Meditation: I meditated for the first time alone and I cried |
- I meditated for the first time alone and I cried
- A Google Drive With Various Study Resources I Came Upon Over The Last 4 Years (Buddhism/Zen/Advaita/Meditation/Sufism/Morality/Seon) -You can upload your own here-
- Great quote from Midnight Gospel on spiritual practice
- Fairly new meditator here, and I have a question.
- Hi, i have made this playlist with just, relaxing, soothing meditative instrumental guitar. Aiming to help you to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, More than 7 hours and weekly updated. Enjoy :)
- Facial Twitching during Practice
- Today i became conscious of a perk that i realize meditation give me.
- Sometimes i "dream" when i'm meditating, is that normal?
- One-Day Retreat at Home
- Hey everyone, I have created for you a relaxing cosmic type white noise to help aid your sleep if perhaps you have insomnia or find it hard to fall asleep, to meditate, to help you focus while trying to study or just to simply relax your mind and soul.
- When I first started meditating compared to now:
- Lanten Slow Motion | 4K Video | Helps You Sleep
- Cried while meditating for the first time
- Chatter - expansive dualism; it's ending and THE OTHER!?
- Chatter - expansive dualism; it's ending and THE OTHER!?
- Chatter - expansive dualism; it's ending and THE OTHER!?
- Chatter - expansive dualism; it's ending and THE OTHER!?
- "Truth is the offspring of silence and unbroken meditation"
- Extreme unpleasant buzzing feeling
- A meeting with myself.
- I feel that I always put my happiness into wanting, into the things that I don’t have
- What do you see during meditation?
I meditated for the first time alone and I cried Posted: 02 May 2020 02:04 AM PDT I had meditated once with my therapist months ago, but my coworker suggested I practice daily because it has helped her a lot. So I decided to start meditating as of last night (2 hours ago). I tried a healing guided meditation and I cried so much! I had to share somewhere what a great experience I had. I feel so much calmer! Thank you for reading. Take care. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 May 2020 02:13 AM PDT |
Great quote from Midnight Gospel on spiritual practice Posted: 01 May 2020 10:40 AM PDT This is a great quote in episode 5 by Jason Louv: "Any spiritual practice that's, like, trying to get to something... 'I'm going to become more spiritual. I am going to become more loving. And I'm going to make some change. I'm getting points, somehow. I'm changing.' The Buddhist perspective is 'Dude, you're grinding in World of Warcraft. Why? Step the fuck away from the computer. Wake up. It's just a game. You're fucking grinding in World of Warcraft. You're trying all these spiritual practices, you're trying to add experience points to a character that doesn't fucking exist. You forgot that you're playing a game. You're dehydrated. Drink some water. You've been playing this game for 20 hours straight to the point you forgot it's a game.'" [link] [comments] |
Fairly new meditator here, and I have a question. Posted: 02 May 2020 03:43 AM PDT Been meditating everyday for a little over a month. Doing 25 minutes once a day, usually in the morning. My question is this; does anyone else feel consistent mediation is like a superpower? What I mean is that my ability to concentrate has gone through the roof. My anxiety has greatly decreased. I'm not as angry. Before meditating I couldn't read a book more than 5 minutes at a time. Now 30 minutes is easy. Has anyone else experienced similar improvements and if I continue to meditate will I experience even more improvements to my life? Thanks [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 May 2020 05:28 AM PDT |
Facial Twitching during Practice Posted: 02 May 2020 06:55 AM PDT Hello Everyone, I'm in need of some advice or assistance. Recently, during my practices I've had some distracting twitching going on in my eyes and eyebrows. It's getting difficult to keep my eyes closed during the practice. 5-10 minutes in, my eyes, eyelids and the area around my eyebrows start to twitch and almost force me to open my eyes. It makes it very difficult to finish the session with a clear mind. I know the answer to this will be to let it pass, but I'd like some insight as to the cause. Do I need to work on relaxing my face more often, or maybe focus my eyes in a different spot during practice? Any insight or advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all. [link] [comments] |
Today i became conscious of a perk that i realize meditation give me. Posted: 01 May 2020 08:08 PM PDT I "programmed" my brain to forget about thoughts that make me suffer. When i am thinking something like it ( thinking about a problem or so) it automatically pulls me back to present moment. I simply cannot keep thinking that way. Sometimes i even forget about a thought that i was having. [link] [comments] |
