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    Sunday, September 6, 2020

    Ashtanga yoga: Bleeding in Pincha

    Ashtanga yoga: Bleeding in Pincha

    Bleeding in Pincha

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I've recently started doing pincha mayurasana. As I progress in holding the pose, my elbow skin has been starting to rip and bleed, and the wound is more or less reopened every time I try to do pinchas in practice -- which is my last pose. Does anyone here have the same experience, and do you have advice on how you progressed with this pose?

    Edit: I've started putting bandages already but my skin still manages to rip inside

    submitted by /u/tkbos
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    Newbie questions from a beginner

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I started doing yoga as my primal form of movement around 3/4 months ago and being very very consistent with it. I have come up with two main questions which I have not been able to address by using google.

    First one is when seating and doing a straddle seated forward fold I am not able to even keep my back straight and even less going forward due to my hips. I even need a bit of support from placing my hands behind next to my hips; is this due to tight hip flexors? Or could it be that they are weak? They even start getting tired from seating in meditation after a while so that's why I might suspect they are weak. What could I do in order to improve this?

    Second question is I have pretty bad ankle mobility/flexibility compared to other parts of my body; what exercises or what do you guys recommend in order to have more mobility (also for even squatting my heels lift up) there?

    Thank you to everyone for paying attention and have a lovely weekend!


    submitted by /u/daninunu97
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