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    Friday, September 4, 2020

    Ashtanga yoga: Led class experience

    Ashtanga yoga: Led class experience

    Led class experience

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    It was my first time joining a physical led class today, and the vibe is so different! What do you look forward to or would do slightly differently in a led class?

    submitted by /u/ToTheInbox
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    Indian yogi moving to USA - want to understand accessibility & options for holistic / "Indian" yoga practice in America

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Long time yoga practitioner here - I am Indian by background and have been practicing various forms of yoga (Hatha, Yin, Raja) in the "traditional holistic" way (less pure focus on physical asana, practicing yoga in a way that incorporates pranayama breathing / meditation / philosophical aspects around ego, pratyahara etc).

    I'm moving to the US (New York City or SF to be determined) soon and want to keep up my yoga practice - but have read that there are significant differences in the way yoga is practiced in USA versus India.

    Curious to know -

    1. Are there Americans who are interested / engaged in yoga practices that are more indigenous to India, i.e. incorporate the philosophical and spiritual elements of yoga and all 8 facets beyond physical asana?
    2. What are some yoga studios, teachers or yogi communities that fit well into (1)?
    3. In case I can't find offline options, I've also been exploring online and I have noticed that many of the traditional Indian teachers have bad online presence and poor video content - do any other US-based yogis feel that it would be valuable to have accessible content that is more geared towards the holistic traditional practice of yoga?

    Just to be clear, I have nothing against yoga teachers or practices in the USA. I follow a lot of them and believe yoga should be accessible to all.

    But my personal preference is to continue the practice as I have been for the past 15 years and want to understand American yogis' views on the above and connect with like-minded folks :)

    submitted by /u/sumshetty
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