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    Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    Meditation: Did open eye meditation in the mirror and didn’t know who I was seeing

    Meditation: Did open eye meditation in the mirror and didn’t know who I was seeing

    Did open eye meditation in the mirror and didn’t know who I was seeing

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    I don't know if this was meditating but I do this thing where I look in one specific area and I start to hallucinate and let go of everything, well I stood in front of the mirror for about 10 minutes and I literally didn't know who was in the mirror for a solid 10 seconds, I could see an outline of a small scratch on my face for some reason, every little detail was being outlined, then I apparently was wobbling left and right with a big grin on my face, I wasn't doing any of these motions myself, and the walls were slightly breathing as if I was on acid

    submitted by /u/damian122666666
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    Today Affirmation

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness. ...Repeat with Me.

    submitted by /u/universenergy
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    The longer I meditate with my eyes closed, the more I appreciate life with my eyes open.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    It started out small. I could only meditate for minutes here and there, but then something happened. Something changed within myself. I started meditating longer. The longer I lasted, the more I realized the beauty in the world around me with my eyes open. Things I used to take for granted were now in the forefront of my conscious. The wind, bugs, the elements, you name it. It's like the earth came alive and all I had to do was close my eyes.

    submitted by /u/clairsentientbeing
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    I wanted to share a short article I wrote about why loving yourself is the best thing you can do for the world. May this inspire all of us to be kinder to ourselves during these difficult times, because its the single most important thing we can do! ❤❤

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    Love Yourself and Watch the World Love You Back

    Loving yourself is the one greatest act you can offer the world. When you abide in self-love, you feel happy, fulfilled, and enough. From such a positive place, you will be much kinder and more empathetic towards others, more flexible and open-minded towards life's challenges, and generally feel much more confident and optimistic towards life. Today, I'd like to share how to love yourself, become the object of your love, and transform your life experience into a happy and loving one.

    Love Your Body

    Your body is the one physical entity that you must carry with you from birth till death, so it makes sense to love your body unconditionally and care for it the best you can. When the body is well taken care of, it feels comfortable, strong, and is free from distress. This leads to a higher state of being where one can flourish and do anything one wants to do because the body is no longer a physical barrier. For our bodies to serve us in achieving our goals and maximizing our quality of life, we must learn to harmonize with it, listen to it, and treat it affectionately with its long term wellbeing in mind.

    Here is a list of things to care for our bodies and keep it optimized.

    1. Get plenty of rest – Sleep as much as your body needs every night so you always wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and ready for the day's work. Sleep early when possible and wake up naturally without an alarm. When you wake up early, the morning won't feel rushed and you will have time to tend to your morning activities at a leisure pace. When you master your sleep, you'll have established a solid foundation.
    2. Drink plenty of water – The body needs water to flush out toxins and to keep your bodily organs hydrated and operating optimally. By replacing your fluids with water, you cut out all unnecessary sugars that are creating imbalances in the body. Water keeps the body fresh and the mind sharp so always have a bottle of water with you at all times.
    3. Exercise regularly – This one is well understood to have major benefits and for good reason. Exercise deepens our breath to oxygenate the body, strengthens our muscles to increase metabolism, and releases endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin to put us in a positive mental state. Exercise doesn't need to always be intense and uncomfortable. Find a pace that suits you and work up from there. Be gentle to yourself, enjoy your practice, and be consistent.
    4. Have healthy eating habits – You are what you eat because your food becomes your body. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, less processed foods, and observe your body's reaction to the foods you eat. Everyone has different food requirements and intolerances and it's important that we know what works for us. Are you lactose intolerant? Gluten intolerant? How does your body react to excess sugary foods and oily foods? When the food you eat leads to bloating, inflammation, and general discomfort, it may be a sign your body is being harmed. This is one of the major factors in physical distress. Love your body by feeding it high-quality foods. Finally, allowing your body to rest in between meals will help the body enter ketosis autophagy to stimulate weight loss and self-healing.
    5. Optimize your environment – Keep your living and working space clean and introduce some life into it in the form of plants and animals. Having some pot plants and maybe a small fish tank around will make your environment much more soothing and pleasant. This will do wonders for your body as it helps you maintain a parasympathetic state meaning you feel safer, happier, and more relaxed.

