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    Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    Ashtanga yoga: After Food Poisoning

    Ashtanga yoga: After Food Poisoning

    After Food Poisoning

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    Hi All

    I had some pretty gnarly food poisoning over the weekend. I was up all Sunday night purging. Monday I felt exhausted and could only eat rice and peas. I kept on having attacks of the hiccups which really sucked. Today (Tuesday) the hiccups are gone (thank God!!) and my appetite has improved but I'm still getting bloated with some acid reflux symptoms.

    Has anyone gone through this and how have they restarted their practice? I usually rotate the first three series of Ashtanga but today, I meditated and did sun salutations, lotus poses and sitali pranayama (recommended for acid reflux). It was OK but my stomach still felt raw throughout.

    Any advice going forward?


    submitted by /u/Rumblebuffen
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    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    was wondering if anyone knew if there are teachers who practice breath retention when doing the opening and closing chants? i noticed a teacher singing the opening and closing and i swear it looked like they only took one beginning breath before doing the entire call and response.

    submitted by /u/windmoonsunsea
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    Question about flexibility

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Hello yogis! Hope you guys have a good day. I just want to ask, do you guys have flexibility training outside of yoga practices or just purely yoga? I'm just 3rd week into yoga and I'm enthusiastic. Can anyone give me tips to improve my flexibility/mobility?

    And if I do purely yoga practice, do flexibility comes naturally?

    submitted by /u/tienkai96
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    Balance between Mysore and Led Classes

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    Hi again,

    The Yoga centre I go to re-opens this Wednesday and I will look at changing my classes around after learning I can now attend Mysore-classes. Originally I thought Mysore-classes were for advanced Ashtangis and after seeing a few comments on this forum I checked with my centre and I am able to attend these classes.

    I wanted to ask what people have found as a good balance between Mysore and Led Classes (ie, the number of each type one does in a week)? I guess this depends on the person and where they are at in their journey, and I will find out for myself soon enough, however I was really interested in what others have personally found in their own practice over time.

    Thanks again!

    submitted by /u/Paul_GC
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    How often to Practice (Consistency vs. Intensity)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    Over the past year (before Covid19) I have taken the approach with yoga of doing quite intensive classes for 4 days per week and really pushing myself. Looking back I was definitely using strength to overcome poor flexibility and forcing some postures. On this forum there has been a lot of talk about practicing 6 days per week which I initially thought was insane. However in looking at how Ashtanga is traditionally taught in Mysore-style (adding postures when the student is ready) I can see now that practicing 6 days per week is feasible if the level of intensity is suited to the person's condition.

    So I guess what I wanted to ask, is that definitely the better way to go, practicing 6 days but taking it easier in class so that the practice is sustainable. Or, is there merit in practicing at a much stronger intensity say four days per week and having a few recovery days? Just wanted to ask what others have found in their own personal practice. Personally I like the thought of practicing each day and not being as sore all the time, however I still want to maintain my goal of completing Primary in five years!!

    Many thanks.

    PS, I know I may receive a bhoga comment :-) but that's OK, I am changing slowly..........

    submitted by /u/Paul_GC
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    Sirsasana questions.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    For context my height is 6'5, so my legs are very long. I'm having difficulty maintaining a straight line. Either my pelvis likes to go forward or my legs like to go forward. Any tips on how to keep my pelvis and legs back straight?

    submitted by /u/nathanmedler
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