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    Sunday, September 6, 2020

    Meditation: ¨The rise in popularity in mindfulness and meditation is not a coincidence. We live in some of the most unfulfilling and disconnected of times.¨

    Meditation: ¨The rise in popularity in mindfulness and meditation is not a coincidence. We live in some of the most unfulfilling and disconnected of times.¨

    ¨The rise in popularity in mindfulness and meditation is not a coincidence. We live in some of the most unfulfilling and disconnected of times.¨

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    The title of this post is the title of the top post of the year within the r/Meditation subreddit. And after reading this post and seeing the huge interest in mindfulness and meditation, I wanted to share some links to the subscribers on this subreddit so that everyone can learn and practice even more.

    Alan Watts guided meditation

    Jiddu Krishnamurti - The art of meditation

    Guided meditation by Sadhguru

    Ten mindful movements - Thich Nhat Hanh

    The ego and meditation

    I want to say that I think that it is beautiful that more and more people are practicing mindfulness and meditation.

    I hope you enjoy the links

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/enjoytodayenjoynow
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    Master the Mind, for Your Own Sake

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    I'm not sure why, but I couldn't help but write this tonight for whoever may come across it. I won't be saying anything new, or unheard of, but I hope to spark a light in a portion of those ready to hear what's said, if you're here, thank you, I hope you find value in this.

    The time we're in now is catastrophically hopeful.

    Catastrophic because, generally, we are disconnected from each other, ourselves, and this beautiful & rich planet. We've found respite in patterns of behaviour that make us numb, fretful, & unconscious: socials, entertainment sites, pornography, news, indulgences, etc. We were given these as gifts from society, but look at what they are doing to us. We know these are not conducive to our highest potential, yet they continue to grip our minds. To no real surprise, it's what they were designed to do.

    However, despite this, it's hopeful. There has never been a time in history where the potentials for growth have been this unbelievably high. The teachings of every master in almost every field, spiritual, intellectual, psychological, is available to you at the tap of a few buttons. The gravity of this potential doesn't quite land for most, but it's extraordinary. If we leveraged this potent time in history fully, we would surely be enriched beyond our wildest imaginations. Yet, we don't see it like this, we reach instead for the short term bursts of pleasure.

    The potentials that lie inside us would astonish each and every one of us if glanced at. I'm sure you've seen this potential a few times; usually it's rarely experienced, perhaps in glimpses during emotionally expansive moments. Though, we often contract back to our habitualized states after such glimpses. Patterns of behaviour that have been installed from a young age from a deeply ill society. We take these patterns unquestioned more often than not. Or we simply give up due to the difficult nature of evolving beside those who have little to no interest in growth or expansion. Those around us influence us incredibly, whether we know it or not.

    To grow, to expand, to discover sustainable & true joy requires massive effort, despite what anyone says, though, it's the best investment you will ever make. More often than not, our societies, friends, families don't present environments for this type of self-transformation to occur. The blame isn't there's, nor is it yours, it's just the situation. However, the fact of the matter is this, you are the master of your thoughts, your actions, your reality; even if a poor master as of yet. You control who you expose yourself to, you control what thoughts you engage it, you control this life.

    The question then becomes, if we have this power, why haven't we mastered it? We must get to the root of this. My proposition is this, and I encourage we entertain this proposition earnestly, as an experiment: The mind is the forerunner of all thoughts, perceptions, and circumstances. Many greats have said this clearly, Buddha, Aurelius, Plato, and others. Mastering the mind, must then, lead to mastering thoughts, happiness, circumstances; or at the very least, drastically improving them. The question is, if it's so important, why do we poor so much attention into external aspects, and not the mind itself? Simply out of habits we've picked up from experience. Say then, for the next 90 days, make your #1 goal to master your mind, your thoughts & emotions. Lay your problems, complaints, and 'buts' aside for a time, and redirect the majority of your attention inward during the day. Determine to do so, and establish stability through morning / evening meditation.

    Even though meditation is an effective device to train the mind, often when the meditation ends, our problems & patterns begin. A brief refuge from turbulence. I'm suggesting a different approach, to work your way up to sustaining a portion of the meditative state throughout the day. According to studies, 80% of our thoughts are exactly the same today as yesterday, unless we bring our meditation into the day, we stand a small chance to make deep changes in our habits.

    If you agree with what I've said, take this challenge. Proper guidance and learning is necessary of course, I wish I could get into the nitty gritty but that would require a book that I haven't written. A good resource to learn meditation & mind mastery is The Mind Illuminated, works by Joe Dispenza (Becoming Supernatural), Eckhart Tolle (Power of Now), Neville Goddard (Infinite Potential), Aurelius (Meditations) and Buddhist Masters who post videos on YT such as Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Though I'm sure each of us can figure out a way to do this if we determine to do so.

