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    Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    Yoga: [COMP] I had a friend join me today at the end of my practice :)

    Yoga: [COMP] I had a friend join me today at the end of my practice :)

    [COMP] I had a friend join me today at the end of my practice :)

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    [COMP] My attempt at the "flying split"

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Month 1 of Yoga done! I was inspired by this group to start and I cant believe how much my strength has changed in the past month

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Good advice for stretching

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Here's an excerpt from the book 'Stretching' by Bob Anderson. I think it's quite applicable to yoga asanas.

    ...there is a right way and a wrong way to stretch. The right way is a relaxed, sustained stretch with your attention focused on the muscles being stretched. The wrong way (unfortunately practiced by many people) is to bounce up and down or to stretch to the point of pain: these methods can actually do more harm than good. ...

    The easy stretch.

    When you begin a stretch, spend 10 - 15 seconds in the easy stretch. No bouncing! Go to the point where you feel a mild tension, and relax as you hold the stretch. The feeling of tension should subside as you hold the position. If it does not, ease off slightly and find a degree of tension that is comfortable. You should be able to say "I feel the stretch, but it is not painful." The easy stretch reduces muscular tightness and tension and readies the tissues for the developmental stretch.

    The developmental stretch.

    After the easy stretch, move slowly into the developmental stretch. Again, no bouncing. Move a fraction of an inch further until you again feel a mild tension and hold for 10 - 15 seconds. Be in control. Again, the tension should diminish; if not, ease off slightly. Remember: if the stretch tension increases as the stretch is held and/or it becomes painful, you are stretching too far! The developmental stretch fine tunes the muscles and increases flexibility.


    Your breathing should be slow, rhythmical, and under control If you are bending forward to do a stretch, exhale as you bend forward and then breathe slowly as you hold the stretch. Do not hold your breath while stretching. If a stretch position inhibits your natural breathing pattern, then you are obviously not relaxed. Just ease up on the stretch so you can breathe naturally.


    at first, silently count the seconds for each stretch; this will insure that you hold the proper tension for a long enough time. After a while, you will be stretching by the way it feels, without the distraction of counting.

    The stretch reflex

    Your muscles are protected by a mechanism called the stretch reflex. Any time you stretch the muscle fibers too far (either by bouncing or overstretching), a nerve reflex responds by sending a signal to the muscles to contract; this keeps the muscles from being injured. Thus, stretching too far tightens the very muscles you are trying to stretch! (You get a similar involuntary muscle reaction when you accidentally touch something hot; before you can think about it, your body jerks away from the heat).

    Pushing a stretch too far or bouncing up and down strains the muscles and activates the stretch reflex. This causes pain, as well as physical damage due to the microscopic tearing of muscle fibers. This in turn leads to the formation of scar tissue in the muscles, with a gradual loss of elasticity. The muscles become stiff and sore. It's hard to get enthused about daily stretching and exercise when you're pushing it to the point of pain!

    No gain with pain

    Many of us were conditioned in high school to the idea of "no gain without pain." We learned to associate pain with physical improvement, and were taught that "...the more it hurts, the more you get out of it." Don't be fooled. Stretching, when done correctly, is not painful. Learn to pay attention to your body, for pain is an indication that something is wrong.

    The easy and developmental stretches, as described on the previous page, do not overactivate the stretch reflex and do not cause pain.

    submitted by /u/patanjalimuni
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    Free yoga book club/self-study?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Earlier this year I was looking at doing a teacher training and obviously am no longer doing that. I have some of the popular used books and wanted to start reading through them on my own. However, I would like to retain more of this information and so was wondering if there are any book guides/clubs out there? Questions on reading or things to reflect on. Just something a bit more guided than reading through the books.

    Edit: or if someone wants to help start one? I guess I just need some accountability to reading and helping to digest the material.

    submitted by /u/dec92010
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    Suggestions for poses or stretches

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    I have a labral tear in my lip which causes a lot of stiffness and a lack of mobility. I'm relatively new to yoga, I go to classes about twice a week. And I can really tell that my left leg is so much weaker and less flexible. Are there any poses or stretches anyone would recommend that I could do that might help?

    submitted by /u/bgarrett1108
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    I have been trying to sit up straight at work and it is killing my upper back and breasts. Can someone give me some yoga poses to help?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    As the title says. My upper back is killing me. Feels like my spine is being crushed. My breasts are also very very sore. I always slouched at work but I am trying to sit up straight because I have a hip tear, and I am sure slouching isn't helping the healing process. I used WebMD to learn how to sit properly at a desk.