Sometimes i "dream" when i'm meditating, is that normal? Posted: 02 May 2020 02:59 AM PDT Hi guys, i'm really new to meditating..and i'm not sure if i'm "asleep dreaming"or am i not. I've only started meditating a couple months ago, but dreaming wasn't really a thing that happened until a couple of weeks ago. i thought that it might be me falling asleep, but there are many times where i ask myself if i'm awake (and i'd know i am but trying to focus on bodily sensations or sounds around me etc), and try to get out of it to shift my mind into nothingness and focus on the things i usually focus on. but after a while i feel myself get comfortable and start having a few images in my mind again, and start questioning if these things are controllable again (and they are). so, now, i'm really confused as to whether this is supposed to happen...or has anyone experienced this or am i just falling asleep lol. Because tbh i really felt like its dreaming, but at the same time i felt a super out of body experience. I've seen a lady say that if someone gets to the part where they 'fall asleep' or 'dream' , it means they've transcended into something much deeper? idk can't find enough supporting evidence so help me please lol [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 May 2020 05:15 AM PDT This week I did a version of the normal 10-day vipassana retreat at home. That meant no phone, no internet, no TV, not even books. Just meditation and breaks during which I did some mindful activities like cleaning the apartment or taking a short walk. It was like a reset button after a few pretty stressful weeks. Sometimes I forget how great everything feels when you deepen your practice and the effects stay with you throughout the day. Our minds are funny, and somehow it was easier to find the motivation devote a whole day to meditation than it usually is to do half an hour. Maybe we like the extra challenge. I'm curious if somebody else is doing something like this every now and then? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 May 2020 07:10 AM PDT |
When I first started meditating compared to now: Posted: 01 May 2020 11:33 AM PDT When I first started meditating, I was 19-20 years old. To date my story, I bought a guided meditation on iTunes that I loved to listen to on my iPod. At the time, I was suffering from depression every day. I felt like everyone I knew was abandoning me, family and friend alike. My sister had moved away, my dad passed away, my mom was so overwhelmed by grief that I had to take care of her, and my fiance left me for someone else. I felt depressed and anxious every day, like I was stuck in the moment right after a grenade goes off in an action movie and everything is just slow motion carnage. My mind couldn't process things right. A lot of people on this sub have tried concentrating on their breath for meditation. I found out that when I'm in enough shock, if I don't concentrate on my breath I just forget to breathe entirely. Also I learned that I usually breathe too much in panic or pain and that can lead to feeling lightheaded and passing out. To say it was a hard time feels like an understatement in comparison to saying I was alternating between suffocating from forgetting to breathe and feeling dizzy from breathing too much all the time. Over ten years have passed now. I've read a lot of books since then on meditation, zen, philosophy, religions, and psychology. I've meditated countless times, now to the point it's rare to miss a day without some meditation. Every millisecond helps. Now, I am rarely ever depressed, after what turned out to be years of depression. When I was depressed then, I mostly wallowed until I wore myself out. When I'm depressed here and there now, I meditate. In fact, I try to meditate at least a little every single time my awareness catches my mind feeling stress or any other negative emotion. I think of it as Buddha transforming Mara's arrows into harmless lotus flowers drifting softly to the ground. Stress and negativity are the arrows I try to transform back into peace through meditating. For me, bringing the mind to peace from my negative emotions usually works through a method of unconditional acceptance (they're not really "negative emotions" after all, they're just varying sensory expressions of the same mind. They are mind), healthy emotional processing, and then finally letting go by returning the mind to an empty stillness. The negative emotion, and its sensations and side effects, may not disappear immediately or entirely. Because I have released the mind from dwelling