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    Sunday, July 4, 2021

    Meditation: Be the observer and define the game you wish to play

    Meditation: Be the observer and define the game you wish to play

    Be the observer and define the game you wish to play

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    A couple of months ago, I received a beautiful marble chess board (not cheap) that I had had custom built. It wasn't packed properly and due to some rough handling by DHL, it arrived completely broken. My first instinct was to get angry and lose control, but I chose a different path. To be the observer and give myself advice that I would give a friend who was going through this. In addition to this, I attempted to see what the lesson here was for me by the universe.

    Then this happened:


    Whenever life gets us down and it seems like nothing is going right, it is beneficial to step back and try to identify what the game is. What's the lesson that I needed to learn here? Or maybe there were several lessons. Life is beautiful and these lessons are priceless.

    Appreciate the feedback and thoughts. Have a wonderful day, thanks!

    submitted by /u/superfatman2
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    The point of meditation isn't to stop thinking.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:25 AM PDT

    Thoughts can't be controlled, so there's no point in trying to stop them. They're always coming and going by themselves, so the key is to just be aware of them, and that watching will naturally slow down thoughts.

    So basically, the point of meditation is to just be aware of thoughts, feelings and whatever else is arising here and now.

    submitted by /u/Jax_Gatsby
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    Meditation seems so hard now I don’t seem to improve. I’m experiencing a deep crisis and depression and don’t know what to do

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    First when I started meditating (2 years ago) it did wonders to my mental health, I started becoming more calm and happier, the theory behind meditation (you are not your thoughts) started to make a lot of sense to me. I started to think that meditation will do the trick to help me overcome depression and it did for a brief period. But after I stopped doing it for 3 months I was noticing the loss of mental gains, so I went back at it super consistent for more than a year, but It isn't the same anymore. Everything I learned went down the toilet. I feel like I am a noob despite practicing a lot, and I mean a lot. I don't seem to get any improvement with my awareness practice and it has become so frustrating and demotivating. I'm trying to accept this reality but no matter what I do it's a futile effort and I still feel so shitty. I feel so hopeless and life for me is a constant pain, I can't seem to step back from my thoughts despite being committed to the practice. Has anyone else experience this? How would you tackle this issue? I may be a little close minded because I have tried lots of things that end up disappointing me. I don't want to take medications :(( please help

    submitted by /u/Pfender99
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    I am a wisp of hair that has discovered he is just one hair on a large dog. Then I discover I am only choosing to identify myself as the hair. I am just as much the dog.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    After reading some literature recommended by this sub I now have a vocabulary to talk about what I feel, and it's exhilarating.

    submitted by /u/Longwell2020
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    If I detach from negative feelings can I still enjoy positive emotions?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 12:21 AM PDT

    If I detach from negative emotions to see another perspective of things and perhaps not make a mistake acting out of fear or anger.

    If I can detach if I need to do some hard work to get where I wanna go.

    And if I detach to not get fooled by something that seems to good to be true.

    And always be on my guard since emotions are fickle.

    But can I really enjoy life then in all it's richness? Or even the small or medium things without habitually detaching?

    submitted by /u/cumplimenthol
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    Meditation won't save me from my problems

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    Personally, meditating for the benefits has always been underwhelming.

    I still do it, but that's not how it works for me.

    "When will I reach that point where my brain is optimal...or when I become stress-free...or enlightened?"

    That can be what I subconsciously ask myself ^. And it's hard to help

    And this is a common paradox expressed about meditation.

    Realistically, 99% of the time, nothing interesting happens...and that's not the point either.

    I may stress about something....meditate....and then realize I'm still stressed about it.

    I guess it's kinda like going to therapy, expecting your therapist to heal you immediately, and you come out a bit disappointed. It was just the therapist listening to your thoughts and analyzing or giving suggestions (most advice which you probably knew). But you keep going anyway and realize a year later that it was helpful.

    Meditation can be kind of like that.

    submitted by /u/jlsl3783
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    Meditation has helped me look more clearly at signs from the universe to help me.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I suffer from depression, anxiety and this has led to chronic insomnia, which has only gotten worse. I have had mild concussions in the past that also has made it very difficult to fall asleep unless I have a complete blackout room. I always sleep with a blindfold, but it presses on my eyes and light still bleeds in. From time to time, I get signs from the universe to hang in there, and to let me know that they have my back. That I'm not alone.

    Today in the morning, I woke up to this:


    My dog (Xena) had chewed up one of my blindfolds. I didn't get frustrated but rather tried to look closer at what the message was here (which I owe wholly to meditation). And I stitched something up with things laying around the house, and now have something that can help me sleep much better than I was able to before. Not saying this will be a cure for my depression, but it will help improve things.

    Appreciate feedback and opinions on this. Thanks and hope everyone has a peaceful and wonderful day.

    submitted by /u/superfatman2
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    I would love to connect my music with people that make meditation

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 02:54 AM PDT

    Hello I make really soft music and I would love to share with people that can be into this sounds (that I think that are really nice for chill) where to start?

    submitted by /u/windviento
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    Being present with emotions, incorrectly?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 01:45 AM PDT

    I started crying today and gave it attention while it was happening. I felt more distant from the emotions the more aware of them I was.

    Maybe I was experiencing depersonalization. The emotion didn't feel validated and the crying stopped shortly thereafter. I felt like a process was cut short and unresolved, leaving me cold rather than the warmth of catharsis that happens sometimes when an emotion runs it's course.

    I didn't intend or try to cut it short, I know because cutting emotions short is my intuitive reaction... I just looked at it. Some attention for how it sat in the body, some for how it sat in the mind. Alas, it didn't unwind.

    submitted by /u/antimantium
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    What is 'tension'?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 01:28 AM PDT

    Tension is my major obstacle to Samadhi.