    Love Your Mind

    When the body is healthy and comfortable, you can turn your attention to your mind and nourish it with all the conditions that make it joyful, peaceful, and free from stress and anxiety. A person with a healthy mind will navigate through life skillfully, treat others with kindness and consideration, have more capacity to handle greater things, and feel overall more confident and optimistic. A healthy mind is strong in qualities such as will power, patience, joy, compassion, motivation, and wisdom.

    Here is a list of things to show our minds plenty of love and care.

    1. Consume good content – Social media is here to stay and we may as well embrace it. We should use it to serve us by consuming positive and wholesome content instead of wasting our time on content that adds no value to our lives. Consume enriching content to develop new skillsets, see the positives in the world, and learn how we can make a positive impact on ourselves and the people around us. Our time on social media should leave us energized and optimistic, not lethargic, and directionless.
    2. Spend more alone time – We don't spend enough time with ourselves these days. It's important to be alone every now and then, free from external expectations, to recharge and reconnect. Spending a few hours each week in meditation, walking in the park, or just relaxing at home quietly alone will help us understand more of how we feel, what we want, and what we should do. When the mind is quiet and still, we will learn more about ourselves.
    3. Be around positive, empowering people – We are the average of the five people we spend most of our time with. This is because we are social creatures who are easily influenced by our surrounding environment. Be around people who are uplifting, generous, and happy, and their energy will rub off on us in all the right ways. Limit our time with those who are cynical, pessimistic, and sabotaging and we remove a great source of negativity from our lives.
    4. Practice deep breathing – During moments of stress, anxiety, and discomfort, take a few deep breaths before deciding a reaction. Deep breathing will instantly bring ease to the mind, comfort to the body, and allow you to enter a parasympathetic state where you will be in a position to make better decisions. If you can incorporate deep mindful breathing throughout the day, you will see great benefits!
    5. Continue growth and development – It is important that we are constantly learning something new and improving different areas of our lives every day. Make it a habit to focus on several internal and external long-term goals that make life meaningful and exciting. Learn a new skillset or language, cultivate a few inner virtues, and spend some time improving yourself every day. There is a lot of fulfillment in personal development.


    The biggest impact we can make on our families, our careers, our social circles, and the world itself, is to show ourselves love and attention. When we take care of ourselves and raise our physical and mental wellbeing, we will be in a better position to look after others. When we are happy, our energy will feed off on others. When we are healthy, we have more strength and confidence to deal with anything life throws at us. When we have taken care of ourselves and have all we need, everything else can be used to serve our external goals and objectives. This is why the best thing you can do is to love yourself, and when you do, the world will be eternally grateful and give you all the love in return.

    Source: https://bekindbehappy.net/2020/09/30/love-yourself-and-watch-the-world-love-you-back/

    submitted by /u/sickient
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    Above all be, kind with yourself.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    This may be my own greatest struggle, my own personal Everest. But I know I am hardly alone.

    There is a wealth of great wisdom on here but there can at times be a lack of kindness as well. This is not to blame anyone, the world as a whole is often unkind and placing blame only adds fuel to the fire. Besides which often there is no blame to be found. Instead I wish to highlight the the importance of being kind with ourselves. All progress I believe now hinges on personal self kindness. Being gentle with one's self.

    I have learned with time that self love is not what I once thought. It is not an easy process and I believe this has shed light for me on the nature of love itself. The fact that love itself is not intended to be an easy process. One of the keys is unconditional acceptance of your feelings and thoughts in the moment. This is insanely difficult. Indeed I feel that even within meditation there are those who seem to recommend the opposite. For within the practise of meditation it is also possible to push away, and deny ones feelings and thoughts. One can shift ones focus away from them and in so doing emotionally neglect ones self. The important difference here is still to acknowledge and compassionately accept ones feelings and thoughts without over identification with them. It is very true that we grow what we feed. This is not advise to ruminate on negative emotions, or to feed the self narrative of helplessness.

