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    Sunday, May 31, 2020

    Yoga: I'm 33 and today I balanced on my hands (albeit briefly) for the first time in my life!

    Yoga: I'm 33 and today I balanced on my hands (albeit briefly) for the first time in my life!

    I'm 33 and today I balanced on my hands (albeit briefly) for the first time in my life!

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    [COMP] First time getting into forearm stand without the wall(Still can't hold it without wall though)!! Featuring Cat

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    Saving grace ��‍♀️ Who loves Adriene?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I got to enjoy a quick rooftop flow with my wife this morning.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    [COMP] I have been practicing handstands off and on for the past two years. Since quarantine, I have practiced more regularly. This short moment of balance made me so happy.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Downward Dog help Topic for All Abilities

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    A few helpful tips to start.

    Downward Dog on your knees, hips over knees, is still Downward Dog. If you were to sit back more on your heels it would be Puppy Pose.

    There is never one exact way to do a pose. But if you get too far from the standard or can't do close to the standard you have to consider there might be things going on that aren't helpful for you in the long run. Or might even be the start of an injury.

    It's ok to do the pose for a breath or 2, take a little break lower down to your knees then try again. One of the best ways to build strength is a high number of short reps. This means do the pose many times but only for a short manageable length of time. Over fatigue of the muscles will lead to sloppy form. Quality over quantity.

    There is the 80/20 rule for best results. Work at a moderate level for 80% of the time. 20% of the time put in extra effort.

    Downward Dog is half way between a plank pose and a forward fold. Try many different lengths in your stance. Really long and really short then find a nice spot in the middle. But don't always do it like that. Try different lengths from time to time. A long stance will put more effort into the upper body like a plank. A short one will put more effort into the lower body like a forward fold.

    "If you struggle with Down Dog be compassionate and patient with yourself, you are no the first person with tight hamstrings or weak arms. On the other hand be diligent. Ultimately Down Dog will start to feel so good that you will really empathize with the full-body joy that dogs display while doing the pose." Shiva Rea

    Get started section

    How to Do Downward-Facing Dog in Yoga article

    Downward Facing Dog Yoga Pose - Yoga with Adriene

    Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series: Downward Facing Dog with Maria Villella

    Carrie Owerko : Exploring Iyengar Yoga Principles (Adho Mukha Svanasana) long detailed video

    Hands and wrists

    Always work at a manageable level. If your wrists are sore everyday they won't get better. They will likely get worse.

    Picture of proper hand use

    Reembody Method™ | Sore Wrists During Push ups? Let's Fix That

    Wrist warm up and prep GMB Wrist Routine – 8 Exercises to Fix Hand & Wrist Pain

    Hands slipping link. Thanks for the help guys.


    This video is awesome. Stretching Lats vs Stressing Shoulder Joint Learn the idea of what he is trying to teach and bring it your Downward Dog.

    He also has a whole bunch of other exercises and drills for shoulders and wrists in the first few sections here. Many of them look like various yoga poses but he gives specific instructions and the purpose of each one. THE 7 MOST COMMON HANDSTAND PROBLEMS AND HOW TO FIX THEM Downward Dog is a handstand with your feet on the ground.


    Bend your knees for Downward Dog. It doesn't really take away from the pose and it will likely help your upper body a great deal. Over time work on creating more length on the backside of the legs.

    If you can't straighten your knees it's either your hamstrings or your calves/ankles. Tight Hamstrings? Can't touch your toes? There's no need to struggle with it.

    That's was a lot of stuff, almost done.

    You will also need some ankle mobility

    Read This Before You Do Another Squat - The Reembody ... It's best to learn that one doing a squat then attempt in Downward Dog. Because it's probably kind of hard to learn in Downward Dog. The short version is; you want your weight to the inside edges of your feet. But don't let your arches collapse downward or your knees collapse inward.

    Foot Exercises to Address Foot Pain, Tight Ankles, and Tight Calves

    How to get the heels down

    Here's a Tip to Help You Lower Your Heels Down in Dog Pose

    7 Reasons Your Heels Don't Touch the Floor in Downward Dog

    Remember the title said something for all levels


    Forrest Yoga: Downward Facing Dog on the Wall The main thing to learn from that is never go to a Forrest yoga class😄

    There's more these but I couldn't find videos and didn't have time to make them. Maybe by request.