on it in thought, though, the negative emotion becomes freed up to be processed by the mind instead of being clung to as an identity, and inevitably always eventually subsides. I wanted to post this to encourage others on this sub who are struggling. When I started meditating, I was in the worst mental state of my life. Every single one of the those terrible thoughts and emotions, including self-hating ones and suicidal ones, eventually subsided. The thoughts about how I'm worthless and no one would care if I died? Gone. The emotions of feeling betrayed by the universe itself for giving me such a harsh existence? Gone. Now, peace. :) Instead of feeling depressed, anxious, broken-hearted, in shock, traumatized, stressed, abandoned, and hopeless, I now spend most days in a wonderful inner peace. I've learned to maintain clarity even while in shock, though I'm not currently dealing with it thankfully. Occasionally negative emotions do pop up, but now I accept their presence and try to investigate and learn from them rather than wallow in reaction to their very arrival. A little meditation and some time spent reading wise teachings can do a world of good. A difference I've noticed between when I started and now is that now I try to think of the mind like a loved one who occasionally makes mistakes even if I want them to be perfect, and who feels bad even when I want them to feel good. I treat the mind with compassion, forgiveness, and with the intent to bring it to a place where it can feel peaceful and at ease. I examine my thoughts under the filter of "will this kind of thinking lead me to peace or not?" and I always choose the route to peace from a newfound self-compassion. I consider the empty, still, serene mind not to be separate from the stressed mind, and I make peace with my stress to transform it into peace within the mind. For me, at some level, all troubles in meditation have always revealed themselves to be struggles to be ideal. Acceptance of imperfections and dis-satisfactory feelings is the only logical route to peace in a mind that is imperfect and often not feeling satisfying feelings. I should also mentioned I've learned that wishing the mind was more peaceful or happier is also not far off from wishing a loved one was happier. Wishing is not enough to bring them happiness. It is up the mind to allow itself to feel loved, accepted, comforted, at ease, and at peace, or not. You wouldn't want a loved one to feel disappointed that they couldn't be as happy as you wanted them to be, and the only way to avoid that is to let them be unhappy when they need to be and forget wishes for anything different. Let go of wishing for something better, and you'll find something better: not wishing for anything If you're new to meditation and wondering where it leads, the mind gets used to the process of letting things go in a healthy way, then it turns into a habit, and finally it becomes pretty automatic. It's like learning to play guitar. You suck at first, but you learn new ways to play, invent new ways to play for yourself, and take advice from the masters and eventually with patience and practice it becomes automatic. Just keep going. Let nothing stall your determination to bring the mind to peace, and nothing will. If anything seems like it is stalling your progress to peace, that is the very thing that must be accepted unconditionally, processed in a healthy way, and eventually released from any habitual mental dwelling or clinging. Let the habit of thinking about problems turn into the habit of letting problems go to return the mind to peace. That doesn't imply evading responsibility, but rather acting responsibly specifically because doing so results in a peaceful mind in a way acting irresponsibly does not. It's just cause and effect. Let your cause be bringing the mind peace, and it will eventually yield peaceful results. The more we study the mind and the teachings of those who have found peace and enlightenment, the wiser we become and the better the results. In this way, the intellect helps in aiding the mind back to peace with great ease. Be determined and you will find the route to resting the weary mind, and never be afraid to be at ease. Ten years ago I was in misery, and now I have to admit this life is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Thank you all for reading this rant. Metta to you. May you all experience an inner serenity, at least for 5 minutes, today. Don't let yourself believe it won't make things better to try. [link] [comments] |
Lanten Slow Motion | 4K Video | Helps You Sleep Posted: 02 May 2020 07:11 AM PDT |
