• Breaking News

    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    Flexibility: I challenged myself to learn the splits in 30 days... this is what happened.

    Flexibility: I challenged myself to learn the splits in 30 days... this is what happened.

    I challenged myself to learn the splits in 30 days... this is what happened.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    35 Minute Full Body Yoga for Strength & Flexibility with Antranik

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Need Advice. Can't get into Pike stretch while maintaining a Neutral Spine.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    I have Tight Hamstrings and even if I try to get into a Pike stretch my Lumbar ( Lower ) Spine starts to flex.

    I am not sure what other Muscles I need to stretch and whether I need to do any Hip mobility work or not.

    I can do below parallel squats but my butt starts to wink as I go below parallel.

    So please help Me by suggesting Flexibility and Mobility routine.

    submitted by /u/Athletic_Beaxst
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    Found a great video on back flexibility

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Back strength is all part of core strength. New video tomorrow where I will be demonstrating all these exercises. Link below.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Foundation training: any experience?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:53 AM PDT


    Does anyone have any experience with the "foundation training" to cope with back pain? If yes, can he share it?

    Cheers from Italy,


    submitted by /u/sarox76
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    Posted on form check Friday to no avail, hows my forward fold?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Needing help with deep squatting.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Hi r/flexibility. I have had a problem with my squats for a long time now. I have done the ankle mobility test and have found out that I have decent ankle dorsal flexion (knee can touch wall with foot 1 hand length away from wall) but I have difficulty trying to activate my ankles when going downwards. Whenever I try to squat or go in a downwards motion, my ankles won't move forward even though my ankles are being tensed. I've been calf rolling for a long time and has seen minimal progress, but I don't get why my ankles are being restricted once I get down to squat. Could it be due to the width of my ankles? My mates have said that I have quite wide ankles compared to others. Would love some information and help!

    Thanks, T

    submitted by /u/T_Rumble
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    Pain in Iliopsas When Stretching Glutes/Hamstrings

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Pain in Iliopsas When Stretching Glutes/Hamstrings


    I regularly stretch and strengthen my hip flexors (since I work on a seated position most of the day.)

    Also, I have to stretch my hamstrings and lower back regularly. Otherwise, I have a hard time trying to touch my toes.

    It's been a battle to relax my hamstrings and glutes, and the thing is, that when I try to do, say, a deep lunge to stretch the glute, I get a lot of pain in the iliopsoas, where the hip joins the femur/quads.

    Like in this picture:

    pain right where the arrow is pointing

    As in this example picture, I get into this position, left knee forward, right knee either in the air or on the floor, with the right-side iliopsoas stretched out (I have no problem stretching the right-side iliopsoas here.)

    My aim is to eventually bring my left elbow to the floor (as in the picture below). I can manage the right elbow. My end goal at some point is to do a split.

    My objective, but pain on the flexed/contracted iliopsoas is hard to bear

    However, as I sink deeper into the stretch, to stretch the left glute and hamstrings, the left-side iliopsoas (now in a contracted position) begins to scream murder (far, far, but faaaaaaaar more than what I would feel when I'm stretching it.)

    Obviously, when I stretch the glute, I contract the iliopsoas, but the pain is sometimes unbearable.

    Stretching the iliopsoas? No problem.

    Getting it in a contracted position to stretch the glutes? Good Lord, the pain!

    A similar situation arises when I try to touch my toes. The hip flexors hurt, but nothing as compared as to when I do a deep lunge, or sometimes a pigeon pose with my head touching the knee.

    Is this normal?

    Is it an Illiopsas weakness or inflexibility somewhere else?

    Are there ways to avoid this pain? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/quasiphilosopher
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