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    Wednesday, June 2, 2021

    Meditation: Unclench your jaw

    Meditation: Unclench your jaw

    Unclench your jaw

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    Hey, you:

    Unclench your jaw. [*Relax by opening mouth wide and then inhaling in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.]

    Relax your neck & shoulders. [*Stretch your neck by moving your head side to side stretching for a count of 3]

    Relax your legs. [*then shake them one at a time]

    BREATH in your nose as deep as you can, counting to 5. Now, exhale with a mental thank you.

    Peace unto you. May much favor be realized and appreciated by you. May you feel peace and a cheerful spirit the remainder of the day. ❤

    I love you my friend!

    submitted by /u/SomeInsanityNgrowth
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    Could not count 5 breaths

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:13 PM PDT

    So I use to meditate ( havent in 3+years) and started again tonight. I used to meditate and have very few thoughts. Now a lot happen but the gist of it is ( loneliness, weed adiction, binge watch everyday, no exercice,ect). Now tonight i tried to meditate for about 20 min or so just counting the breath. I could count one or two but after I would visualize a moment of a tv-show or just get lost in thought. I tried maybe 15 times couldnt get more than 4 count. I find it fascinating. How can I expect myself to function in anyway when my mind is that restless. Continually distracted. You might also sense it just in my writting; the restleness. I am too lazy to tidy it up but yeah not much else to say than : damn my mind is always running i cant even stop to count 5 breath.

    submitted by /u/troezz
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    How do I reach my subconscious?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    Hello guys, What I recently discover trough a marijuana trip is that my conscious thoughts are positive but my subconscious is really negative (due to my hard childhood I think). The only time I'm able to reach my subconscious is when I'm high, when I meditate I feel like I only reach my conscious, is there any special technique for reaching my subconscious or do I just have to keep on meditating and it'll come eventually?

    Thankful for every advice or opinion! :)

    (I hope you get what I mean, english isn't my fist language)

    submitted by /u/gbrhnn
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    Meditating while tapering benzos

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    Has anybody here used meditation to help them during their benzo taper? If so please tell me how it's helped.

    submitted by /u/Yurkyyyy
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    Meditation is making me feel more frustrated. Why meditation is making me a bad person?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 12:04 AM PDT

    The truth is, different types of meditation affect different parts of the brain, but at its very root cause, at its very purpose, meditation was there to cleanse, to purify, to help with self-realization, to break down all the identities we've created for ourselves and unravel and unearth the real us. Now, that sounds quite complicated and sounds quite difficult, too. But the process of meditation allows for us to go through that transformation, a way of transforming our negative tendencies into positive ones away, of rewriting the patterns of our mind so that we can consciously choose to think and behave in the ways that we want. It's kind of like being asleep for a long time, living life on autopilot, unconsciously and suddenly being woke up.

    But that being more awake means more awareness. It means being more aware of your ego. It means being more aware of your anger. It means coming to terms with envy, jealousy, lust greed. I became more aware of when I was trying to take advantage of someone or a situation, I became more aware that I could sometimes be quite manipulative. I became more aware of the fact that sometimes I was just acting from a place of arrogance that was hard to look at. It was hard to believe that meditation was actually making me a bad person. And then I realized meditation wasn't making me a bad person. It was amplifying and making me more aware of what was already in sight.

    And there's a beautiful analogy given in the teachings of India that describes how this works. It's described like you're looking at a mirror in an attic that has been covered red in dust for years. When you try to see a reflection in a mirror that's covered in dust, you can't see yourself. But then you start robbing that mirror. The first thing that happens is that the dust comes up in your face. That's like seeing all your negativity, all your inner challenges, your inner demon straight up in your face, just like that dust. And that's the hard part. And slowly as you wash away all that dust, you can then see yourself clearly in that mirror. Another great analogy, an anecdote that I like is that it's like a dark room. We're inside a dark room. You don't know what state it's in.