    If you know more good tips put them in the comments

    submitted by /u/mayuru
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    [COMP] First time adding movement to my headstand

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Advanced/deep backbends and warmups

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    [COMP] I was born with a decently flexible back. I have been practicing yoga for a couple of years and have harnessed this. Without warmup I am able to sink into really deep backbend asanas (scorpion etc. I am easily able to bring my feet over my forehead. I feel like this is bad to just jump into such deep postures without warming up. Am I okay to do this as i have the flexibility level or am I just risking injury? Also I don't find I am able to go much deeper in my back after warmups. and so could do with some suggestions on deep backbend postures to try


    submitted by /u/freyagrant
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    Crow pose on a downhill slope with my dog assist ✌������‍♀️��

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Releasing the First Rib

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Does anyone know of a pose/stretch, or technique of any kind that helps to increase the mobility of the first rib behind the collar bone? Also, open to types of therapies including massage, PT, etc.

    submitted by /u/Rvaaf
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    Active/physically challenging yoga videos for men?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm a 28 year old guy in Canada, and I'm relatively new to yoga. I'm pretty active, I usually lift weights and used to play sports until I injured my knee and tore my meniscus. During quarantine I bought weights and use them 4-5 times a week, and I've taken up yoga for the remaining days of the week.

    I started by doing online videos from a chain of gyms (Goodlife), and there is an amazing instructor, Lewis McNairy, that has a couple of videos that have made me fall in love with yoga!

    His videos are very active and move at a quicker pace, they are exactly what I want out of yoga but unfortunately there are only four 30 min classes. I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for similar types of videos online?

    I've tried the intermediate level yoga and power yoga videos from: Yoga With Adrienne, Yoga With Tim, and Lululemon. While I get the appeal of all of these resources, I'm looking for more active/intense classes, so I stay mentally engaged and physically challenged. From what I've read online, power yoga is the most active but unfortunately I haven't found anything that does the trick for me. I'm hoping some of you wise yogis will be able to help me.

    Please and thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/_theperfectman
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    How do you create your own routine?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Youtube just doesn't do it for me sometimes, so I want to create my own Yoga routine to do it the way I want. The only problem is, I don't know how to do that.

    submitted by /u/Tom_The_Human
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    Yoga + Meditation class with Hayleigh Robertson

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Hi! My name is Hayleigh, this is my first post on Reddit. Lil bit about me-- I'm a trauma-informed yoga instructor, licensed massage therapist, reiki practitioner, and artist living in Cleveland, Ohio.

    I recorded this video last week with the intention to share it with my clients and students for free during the Covid-19 crisis. A lot has happened since then regarding racial violence & police brutality, which have led to powerful protests and riots in various American cities... so I've decided to post this publicly on YouTube, accessible to anyone and everyone that wants it. Feel free to share this post wherever.

    Listen, I understand this one class isn't solving these huge issues. But it can help, and it absolutely can't hurt. It's a grounding class with invitational movements, meditation, distance reiki, and a sound healing. My intention is for this to be a healing experience, receive what you wish from it

    (It was recorded from my 2008 MacBook, so the sound quality on the singing bowls is ~just okay~)

    submitted by /u/okiguessillhaveone
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    how to do a proper crows pose?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    i do my crows pose by resting my shins on my arms, but many of the posts i see here looks like the persons only touching their knees to their arms! Is there a right/wrong way to be doing this pose? I've always felt like shins work for me, but i'm new to yoga and want to make sure i'm doing the pose properly and that i have the correct posture! Thank you

    submitted by /u/jjo6498
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    Strengthening venous circulation

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I'm kind of newbie and using Down Dog app since January. I was wondering if there are some poses/practices/styles that can be useful to empower venous circulation system?

    Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/DaveBeBrave
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    Virtual Reality for Yoga Practice - Opinions? Experiences? Hopes?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    Hi All!!! I was wondering what everyone's thoughts on using Virtual Reality to practice yoga?

    If you've experienced Virtual Reality yoga sessions before what headset did you use? Do you remember the application? Did the application focus on both physical and mental health?

    If you haven'y experienced Virtual Reality what do you think about the concept? Is Virtual Reality the "future" of home-based practice?

    Thank you to anyone that responds!!!

    submitted by /u/SETVR
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    What’s your biggest struggle with your yoga practice? On and off the mat?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    Hello :) I am currently creating an online yoga and mindfulness course and I am interested to hear from you what you are struggling with?

    It can be anything - from understanding the philosophy to Asanas...

    submitted by /u/vegabondviv
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    Do women value men that do yoga? Just a simple yes or no? I am referencing straight men who practice such as myself. Do women value men who do yoga?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    I started with the intention of getting a woman partner since I am very loney. I have found yoga very beneficial and love a good hip pop or back pop especially during puppy pose

    submitted by /u/mojindu464
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