Cried while meditating for the first time Posted: 02 May 2020 03:16 AM PDT I don't know anyone else I can share this with but as soon as I started a loving-kindness meditation session today, I broke down and cried through the session. I have been holding so much pain, resentment, and doubt in my heart for as long as I can remember and it was so freeing to let it all out. I have been wanting (or needing, actually) to love myself and I hope this will be the start of a beautiful journey. [link] [comments] |
Chatter - expansive dualism; it's ending and THE OTHER!? Posted: 02 May 2020 06:54 AM PDT We never allow silence to be. We chatter, talk endlessly from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Even whilst we sleep that chatter comes out alive in an extraordinary form. This we call dreams(maniacal romanticism of the mundane). We forcibly give purpose, meaning to this nightly chatter, just like we engage ourselves with the experiences of the day! Is it so, in order to reinforce the chatters of the day, we are easily susceptible to its trickery!? But, isn't it still the chatter of a million yesterdays, within the boundary of dead resource?? It can project a million tomorrows of fanciful ideas with fictitious rhythms! But isn't it still the womb of dead things? Why are we so afraid of being empty? Why are we frightened to go beyond this chatter? We chatter about the physical, the man and the woman, the young and the old, the slim and the fat, the short and the tall, the human and the animal, the animate and the inanimate, day and the night and all in-between. We chatter about the non-physical, lower realms and higher realms, the spirit and the soul, Gods and demons, consciousness and unconsciousness. Nowadays, we chatter of supreme consciousness and supreme-collective consciousness and so on… We seem to add in more and more and keep on nourishing our delusions. Our chatters never seem to end, they either grow in reverse to a time immemorial or tumour into a timeless future. Why should we chatter about experiences? Why should we doddle in the caves, sing operas on stage, hoist flags and flaunt names, build cathedrals, erect monuments and go up in space, dance insane? Why should we meditate, do yoga, isolate ourselves in monasteries, worship in temples, mosques and churches, do rituals in the forests, play with magic and alchemy, research stem cells, break into atoms, invent technology and bring in robots? Our dualities remain the same, our separation remain the same, our dreams, our imaginations remain of the same quality, our neurotic tendencies and biotic inclinations remain the same, our games and plays remain the same no matter how expanded we think and experience ourselves to be. We never seem to be exhausted in the pursuit of achieving "the ultimate, the infinite, God, supreme consciousness or whatever that is more than what is"!!! We are never tired of this expansion in time. Can time expand and become timeless? Can knowledge accumulate and become wholesome? Can experience ever become that which is eternal? When the chatters of the physical, spiritual and whatever more, ends, Is there "the other"? {Devoid of sequence, empty of time, non moving yet dynamic, of complete silence, wholesome in quality } [link] [comments] |
Chatter - expansive dualism; it's ending and THE OTHER!? Posted: 02 May 2020 06:53 AM PDT We never allow silence to be. We chatter, talk endlessly from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Even whilst we sleep that chatter comes out alive in an extraordinary form. This we call dreams(maniacal romanticism of the mundane). We forcibly give purpose, meaning to this nightly chatter, just like we engage ourselves with the experiences of the day! Is it so, in order to reinforce the chatters of the day, we are easily susceptible to its trickery!? But, isn't it still the chatter of a million yesterdays, within the boundary of dead resource?? It can project a million tomorrows of fanciful ideas with fictitious rhythms! But isn't it still the womb of dead things? Why are we so afraid of being empty? Why are we frightened to go beyond this chatter? We chatter about the physical, the man and the woman, the young and the old, the slim and the fat, the short and the tall, the human and the animal, the animate and the inanimate, day and the night and all in-between. We chatter about the non-physical, lower realms and higher realms, the spirit and the soul, Gods and demons, consciousness and unconsciousness. Nowadays, we chatter of supreme consciousness and supreme-collective consciousness and so on… We seem to add in more and more and keep on nourishing our delusions. Our chatters never seem to end, they either grow in reverse to a time immemorial or tumour into a timeless future. Why should we chatter about experiences? Why should we doddle in the caves, sing operas on stage, hoist flags and flaunt names, build