    As soon as you turn on the light, you can see what needs to be placed in the right position. So don't be scared. If your first experience of meditation is greater awareness about other things you need to work with, don't be scared at first. If you start thinking that meditation's taking you down a road that you didn't see in the magazines and the articles and in the movie, The truth is meditation works. It's incredible. But before getting to where you want to be, it will take you where you may not want to see.

    submitted by /u/manifestationmoney
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    How do I lengthen my exhale?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    I wish to sustain an exhale, ideally for six seconds. Guides say to exhale without forcing but mine barely last a full second.

    I wish to practice mindful breathing to help with bad anxiety but it's been a year and my exhale is still so short.

    I read that my type of breathing can actually increase anxiety whereas the one I'm trying to learn can decrease anxiety.

    submitted by /u/MeanGreenTambourine
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    Just a heads up, you can get 60 days free trail with headspace until june 3rd with this code

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    Not sponsored or affiliated in any way, just want to help out the homies on this subreddit.

    It's the longest free trail they've put out.

    Code: YESTHEORY100

    Fill in over here https://www.headspace.com/code

    submitted by /u/NoShakabrah
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    Bright Light During Meditation

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    So I recently took up meditation as a daily thing, and I've been doing it for about a week now (been going through a spiritual awakening of sorts). I've done some reading on tips for how to achieve deeper states of meditation and I think I've already gotten a bit better at it!

    Cannabis is legal where I'm from, so I've also mixed that in sometimes (not always). I'm noticing that it helps me relax my body a lot easier!

    This morning, I experienced a deeper level of meditation, or at least what I think was a deeper level. I did get high beforehand. After what I think was about 20 minutes, I felt this really warm sensation in my body that started to flow from my head and down. It freaked me out at first but I thought it was probably a good sign, so I breathed through it and remained calm. Eventually it felt like it was rushing through my whole body.

    After a few seconds of letting that feeling flow through me, I started to see a really bright light that started to grow bigger and bigger. Eventually everything just seemed white. I couldn't make sense of it because my eyes were closed and I was in a dark room, but how was I seeing such a bright white light? Again I just breathed through it and a few moments later it was gone.

    I read online that some people have experienced this "bright light" during meditation. Does anybody have some sort of explanation that they can give me on what this could've been? Have you experienced this before? Again I'm pretty new to meditation so I wasn't expecting this to happen! Spiritual beliefs and scientific explanations are welcome!

    submitted by /u/mtk98
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    The Eye of Providence By watching this video, all the doors will be opened on you

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    Perhaps you are one of those people who have been a symbol of providence in front of your eyes for many years, but you did not know its true nature or you considered it as a symbol of Freemasonry. We saw in the video of the mysteries of Freemasonry that this symbol only refers to its great and of course dormant energy that every human being has at his disposal, that is, the pineal gland or the third eye. And then in the video of the third eye, we became more familiar with the importance of the third eye. And then became more familiar with the constituent elements of man, matrix , cosmic energy and even Deja vu. But this puzzle has a missing piece, which we will complete in this video. Click link to watch full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXq_iJoDHac

    submitted by /u/kandlus
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    Love your dark thoughts ~ Ram Dass

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    When you witness a dark thought
    A dark thought that isn't going to get you anywhere
    You witness it
    And love it
    You love your dark thoughts
    Remember the witness is part of the soul
    And the soul loves everything
    Every thing
    Not every being but every thing

    Loves the clouds and the trees and the fish and the animals
    And that love coalesces the universe
    The oneness of the universe is love

    Here is a telegram channel in which you will get a daily reminder to just rest / stop for a moment.

    submitted by /u/AnAwakenedEarth
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    Free Calm guest pass

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    I use the Calm app for my morning meditations and they offer free guest passes, which I think last for 30 days.