    But you are still 2 years old. You never stopped being 2 years old. Your body may now be tall your mind full of facts about the world, new skills, abilities, but you never stopped being 2 years old. Listen kindly to the 2 year old for he has much to teach you, perhaps more than you have to teach them. Learn his or her language for they do not always speak plainly. They speak in the language of joy, and rage, sadness, fear and pain. The same language as spoken by Mother Nature herself, and all our greatest works of art. And they do not always say what they mean. Mastery of your emotions is not a process of enslaving the child. It is a process of befriending them. Sit with the child and listen. You do not have to agree with everything they say any more than you have to agree with what any loved one has to say. But to tell him or her to shut up because the bigger stoic adult wants to meditate and not feel is to abuse and neglect yourself every big as much as you might abuse another. You may be surprised what wonders your child has to show you, if you have the courage, for believe me this takes great courage. As well as what healing is on offer.

    submitted by /u/eulersidentity1
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    I don't want to get rid of my anger!?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    I like the anger and negativity. It helps me feel strong, it helps me feel powerful. I use it to make me stronger. I recently started meditating again and realize how much pain I have in me and honestly idk what to do. I don't want this "energy" to go away. For once in my life I'm starting to stick up for myself and starting to be a stronger person. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/IWorkAtYourMomsHouse
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    Recognizing your own self-worth exists outside of the opinions of others and striving only to compete with who you were yesterday, answering only to your own inner compass, and looking at every imperfect venture as a 'process of elimination' rather than a 'failure to acquire value'

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    If you learn to develop an abundant mentality you will not be envious of others, you will celebrate their successes, you will share in their joys and pains. Don't see life as a competition but as complementary


    submitted by /u/FrozenCheekSlayer
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    What do you do when you reach a point where your mind is too disrupted to meditate?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    I've found in the past that meditation has really helped with my anxiety and my depression, but I've recently reached a point where I'm so on edge that I can't even meditate. Every time I try I just end up in a panic attack state, and I feel like I'm losing my mind.

    I've just started uni and I've been getting distracted constantly. I feel like I'm being bombarded by the world around me, I've been thrown into a completely new environment and I've never been under so much pressure before, everyone around me has friends already and I'm so disoriented all the time that I can't even communicate properly. I have high functioning autism and this is all too much, I'm scared all the time and I've had to drop out of school and college before for this exact reason. The structure that I'm in hasn't been designed for someone like me. I don't know how else to help myself.

    submitted by /u/newpositiveme
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    Best source of meditation for focusing on a specific task?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    If I need to have complete focus on a task for ~2 hours, what's the best method of meditation for that? I've never tried meditation in my life but I'm willing to give it a shot.

    I don't know if an app like headspace is recommended forexample?

    submitted by /u/MaxAndDylan4Ever
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    The importance of having a hobby - Motiv8.me

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    The topic of mindfulness and mental health is something that is prominent in today's society.As a nation, we are investing more in our wellbeing than we were even five years ago. The current Coronavirus outbreak has only made this even more important. In this article, we are going to discuss the importance and benefits of having a hobby, and how it can help boost your overall mood.

    Source: https://www.motiv8.me/the-importance-of-having-a-hobby/

    submitted by /u/juantusi
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    Moving past bad things I’ve done?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    So I have some skeletons in my closet that I won't name specifics about. I didn't hurt anyone, but it's pretty hard to forgive myself for it. I want to move past it and into the present moment, but it's like a lingering dark cloud of shame that distracts me while meditating, any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ScruffyWax
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    Surrender is not weakness. There is great strength in it.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    One of the many insightful things from the book "the power of now". I'm currently reading it.

    submitted by /u/PerceivedAltruist
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    what do you do when you're angry

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    I usually am able to meditate my angry responses away and quickly returning to a balanced state of mind. but today, maybe because I took a few days off meditation, a sequence of events have happened that are making me consistently angry all day. I've been trying to use my most compassionate state of mind towards all the people that have pissed me off but the rage won't subside.