    It's in my head. My shoulders. My back.

    So I am working with the intention to dissolve my tension.

    It limits my ability to relax and therefore work with attention and awareness.

    I get stuck in 'tension'.

    But, if this question makes sense;

    What is tension?

    In the realm of mindfulness that is?

    submitted by /u/Ok_Cellist_2410
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    Question about thoughts during meditation

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    I'm talking about all of this in the context of a breath meditation where you note getting lost in thought.

    At first I interpreted the guidance as being that "thoughts are nonsense, don't pay them any attention." Now I've learned about a softer version which is that "thoughts are real, but they are not necessarily true."

    My question though is: can't thoughts be informative? For example, if I constantly drift to thinking about a vacation I'm about to take and the thoughts have a negative feel, doesn't that tell me that I am maybe anxious about the trip? Or maybe I keep thinking that I really want to write to a relative. Again, this seems informative.

    My point is, it seems like writing thoughts off as meaningless things to just ignore misses an opportunity to learn about yourself and what is going on in your mind.

    I guess my question is, where is the mid point between seeing thoughts as just thoughts, and seeing them as being informative?

    submitted by /u/UnderwaterDialect
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    What is this “state”

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    This may not make sense but hopefully others have experienced it because im terrible at explaining, hope it makes sense

    So say i lay down mid day, just to relax i close my eyes, after awhile, i dont like fall asleep but im like in this half awake half asleep "state" maybe? Maybe not but thats what it seems like, and its like im seeing the room but like just in front of my eyes, like say i was on my cell phone before i layed down, After getting into that "state" i would like see my cellphone and it would feel like im even holding my phone in the position in front of my face and i would like see it In this circumstance just now, i was reading before i layed down and than once in the "state" i was reading the book and felt like i was holding the book,

    This is a terrible explanation but hopefully it gives some clue to what it is, because it happens very often, also im not trying to reach a "state" its just like i fall asleep but i dont?

    submitted by /u/11dan368
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    Useful instagram

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 11:51 PM PDT

    If you spend time on instagram and looking for meditation-related content, check this acount: https://www.instagram.com/dharma.limes/ :)

    submitted by /u/james-red
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    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    The irony of this being a thought makes it almost trivial from the get go. But I feel like meditation is simply changing my relationship to thoughts and senses. Understanding experience for what it really is.

    submitted by /u/Sad-Acanthisitta18
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    Frustration while and after meditating

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    So this has happened a couple of times but has anyone ever gotten frustrated after a meditation and sometimes while meditating like yesterday I was just frustrated meditating and just stopped

    submitted by /u/Realityshifting2020
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    Why do I constantly feel like I'm at war with my ego? Is this normal?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    I have the problem of not knowing when I'm myself or when I'm not :/. And when my ego gets hurt, it hurts bad.

    submitted by /u/armascool
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    Looking for a White Light Meditation

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 02:53 PM PDT


    Some years ago, I had a audio tape that had a brilliant guided white-light meditation, but unfortunately I no longer have it and cannot find it from searches online (Youtube search for "guided white light meditation").

    I believe it was a commercial recording (borrowed it from a friend) so I'm not sure of the title or author.

    What made it special was that it started with a very thorough relaxation intro that went through every part of the body (down to each finger and toe) to fill it with relaxation and white light. After this, it proceeded to guide you through bringing white light throughout your body.

    Even though I have done many guided meditations since then, I have never experienced the significant effects as I did with that tape (i.e. euphoria, shaking from energy passing through the body).

    Does anyone know of the title I describe or of something that might be the equivalent?

    submitted by /u/hardtofindagoodname
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    21 Productive Things To Do In Your Free Time

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    Its 2:22 am and my friend and I had a question

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    So we were talking and we had a thought that we want peoples opinions on. So what if death is your body reaching its highest vibration possible? To explain this further the reason for ur death is basically is the same as ur souls purpose and in order to complete ur souls mission u have the vibration ur body can achieve.

    submitted by /u/star-gaze420
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    How to get out of my head so much

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:38 AM PDT

    Most of my life is spent completely in my head and a lot of times i have to remind myself that im in reality are there ways where i can help myself be more rooted in reality and get out of my head. idk if this is the right subreddit but i thought id give it a shot.

    submitted by /u/new2snakes
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    I’m completely new to this and I’d like to give this a go

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    I'm trying to recoup after both a suicide attempt and a breakup. So far stoicism has helped me and I'm going to see if meditation will as well.

    So what do I need to do, what do I need to know and what do I need?

    submitted by /u/Korruqt
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    A thought that came to me during light meditation

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    How can we hear so loud and clearly, in thoughts, dreams, etc

    We rely on our ears to hear, but when I close my eyes to meditate and I hit a state between awake and sleep, it feels loudish, like as if the tv is on. And it made me think, how am I able to hear here. I know our mind is powerful. But what this feels like is that the sound is enclosed within the inner ear and head. I don't know how to explain this better.

    You know when you "clench" your ears when you prepare for a loud sound, this meditation state makes me also do that, there's pressure in the ears but the audio coming into my mind is loud. Like whatever thoughts running through my head. Occasionally I hear other voices in convo, like listening in on a conversation as I pass it by, but it also feels like I'm about to enter a dream state that's starting mid scene of the dream.

    Anyway, thoughts I had today

    submitted by /u/khanart510
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    chackra mediation

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    should i only focus on 1 chackra when doing chackra meditation or should i do all of them in 1 sitting

    submitted by /u/ICHIRO333
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