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    Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    Meditation: "If you think you're enlightened, go spend a week with your family." — Ram Dass

    Meditation: "If you think you're enlightened, go spend a week with your family." — Ram Dass

    "If you think you're enlightened, go spend a week with your family." — Ram Dass

    Posted: 26 May 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    In quarantine times, I have moved home to my parents. After about a month of living at home, it is getting frustrating. I won't go in to details, assuming that you all have crazy families like mine. But my parents (primarily my father) is really getting on my nerves.

    I find them close-minded and ignorant ... which by itself would not be a problem. But I also find them provocative and hostile in their ignorance.

    I am trying to be the better, more open-minded and understanding person. But in moments of stress and irritability, it is hard. I try to see their suffering with empathy instead of letting my own ego and need for love get in the way. But it is hard.

    How can I stay mindful in moments like these?

    Thank you, brothers and sisters.

    submitted by /u/sriyukteswar
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    Sometimes you just have to ignore your thoughts

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    I constantly have negative and thoughts that make me afraid. Sometimes I forget that to deal with them I basically have to ignore them. it doesn't mean you have to deny them or to pretend your not scared by them, it's just to let them be, but not to focus so much of them.

    Me personally sometimes forget about this, I try to be on a constant state of no fighting anything, and this sometimes leads to letting my thoughts cause whatever they want in me and, me having a bad mood.

    As soon as I start giving them less attention everything gets better. And I can see more clearly

    submitted by /u/sontono
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    Get into the habit of noticing when you have negative thoughts about yourself rather than allowing them to pass unchallenged - by raising your awareness you can transform how you view yourself and learn to be happy in your own skin

    Posted: 26 May 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    All of us can struggle with our self-esteem, particularly how we look - there are always aspects of ourselves that we wish were different. We can support our wellbeing by becoming more aware of the negative thoughts we have about our own appearance rather than avoiding them; looking deeply into the roots of why we feel this way will free us from our insecurities. Our bodies are amazing - by focusing on what makes them great we can let go of negative views and enjoy simply being alive.

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    submitted by /u/peaceiseverystepp
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    A little epiphany about the present moment I just had.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I've been in a pretty low mood all day, I've been very self judgemental and restless. I was kind of slumping about my house just contemplating what has been happening to me during the depressive episode I've been in and how I felt I've been losing my mind, when I looked out the window and just took in the nice, sunny landscape for a moment. I realised that in this moment, right now, nothing is harming me or making me uncomfortable, in fact quite the opposite. I had a roof over my head, a comfortable temperature, a lack of hunger and thirst and to top it off a beautiful view from my window. It was then I realised that the only suffering I felt was coming from within, and that it was the mental lens being placed over the present moment that was preventing me from appreciating it fully. Now I think I realise what being in the present moment means. It doesn't just mean being aware of your surroundings and the activities that you are doing, rather noticing that inherently there is nothing wrong with them and everything is at peace. It's thoughts that arise from within us that make us judge our external reality more harshly than what it really is. It might seem like a very simple observation but it still made me rethink my perspective a fair bit.

    submitted by /u/Rango555
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    Recognizing your own self-worth exists outside of the opinions of others and striving only to compete with who you were yesterday, answering only to your own inner compass, and looking at every imperfect venture as a 'process of elimination' rather than a 'failure to acquire value'

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    Jerry Seinfeld

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:39 AM PDT

    Hi everybody,

    So I head that Jerry Seinfeld has been a big meditator for years. Seemingly he has stuck rigidly for years to three 20 minutes sessions of TM a day.

    Does anyone know where I could read a bit more about his practice?

    submitted by /u/Ponccc
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    Longest Meditation Session So Far: 1hr 15 minutes (anapana meditation)

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    I have to be honest. I have not been meditating as frequently as I or any of us should be. I try to meditate every day but daily life seems to always prevent me from meditating.

    Background Info: My meditation teacher is in Myanmar. It's not always easy to get there either. With COVID-19, he opened the meditation center to those sick from COVID-19. He decided that since there are so many people there. That he would teach them to meditate while they are recovering. He also started to broadcast these sessions live on Facebook. Look up Theinngu32 on Facebook and you can see the videos. However, it is all in Burmese.

    My wife and I decided to sit and meditate when the session is happening. I even shared it to the TV via apple screen share, so it was easier for both of us to see the beginning and ending talks.

