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    Saturday, September 5, 2020

    Meditation: I’ve been having the worst anxiety of my life lately

    Meditation: I’ve been having the worst anxiety of my life lately

    I’ve been having the worst anxiety of my life lately

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    And I just meditated for roughly 8-9 minutes. I feel so much better, it is actually crazy. Thankfully it is beautiful outside today. I heard the wind blow through the trees and the wind chimes chime. My mind wandered only a few times. I feel enlightened in some kind of way I can't describe, as I am not spiritual or a religious person. It's a sense of relief. I feel the anxiety making its way back to me, but it has been reduced. And overall, I feel better

    Edit: Thank you to everyone who responded, thank you for the award as well. I have a ton of new resources thanks to you guys. You guys have improved my day, and I really appreciate that.

    submitted by /u/BlackWhiteRedBleu
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    I stopped resisting and found a space in the void that's comfortable

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    That's all I came to say really.

    submitted by /u/greybeingwalking
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    Made a meme to post here before realizing the sub doesn't allow images. Oops.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    I sat by a stream with me as a child, in meditation. I sobbed the whole way through.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:27 AM PDT

    Can someone please make sense of this? That was such a punch in the gut. I haven't cried like that in so long and as soon as the meditation ended I stopped. It was a guided self esteem meditation, I was saying positive affirmations to myself but I was saying them to her instead and holding her face with my hands and saying them so gently.

    Has this happened to anyone else? Can you inner child be yourself? How do I make contact with her again? She looked so sad. I need to do some inner child healing work don't I?

    submitted by /u/volviced
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    "So many of the states of mind we live with are "anger eating demons",the more we don't like them,the worse they get.So the way of meditation is whatever you're looking at,whatever you're experiencing,you say "Welcome,thank you for coming to visit me,Is there anything I can do for you?"

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    That act of kindness will make the demon of depression,the demon of lack of self-esteem,the demon of fear,the demon of even anger itself get less and less.And with that kindness all those demons which play human beings in our time vanish completely away.We feed it kindness,acceptance,we make peace with these things not war"

    -Ajahn Brahm


    submitted by /u/wrestlingfan_777
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    I have been meditating wrong this entire time

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    I'll keep it short, I'm 26 and 3 years ago had my first anxiety attack. Since then I was living in fear of will this ever go away, ever since that day. I have read everything online, tried to diagnose myself, listened to podcasts and everything. But I never did the real work. I set my expectations on meditation far too high, "if I meditate 30 mins 2 x a day I'll cure my anxiety" there's no curing my anxiety, because it simply doesn't matter. I have been fixated on "fixing" anxiety instead of what problems in life give me anxiety. I just graduated and I can't find a job, my relationships with everyone fell off, and I cannot think, talk or mention anxiety for a full day (I made it a part of me)

    I've been meditating and looking for a way to recognize my thoughts and see what the magical cure is. I have gone on runs, workouts and hoping to cure anxiety. But what I failed to do is, letting go. It's not the anxiety which needs curing. It's the negative self-talk. I have started to notice it way more, it's like I'm a little kid so damn afraid of everything. I have to be honest with myself and take action but I can hear my mind say "if u take action you'll get anxiety" and I didn't notice it until now.

    How can I become more mindful throughout the day so I stop being fixated on whether I am anxious or not. Whether I am thinking or not.

    I just wanna become a peaceful person.

    submitted by /u/jawryse
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    The subtle emotions of being human are bittersweet.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    This is only tangentially meditation related but I wonder if the subtly of the emotions I feel and depth of awareness is connected with my meditation?

    I won't go into details as the story is too long and not of any importance. The long and short of it is that I dated a girl for a short while and things didn't really work out. I would say mostly my fault I ended things, I suppose rejected her. I felt bad doing so even though in terms of personalities and relationship wise it probably would not have worked out. Long term it's probably for the best. But we continue to be friends. I continue to talk with her often and interact online. Today I hung out with her in the context of being with my others friends. It was an awkward exchange as it was the first time I'd seen her in person since we stopped dating. Even though things never got really serious I found it emotionally awkward and difficult to deal with. As I mentioned we continue to talk online. I have found that I care about her as a friend quite deeply and while it's a strange friendship, I can see that I think she cares about me too. This realization hit me hard the other day.

