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    Tuesday, June 16, 2020

    Yoga: COMP first time accomplishing this! Have no idea what its called

    Yoga: COMP first time accomplishing this! Have no idea what its called

    COMP first time accomplishing this! Have no idea what its called

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    [COMP] 45 days ago I enthusiastically posted my (flawed) downward dog after practicing for a week. I’m still as enthusiastic but a bit more flexible! Here is pigeon pose on my way to splits

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    [comp] not sure if this has a name but i was so happy that i reached my feet in forearm wheel :) namaste

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    "Yoga is a method for restraining the natural turbulence of thoughts, which otherwise impartially prevent all men, of all lands, from glimpsing their true nature of Spirit." -Paramahansa Yogananda

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    How to strengthen standing leg for head to knee and bow pose?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    I have been doing Bikram hot for about a year and a half, ranging from every day to a few times a week. Studios are closed now but I practice at home, sometimes Bikram, sometimes regular vinyasa. Anyway my biggest problem with Bikram has always been the standing head to knee pose. My standing leg feels like its going to bend backwards, and just generally gets really fatigued around the knee and back of the knee area. Because of this I can't make it to the point where I stick my elevated leg out. I can hold onto my foot for the duration of the pose, but my standing leg will be on fire by the time I'm finished. I experience similar difficulty with the bow pose but to a much lesser degree. I'm able to do the bow pose quite well, and usually can get my foot above my head in the mirror

    I figured maybe it was just general leg weakness. I've been doing squats and deadlift with a little weight as well as running recently. Neither have made much of a difference. I also have very tight hamstrings, so I have been working on that too, not much change there either. For what its worth, I'm tall and lanky with very long legs.

    submitted by /u/dat_cellulite
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    [COMP] Backbend practice progress after applying tips from you guys! Featuring Cat

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    The Science of Yoga, commentary by I.K. Taimni; not great. Am I missing something?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    The past couple days, I've been reading The Science of Yoga. The sutras by Patanjali are very good but the translation and commentary by I.K. Taimni aren't.

    For me, the literal translation is enough to convey the meaning. It may be possible to translate it in a more precise way but I don't believe Taimni does so.

    A literal translation:

    _ that _ indeed __ (for) long __ time ___ (with) uninterrupted continuance (incessantly) ____ (and) reverent devotion; earnestness ___ pursued; practiced; followed; continued _ firm _ ground.

    Taimni translates thusly:

    In (Abhyasa) becomes firmly grounded on being continued for a long time, without interruption and with reverent devotion.

    The way I would translate is:

    Long time incessant and authentic practice is indeed firm ground.

    His translation is limiting, basic, and derivative. It seems to be just the exact words made into a complete sentence. The meaning is unitary and often based on concepts not yet introduced. Use of English is clunky and bulky; there is not clear flow present which is indicative of poor linguist comprehension.

    The commentary goes off topic into unintroduced concepts that roll off like a tangent. I've just started the book but don't believe the translator understands the heavy, complex implications of the sutras of Patanjali.

    If you've also read the book, I'd like to hear your thoughts. The sutras of Patanjali are supposed to be well regarded and complete in their purpose. I'm considering reading the rest of the first section, and from there reading only the literal translation.

    Is there something I'm missing; is the book better than I'm realizing?

    submitted by /u/_Z_Dream_z
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    Stretching help pleeeeeaaase!!!!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I am new to yoga and struggling with two things.

    First, when I'm on my back and trying to pull my knees to my chest, I can barely pull them in. What muscles would I stretch to help get my knees in tighter to my chest? I feel like it's my hips but also maybe my back???

    Second, in child's pose my forehead just barely touches the ground but my head doesn't really go that far in front on my knees. Is this just that I have a short torso or is there a way to stretch myself to get fully in the pose?

    Any tips would be hugely helpful!!!!!

    submitted by /u/Mrfitz08
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    Muscles spasms while doing yoga?? Wtf???

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    I'm a newbie (about 6 months) and mostly do floor yoga exercises. Over the last 2 weeks I've been getting a lot of muscle spasms during my practice, legs, shoulder, even my stomach. It really makes practice difficult and the spasms are quite annoying. Anyone have these issues?

    submitted by /u/badassandfifty
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    Any Tips or exercises in order to accomplish this movement? Apparently this is a beginner move so now I’m feeling pretty down because my body just can’t seem to get up into the low squat no matter what

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    What has been your biggest challenge with online yoga workouts?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Hi All - I'm curious what challenges you have had with live or on-demand yoga workouts? What would you change if anything about this moving forward and do you plan on continuing to do online workouts once we "go back to normal". Would love to hear thoughts! Thanks

    submitted by /u/chi3fer
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    Yoga helps in short term PTSD, as well as significantly helps long term treatment of PTSD

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    Dropping to wheel from pincha

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    Hi all, I don't have the most flexible shoulders and upper back, however I can decently drop to wheel from salamba sirsasana and drop to wheel from handstand with a 7-8 inches step support to land on (lots of work before being able to land on the mat)

    ...and I'm quite terrified to try it from pincha mayurasana! I don't really understand the mechanics so I'm scared for my shoulders/neck.

