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    Yoga Music: 10 Yoga Poses You Need to Know

    Yoga Music: 10 Yoga Poses You Need to Know

    10 Yoga Poses You Need to Know

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 05:04 AM PDT

    Child's Pose

    This calming pose is a good default pause position. You can use the child's pose to rest and refocus before continuing to your next pose. It gently stretches your lower back, hips, thighs, knees, and ankles and relaxes your spine, shoulders, and neck.

    Do it: When you want to get a nice gentle stretch through your neck spine and hips.
    Skip it: If you have knee injuries or ankle problems. Avoid also if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant.
    Modify: You can rest your head on a cushion or block. You can place a rolled towel under your ankles if they are uncomfortable.
    Be mindful: Focus on relaxing the muscles of the spine and lower back as you breathe.

    Downward-Facing Dog

    Downward-facing dog strengthens the arms, shoulders and back while stretching the hamstrings, calves and arches of your feet. It can also help relieve back pain.

    Do it: To help relieve back pain.
    Skip it: This pose is not recommended if you have carpal tunnel syndrome or other wrist problems, have high blood pressure, or are in the late stages of pregnancy.
    Modify: You can do the pose with your elbows on the ground, which takes the weight off your wrists. You can also use blocks under your hands, which may feel more comfortable.
    Be mindful: Focus on distributing the weight evenly through your palms and lifting your hips up and back, away from your shoulders.

    Plank Pose

    A commonly seen exercise, plank helps build strength in the core, shoulders, arms and legs.

    Do it: Plank pose is good if you are looking to tone your abs and build strength in your upper body.
    Skip it: Avoid plank pose if you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. It can be hard on your wrists. You might also skip it or modify if you have low back pain.
    Modify: You can modify it by placing your knees on the floor.
    Be mindful: As you do a plank, imagine the back of your neck and spine lengthening.

    Four-Limbed Staff Pose

    This push-up variation follows plank pose in a common yoga sequence known as the sun salutation. It is a good pose to learn if you want to eventually work on more advanced poses, such as arm balances or inversions.

    Do it: Like plank, this pose strengthens arms and wrists and tones the abdomen.
    Skip it: If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back pain, a shoulder injury or are pregnant.
    Modify: It's a good idea for beginners to modify the pose by keeping your knees on the floor.
    Be mindful: Press your palms evenly into the floor and lift your shoulders away from the floor as you hold this pose.

    Relaxation Music | Yoga Mind Song

    submitted by /u/spotifymaster
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