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    Wednesday, April 1, 2020

    Ashtanga yoga: Definition of Rest Day..

    Ashtanga yoga: Definition of Rest Day..

    Definition of Rest Day..

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Hello all! This is my very first Reddit post & Im excited it's in the Ashtanga section! :D I am new to Ashtanga but I fell in love instantly and I can already tell this will be a long relationship. However, as newbie I am prone to the soreness ("Pain good") which leads me to the question of rest days. I know traditionally this is to be practiced 6 days a week. I know for sure I am no where near that level, today marks my first third day in a row! But as for rest days, does that mean do zero yoga & lay around & recover? Or does doing a non-ashtanga practice not count as a rest day, i.e. a Flow class? I know it may be a silly question but as a noob, I can see it both ways. Option one means giving your muscles time to recover from all the intense stretching & holding. But option 2 sounds like some light stretching & holding might help. Either way, any advice is much appreciated. Happy Quarantine, Everybody! :D

    submitted by /u/lcuandon
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    Something cracked during kurmasana and I have no idea what it was

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I suspect that I injured myself somehow doing kurmasana, but I dont feel any pain untul I actually get into certain poses. While doing the pose I heard something crack and it sounded/felt like it came from the top of femur (probably wrong but that's what it felt like). I am quite flexible and have been able to straighten my legs and press my chest against the floor for months, so I am struggling to understand what happened because since then I cannot straighten my legs in the pose, or do other poses like trikonasana and upavista konasana without pain shooting up my right leg. Any advice or explanation would be great!

    submitted by /u/marathonsofsky
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