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    Thursday, June 25, 2020

    Flexibility: I know my back isn’t stretching nearly as much in the second photo but is it more of my back or my shoulders preventing me from holding a full split in the first photo? And any recommended stretches to help ? Thank you!

    Flexibility: I know my back isn’t stretching nearly as much in the second photo but is it more of my back or my shoulders preventing me from holding a full split in the first photo? And any recommended stretches to help ? Thank you!

    I know my back isn’t stretching nearly as much in the second photo but is it more of my back or my shoulders preventing me from holding a full split in the first photo? And any recommended stretches to help ? Thank you!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    DEEP HIP STRETCH FOR FLEXIBILITY - Release Tight Hips and Hip Flexors [30-minute Yoga Practice]

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    my back isn't very flexible yet but i'm very happy that i did this in a week! i'm open for some tips for improvement

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    This is one of those basic exercises that everyone of us needs but not all of us incorporate into our training to keep our shoulders healthy, strong and mobile. For me its been great because I practice lots of shoulder push ups, muscle ups etc and scapula health is so important to avoid injury.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    My current progress - Pancake Good Morning

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Hey flexible friends,

    I just wanted to have some feedbacks on my current pancake dynamics form : http://imgur.com/a/UYC4Xir

    Is this acceptable? I go for 5 sets of these for around 8 to 10 repetitions.

    Is there any complementary exercises that I should do beside this one? It seems to work just fine.

    Maybe some ballistics, or isometric holds at the bottom?

    I try to actively engage my hip flexors to bring my chest down. The bottom position feels like a loaded stretch (I guess it is one?)

    I also try to keep as much anterior pelvic tilt as possible but sometimes I end up with a slight upper back bend, should I always work with straight back (thus reducing rom sometimes) or is it still beneficial to sometimes bend just a tad?


    submitted by /u/malicieusss
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    When to start working on oversplits?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    Currently, I fluctuate between having and not having my splits reach the ground.

    Whenever my bum finally hits the ground, I always end up regressing slightly above the floor and have to work my splits back down again.

    In the last year, I have found that my flexibility hasn't really improved. I have mostly been stuck in this cycle of having my splits or being slightly short of it.

    This leads me to my main question: should I start working on my oversplits, even though my current splits are not perfect?

    My guess for the lack of improvement is that I haven't really been pushing myself as much as I should be, so my body doesn't really have much of a reason to change.

    Another way I have looked at this is: a person barbell squatting the same weight and never overloading will barely see any improvement to their muscle size and strength as they never push their body, so the muscles have no reason to change or adapt.

    I appreciate your thoughts and opinions on the matter.


    submitted by /u/oopsdroppedmypen
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    Stuck in a loop of inflexibility - frustration - injury - back to 0

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. So basically what the title says. I am a 26(F), but stiff as a log and I hate it. Every once in a while I wake up with a newfound resolve to change my inflexible ways and I dive head-on into daily yoga/stretching, only to go too hard and hurt myself for a week or so (particularly my hips, hamstrings, calves, basically everything below my waist), which makes it impossible to keep up the routine and I go back to 0. I feel angry and frustrated with my body, even though I understand it's irrational.

    My lifelong dream is to do a front split, but I get stuck in this loop over and over. I'd love to hear any advice or just anyone who can relate to the struggle.

    submitted by /u/Sonn3rs
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    Suggestions for books/resources to improve advanced flexibility/contortion/etc?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:13 PM PDT


    I have a few years of experience with ballet and 10+ years of figure skating. I was interested in seeing if you guys had recommendations on advanced flexibility/contortion books out there. My best friend is helping me with yoga classes, but I'm really interested in pushing myself into learning more advanced poses and exercises. Or even books that focus on advanced yoga.

    PS. I am aware of the possibility of injury. I've been very careful and would like to learn more about how to learn safely and responsibly. I have a strong background, but would like to educate myself further. Thanks! These are all for fun and I'm doing it for myself, I'm not looking into making this some sort of career or anything. It's just the best way for me to keep active, if that makes sense, and I really love doing it.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/star3x8
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    Started meditating in half lotus and was wondering about full?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    Hi all! I started meditating in half lotus recently and was amazed at how comfortable it was. When I first sit in the pose my top leg knee is up but after a few minutes it seems to settle out. And then it is very comfortable for meditating. I am nowhere near full lotus at this point. But I wonder if it is something worth pursuing or if it is one of the things that maybe someone who isn't super flexible should stay away from. I will say that sometimes when I stand up after meditating I have to walk it out hobbling around for a few steps, as if I got off a horse after a long ride or something.

    submitted by /u/TinFoilHelmetHair
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    taking butterfly to the next level

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    is there anyway i can take butterfly to the next level? I'm quite good in butterfly,my chest is able to touch my feet and my whole upper body can touch the ground

    submitted by /u/kookiesnsuga
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    Shoulder flexibility for sleeping on my arm

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Shoulder flexibility for sleeping on my arm

    I'm lacking the shoulder rotation to have my arm under my head when sleeping on the side (as in the picture). Do you have any suggestions on how to achieve this flexibility?

    Right now I can sort of get into the position, but I can feel pulling on the tendons on the inside of the elbow/forearm. I expect greater shoulder rotation would solve that problem.


    Why don't I get a pillow? Sure, that's what I use now. But I camp out a lot and want to simplify a bit. It's one fewer thing to worry about. And the added flexibility is likely to help in some exercise as well.

    submitted by /u/chr99
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    FULL BODY WORKOUT - WEIGHT LOSS - Surya Namaskar- 12 yoga postures that help increase flexibility.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Lower back pain during forward fold, only with proper form?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    I'm an athlete and have been experiencing lower back pain. As a result, I've begun stretching my legs and back in hopes that it'll help me. I've taken a few weeks off my sport to recover and at this point, I'm pain-free when I do my stretches.

    I've been stretching my hip flexors, glutes, and hamstrings and I'm relatively flexible. I have a high range of motion and am pain-free in all exercises. Except for one, the seated forward bend. If I allow my back to curve and bend my spine I can touch my toes, but I've heard this is improper posture. When I try to hinge at the hips, and keep my spine neutral, I feel a massive stretch in my entire lower back. Its a painful tightness. I can't hinge past 90 degrees forward. Sitting against a wall, with my butt touching and my legs flat, will also bring on this tight backstretch. I feel almost no stretch in my hamstrings or legs.

    Any other hamstring stretches, like lying on my back, are pain-free, and lower back stretch free. My hamstrings are flexible enough to go past 90 straight legged what I stretch lying on my back.

    Seated forward folds with good posture only affect my lower back, it feels so tight that its an achy pain when stretching it.

    From what I've found online this should only stretch the hamstrings. So why do I feel some extreme tightness in my lower back? What muscle am I stretching by folding with a straight back? Is it healthy to stretch through the pain or should I listen to my body and not do this stretch as it hurts my lower back muscles?

    Hopefully, I explained it right, I couldn't find anything online and could really use some info.

    ltdr; Seated forward folds with good posture only affect my lower back, it feels so tight that its an achy pain when stretching it.

    submitted by /u/total100ok
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    What are the stretches should I be doing to achieve active or cold flexibility in the middle splits or in other words, How to spread my Crotch like the girl in the video below?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:16 AM PDT

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