    I was really struggling with going longer than 30 minutes but I kept sitting every time it was live. The last one I did was amazing. I sat for 1 hour 15 minutes during a session that was about 2 hours long. During that time I had an experience I had never had before.

    It started as it usually does. A little reciting and then they start this machine to help you continue your breathing. This is because there are some people that when they meditate, they either stop breathing or have difficulty with focusing on the breath. You don't have to have your breath match the speed that the machine goes at. So I get in a comfortable pose and start. My mind becomes empty. All I see is black. I am focus completely on my breath. My breath starts to slow. Slower and slower. It also becomes shallow.

    I then start to see something. It feels like a dream but also someone else's life. A life that I am not familiar with. As this "dream" continues, I have the number 76 come to mind. I don't know if that is a year or part of a bigger number. As I continue meditating, I start seeing myself. Like looking into a mirror. Just staring at myself, sitting there meditating. I can sense my wife a couple feet away but keep going. Why am I seeing myself, I wonder. Then as I'm staring at myself, the skin starts to disappear. The muscles, tendons, organs start to disappear. All that is left is the skeleton. So now i'm seeing my skeleton. I realize that we are all just a skeleton. It doesn't matter if we are fat or skinny, tall or short, white or black, european or asian. We are just a skeleton wrapped in organs, muscles, skin, hair. What we look like doesn't matter. I then start to feel some pain in my legs. I try to keep my focus on the skeleton. Around this time I sense my cat walking in front of me. I see him as a skeleton too.

    Around this time I start to feel something in my ear. I try to not lose focus but it becomes too much and I open my eyes, raising my hand to my ear to try to get that sensation to go away. It was a weird sensation, almost like someone was putting something wet in my ear. I have taken a break due to feeling exhausted from work and everything else but will be trying to start sitting regularly.

    submitted by /u/TheSheibs
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    Human being is a complete mechanism. One is not aware of this fact. Meditation is to become aware of this fact.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Human being is a complete mechanism. One is not aware of this fact. Meditation is to become aware of this fact.

    One experiences sadness, confusion, fear, uncertainty in daily life. One runs to solacing ideas or seeks relief by complaining, blaming, feeling guilty to bypass the feeling of uneasiness instead of letting the uneasiness be. Once noticed, whole energy is here. Any action or no action is relaxed, conscious.

    You begin to see 'what is True'.

    submitted by /u/yvchawla
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    I don't understand the concept "thoughts are just thoughts" - Can someone explain this in more detail?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    I'm having a difficult time understanding the notion "thoughts are just thoughts". Often I'll hear from guys like Sam Harris that the half life of a thought can be seconds.

    This is rarely the case for me when it comes to things like jealousy. Sometimes the thoughts can last for weeks. Am I just supposed to ignore this and keep saying to myself "thoughts are just thoughts"? My relationships with people become hindered, and my work suffers when I go into these spirals.

    What am I missing here?

    submitted by /u/modform
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    Quantum mechanics observing

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    If particles on the smallest scale measurable by man, have the ability to have such qualities like superposition, the ability for entanglement to particle with no physical connection and finally teleportation through experiment resulting in the discovery in the quantum leap.

    If we also then consider that we are particles the very device you are reading this on is particles .

    As we observe it holds quantum particles to one specific state however when it is not observed it can defy the laws of physics.

    Could it be that if you were to completely stop observing you would enter this realm or you would just start becoming all of these possibilities.

    submitted by /u/David372D
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    Why does everything feel softer after meditating?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    My breadth feels softer. Everything I touch feels softer.

    submitted by /u/Yu-piter
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    To Meditate – by Thich Nhat Hahn

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    To Meditate

    To meditate does not mean to fight with a problem.
    To meditate means to observe.
    Your smile proves it.
    It proves that you are being gentle with yourself,
    that the sun of awareness is shining in you,
    that you have control of your situation.
    You are yourself,
    and you have acquired some peace.

    Thich Nhat Hahn

    submitted by /u/Painius
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    People who want to hypnotized .

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    What It Really Means To Be Spiritual

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    We are all spiritual. Everyone. Everything. Whether you think you are or not.

    There are many definitions of what it means to be spiritual. Some say spirituality is measured by how deeply you love yourself and others say it is measured by your understanding of oneness.

    No matter how we define spirituality, at our core we are all spiritual. We are all spiritual beings here to have a human experience.

