didn't get a close enough look at them all. It struck me as odd and kind of disrespectful, especially when we are in class being told to 'unleash our inner goddess' and there is a literal goddess in the lobby being mocked.

    Another example is the music they play. A lot of it is religious Hindu or Sikh music. The teachers speak and joke over it, which again feels quite uncomfortable.

    I like attending this place but I would be embarrassed to come with an Indian friend or family member. They are nice people and I'm sure they mean no disrespect, but it's stuff like this that makes the very people who created yoga uncomfortable in these spaces.

    Has anyone had a conversation about this sort of thing at their studio before? Is there a way to do it where I don't come off like a preachy asshole?

    ETA yeah so see this thread for all the conversations I am trying to avoid ie people bringing up the Holocaust.

    submitted by /u/mamakumquat
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    Yoga teacher online?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:33 PM PST

    Hi, Looking for a yoga teacher who could teach online. PM please.

    submitted by /u/Avakalmom
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    Hip hinge issues

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:37 AM PST

    So I did check the FAQ and searched the sub, but I couldn't find exactly what I want to ask anywhere.

    I am.. a beginner at yoga, although I have done many classes in the past, and I'm fairly flexible as is and not having any trouble with most poses. I am using the down dog app and loving it. Yin and hatha mostly, at the intermediate I level.

    My problem is with hip hinging. I can't do it. At all. I can get to 90 degrees and any further and my back rounds.

    I just want to know if I should keep endeavoring to ensure a 100% straight back in every pose (which means not being able to do any poses that involve leaning forward past 90 degrees), or if it's ok to let my back round and the hip hinge may improve with time. I don't actually know if it will, since I did the first option in my past classes and never had any improvements (my last yoga experience was a 3 month class, and had 0 improvement in my hip hinge at the end). I do have a hip impingement in both sides in the front of my hips, and I'm wondering if that might prevent me from hinging.

    When I let my back round, the poses actually feel much better, and it never causes any pain. I'm currently operating on the basis of 'if it hurts more than just a stretch, don't do it'.

    Just wondering if anyone has the same issue with hip impingements and not being able to hip hinge, or if letting my back round is going to cause problems even if it always feels good. My physio said the round back should be ok, but that she doesn't do yoga and isn't 100% sure.


    submitted by /u/tied_up_in_knots
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    Neck pain, bad position and computer

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:13 AM PST


    My mother has strong neck pain. she does exercizes she found online, stretching etc.
    I think her bed position is bad (read in bed with 1 pillow only). She modified it. She also works on pc all day.

    She does more yoga now, as i told her. She also uses a hot bag, and a neck brace maybe 2hours a day (and she hates it). i just never had that specific problem so i do not know, even tho i practice yoga a lot and i know how helpful it is. It helps my anxiety.

    She has something to put in her mouth to avoid ggrit her teeth, but she hates it.

    She does not want to go outside and see someone for the neck, because she is old and scared by covid, in this country it is pretty wild.

    I'm wondering what would improve the situation, speciflcally in term of exercizes and position.

    Any hint is welcome

    thank you!

    submitted by /u/lensfog
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    Why do I feel so tired only with Yoga? Is this normal?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:02 AM PST

    So yeah, the title sums it up pretty much. I have tried different kinds of Yoga and I always notice I feel exhausted after each session in comparison with other "sports", I can run about half a marathon without a problem but when it comes to Yoga I'm pretty sure I couldn't last 2 full-hour sessions, does this go away with time?

    Most recently I've tried Vinyasa, I wonder what kind of Yoga would be better to just relax?

    submitted by /u/Tono3210
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    Uh...weird reaction to yoga...

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:40 PM PST

    Recently I picked up yoga again after years of not doing it.Nothing too intense, which is what makes this really odd...I start off my session with pranayama, and then intuitively move into sequences from there.

    I do this for a full hour.

    1. Sometimes, I feel my body heat up so much it's uncomfortable. It doesn't feel like I'm working up a sweat. I just get really hot. Anyone else have this reaction? I believe it may have to do with the constant deep breathing I incorporate.
    2. I have been having some weird side effects. Yesterday, I did yoga in the morning...that night, I had weird temperature fluctuations in my body and only got 4 hours of sleep.All day today I have had HORRIBLE depression, anxiety, and an overall sense of doom that improved in the last hours of the day. I do see a therapist/have professional counsel, so please don't tell me to see one. Anybody else experience similar before?

    3. EDIT: I love how people downvote a post about negative bodily reactions to yoga. Any who, I found out I was having a reaction to a grain-based food product, which has caused the same issues before. I'm pretty sure the yoga wasn't doing this. Also, my therapist pointed out it's possible that yoga, being body-based, could have triggered a trauma, which makes sense because I did end up having a flashback a few hours after making this post.

    submitted by /u/brakeupzsuckz
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    Advice on a flow/routine for a friend's wedding performance

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:27 AM PST

    A friend of mine who is getting married has asked a few of the kids if they'd like to showcase a talent during the reception. Some are choosing dance, another is singing, another is doing gymnastics, and another is reading a poem, but the only thing I know how to do is yoga, so I wanted to ask if anyone had any experience with putting you a routing/demonstration to provide tips for what I hope to perform in a few weeks. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Advanced_Sleep_9442
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