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    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Ashtanga yoga: Advice for first mat for intermediate/advanced

    Ashtanga yoga: Advice for first mat for intermediate/advanced

    Advice for first mat for intermediate/advanced

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Hi! I have been practicing Ashtanga yoga for over 3 years. I would describe my level as intermediate/advanced, but I have never bough a high quality mat. I have been looking into manduka and liforme mats. Both look great but the cons I have found are :
    -Liforme: distracting lines/overpriced compared to similar lululemon
    -Manduka: Slippery when sweaty, and heavy to carry the pro around

    Things about me:

    1. I must say that i sweat *way below average*. I can get through some pretty intense classes without dripping on my mat or sweating profusely through my hands. Slipping has never been a problem on my cheap mats. I just want a mat that can grip to the floor and not curl between poses.

    2. I will have to walk to nearby bus stops and to the studio. I don't anticipate having to walk more than 15 minutes. How bad would it be carrying a Pro around?

    3. I am 5'0, 120 lbs. I am looking for 71'mats

    Any other recommendations are welcome.

    submitted by /u/Rtolo_goldie
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