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    Friday, August 13, 2021

    Yoga: [COMP] So close, yet so far from reaching my feet. (B&W)

    Yoga: [COMP] So close, yet so far from reaching my feet. (B&W)

    [COMP] So close, yet so far from reaching my feet. (B&W)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    Need to significantly use adductors to maintain good posture while cross-legged. Is this normal?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 03:33 PM PDT


    I've practiced yoga off and on for a long time. As I've gotten back into daily practice, I've noticed a new...problem?

    When I'm sitting cross-legged and maintaining straight posture, I notice I have to engage my adductors (top of inner thighs, right below the groin) almost immediately, and I find that they become sore if I maintain it for more than 1.5 minutes.

    This is muscle use sensation, not a stretching feeling. Has anyone else experienced this or have suggestions? Is this "normal" or an indication that I might be doing something wrong?

    More about my body type/ability level and posture:

    • When I sit cross-legged, my knees easily and and naturally can touch the floor
    • I am very top heavy, more so than when I last practiced regularly, and I have to constantly engage basically my entire core including back muscles to avoid slouching.
    • Naturally flexible though slightly out of practice. Can currently fold almost flat in butterfly pose with feet all the way in
    • No issues with weakness in adductors in any exercises that use them, and some of my other hobbies regularly strengthen them

    It's not a problem in that there's no lasting pain, and it's not stopping me from practicing, but it was unexpected.

    Edit: I saw https://www.reddit.com/r/yoga/comments/p3hu4e/tips_for_building_up_to_lotus_pose/ was also posted today, and I am thinking of trying Burmese pose or half lotus pose instead any time I need to hold it longer. I didn't know the name of Burmese until that post but it's very comfy for me! Lotus is better than cross-legged too.

    submitted by /u/EliannaRys
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    Slow and strong vinyasa recommendations

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    I enjoy vinyasa combining flow with strength holds at a slow enough pace that I can thoroughly feel/correct engagement/alignment (rehabbing from a sciatic issue from anterior pelvic tilt). Paul Teodo has some slow/strong videos that are perfect; anybody else I should check out? TIA

    submitted by /u/jengre
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    How long do you tend to hold each posture?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    Whenever I am teaching a class, I feel as though I am going too slow. But I know I am a fast talker as it is, and I know what my class is so I am anticipating the next move, where my students aren't. How many breaths would you say is a good amount to hold each posture to keep the class flowing, but also giving the students enough time to sink into the pose and notice the feelings in their body?

    submitted by /u/this_is_how42069
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    Elbow pain in Savasana

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    I have carpal tunnel syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome, and I am trying to adjust my sleeping position to Savasana To help my wrist and arm pain. I think it mostly comes from my neck and shoulder posture which used to be terrible and is still not great. When i lie in Savasana my elbow feels really tight and uncomfortable right around the bony area.

    Advice on how to correct this as well as any general advice on doing yoga with CTS would be great

    submitted by /u/ProperCow2967
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    Mini sequences for desk breaks

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    As I'm a student I have to sit and study almost all day, so I try do have breaks every 25/30min where I stand up and stretch.

    Do you have any suggestion on 5-7min flows (even videos) to combat the sedentary lifestyle and pump a beat the heart rate?

    submitted by /u/Colon-elcolon
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    [COMP] shoulder/upper back position in DD

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    As I am practicing more and more at home, I'm starting to notice more nuances in poses. One pose I am struggling with knowing whether I'm doing "right" is downward facing dog. I have looked at many "do this/not this" images and videos but they all seem to contradict each other.

    What I'm lost about is my shoulder position (or maybe I mean my scapula position?) If I press into my hands using my upper back/shoulders (photo 1), then my shoulders tend to move "up" my back (toward the base of my neck/ears) if I do the opposite motion and let my torso "hang" and relax my neck (photo 2), my shoulders move "down" my back and there is more space between shoulders and ears. I am not sure which one is proper form.

    I do not know if I'm properly describing what is happening in my body for each version so I took some pictures.

    photo 1

    photo 2

    I have also taken video of me transitioning from version 1 to version 2 and back in case that helps. video of transition

    Any help is appreciated! I do best with videos narrating what I am supposed to do.

    Also I can see my stance isn't wide enough here, nor are my feet. :o

    submitted by /u/hugadogg
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    Can anyone explain what puppy pose should feel and look like?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:11 PM PDT

    I am unclear on what puppy pose should be. Some practices I see the instructor put their chin on the mat, their chest and arms will come down and they look relaxed. When I do it this way I feel a good stretch in my back and shoulders.

    Other times the instructor says to keep your arms active, head seems to be floating between arms or forehead is on the mat. I find this variation very hard to hold–I feel very little stretch but more of an uncomfortable feeling like I can't hold it or my head just wants to drop to the floor. I don't feel very supported in this one.

    Is it supposed to be a relaxing stretch? Is it supposed to be active where you engage muscles to hold yourself up?

    submitted by /u/SurrrealThing
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    Elbow pain in Savasana

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 12:03 AM PDT

    I have carpal tunnel syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome, and I am trying to adjust my sleeping position to Savasana To help my wrist and arm pain. I think it mostly comes from my neck and shoulder posture which used to be terrible and is still not great. When i lie in Savasana my elbow feels really tight and uncomfortable right around the bony area.

    Advice on how to correct this as well as any general advice on doing yoga with CTS would be great

    submitted by /u/ProperCow2967
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    Tips for Building up to Lotus Pose?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 11:21 PM PDT

    I've developed a really consistent yoga practice over the past few months, going through a fairly difficult series of flows everyday. But I'm coming to this from a lifetime of bad posture, genetic joint and back problems, and a real lack of understanding of how the body works.

    I've made a lot of progress, and I'm building some strength and a lot of flexibility. But one thing that eludes me though is the ability to sit cross legged with a straight back for any significant period of time. After a minute or two, I start to get fatigued and lean into my lumbar spine.

    Is there anything I can do to help get to the point where I could hold lotus pose for longer? Right now my goal is to get to hold Lotus comfortably for 5-10 minutes. It would be really nice to be able to sit for my meditation practice.

    Edit: I'm focusing on posture for now. I've found a lot of advice for knee and hip openers, but I'm looking for advice on strengthening my back and my core in the right ways.

    submitted by /u/lmnoplegit
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