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    Sunday, March 28, 2021

    Yoga: [COMP] I love supporting my yoga practice with pilates. Teaser in pilates ~ Boat pose in yoga ⛵️

    Yoga: [COMP] I love supporting my yoga practice with pilates. Teaser in pilates ~ Boat pose in yoga ⛵️

    [COMP] I love supporting my yoga practice with pilates. Teaser in pilates ~ Boat pose in yoga ⛵️

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    Day 1 of 100 days of yoga. Who’s with me?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    Your experience with yin yoga and emotional release?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    I had my first real breakthrough while doing yin yoga tonight! I was doing a hip opening/hamstring stretching yin flow and about 3 minutes in I just started crying and it kept going for the rest of the flow! It caught me off guard but I was so happy once I was done and felt so light inside. Have any of you had an experience similar to this? What's your takeaways when this happens and do you change anything about your yoga routine afterwards?

    submitted by /u/ReeGwee
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    Just did yoga for the first time in years and my feet felt tingly during some poses?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    I was using the slowest-paced Restorative settings on Down Dog, and what it says in the title happened. It was during things like deer pose. It happened during three different poses. Does this mean I shouldn't do those poses? It felt like when your foot is falling asleep.

    My scoliosis also seemed to get irritated by a pose that had never hurt it before. Getting old is fun.

    submitted by /u/possumrfrend
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    Yin yoga one day and then hot the next?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    So I'm fairly new to yoga, been doing YWA at home since December and recently found a nice studio for some in person classes too.

    I've signed up for hot flow slow yoga tomorrow evening, which i love. I'm feeling the yoga itch tonight tho and there is a yin yoga class offered tonight that I could go to, but not sure if that would be a good idea the day before a hot yoga class? Would it just be better to do some YWA tonight at home?

    submitted by /u/pop_skittles
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    4 Yoga Poses for Your Morning Flow

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    Establishing an energising morning routine helps lay the groundwork for feeling less stressed and more motivated during the day. We all want that! So, what's the secret? Yoga.

    Whether it's a groggy Monday or the start of your weekend, focusing on your breath, while getting your body moving is an incredibly powerful tool to reduce anxiety and promote overall calmness. These poses are my staples for any morning yoga practice.

    Cat & Cow Flow

    How to do it:

    Start on all fours with your back in tabletop position—stack your shoulders over your hips and your hips over your knees. Distribute your weight evenly through your hands and legs to neutralize your spine. Spread your fingers wide, so you feel the webbing in between start to stretch, while pressing the tops of your feet into your mat. On an inhale, tilt your tailbone towards the ceiling and expand your belly towards the floor, as you lift your gaze and pull your chest forward, squeezing your shoulder blades together behind you.

    As you exhale, tuck your tailbone and pull your belly button towards your spine. Hollow out your chest, as you push the mat away with your hands, broadening your shoulder blades. Relax your neck, and draw your chin to your chest. Complete as many rounds as feels intuitive for you to wake up your body.

    Why it works:

    Cat & Cow flow stretches the back torso and neck, while massaging the spine and belly, helping to wake up digestion and prepare your body for additional movement.

    Tadasana—Mountain Pose

    How to do it:

    Stand with your big toes together with a slight sliver of space in between your heels, so that your second toes are parallel. Let your weight balance evenly on your feet. Engage your thighs by lifting your kneecaps and slightly tuck your tailbone down. Lift your belly button up and in towards your spine, and let your shoulder blades glide gently down your back. Avoid making a c-shaped curve in your low back. Widen your collarbones and hang your arms by your side.

    Why it works:

    Mountain pose is the foundation of all standing poses. You can use it to improve your posture, as a resting pose between moves, and to set your intention for your practice and your day.

    Ustrasana—Camel Pose

    How to do it:

    Start in a kneeling position with your thighs hip-distance apart. Press down through the tops of your feet, and place your hands behind your low back, fingers pointing down. Keep your pelvis neutral, as you lift your chest upward. Inhale, and lift your gaze. Imagine a line on the ceiling. Then, follow the line from the top of your head towards the back of the room. Keep your chin and chest lifted and your thighs stacked over your hips as you bend. Avoid dropping your head all the way back. Focus on your breath; take deep inhales and slow open-mouth exhales to avoid feeling dizzy or lightheaded.

    Why it works:

    Camel pose is a huge heart chakra opener that can help build confidence and leave you feeling empowered and energized. It also helps alleviate back pain and can counteract the slouching and poor posture that often occur from sitting at a computer all day.

    Supta Baddha Konasana—Reclining Bound Angle Pose

    How to do it:

    Lie down on your back, and bring the soles of your feet together. Let your knees drop outward. Rest your hands on your belly or by your sides.

    Why it works:

    Our hips are our emotional center for creativity, self-expression, and well-being. Reclining Bound Angle helps relieve symptoms of stress, increase circulation in the lower abdomen, and boost range of motion in the hips. Introducing this pose can help spark motivation and inspiration for the day ahead.

    To learn more about morning flow with Riv, follow her on Instagram @rivyourbestlife.

    submitted by /u/superbloomhealth
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    Partner Yoga! Any tips?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 08:42 PM PDT

    My boyfriend and I have been trying to get into partner yoga. I've been practicing yoga for 7 years (currently working on my 200ytt ) and he's been practicing for 1.5/2yrs. Any ideas on where to start?

    submitted by /u/SoYogaGirl
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    Is it at all possible that Plow pose could lead to feeling sick?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    Long shot, but just asking to be sure.

