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    Monday, June 1, 2020

    Yoga: How do we bring yoga off the mat?

    Yoga: How do we bring yoga off the mat?

    How do we bring yoga off the mat?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    I've been finding it difficult to get myself to practice recently so I decided to try practicing outside today. It was incredible, the breeze just made me feel more connected to my practice.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    [COMP] Second attempt at Forearm Wheel/ Chakra Bandhasana, help on my form please :(

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    [COMP] Started learning crow. Can I get some feedback? :) One issue is that my knees always slip making it much harder

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    [COMP] Think I'm finally getting the hang of getting my knees up towards my armpits in crow pose - any comments on my form gratefully received!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Those of you who practice Yoga for pain reasons, do you often notice a difference when you forget or don’t stretch at all for a day?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    I've started recently picking up some light yoga, mainly the stretches leading up to, then getting to Lotus position for my hips and knees. (I'm already fairly flexible in that region and have gotten into the position before but not in a little while so I haven't hurt myself) The difference was there the first day, and within a week it's already helped a ton with my daily pain levels.

    I noticed that yesterday when I hadn't done my stretches and poses in the morning, or at all, I had my same old issues come back and was just wrecked at the end of of the day. - obviously I'll just have to keep going at it, which is honestly something I need to commit to anyway, but I'm curious if this is a common occurrence for people? (Not just for lower body)

    not seeking medical advice, just a bit curious


    submitted by /u/ok_byside
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    Yoga gear for golden years

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    My mom just started yoga at age 69! When asked what she wanted for her birthday, she requested "athleisure" for her new hobby. Here's the deal, though: she doesn't want "tight stuff." In other words, not the typical yoga leggings she sees Adriene wearing in her videos.

    What can I purchase for my mom that won't slip around too much during her practice (like some of the wide-legged sweats she wears to the gym), but also isn't skin tight? She's a fit lady, just needs some comfy options.

    submitted by /u/mrlittlejeans3
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    ahimsa (non-violence)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    One of the core principles (yamas) of yoga is ahimsa, non-violence. So too for Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, etc.

    We really all need to ask ourselves, right now - where do I stand?

    With the people protesting for their right to live? Or with the militarised police forces that are indiscriminately attacking people?

    I say indiscriminate - they are not targeting arsonists or whatever. They're targeting anyone, including reporters, older people, and children.

    There are good and bad on both sides. But the difference is that one side is in power, and can hurt people without fear of reprisal.

    This is fundamental to yoga. We must reject this brutality and support those who are just trying to make their lived experience safer.

    submitted by /u/Votes4Cows
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    Boat pose kills my hips?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    I've been practicing yoga on and off for about 9 years. I was out of practice all last year but have started back up again in January.

    I have never had an issue with boat pose, but now all of a sudden it hurts in my hip flexors. My hips are very flexible, I can do a split on both sides. But when I do boat pose, they tense up and hurt (a lot). I don't feel boat pose in my core AT ALL. It's all in my hips. Ive always been able to do a nice set of high boats to low boats but now my hips won't let me. They feel so tight that I can't really keep my knees together either.

    Any thoughts of what this could be? I live in a rural area so my yoga instructor is yoga with Adrienne. I can't find much on google either. Any help would be very appreciated !

    submitted by /u/sophiadidonna
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    I’m sorry if this is annoying but I need help

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a specific book that my friend had - I've been looking for years and I wish I remembered the title but I don't. It was a fascinating yoga book that featured big color pictures of this skinny old guru doing poses and had a chapter on eye yoga and stomach yoga where you swallow the cloth. I think it even had partner yoga in it? I wish I could just ask her but it's not possible.

    submitted by /u/torienne4lyfe
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    Alignment anxiety

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Anyone else ever find themselves getting over occupied with distributing their weight and thus fidgeting in a pose? Any advice to improve alignment?

    submitted by /u/idealistinferno
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    Headstand- hand discomfort

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Hey guys! Recently I've been working on my headstands (which I'm not very good at- usually am up for a wobbly 3 seconds) and I've noticed my hands start to feel very strained. I've been interlocking my fingers because some other hand positions were super wobbly and hurt my neck, and the base of my fingers start to hurt and makes me lose focus. Any tips or ideas as to what I need to adjust?

    submitted by /u/jelljen
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    Routines / videos intended for posture improvement?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    TLDR - I have the posture of a cooked noodle. I want to look like a human instead. I know exercise yoga is generally good for posture. Is there yoga that focuses specifically on improving posture?

    I deal with really bad posture. Specifically, anterior pelvic tilt and upper cross syndrome. I look like a teenage caveman. It hurts and makes me self conscious.

    I've been trying routines on my own for years (stretching hip flexors, chest, traps; exercising core, glutes, upper back, neck; etc), but have never seen any progress. I think including a more holistic approach, like yoga, would be better, especially because I think I could stay more motivated.


    submitted by /u/jar-jar-kinks
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    Is anyone else here doing the classes of Breatheandflow on Youtube?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    I really like their classes. Therefore I was surprised they were not mentioned on this subreddit before.

    Just wondering if there are more people here enjoying their channel?

    submitted by /u/Beniss
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    DownDog is so close to useful but ultimately is just frustrating - where else can I go to learn yoga?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    Disclaimer, i'm trying to use Yoga to fix general postural and muscle tightness that I have. I was recommended it by serveral physotherapists that ive had for my on going lower back issues (had a fall while rock climbing).