    Anyone that works on that: Is it much more intense that dropping from sirsasana or handstand you or is it just my fear?

    submitted by /u/invertedBoy
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    shortened thighs and hamstrings

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Hi I am a beginner and I noticed that I have very shortened hamstrings and shortened thighs.

    Do you have any tips what I can do about it besides stretching? It's very annoying...

    submitted by /u/interessiertandingen
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    hi all!! does anyone else’s knees hurt during bow pose? I’ve tried to flex my feet and grab my ankles but my knees just hurt terribly when I try it! would love some advice :)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Chill yin yoga channels for an advanced yogi?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    I really am craving a deep restorative yin practice. I'm really craving a nice, quiet, meditative yin channel where the yogi doesn't talk too much.

    Is there a yin yoga channel you recommend that is deeply restorative?

    submitted by /u/deeohdoublegzzy
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    YWA Home, Day 27 of 30, still inflexible!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    Rome wasn't built in a day, I've been doing yoga every day for over a month, and nearing the end of Home. I still feel incredibly stiff and inflexible, but I'm loving the journey. It is a great start to each day and I'm sure I'm improving even if I'm not noticing all that much!

    Does anyone have any suggestions of what to do after Home? I'm really liking the YWA style, but she has lots of options. I'd heard here her January classes are a good place for beginners, so I picked Home, but I'm probably still very much a beginner. I'm also happy to try other things (Sunday mornings I've been doing Park Yoga on YouTube, and Monday a local class via zoom), so all suggestions welcome.

    Edit - also love the 20-30 minutes length of what I've been doing, but have slightly more time for one-offs at the weekend.

    submitted by /u/petenolan
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    Can I use sinus arrhythmia to my advantage or not?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    I have a common arrhythmia where if I breathe in my heart rate increases quite a lot, and if i breathe out it slows down. I can feel it happen every single time i breathe in and out. And If I breathe in very slowly and delicately, i can make the heart rate the same as when i breathe out. Also even when im holding my breath and not breathing in nor out at the peak of the IN breath, my heart rate is still a bit faster. the more i breathe out the slower it becomes. when i breathe fully on the out breath, it stays slow.

    I know this isnt too much to do with yoga, but could I use it to my advantage, i.e. stress/relaxation?

    submitted by /u/lsrusloluv
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    Anyone here ever experiment with the conscious states surrounding dreams or pre-sleep

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    Ive heard anecdotes about the different state of consciousness that can be achieved through maintaining awareness while falling asleep, or even during sleep. Ive experience some of these states while in particularly peaceful yin yoga classes.

    Im wondering if anyone has any recommendations for resources I could use to learn more about these state of consciousness involved around sleep.

    I found these books doing a quick search:

    Dream Yoga
    The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep

    Have any of you read these or similar books. What would you recommend.

    submitted by /u/versaceblues
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    Beginner Yoga Retreats in North/Central America?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm looking for recommendations for a beginner yoga retreat in either North or Central America. I'm not concerned about price, but definitely am looking for a retreat geared more towards beginners. I've been practicing on/off for about two years but consistently the past three months.

    submitted by /u/confidentlykelsey
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    Is it normal to feel sore after a light yoga session?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    Hi! I've started yoga with adriene for almost 2 weeks, yesterday I tried to touch my toes- which I can't do without bending my knee, otherwise I feel excruciating pain behind my knees- and I pushed through it and now I have pain in my hip joints, lower back and all over my legs I now know I shouldn't have done that and shouldn't have pushed through something My body isn't capable of doing does that mean yoga isn't for me? I really love it, its changed my life in the short time I've been doing it but I'm feeling sore after every session

    submitted by /u/Ijustmadesthup
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    Hip flexor/sciatica issue

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    Hello! I've been doing for about three and a half years. I started doing because of pain I was experiencing in my hip flexor, which I learned was from sciatica. Long story short for these three and a half years yoga practice has kept the pain at bay. I recently realized that I suffer from an anterior pelvic tilt, in realizing this I found out my lunges were weird due to how tight my hip flexors still are. So, I started trying to tilt my pelvis forward to dig into the hip flexor a little more. Now I'm experiencing a stinging pain down my leg, and numbness above my knee and I can't even get into most hip stretches. And I know that if a pose hurts, then you have to listen to your body and avoid it. I'm a bit freaked out because these stretches usually help me, now I can't even get into them. Help?

    submitted by /u/TheGoldenBaby
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