    Last night, I was doing some yoga. At the end, I went into plow pose (except I'm not flexible so it's a very crumpled comical thing, does not look like the pictures) and my stomach went into a deep groan and rumble and I felt odd vibrations. Left the pose after maybe 15 seconds.

    This morning, I woke up with a horrible stomach ache, bad diarrhea, and some other feelings of being sick - but no fever.

    At all possible that Plow pose could cause this?

    submitted by /u/Wellas
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    Proper Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    Neck/trap release poses?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    So the TLDR is that I woke up and could t turn my head to the right because it hurt so bad. After a little massage from my mentor I have slightly increased ROM but it still really hurts. Pose recs?

    The long version is that, like I said, I woke up and felt fine but when I went to turn my head to the right I got a sharp pain in my trap area right at the shoulder and up the muscle at the back of the neck (based on diagrams I think it's the part of the trapezius that goes into the sub occs). I couldn't turn my head more than like 10° to the right and went like this all day.

    At the end of the day at the massage center I extern at my mentor offered to give me a quick 10 minute neck massage to help.

    She worked it as best she could and it hurt. It was so tender and so tight. She mentioned that it could be because I grind my teeth at night (not surprising tbh).

    By the end of it I could almost turn all the way to the right. Then I drove home and went grocery shopping.

    My neck is hot and sore and I'm rapidly loosing ROM again. My plan is to take a hot Epsom salt bath and probably a hot shower after and then throw on an ice pack. But between the bath and the ice I thought I might do some yoga to see if that can help.

    So if you read all of that, what poses would you recommend, if any?

    submitted by /u/fairydommother
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    How does not engaging your quads (but not your glutes) protect/strengthen your knees? I was doing a YWA sensitive knees practice, and she repeatedly said to make sure NOT to tighten the glutes—even in bridge pose. Why would this be?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    Strange links in the yoga resources sticky thread

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 11:27 AM PDT

    In the Yoga resources thread, there is a sentence that says 'Thinking of trying Yoga at home?' Here is a link, and there are videos included etc. But it links to an essay someone has written with all the reasons they think doing yoga at home is a terrible idea

    Why is this in that section? 1. It's an opinion. 2. It's completely inappropriate for that post to be there and it may put people off who want to try doing yoga. Especially in a pandemic, where many can't even go to classes.

    submitted by /u/Sampanache
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    Warrior 3 help?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    So, slowly getting practice in for warrior 3, I'm getting up into position okay, but my leg that's lifted off the ground is really messy looking. My foot points out to the side, so my leg also twists round.
    Should I keep going but try to focus the leg into position (it's not easy) or concentrate on getting posture right with leg at a lower level and build up to the height? Another Q - is a slight bend in the leg that's grounded okay?

    submitted by /u/30SongsForYoga
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    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    I'm about half way through a book called "breath" by James Nestor, which basically outlines the 'dysevolution' of sapiens ability to breath. He attributes our poor breathing practices to a series of evolutionary processes which have resulted in chronic poor health.

    Anyway, I'm finding it extremely interesting and looking for further practical advice and technique to continue with when I'm done reading his book.

    He mentions yoga quite a few times and while I have practiced yoga, I have never had real instruction on any traditional breathing techniques.

    I would love any input as far as books, videos, techniques etc... anything related to breathing would be great. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/compleks_inc
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    Ethical yoga mat companies?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    I want to buy a new yoga mat and was so set on getting the manduka GRP but I just recently found out on the Good On You website that they have pretty horrendous environmental and labour laws. Lululemon had pretty much the same ratings so now I'm stuck on not knowing what to buy since I was so ready to buy the GRP.

    Does anyone know any ethical yoga companies out their that don't exploit their workers and the environment? Sorry for being such a prude haha

    Edit: should mention im from the UK

    submitted by /u/tickle_my_eyeball
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    Yoga adjustments for carpel tunnel?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    I have carpel tunnel in one of my wrists and my doctor says to not let it be bent like you would in a push up pose and many other poses yo I would do in yoga. He says for push-ups I should do them on my fists and keep my wrists straight, but I haven't figured out the basics of yoga, even downward dog, with this requirement. Does anyone have any tips?

    submitted by /u/strawbracelet
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    Where have you taken some of your favorite yoga classes in the the US? Places with extra nice views/spaces/unique classes

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 01:59 PM PDT


    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    Loosening hips and hamstrings?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    I really struggle with poses that target the hamstrings. My hips are a little more open, but are fairly tight. Any idea how to loosen these muscles?

    submitted by /u/Appropriate_Quail686
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    Breath of Fire pain

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    I haven't heard anyone else talk about this, but when I do the breath of fire I feel very strong pain in my traps. I tried doing it lying down, and it was even more intense. Is this normal? Is there a possible reason as to why this is happening? I watched myself in the mirror and it doesn't look like my chest, shoulders, or back are moving at all.

    submitted by /u/CrimsonNoChin
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    Tantra Yoga Books / Info?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    I'm wondering if anyone has any extensive knowledge about tantric yoga or where is a good source to really learn all the ins and outs of it. (not tantric sex)

    I've realised over the years that my own practice ended up being a kind of 'tantric hatha practice' without me even realising, i was naturally adding some components just because thats the way I love to practice yoga

    If anyone can recommend anything that would be amazing

    submitted by /u/Raquennn
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