    "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience but are spiritual beings having a human experience"- Teilhard Chardin

    In essence, being spiritual is about choosing to live your life as close to the true you as possible. Being spiritual is essentially about accepting who you are, being yourself, and aligning with your soul truth.

    This includes:

    1. Being OK with who you are, negative thoughts, and all.

    Most spiritual practices put such an emphasis on positive thoughts and while this is great for raising your vibration, negative thoughts have their place too.

    Negative thoughts allow us to view the duality of life and allow us to also get to know our weaknesses and our preferences. It is impossible to appreciate the light unless we have seen the dark, so don't beat yourself up when you have negative thoughts.

    You of course don't want negative thoughts to rule your life or dictate your actions, but you don't want to squash them or feel guilty for them either.

    The best way to deal with negative thoughts is to identify them, accept them, and then let them go. It is only when we dwell upon the negative or beat ourselves up about them, that negative thoughts become a problem.

    Remember, it is more important to be yourself than to "fake" positive. Own who you are, and through acceptance, positivity is naturally born.

    2. Laughing a lot, especially at yourself, and not taking life so seriously.

    We all fall into the trap of taking life seriously. Life was never meant to be taken so seriously, honestly, we all need to learn to lighten up!!

    Life is really not as important as we make it out to be. While there is of course value and purpose in being here, stressing and worrying about things is definitely not helpful.

    Find the lightness in life, try to detach and relax- at the end of the day, life is a journey, it's a game that we all know the end too, so we might as well enjoy it.

    3. Being proactive- if you don't like something, change it, if you can't change it, learn to accept it.

    We all have situations that come up in our lives that we don't like, but the beauty is that for the most part we do have the power to change things and if we can't change things than we can surely change our outlook about them.

    Life is not set in stone, life is constantly ebbing and flowing. To really enjoy life and to experience connection we have to tap into the flow of the Universe and find a way to be at peace with it.

    Trying to control every aspect of your life is only going to lead to stress and disaster. Know that you have the power to change things that you don't like, but start on the internal first.

    4. Learning how to identify ways that your soul speaks to you.


    submitted by /u/LokeshKloki
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    Does meditation have a negative side?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    I have a demanding job and I need to be on the ball all day long, I've been meditating a lot recently and sometimes I find it hard to switch my mind back into gear when I need it.

    Using the analogy of 'use it or lose it', if you're meditating regularly, could that make it hard to switch on your analytical brain when you need it and make your mind less 'sharp'. Would be interested to hear other views on this.

    submitted by /u/fittyMcFit
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    Dare to be rare! Shower thoughts?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:20 AM PDT

    Living in the past and future means that while you're taking a shower or bath, instead of enjoying the feel of the water on your skin and the slippery soap bubbles, the fresh soap smell of the present moment, instead of all that you occupy your mind with what happened at work, or with what you want to do tomorrow, or the chewing you got from your boss, or what am I going to get him (or her) for his birthday???

    Present moment, folks! Keep that inner being awake and STOP... smell the flowers and that fresh, clean soap you wash with!

    submitted by /u/Painius
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    A brief period of meditation today helped me understand why I was feeling bad, and what it had to do with the easing of the quarantine

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    I had been feeling very professionally focused during the tight lockdown of the quarantine, but I've noticed myself feeling increasingly frustrated over the last week or so, and I couldn't really understand why. Today I just sat to meditate for a few minutes and ended up reflecting on my situation and realized that I'm having a sort of impatience, as society opens back up, but only sort of, to somehow achieve the "success" that I've been trying to accomplish -- a process that is actually going to take several years. It was very helpful to just recognize that I've putting a lot of unrealistic psychological pressure on myself, and that I need to slow down, be patient, and not jump to the conclusion that I've "failed" just because my progress is gradual.

    I don't usually approach meditation as a conscious reflection on anything in particular, but this was one instance where I was really feeling quite a bit of emotional distress. It was notable how helpful it seemed to just say "I'm having this pain, and the pain is being produced by something, let me see if I can assess it objectively rather than telling myself a story about my own personality."

    submitted by /u/borepop
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    You know when you feel a buzz after finishing meditation session. Can you make that buzz permanent ?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    When I meditate for around 10 minutes (idk if its mindfullness meditation or Shambhavi Mudra meditation), I will get this buzz feeling that will last me 20-30 minutes, even longer sometimes. As someone who has ADD, having this buzz all the time can be life changing, as I feel it can really helps my ADD symptoms and can even be a replacement for my medication.