    Basically at the current point I want to smash this guy's head against the wall for chewing incredibly loudly 2 meters way from me in a very quiet cafe.

    I'm tired of my anger and yet I can't stop

    submitted by /u/AdeptInteraction9014
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    My body felt like it was tilting during my mediation last night.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    I have been citing mantra everyday for like 1 month and a half now. I've been doing it with a lotus sitting posture and my eyes open. However, last night I decided to close my eyes and cite the mantra while meditating. Towards the end of my mantra session, I had a feeling that my body gradually tilted to the right like I was about to fall to the floor. But when I open my eyes, I was just sitting straight as if nothing had happened.

    Can anyone explain this or provided me with further details please? Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/melancholicPianoGuy
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    The unknown is only scary till you face it and see how strong you really are. Mindfulness is a top down (cortex to amygdala approach) but Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a bottom up approach. Both are necessary for healing trauma stored in the body (Bessel, The Body Keeps the Score).

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Take it slow. You can't rush hour healing - trevor hall

    submitted by /u/ThemIsUsToo
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    Even if you could end all suffering, would you want to?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    I had a vision last night that I had the power to control everything and could end it any time I wanted to for the whole universe. I could manifest anything I wanted, including the end of the whole universe (this dimension and all others).

    The immediate realization I had: How incredibly lonely and boring it all would be.

    Having the ability to do whatever I wanted gave me this deep feeling of loneliness. Knowing that I was the only thing in the universe and anything I created was just a manifestation of me. It seemed pointless, extremely boring, and lame. I didn't like it at all.

    We accept the good with the bad. You can't have one without the other. I think heaven is just going to be our opportunity to experience that before we decide we want to suffer again and get reborn. I think we choose to go through the challenges of life because that is what makes it all worth living.

    When I suffer too much, its because I view the universe is attacking me. When in reality I now know its just challenging me so that I can have a fun time. You cant have good without bad. I want the good. I need the bad.

    I love you,

    Sincerity Amigo

    submitted by /u/Sincerity_Amigo
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    What is meditation? (In my experience)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    Meditation is a devotion to finding the wholeness that is now through the continuous acceptance of all that is arising. It is a way of life and moment to moment practice, rather than a spiritual bandaid or fix. Meditation is the practice of becoming intimate with the totality of our experience and contacting the unbiased witness who exists beyond the duality of contrast or contradiction. When we connect with the untamed ocean of all that is, we are able to experience ourselves as the pure awareness that we are and the state of being that is free from the confines of projective perception.

    submitted by /u/EmbodiedRemembrance
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    Breath or Mantra meditation?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Has anyone given both a good go? What are the main differences (other than the technique)? What effects do each have? Any preferences? Questions?

    submitted by /u/no2notifications
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    I've created an Alan Watts Discord

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:10 PM PDT


    Please feel free to join the newly created Alan Watts discord where we'll discuss his philosophical ideas and meet other like minded individuals :))

    submitted by /u/jzckw96
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    Meditation Practice

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    For a long time something in me has been screaming for a daily meditation practice. I do meditate, but not daily. Usually when I'm trying to focus in on something. The problem is for some reason I find the thought of this to be very intimidating. I have no idea how to begin. I know your not suppose to be an expert at it immediately but still. I want to heighten my tuition, deepen my connection to God, the universe and my ancestors as well as love myself more and bring in healing. How do I do this?

    submitted by /u/LunaMisfit
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    If meditation increase your overall concentration. How long on average can you stay focus for life tasks

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    Medditors if you don't do guided meditations, then how do you track your time??

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Mediated but my soul doesn’t want to be here..

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    for context i'm dissociating. what do i do?

    submitted by /u/tipuuuu
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