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    Wednesday, June 30, 2021

    Flexibility: My progress on full splits until now :)

    Flexibility: My progress on full splits until now :)

    My progress on full splits until now :)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    Knee points to sky and can’t get shin parallel to ground no matter how much I stretch my glutes, any tips?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    No front split/flexibility gains in over two weeks :// Any advice on what's holding me back? First image is today, second is June 14

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    Soreness after foam rolling

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:07 PM PDT

    I'm new to foam rolling and was instructed by a specialist to give it a try to alleviate muscle pain/tension from my sedentary desk job. I was told to do it multiple times daily. I'm 24 and had my first session yesterday, another one yesterday night, and 3 more today (Morning, noon, night) totaling 5 in the last 48 hours. I followed the routine and movements he showed me. First few sessions felt incredible. I was nearly pain free after and felt like a million bucks. Now, though, I'm starting to feel a bunch of sore spots in my legs, glutes, and hips that weren't there before and are tender to the touch. These ones aren't alleviated from rolling and seem to be getting sorer and achier as the night progresses. Is this a normal response for a newbie, sort of like doms, or is it a sign that I'm overdoing it? Of course, I will ask my specialist next time I see him, but in the mean time any input or advise is welcome. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Comfortable_Ad4148
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    My scapula region feels like it’s getting pinched.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:41 PM PDT


    Basically i started working 2 weeks ago. I don't lift heavy stuff but im pretty active. Basically put groceries in people's car. 1-3 people's groceries every hour for 6 hours. However, 1 hour in, my left lat becomes soar and feels very uncomfortable even if i'm just sitting/standing doing nothing. I then usually do lat stretches while at work and it barely gets better.

    When i get home, i foam roll and it's back to normal when i wake up the next morning. Then same thing would happen at work that day.

    But today, my lats didn't hurt whatsoever. I was perfectly fine until i was getting ready to clock out. I felt a pinch near my shoulder blade/rhomboid area. I've done stretches to loosen up the rhomboid and upper back in general. foam rolled it. nothing. the pinch is still there. Does anyone know what I should do to get rid of it?

    I also realized that when I'm at the gym doing shoulder presses, my traps and neck tighten up a whole lot. Maybe this is causing it? Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/imnewtothisbs
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    Knee pain in reclining goddess pose

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    When performing reclining goddess pose im getting sharp pain in my right inner knee, even though I'm trying to be very gentle. In fact, most hip openers cause me pain like that. Any idea what it could be, or should i just visit physio?

    PS. My hips are very inflexible

    submitted by /u/mnoobm
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    Feedback on Flexibility routine

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 01:32 PM PDT

    Feedback on Flexibility routine

    So, I've recently been trying to come up with a decent flexibility routine to mix into my workout schedule. I wanted something that would work as a mobility routine for as much of the body I could without having to split the workout over multiple days. This is the routine I came up with, I have done it twice so far and it takes ~1:15 to complete it. There is some emphasis here on ankle mobility and that's because I have extremely stiff ankles with flat feet. Any feedback on how to improve this either by replacing stretches with something else or modifying existing asanas would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks a lot!

    P.S. This workout has elements from the Skill day routines found on r/bodyweightfitness


    submitted by /u/sengivss
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    Looking for a coach !

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    I'm a 25 year old athletic guy who is dealing with a few aches and pains from years of soccer, running and weightlifting.

    I played for the national team in soccer and it took a toll on my body. Also after soccer I got really into weightlifting which messed up my body because I lifted with all EGO and terrible form.

    I'm thankful I have no serious injuries , but I feel pretty messed up.

    I've dropped everything and have been doing yoga for 6 months now and I love it ! I feel amazing !

    But I'm looking for a coach to help take myself to the next level with human body movement.

    I'm tired of these little aches and pains and I want to build a strong, flexible, mobile body !

    submitted by /u/Srm_2333
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    How to go beyond front splits and side splits?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    If one is able to do a full front splits and side splits, how can one further develop split flexibility and overall flexibility? I don't have the money for a split/leg stretcher chair. Should I just start doing the splits between two chairs like Jean-Claude Van Damme?

    Also, what are some other super difficult positions that I can work myself towards to now that I have full split flexibility?

    submitted by /u/Discardo_Milos
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