    I honestly don't know how she feels about me. It bothers me greatly that I may have hurt her deeply, though I do not know for sure. I was going through a depressed period at the time I broke things off, I apologized for hurting her, said I wanted to be friends. I may never know. I realized I was very anxious about how she was feeling, if she was upset, depressed. I was happy to see her laugh heartily as that is a quality I like about her. Her being happy makes me feel at ease. I can see flickers of emotions cross her face though at times and I think I see sadness, and more there. Despite how much she tries to hide it I can see her vulnerability. For me it was a bittersweet learning experience I suppose. A growing experience. I've lived my life from a place of fear of connection for so long, and longing for connection. Hating myself. I'm trying to ditch so much of that and live from a place of courage. I see still so much fear and insecurity in myself though. But I suspect others can see it in me as well and perhaps why some are drawn to me. They see how hard I treat myself and perhaps feel I don't deserve too. Loving myself has been a long road.

    submitted by /u/eulersidentity1
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    i'm a teen and i want to get into meditation

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    I've finished watching Midnight Gospel (love it) and they talk about meditation a lot in the show and such. I'm still young so some topics they talk about go over my head but the topic of mediation was interesting to me. my question is what is the whole idea of meditation and is it worth getting to at a younger age ?

    submitted by /u/Livid-Department678
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    living ‘here and now’ has let me control and overcome my anxiety

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    i've had an on and off meditation practice for a few years, but in the past few months i've been more serious about it and have been looking deeper into the teachings around it and related philosophies. i've listened to every ram dass recording i can find, and his teachings about being here and now, fully aware in the present moment without attachment to the past or future have taught me how to deal with my once-debilitating anxiety.

    every time i catch myself worrying about something that may occur in the future, i am able to pull myself into awareness in the present moment. there is a 'now moment' for everything we have to deal with, and if you're not it that specific moment, you don't need to worry about it. if i'm trying to get to sleep, the only things that are relevant to the 'now' i'm experiencing are my bed, my pj's, etc. not the doctors appointment i have next week. next week, that doctors appointment will be part of the present moment, but that will be then and this is now.

    i hope this rambling makes some sense and can help people get on the right track who may be dealing with anxiety. there is very little room for anxiety in the present moment and you can get there with meditation. :-)

    submitted by /u/stinkieclaire
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    Does anybody know why meditative states don’t happen in our sleep?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    I'm asking because if it did happen in our sleep I don't think we would need it while we're awake. And it just seems like something that should be happening in your sleep.

    submitted by /u/Calzone_With_Legs
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    Just went a full 24 hours without surfing the web and started meditating yesterday!

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    I spent all of yesterday reading, working out, working and meditating. It feels good, but I'm starting by meditating just 2 minutes a day. After a week or so (when the habit builds) I'll amp it up. Feels good! Needed this break

    submitted by /u/WaitingForGTA6
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    Managing reoccurring fears?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    I have this belief that if a thought or fear is pestering me and doesn't stop...then it must be trying to tell me something I need to learn.

    Idk if it's really true or not, but it's a belief I have. Because in the past, when i hadn't listened to pestering thoughts and feelings that came up, and ignored them, they grew stronger.

    What can I do meditatively to uncover why certain fears/thoughts come up on repeat?

    submitted by /u/bodaha123
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    Stuck in my own head?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    (for context i have anxiety) i stopped meditating for a while and tried picking it up again. i keep getting stuck in my head or get intrusive thoughts out of nowhere, any advice?

    submitted by /u/tipuuuu
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    What does it mean to observe ones thoughts and not be part of them?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    I see people saying they were able to view their thoughts as an observer, but what does that mean? Normally if I focus well enough I reach a point where my head feels empty and thoughts come and go straight away but idk if that is it.

    submitted by /u/Idm123
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    Really uncomfortable when relaxing during sleep.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    This happens to me often. While I'm sleeping, and basically meditating, certain areas (usually one or two of my limbs) end up becoming super uncomfortable, as if I relaxed too much and brought super awareness. If I move at all the sensation goes away. Anyone else experience this?

    submitted by /u/Prady176
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    What are some different types of meditation?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    Truth be told I just joined this subreddit 10 seconds ago and while I could just do a quick google search for my question, I'm adding a little more personal touch so I am hoping to get more humane answers.

    My question is what are some different types of meditation? I know enough about meditation to know that it is beneficial, and I know of square breathing, visualization, basic stuff like that.

    But my more specific question is:

    What is the best meditation to help with overcoming addiction?

