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    Monday, June 7, 2021

    Pranayama: I tried doing a diaphragmatic breathing exercise and now I'm breathing with my diaphragm unconsciously throughout my day. How do I get it to stop?

    Pranayama: I tried doing a diaphragmatic breathing exercise and now I'm breathing with my diaphragm unconsciously throughout my day. How do I get it to stop?

    I tried doing a diaphragmatic breathing exercise and now I'm breathing with my diaphragm unconsciously throughout my day. How do I get it to stop?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    I was doing a diaphramatic breathing exercise where the trick is your supposed to exhale first then start the inhale/Exhale rhythm. Well I did this a few times and it's pretty cool and all. I'm a natural mouth breather, so i have to keep my mouth closed, if in a stressful situation my mouth opens occasionally.

    Right, so the thing is, everytime I close my mouth and start breathing through my nose, I'm doing the exhale first automatically and I can't get it to stop. I fully believe it is my diaphragm doing it, because I can't hold my breathe. If I inhale, then exhale and try to hold my breathe I'm still inhaling. I've tested this out, and it's like I'm a passenger in my own fucking body.

    To get my breathe to pause I have to close my mouth and hold my nose closed. But what happens is I will automatically, start doing Uddiyanabhanda until I unplug my nose. If I take a quick sniff in, I will keep inhaling naturally. It feels like I'm in constant ujjayi breathe.

    I have three trains of thought,

    1. This is a blessing I can breath with my diaphragm if I keep my mouth shut. I've heard that only trained Yogi's can breathe this way

    2. This is a problem: I have panic attacks frequently, so if I'm at the end of a really full inhale, and I my sympathetic nervous system fires, my breathe is going to change to hyperventilation, so now I'm full of air I can't expel and it's going to make it ten times worse (This happened a few days ago I was on the fucking floor crying because I burnt my morning toast)

    Is this my new normal?. Every time I try to do a breathing exercise I'm still breathing diaphragmatic ally, so I have the illusion of a controlled breathe. I can't do square breathing anymore and it's freaking me out.

    What do I do? Should I just go with it?.

    Edit: I just plugged my nose and opened my mouth and I'm still breathing diaphragmaticly. But I notice that I can breathe in and my diaphragm breathes at the same time. So if I do a conscious inhale, I'm inhaling or exhaling unconsciously at the same time.

    submitted by /u/AsscrackOreos
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