    Now, the last thing I'll say is if you've read to this point, I want to offer a means to help. I run a meditation community that supports and helps individuals who take these topics seriously. I know how difficult it is to find people in real life take self-mastery seriously, so I'm doing what I can to offer a tangible resource to assist in this difficult process. Thanks for reading, if your interested, just message or dm me. Blessings.

    submitted by /u/ProfessorKillionare
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    Guys Guys Guys...Listen to this.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Basically for my entire life I've never been that much of an empathetic person. Of course, I've felt empathy—I'm not a psychopath. But not on this level. So. What happened is this: I was with my dad and we were talking. And at one point in our conversation there was a pause. In this pause something tremendous happened. Something which has never happened before. I felt one with him. As if me and him were the same person. It's so difficult to describe. But, like, I saw him in a different perspective. As if this whole time I'd seen him in 2d, and suddenly it shifted to 3d. At the time I thought this: "He's human like me. He has the same consciousness as me. He has thoughts and emotions like I do. He has a whole life. Memories, stories. Everything." But there was also something deeper than these thoughts. It was as if I WAS him. As if me and him were the same. It seems absurd. But I really felt it. And I truly felt his suffering (my father's had a difficult life). Tears nearly came to my eyes; I had to hold them back. And ever since I've interacted with people, I feel the same thing; not on the same intensity, but I feel it nonetheless. Nevertheless, this extreme level of empathy, I think, will allow me to connect with people on a much deeper level. I believe that if the whole world had a level of empathy similar to this, perhaps there'd be less suffering in the world. Anyway, this is after a week of meditating every day. Has anyone become more empathetic after they started meditating?

    submitted by /u/JonSmithSnow
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    My partner interrupted me in the middle of my mediation. *trigger warning abuse*

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I had my headphones in. Was into a 45 minute of an hour long meditation. Specifically for astral projection. So it was pretty intense and focused. I told him before I went into the spare bedroom that I would be in there for a little over an hour and to please not come in...obviously. He comes in. Bumps into the bed or something idk what he did but it startled me and I jumped up... From a sleep trance with low heart beat straight to a startled fast heart rate... Little back story. Meditation has always been hard for me. I was abused as a child and would usually wake up to the abuse...so just the thought of closing my eyes for a long period of time while other things are still going on around me absolutely terrifies me. So I was proud of myself for even doing this. After he interrupts me and I'm upset and start crying and he just gets mad at me for being upset with him. It just turned into such a shit show and now I never went to meditate again. Sorry just needed to vent to someone who might understand.

    submitted by /u/Snowflake0804
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    Tips on reaching & exploring deep emotions during meditation

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 12:39 AM PDT


    Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday.

    So as the title suggests I'm wondering if any of you out there have any tips on reaching & exploring deep emotions during meditation.

    I feel I'm slowly getting there as they become closer to the surface and my observations of them but any help to really connect with some of these deep emotions during meditation would be kindly appreciated.

    Namaste 🙏

    submitted by /u/TSS09
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    Can we listen to an audiobook while meditating?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    I am wondering if meditating would be effective if I listen to an audiobook while doing it?

    submitted by /u/et-nad
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    What does this mean?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:35 PM PDT

    Im new to meditation, and i was meditating, and all of as sudden this white light it was wavey almost like smoke but graceful surrounded me then entered my body it sucked me in like a trance then . i tried to look it up but cant find an answer.

    submitted by /u/Capablee_Ad
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    What do you think about when trying to stay in the present while going about your day?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    I have a lot of anxiety that stems from worrying about the future or worst case scenarios. Along with my meditation practice I'm trying to stay in the present moment as much as I can but it feels either difficult or boring. What goes through your mind in the in between moments such as brushing your teeth or in the shower? Or do you think about the future in a way that isn't anxiety invoking?

    submitted by /u/SeriousSatellite
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    Whats you favorite meditation ?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    Its kinda hard for me to meditate in silence so can you guys link me to your favorite meditation music or guided meditation im open to everything just link me too and ill give you my feed back

    submitted by /u/red362m
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    Question for those who have done a lot of healing. Do you often now "feel" bad but no longer connect or identify with the feeling?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    So I talk a lot about healing, about my own emotional journey in regards to meditation. Something I have noticed a lot of late is that I find myself now often "feeling" bad without necessarily identifying with or connecting those feelings with my life narrative. They are more just sensations in my body. Unpleasant ones but I don't spiral with thoughts nearly as much from them. Sometimes I notice too they are just hunger, or exhaustion, or natural reactions to unpleasant events. Or I may feel sad or upset about some event that happened. But like I said I seem now to be very aware of these as physical sensations in the body much less connected with any kind of narrative structure.