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    submitted by /u/ThePrinceOfOrange
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    anyone know what this sort of sensation is called or how to explain it?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    so I was meditating today and at one point it felt like my eyes while they were closed in that black space in front of them I could sense waves of light bouncing/dancing around in the black/darkness even with my eyes closed and it was a really intense sensation like it felt like my sense of sight was moving around in this darkness and observing the light rays or something. and then my body started to feel as if it were vibrating from within almost like a buzzing sensation but it wasn't like when your foot falls asleep like a pins and needles sensation. instead it felt like a vibration from within my body like a buzzing that was internal. this is the first time I've ever experienced anything like this with both the waves of light while my eyes were closed and the vibrational sensation throughout my body. anyone know what it could be?

    submitted by /u/lazybreadd
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    Thought this community would understand

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    I just feel like I'm experiencing the reality that I will spend all of my time as this body. And then afterwards, to the extent of my knowledge, there won't be any time at all. For some reason that is a really simple and peaceful thing to realize.

    submitted by /u/Jonkarhu
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    Question about meditating on chakras

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Can meditating on the chakras in the wrong order mess anything up and have lasting affects? If so, how can it be reversed or fixed or healed?

    Recently (as I've mentioned once on this sub and a few times or r/anxiety) my anxiety has been manifesting itself in the form of extreme lightheadedness. I can only assume it's my anxiety because my ears are fine (minus tinnitus) and I had a CT scan recently and there are no tumors or brain bleed or anything that can explain the lightheadedness. I have an MRI scheduled in just under a week, but the doctors are theorizing that nothing unusual is going to show up based on the other tests they've done and the CT scan results.

    So the reason why I'm asking is because at some point between February and April, my therapist mentioned something about chakra meditation and I looked into it, and found some guided meditations on YouTube. However, I didn't know anything else about it so I just dove right in... and did the crown chakra first.

    Nothing really happened, but because I didn't start with the root chakra, I wasn't properly grounded and ended up feeling extremely lightheaded and like I was spinning. I closed off the meditation and was fine immediately after.

    I'm not sure when the lightheadedness started, but it was sometime around that point. At first it would show up, last in waves for about 10-15 minutes, go away for a few hours, and then come back. Sometimes I could go a couple weeks without it happening, but it would always come back. Then it would start showing up when I would have a panic attack, which would make my anxiety increase as a result. So now, the lightheadedness triggers anxiety, which triggers more lightheadedness, which triggers more anxiety. It's a loop I'm trapped in.

    Flash forward to now, it's constant. It's always here. Nothing I do gets rid of it. Not medications, not meditating, not doing something physically and mentally distracting, nothing. I'm at the point where I'm wondering if it's something that will kill me, but the doctors aren't finding anything so I don't know if it's a physical thing or a spiritual one.

    All I can do is cry because this feeling won't go away and it's tormenting me. So if anyone who's educated on/familiar with chakras has an answer, please help me out. I'm trapped in my own silent hell and everyone thinks I'm just being ridiculous.

    Help me make it stop.

    submitted by /u/kingfirien
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    I made a meditation technique that's based on Eckhart Tolle's teachings

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    The technique is sitting/laying down and just watching your thoughts. Whenever you identify a thought- blink. Close your eyes and open them quickly, this is like "capturing" it and moving on. Do it for a couple of minutes, a great thing will come. I know it sounds stupid but please don't judge until you try it, give it a chance!

    submitted by /u/IgnorantArrogant
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    If I focus in music is it considered meditation?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    I got interested in meditation a month ago and since then I have been reading and learning about it, and started to meditate in the mornings.

    Yesterday as I was walking my dog and listening music I realised that if I focus in trying to listen all the guitar notes my mind gets quieter and I was curious if this could be considered meditation?

    submitted by /u/JaBeer_I
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    Some Fight Club wisdom

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    "you are not your job; you are not how much money you have in the bank; you are not the car you drive; you are not the contents of your wallet; you are not your fucking khakis; you are all singing all dancing crap of the world"

    submitted by /u/Karma_Crave
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    Seeing injustice and speaking out is a good thing - adding to hate and anger is not. Your words carry more weight when spoken from peace

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    We see injustice around us every day; discrimination, bullying and exploitation are commonplace. We have a responsibility to use our voice to highlight injustice and reduce the suffering of others. But in shining a light we can speak out of anger - we're often told we should be angry or to "get angry". We should acknowledge our anger, listen and accept it, but acting directly on anger (even when we believe we're right) can escalate hate and violence. Speaking from peace can make our words heard, more powerful and ultimately have more impact in the world.

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    submitted by /u/peaceiseverystepp
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