    I do beginner yoga 2 times a week and physical therapy for hip strengthening. Thought y'all could help with my back. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/notimeforyourbs
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    Outdoor yoga

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    I will be hosting outdoor yoga in my yard. Some parts of the yard are uneven. Was wondering if anyone puts anything under the mats to help with a smoother surface ? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/greencatz412
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    Why do you do yoga?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    hey r/yoga -

    Curious as to why you all do yoga. I started it years ago for stretching and now it's turned into more of a mindfulness / spiritual practice. Others do it to sweat. How about you?

    submitted by /u/planetjy
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    Similar to Bryan Kest?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    I haven't done a regular yoga practice in a long time. I used to enjoy Bryan Kest's Power Yoga And looking for something more modern that's similar? Something meditative but still a good work out. Maybe less of a workout actually lol 🙌🙏

    submitted by /u/jalexander333
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    what is a good way to get really flexible

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    i wanna start martial arts but i need to get really flexible and im unsure what app or stretching schedule to use to see progressive improvements. as far as i know yoga practitioners are some of the most flexible people i know so i wanted to ask for help here. i heard the gowod app is really good but its targeted for crossfitters isnt it?

    submitted by /u/sportyskater21
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    COMP - Newbie here. I'm on day 21 of YWAHome series. I'm finding the seated pose a real challenge. Hips are really tight, especially the left side. So far I'm making small progress with it (hard to tell but this is better than when I started) but would like any advice on how I can be better.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Has anyone ever been to a Yogaville silent retreat?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    I'm considering going to one in October and I'm interested in hearing people's opinions and perspectives on it. What was the experience like for you? What it what you expected? What are some things you wish you had know prior to going? What advice do you have for someone who is completely new to this sort of thing?

    Thanks for your input!


    submitted by /u/iamagoldenlyre
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    Why can't one meditate immediately after eating food? When can one meditate?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    Deload From Yoga?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Hello all!

    I checked the FAQ and didn't see anything that directly relates to this issue I'm currently having. I'm attempting a "deload week" from yoga and it's driving me crazy! I came to yoga in November as part of a weight-loss journey. I fell in love with all aspects. I love reading about history, spirituality, the 8 limbs, different styles. THings like chakras and meridians were totally new to me and I find it fascinating. I've practiced every day since January and it saved my sanity during the 9 weeks I was on Corona Shutdown. I usually practice Vinyasa, power, Hatha, and yin, though I'm open and have begun to dabble in Ashtanga. I use mostly DownDog and Kassandra apps, some youtube. Typically an hour a day, no less than 45 minutes and very often 2+ hours.

    I'd noticed for the past few weeks that my strength was waning to now nonexistent and that I'm having trouble doing flows that I'd done multiple times before. Saturday I couldn't do chaturanga or hold extended side angle. All of my leg and arm muscles hurt, my hips and knees hurt. I had been having trouble so the flows I'd been doing the past week or so were shorter and gentler, but the issues persisted. Advice from my Doctor and my dad (weightlifter, avid reader about all things fitness, esp safety and health) was that I have just pushed myself too hard too fast and I should deload (rest) My body is exhausted. So rest for a week. Yesterday, I did a couple of restorative videos. I want to know how to keep this from happening again. Its been 2 days and it is making me crazy. I want to practice every day. I want to continue my journey. What did I do wrong, how do I fix it and how do I get back on my mat??

    Any and all advice welcome! Namaste.

    submitted by /u/sunsalutations-teeth
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    Is yoga a religious activity?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    I was reading up on yoga and it seem to be a highly spiritual/religious practice. Am i mistaken in that? If I don't follow all 8 limbs of yoga should i just stretch and/or meditate outside of this context. I am kinda new to this. Thanks for your input.

    submitted by /u/dhowell117
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    Hi! Has anyone tried a yoga apps that using AI?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    I tryna the Zenia app, that sees my movements and tells me when my asanas aren't correct. I wanted to ask you if are any applications like this?

    submitted by /u/MatthewFundedSecured
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    How do I begin my yoga journey?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    I can do the sun salutations. I'm looking for series of yoga training that would guide me to advanced yoga poses like crow pose or head stand. Can you please share your journey.

    submitted by /u/ElectricalCheese29
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    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:11 PM PDT

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