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    Sunday, August 8, 2021

    Yoga: I think yoga is teaching me how to move and act in grace

    Yoga: I think yoga is teaching me how to move and act in grace

    I think yoga is teaching me how to move and act in grace

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    I realized this as I was holding a posture and I moved out of it with ease & with grace (assisted with my slow breath) and it felt so natural and amazing !

    And I started doing some minor reflecting and I realized that I have noticed I've been taking my time with things out of the mat , I take my time to listen , to look at the details and I am more laid back now.

    Just sharing :)

    submitted by /u/RaphAttack11
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    Started learning yoga philosophy, starting with the yamas

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    The Hardest Pose

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    Two years of struggling with all thats going on with this world at this moment and im finally learning to soften my stance and breathe. This is yoga. Breathe and relax. Its finally making more sense to me how it all transfers off the mat because I can finally feel it begin to flow. Its all yoga.

    submitted by /u/Scottie_Pimpin_21
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    Strength training to supplement yoga practice

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 04:49 AM PDT

    Hello, fellow yoga enthusiasts!

    I've searched the sub, but haven't really found an answer to this question so I'm posting it.

    I've been practicing daily for almost 5 months now and it's fair to say I'm obsessed with yoga lol I've mentioned this in my previous posts in this sub, but I'm currently in recovery from a restrictive eating disorder that I've struggled with for like a quarter of a year (it's going pretty well, by the way; extreme hunger & weight gain is a lot to handle but I'm doing much better!) and yoga is pretty much the only exercise I've been doing since I began recovery, with daily walks as well.

    Now, while yoga has already helped with regaining strength that I lost due to my rapid weight loss and malnourishment, I'm beginning to notice areas in which I lack strength. My arms and upper body in general have always been weaker than my core and lower body and I realise in order to progress in my yoga practice to more advanced poses which are upper body based (Crow, Pincha and other arm balances and inversions), I need to strenghten my arms, shoulders and back.

    I'm planning on engaging in some strength training (weights and resistance bands) to help gain strength in my upper body. Does anyone have any experience with supplementing their yoga practice with other forms of exercise like weight lifting? Did you help improve your performance in any way?

    EDIT: I forgot to mention I am not planning on going to the gym and use machines or the free weights section anytime soon lol I am very much a home workout kind of gal (I'll be purchasing all equipment as well), mostly because there will most likely be another lockdown in autumn and winter so I want to set up a workout routine that I can maintain long term without worrying about the gyms closing.

    submitted by /u/timeacola
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    beginner here!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    hello everyone,

    i'm really excited to learn more about yoga - I did my very first session this morning. of course it was just a 20min YouTube vid but I felt so good after. ive done some research myself but just thought it'd be easier to ask on this sub.

    so, what are your dos and donts of yoga? from my understanding it is a very personal experience with no right or wrong way of doing things, but I just wanna know any tips you guys would give to a novice like myself.

    thank you for reading! peace and love🙏

    submitted by /u/chloeoliviarr
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    Can someone explain yoga breathing ?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    So I've new to Yoga, maybe about 5 months in, but I practice very intensively. That said, I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to breathe properly. I work out a lot, especially HIIT, Running, and Strength training so my breathing is curated to those and I can't seem to understand how to adjust to yoga.

    Any help is greatly appreciated ! !

    submitted by /u/Imargarita
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    I think I might’ve torn a tendon in my knee working out. It doesn’t hurt to walk on it, it just swells sometimes and hurts when I extend my leg. Is it ok to still try to do yoga? Any ideas on how to stay fit during the recovery process?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    Any ideas on how to still stay active, healthy, and fit during the recovery process?

    submitted by /u/ezee_ezee
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    Is it cultural appropriation if I use a wordplay of my name + pranayama? I don’t mean to offend anyone. :(

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    I have a hard time distinguishing cultural appropriation vs appreciation. I am still learning… but can anyone answer above q and enlighten me pls? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Left_ReginaPhalange
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    Foot cramps—arch of feet, only in single leg balancing poses—OWww

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    Hey guys! Pretty much what the title says—I've been struggling with cramps in the arches of my feet in standing poses, and it's getting in the way of poses that I'm otherwise perfectly capable of executing. I have pretty high arches, but I don't generally have a history of foot pain or injuries or anything really. But I attended a class today that had a long single-leg standing series and I had to drop out multiple times, on both sides, JUST because my feet were cramping!

    Poses that caused particular trouble today: warrior III, standing forehead-to-knee, dancer's pose, and standing figure 4 (I took the arm balance just to escape the single leg balance, lmao)

    I've searched the sub, and the usual explanations seem to be these:

    1. you're dehydrated — I drink about a gallon of water everyday; I don't think that's physically possible, lol.

    2. some kind of vitamin or mineral deficiency/nutrient imbalance — I had blood work done ~6 months ago and came back deficient in vitamin D, but I've been supplementing since then and now all my levels are normal. I also have to have those tests done because I'm on a medication that makes you prone to retaining potassium, so there's no chance I'm low in that. Overall, I'm confident my nutrition is solid.

    3. you're not used to yoga — I've been doing it for ~15 years, so IDK how much longer it should take...

    4. your feet are weak — THIS is my favorite theory. Maybe my feet are weaker than they used to be? Or there's some sort of other muscle imbalance/compensation? I've successfully practiced without this happening before, and this is a new issue since returning to serious in-person practice post-lockdown.

    My intuition is that I'm not properly activating other muscles that SHOULD be taking the load off of my feet when I'm in balancing poses, so I'm gripping too hard and relying too much on muscles that shouldn't be taking all that burden. Thing is, even when I THINK about my feet and relaxing them, they don't FEEL especially tense until they start to cramp up, so I think I'm just not aware enough and not able to send that tension elsewhere in my body, and anyway, I don't know where exactly it should go. Quads? Hamstrings? Glutes? Core? IDK.

    Any suggestions are welcome!

    submitted by /u/ediblesprysky
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    How much yoga would be necessary if I already do 100min runs and 100min abdominal exercises weekly? I'm nearly 30 and want to maintain my flexibility, but time is a luxury so please advise with that in mind.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 12:43 AM PDT

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