cathedrals, erect monuments and go up in space, dance insane? Why should we meditate, do yoga, isolate ourselves in monasteries, worship in temples, mosques and churches, do rituals in the forests, play with magic and alchemy, research stem cells, break into atoms, invent technology and bring in robots? Our dualities remain the same, our separation remain the same, our dreams, our imaginations remain of the same quality, our neurotic tendencies and biotic inclinations remain the same, our games and plays remain the same no matter how expanded we think and experience ourselves to be. We never seem to be exhausted in the pursuit of achieving "the ultimate, the infinite, God, supreme consciousness or whatever that is more than what is"!!! We are never tired of this expansion in time. Can time expand and become timeless? Can knowledge accumulate and become wholesome? Can experience ever become that which is eternal? When the chatters of the physical, spiritual and whatever more, ends, Is there "the other"? {Devoid of sequence, empty of time, non moving yet dynamic, of complete silence, wholesome in quality } [link] [comments] |
Chatter - expansive dualism; it's ending and THE OTHER!? Posted: 02 May 2020 06:52 AM PDT We never allow silence to be. We chatter, talk endlessly from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Even whilst we sleep that chatter comes out alive in an extraordinary form. This we call dreams(maniacal romanticism of the mundane). We forcibly give purpose, meaning to this nightly chatter, just like we engage ourselves with the experiences of the day! Is it so, in order to reinforce the chatters of the day, we are easily susceptible to its trickery!? But, isn't it still the chatter of a million yesterdays, within the boundary of dead resource?? It can project a million tomorrows of fanciful ideas with fictitious rhythms! But isn't it still the womb of dead things? Why are we so afraid of being empty? Why are we frightened to go beyond this chatter? We chatter about the physical, the man and the woman, the young and the old, the slim and the fat, the short and the tall, the human and the animal, the animate and the inanimate, day and the night and all in-between. We chatter about the non-physical, lower realms and higher realms, the spirit and the soul, Gods and demons, consciousness and unconsciousness. Nowadays, we chatter of supreme consciousness and supreme-collective consciousness and so on… We seem to add in more and more and keep on nourishing our delusions. Our chatters never seem to end, they either grow in reverse to a time immemorial or tumour into a timeless future. Why should we chatter about experiences? Why should we doddle in the caves, sing operas on stage, hoist flags and flaunt names, build cathedrals, erect monuments and go up in space, dance insane? Why should we meditate, do yoga, isolate ourselves in monasteries, worship in temples, mosques and churches, do rituals in the forests, play with magic and alchemy, research stem cells, break into atoms, invent technology and bring in robots? Our dualities remain the same, our separation remain the same, our dreams, our imaginations remain of the same quality, our neurotic tendencies and biotic inclinations remain the same, our games and plays remain the same no matter how expanded we think and experience ourselves to be. We never seem to be exhausted in the pursuit of achieving "the ultimate, the infinite, God, supreme consciousness or whatever that is more than what is"!!! We are never tired of this expansion in time. Can time expand and become timeless? Can knowledge accumulate and become wholesome? Can experience ever become that which is eternal? When the chatters of the physical, spiritual and whatever more, ends, Is there "the other"? {Devoid of sequence, empty of time, non moving yet dynamic, of complete silence, wholesome in quality } [link] [comments] |
Chatter - expansive dualism; it's ending and THE OTHER!? Posted: 02 May 2020 06:52 AM PDT We never allow silence to be. We chatter, talk endlessly from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Even whilst we sleep that chatter comes out alive in an extraordinary form. This we call dreams(maniacal romanticism of the mundane). We forcibly give purpose, meaning to this nightly chatter, just like we engage ourselves with the experiences of the day! Is it so, in order to reinforce the chatters of the day, we are easily susceptible to its trickery!? But, isn't it still the chatter of a million yesterdays, within the boundary of dead resource?? It can project a million tomorrows of fanciful ideas with fictitious rhythms! But isn't it still the womb of dead things? Why are we so afraid of being empty? Why are we frightened to go beyond this chatter? We