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    Tuesday, July 13, 2021

    Ashtanga yoga: Question about diaphgram/manipura/samana vayu area

    Ashtanga yoga: Question about diaphgram/manipura/samana vayu area

    Question about diaphgram/manipura/samana vayu area

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 02:52 AM PDT

    Hello r/ashtanga!

    I'm having trouble expressing myself at the time, please be compassionate about it. The reason I'm posting this in here is that I've done ashtanga for about few months, and it helps me to investigate the sensation, and clears my mind so I can see the problem at hand. Also, I thought that someone here might have had similar issues due to its spiritual nature.

    *As a need-to-know, I'm not able to feel any emotions. It feels like something is keeping them from reaching my consciousness and supressing my thinking and overall being in general. This suppression feels like it's dimishing my agni, and other functions of samana vayu.

    So my question is concerning the diaphgram area. I feel like my diaphgram is really tense, and I can't seem to be able to loosen it in anyway. Only time I've been able to loosen it at all is when I meditate, and usually not even then. At one time I managed to losen it alot, I encountered a mental image of a black tar-like substance being pushed down from my diaphgram towards my navel and rectum. That relief lasted about 15 minutes, and during that time I was able to breathe normally, think clearly and feel emotions and sensations like there was no suppression*.

    Has anyone else had experience like this, or something similar? Would you mind sharing your experience with it, and how you resolved it? Or if you have any advice to resolve this problem, I would be more than happy to hear it!

    submitted by /u/MaleksisKiwi
    [link] [comments]

    Suggest a good ashtanga vinyasa YTT in India (tried and tested)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 05:25 AM PDT

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