    Now the problem is that it doesn't last that long. I wouldn't want to meditate 20 minutes, and the buzz only lasting me 40 minutes.

    So my question is this, is it possible that the more you meditate consistently, the longer the buzz feeling can last. So a 20 minute meditation session buzz can last me at least few hours after more practice. And eventually that buzz feeling last throughout your day (Is that what enlightenment feels like? )

    Or alternative is it possible to be able to produce this buzz feeling constantly throughout the day. So basically your meditating constantly while going about your days (eyes open, walking around, maybe even meditation while talking) rather than having to take the time out to meditate with your eyes close.

    I dont know how possible it is to replicate the buzz feeling when you have your eyes open going about your day. Much of this buzz comes when I have my eyes closed and feel that I am going deeper and deeper into my conscious, and then my brain start feeling energized (buzz). Anyone here can successfully do it with their eyes open ?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/King_TG
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    Baoding balls

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Using them helps to bring your focus in on something physical and makes meditating easier. Standing or walking (or laying, but not while using baoding balls) while breathing deeply, manually is a much better way to meditate than the pain, discomfort, and obstructed circulation of sitting for extended periods of time. You'll thank me later. Make meditation a daily practice, even if you only have 5 minutes in you today, you will be so glad you chose to do it. That 5 minutes can easily turn into 2 hours once you get into it.

    submitted by /u/SoulCrushingBass420
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    Reclaiming my inner voice

    Posted: 26 May 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Hey guys

    A couple of years ago I went through an extremely important life-changing transformation through yogic practice. Before that I had always been a very insightful, reflected and evolved child/person when it comes to how I perceive life.

    At some point, practice stagnated and so did I. I'm quite social and adventures, as well as extremely spontaneous, and therefore I struggle maintaining a routine and easily get lost. I'm caught up in all these projects regarding work, charity, social, family, studies etc and it never seems to stop.

    The reason I'm writing here is because I've recently come to realize I can't hear myself anymore. My inner voice is completely overtrampled by bad habits, stress, past, future and self-destructiveness. It's come to the point where I'm feeling lost and almost as if I don't know who I am, why I am or what I an anymore. I used to be so certain and so well spoken and it feels like I'm further away from inner peace, certainty and insight than ever before.

    So as of tonight I decided to take a month with extremely strict routines and little to no "noise-factors" (such as social media, playstation, tv, alcohol, weed, meats/heavy food etc). I will meditate one hour before bed and one hour after. And I will listen carefully so that maybe I will hear what my heart desires.

    Thank you so much for reading all of this. I just had to write it down and get it out of my head and out in the open instead. If you have tips, experiences or anything else you'd like to share I'd appreciate it a lot!

    TLDR; Can't hear my inner voice anymore. Life's so busy and full of noise. Will take a "cleanse-month". Tips and experiences etc are much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ifuckinglovesims
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    Meditation for anxiety

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm fairly new to meditating longer than 5-10 minutes, but I find it's because I can never focus. I have anxiety and I always feel like I can feel my heart racing or always have wandering thoughts. Things like guided meditation have not seemed to help. Is this normal to experience? I've tried different spaces and sounds as well and I can't seem to focus long enough to relax. Thank you for any help or advice!

    submitted by /u/_reashii
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    Can you relate to meditation books?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    I have read peaceful warrior about 5x so far its such a great book its about a young man meeting a mentor who attempts to live life like a warrior. The reason I like it so much is that I can identify with the young man in the book who is a fool and not living or aware. In the book, the mentor "Socrates" says that sitting meditation is the beginners practice. What are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/truedouche
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    For those who have been meditating consistently have you seen an improvement in concentration and focus ? How the ability to focus better, benefited your everyday ?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    For those that meditate frequently has meditation improved your ability to concentrate ? What have been the benefits of having better concentration in everyday life ?

    Also what meditation technique do you practice ?

    submitted by /u/wallstreetentre
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    Will meditation help?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    I've realized I am craving approval and acceptance from everyone around me. I was a loner and an outcast growing up and I guess always craved acceptance, naturally.

    I've now realized I am still needing that acceptance to feel good about myself. I feel empty and lonely without it, even when I have conversations and meet new people who like me.

    Will meditation help me find peace and contentment within myself, and help me re-align melt self image to be under my control instead of others? I really hope so

    submitted by /u/DrewsberryDrewster88
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