    I've used DownDog for maybe 70 of the last 80 days. I recently tried moving the difficulty up to "Beginner 2" as many moves dont seem to be doing much for me on Beginner 1. Beginner 2 seems to have a lot more moves in which I can feel good thing happens in muscles. However, both Beginner 1 & 2 also have so many impossible moves.

    Every practice has a "forward fold" every 2 or 3 minutes as part of their circuit. I cannot even come close to touching my toes. I'm getting better every practice but still pretty far away. It also hurt the backs of my legs a lot. The video guide doesnt tell me whats more important - having my hands flat on the floor, or straight knees. Straight knees feels okay but I can feel how tight my legs are, hand on floor with bent knees but quickly starts to hurt my lower back. So i'm doing straight knees but it still doesnt feel great.

    I have tight quads (they always feel like i'm tensing them when im not) so I like to choose the Quad "booster", but then some wild shit happens. I dont know the names of the move because they use something not english to describe them, but it involes laying on your back, with one leg folded behingd you, and the other out to the side. This is impossible, I have to not lay down but instead stay on my forearms. Then the instruction is to sit up, and literally lay sideway along your leg, with your ear touching your leg. I mean seriously, I doubt 99.99% of the world could even come close to this, i literally cant even reach my toes with my hands, let alone my shin with my ear. And this is for beginners?

    Those are just some examples. So many moves I know im not doing properly but there is no instruction as to how to adapt. so many moves are impossible. So many others are too easy. I guess im asking too much of an app, but surely there must be some resource out there for beginners to use that just shows you moves and whay good they do for what muscle group. I wish you could choose multiple boosters too. I have lower back, neck, hip, quad, hamstring problems. All need targeting.

    I tried Yoga with Adrienne but im really not into all of the spiritual stuff, I didnt last 60 seconds of the first video. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Lazy-Blacksmith
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    Random question, but what are some things not to do as a man in a yoga class if it’s mostly women.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    I'm thinking of getting into yoga because of some gnarly back pain, and also generally being inflexible and out of shape, want to fix that before it gets worse.

    Might be weird that I'm even thinking about it but I do want to make sure I'm respectful. Are some women weirded out by a man by himself in a class?

    submitted by /u/Green2000ToyotaCamry
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    people are always telling me how amazing expensive mats are, but why do so many people have so many issues with them?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    I have a cheap mat. I'm pretty sure it cost less than $20 dollars AUD. i have had it for about 6 years. never needed to break it in. Admittedly, i was very infrequently practicing, it got used more to sleep on while camping. But it has a very pronounced texture to make sure it doesn't slide on one side, a more fine texture on the other to make sure i didn't slide, it made my hard wooden floors more than comfy.

    Since march i have practiced basically every day. I'm starting to think about replacing it.

    but I'm constantly amazed at the amount of work that people put into making their expensive mats usable, and the amount of people talking about replacing their expensive mats within a year or two. I assume that's with daily practice, but a manduka pro would set me back $200 dollars. even if I'm replacing my mat every three months, I would still be better off than buying a manduka.

    if this is the reality of having an expensive mat, I'm confused about how they're better?

    submitted by /u/Numerous-Concern
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    My legs are always falling asleep! Help!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    I've been doing yoga for many years, but only within the last year I've found that my legs fall asleep super easily and I have to get out of poses which is really annoying. This can happen at any time, but mostly happens when I'm in child's pose, crossed legs, and forward fold. Any ideas why this happens? How can I help it? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/sara6800
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    Need help with yoga and pain!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Hello there.First of all I have done Yoga many times,from a studio to a gym and to some programs in some apps.Through Quarantine I stopped excercising(the pain I had was there despite me excercising<- it wasn't yoga though).I have upper spine problems,Postural Kyphosis which I'm trying to work on and pain in the shoulders(due to me hunching).Would really appreciate if someone could guide me through some videos on YouTube aiming on these areas?Maybe based on personal experiences?I have looked up for them in the past but they didn't really work out of me :( If it helps,I have Rounded Shoulders,A Flat Back Syndrome and Forward Head Posture.Again as I said I have been trying to work on fixing my overall posture..I appreciate this community,thank you!

    submitted by /u/VixenK
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    Question on hips in triangle

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Hi! Does anyone know if hips should be square to the front of the mat or open to the side in triangle? I've had different teachers teach it both ways and just want to practice correct alignment to avoid another injury. Thanks for any advice!!

    submitted by /u/charcoalpencil
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    Any tips for helping me find my lost motivation?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    The first month or so of quarantine I was doing great, practicing almost every day and was feeling really in tune with myself. I work in homeless services so my job has been made super stressful by this pandemic and yoga was usually a place of comfort for me.

    Lately I've lost all my motivation. It's SO DIFFICULT to show up on my mat, and even when I do I can't seem to let go of everything else on my mind. I think a lot of it is fatigue and stress related, but I really want to feel that peace I used to get from my practice again.

    Anyone experiencing something similar right now or have any tips on how to get out of my funk?

    submitted by /u/maebug95
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    Can a guy wear yoga pants at a public yoga class ? Or would that be weird ?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    As a guy when I practice yoga at home I always wear yoga leggings because they feel more comfortable and look nicer. I'd like to go to yoga class to get the help of a teacher and socialize a bit (if that's what people do), but I've got a feeling people might feel uncomfortable if I'm wearing what's pretty much labeled as women's wear.
    What do you think ?

    submitted by /u/virtualCheeseburger
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