chatter about the physical, the man and the woman, the young and the old, the slim and the fat, the short and the tall, the human and the animal, the animate and the inanimate, day and the night and all in-between. We chatter about the non-physical, lower realms and higher realms, the spirit and the soul, Gods and demons, consciousness and unconsciousness. Nowadays, we chatter of supreme consciousness and supreme-collective consciousness and so on… We seem to add in more and more and keep on nourishing our delusions. Our chatters never seem to end, they either grow in reverse to a time immemorial or tumour into a timeless future. Why should we chatter about experiences? Why should we doddle in the caves, sing operas on stage, hoist flags and flaunt names, build cathedrals, erect monuments and go up in space, dance insane? Why should we meditate, do yoga, isolate ourselves in monasteries, worship in temples, mosques and churches, do rituals in the forests, play with magic and alchemy, research stem cells, break into atoms, invent technology and bring in robots? Our dualities remain the same, our separation remain the same, our dreams, our imaginations remain of the same quality, our neurotic tendencies and biotic inclinations remain the same, our games and plays remain the same no matter how expanded we think and experience ourselves to be. We never seem to be exhausted in the pursuit of achieving "the ultimate, the infinite, God, supreme consciousness or whatever that is more than what is"!!! We are never tired of this expansion in time. Can time expand and become timeless? Can knowledge accumulate and become wholesome? Can experience ever become that which is eternal? When the chatters of the physical, spiritual and whatever more, ends, Is there "the other"? {Devoid of sequence, empty of time, non moving yet dynamic, of complete silence, wholesome in quality } [link] [comments] |
"Truth is the offspring of silence and unbroken meditation" Posted: 01 May 2020 12:23 PM PDT |
Extreme unpleasant buzzing feeling Posted: 01 May 2020 09:09 PM PDT Hi for the past little while in my meditation I've been experiencing a very strong 'buzzing' feelings throughout my entire body, that's usually most pronounce in my back and head, but still very present in my legs, arms, torso, etc... I would describe it as feelings very 'tight,' Perhaps like squeezing a nerve ending? If it feels like it has something to do with my nervous system. It only occurs when I'm bringing myself down out of my head and shifting (or attempting to) focus on my body, and the feeling tends to make me retreat back into my thoughts out of fear of its intense dysphoria. I would say it's the exact same feeling I was experience when I was having panic attacks a few months ago, though no mental panic comes along with the feeling in my meditation. Does anyone have an idea as to what this may be/how I could overcome it? Thank you! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 May 2020 01:38 AM PDT I'm new to mediation, but I am seeing it as a meeting with myself. I used to work at a hotel and every morning there was a manager meeting. To get a sense of the lay of the land and the day ahead. It is exactly the same thing in mediation for the most part. I am so excited and thankful for the time I get to have with me. A miracle. Truly. [link] [comments] |
I feel that I always put my happiness into wanting, into the things that I don’t have Posted: 01 May 2020 09:49 PM PDT All of my life I've been a strong 'wanter' and once I get what I wanted, I lose interest and move onto the next thing. It feels like I can't live without the thing that I want sometimes, it'll drive me crazy. I get those thoughts "man, i'll be truly happy once i have _" or "my life will be better with _ in it". This leaves me with such a discontent and unhappiness within my day-to-day life. With all of the Covid stuff going on, I haven't had much to focus on and it's leaving me with just my Mind and I. I feel so unhappy and depressed (not in a sad way, but a way of suppression. loss of interest in things that define my character, etc.). I want to be able to sit on a deserted island with my bare essentials and just feel content and happy with life, eager to live and learn each day, yet the thought of that only triggers anxiety as I think of how meaningless everything feels. I want to learn how to appreciate the beauty in everything that I have and to be able to feel the love in it all. I want to feel happy without feeling the need to fulfill my greed machine. [link] [comments] |
What do you see during meditation? Posted: 02 May 2020 04:58 AM PDT Whenever I meditate, I see an eye... open eye. What do you see? [link] [comments] |
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