    I won't say totally disconnected as I notice the urge or habit still there to go to that negative place of depression, valuelessness, self hatred etc. But it seems far easier to make note of the urge and physical feelings and pivot toward something else. It's strange though because in many ways I don't "feel" any better, indeed the sensations are quite unpleasant. But there is definitely less baggage and the amount of time I carry things is far less.

    Does this ring true for anyone else?

    submitted by /u/eulersidentity1
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    What is 32 hours of focus time according to Sadguru?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    In one of his talks, Sadguru says 32 hours of focus time is enough to change the life.

    What he meant by 32 hours of focused time?. Does it mean continuous focused time. Sum of everyday time of Yoga/meditation?

    Please clarify.

    submitted by /u/Localmachine08
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    What quotes about attention are always able to center you?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    There are certain quotes from books, movies, or podcast interviews that seem to ground me in the present. They bring my attention back to the moment and help me feel centered. They allow me to cut away the thoughts, feelings, identity games, and much of the ego. I'd love to have more of this in my life.

    Here is my favourite:

    "What, in this moment, is lacking?" - Zen master Rinzai (I came across this in Eckhart Tolle's The Power Of Now.)

    Please share yours, along with the source.

    submitted by /u/MattDameon
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    anyone else get this?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    when i get deeper into meditation (like 10-20 minutes) i notice that i start to feel tilted? idk how to explain it but it feels like i'm leaning. i know i'm sitting/laying straight though, it's weird.

    submitted by /u/Usins721
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    Figure 8

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    When you meditate close your eyes and move them in a figure 8 motion, imagine the motion as flowing water. This helped me clean mind of thoughts focusing on the motion. then when I was ready to think. I gave myself a self-analysis of my ego and life choices.

    submitted by /u/ineedhelp_plz420
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    Mindful meditation having the opposite effect?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Whenever I try to practice mindfulness meditation and focusing on my breath, I find myself being less in the present moment that if I would just observe and appreciate everything with my eyes open. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/SwiftnovaXG
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    Cant fall asleep before 3am...

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    Hi! Its currently 2:50am and every night I cant fall asleep before 3am for some reason... This all started some months ago when I got heartbroken by some friends, etc... like I got a really bad heartbreak... Im okay now but at the beginning I was so lost.. I didnt know what to do, I was quiet all day but im really alright now. The only problem here is the sleeping one and I don't know why it still persists... Im just laying in the bed and thinking about stuff... stuff like who i wanna become, what i want to do, thinking about what im gonna do tomorrow and the list goes on and on... Any help.?


    submitted by /u/lukaspiderman1
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    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Meditation has made me realize thoughts come and go. They are meaningless and I control the reaction I give to them. I am also the creator of my life and reality. However, I just recently realized this and it's easier said than done to apply this to my life. I've spent most of my life dealing with anxiety, depression and living in my head. I just need to take it day by day.

    submitted by /u/anthony2_5
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    I want to start meditating regularly. Any tips?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    I just wanted to get some tips as I have never meditated before. I only get 30-45 mins to myself everyday.

    submitted by /u/15H1_2235
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    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    What position do you all typically sit or lay in? Personally I require a relatively comfortable position but sometimes get too comfortable.

    submitted by /u/SaabAddict
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    Excessive rumination? Go for a job, shower, THEN meditate

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    I learned something that helped me understand why grounding/meditation was difficult for me in the past. Hope this helps you:

    According to research cited in "Widen the Window", people who experience high arousal---intense fear/rumination/intrusive thoughts/adrenaline---should NOT meditate or do mental grounding exercises. Instead, they can do something physical to release stress hormones. Things like jogging, jumping jacks, dancing, doing house chores will help. Then after a shower, they can meditate. Most importantly, after those two discharge activities, a recovery period is needed to complete the recovery from stress activation.

    Recovery activities include things like taking a bath, reading a good novel, listening to nice music, stretching, cooking, having dinner with a supportive friend, etc.

    For people who experience low arousal levels---dissociation, depression, low energy---then a grounding exercise followed by meditation and recovery is best.

    The best grounding exercise I've found is the Realization Process embodiment meditation. You can check out the 5-minute version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R1ANkCfLyA&t=4s

    I used to feel so much guilt and shame when I had intrusive thoughts and had to exercise instead of meditating. It turns out this was what was best! Hope this helps you if you have intense adrenaline and intrusive thoughts during meditation

    submitted by /u/isabellavien
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    Morning mind chatter

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Ever since I started meditating regularly, I've started waking up to my mind chatter and feel very aware of it. Almost as if my mind chatter wakes me, it's the first thing I notice when I come out of sleep.

    Anyone else experience this? Am I just more aware of the endless stream of useless thoughts?

    submitted by /u/mikeysjunk
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    Hi, this is a playlist that really helped me to stay more focused during my meditation sessions. All the songs are super calm with mellow piano on top so they are not distracting at all. I though some people can find this helpful so I decided to post. I hope you like it ��

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:25 PM PDT

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