    I have one to give away. If you want it, drop me a DM and I'll send you a link.

    submitted by /u/dangerous_nine
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    Sleep Meditation recommendedations that aren't British or 20 year old vally girl voices

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:23 PM PDT

    I cant seem to find a single guided sleep meditation on YouTube that isn't either a British man or an overly feminzed trophy woman voice. I think the British accent is annoying to fall asleep to (sorry UK), I dont want to fall asleep to a man's voice, and it seems like all the ones done by woman are always young women with a pretty preppy accent. Where are the southern auntie guided sleep meditations. (OK this probably doesn't exist but you get the idea.) I just want a calming real voice that isn't a man.

    submitted by /u/bellakierstenlyn
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    Hard is easy song on youtube

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:09 PM PDT

    Song for peace of mind I love it. Look at that lyrics

    submitted by /u/lallalil
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    What is going on in my head?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    I don't know how to call the problem I am facing. I have a terrible fear of losing weight which is caused by past experiences where I lost weight due to stomach issues. Right now my health issues are solved (at least for now). However, over time, while dealing with my health issues, I developed an anxiety problem that has been tricky to deal with. When I get anxious, I get stomach sensations and I go into a "panic" mode where I need to do stuff to distract myself (such as be active, talk to a friend, do sports etc). Basically, it goes something like this.

    • my life is slowly getting better, physically I have no major issues, I gained the weight back but I know everything can be ruined if I am anxious as if that happens, my stomach hurts, I won't eat much, and if that happens, I lose weight. So the following occurs on a daily basis.
    1. I am chill, I start thinking, wait, if I get anxious, everything will be ruined
    2. I get anxious
    3. I get immediate stomach sensations
    4. I panic
    5. I try to "escape" the situation by doing active stuff
    6. On a constant loop all over again

    My "anxiety" if I can call it such is triggered on a daily basis, several times a day and is severely affecting my life. I am currently seeing a psychologist and taking an SSRI (Citalopram, been on Zoloft and Paroxetine, all three with 0 results).

    Does anyone have any advice? Or could help me identify a name for my issue? is it an anxiety disorder? OCD?

    Thank you in advance, will be lovely to receive the support of this community

    submitted by /u/Manchester20189
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    Sitting longer tips?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 04:36 PM PDT

    Been practicing at least 20-30 minutes daily for going on 2 years now! :) however I'd like to start sitting 45 minutes to an hour daily. However, kinda doubting myself that I'll be able to practice that long everyday. What tips or advice would you have?

    submitted by /u/FoIds
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    Has meditation made anyone more confident and if so how ?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    I know meditation isn't a panacea but I'm curious if it has improved anyone's confidence in areas of life and if so how ?

    submitted by /u/throwaway_nimbus
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    Tips on starting a meditation routine!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    I am interested in beginning to meditate and maintaining a routine of medidating frequently but I have no idea where to start. How do you meditate? Are there any usual things people do or is it up to you yourself? Are mantras actually a thing and are they useful? How often? Throw some knowledge and experience on me! :)

    submitted by /u/Impressive-Theory-58
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    Looking for a Weekend Meditation Retreat

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:30 PM PDT

    Pretty much the title. Does anyone have any good resources for finding a weekend (or longer) meditation retreat? I've found that some Buddhist style or Zen style type of 'temples' might have options. It seems hard to find online though. A few temples that I have approached seemed to be open to a visitor, but I only talked to them pre covid.

    Does anyone have any experience with this? It could be that this is difficult because of places being closed because of covid?

    Also, for people that have done meditation retreats, how was the experience?

    submitted by /u/NeoHeathan
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    The best wellness retreats!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    20 Minute Fireplace Sounds Video | Relaxing | Calming Music | 4K | The Fireplace

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    A song I made inspired by meditation - Equanimity - Noah Winston

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    Hey I just really wanted to share this here, mods let me know if this isn't okay. I don't want money or anything just sharing the vibes of this song because it wouldn't exist without meditation!!!


    submitted by /u/nwg442
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    Any suggestions on getting a meditation cushion for back pain?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Also what is the advantage to having a cushion as opposed to just meditating on your bed?

    submitted by /u/grapejellymanperson
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    How to get back into meditation?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    I just can't seem to focus myself and need some tips to clear my head!

    submitted by /u/dgrreen
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