• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 27, 2020

    Flexibility: My attempt at pulling off the splits (mid-air with a jump spin hook kick)

    Flexibility: My attempt at pulling off the splits (mid-air with a jump spin hook kick)

    My attempt at pulling off the splits (mid-air with a jump spin hook kick)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    How to achieve active oversplits?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Should I work more on my oversplits to achieve this level of flexibility? She's a rhythmic gymnast, so she might've been stretching since she was a kid. Is it possible to achieve this level of flexibility as an adult? Can anyone achieve this? Does one's hip anatomy play any role in achieving the oversplit? Which muscles should I stretch more to do this?

    Please see the image using the below link if you can't view the image in full.


    submitted by /u/dragon_crew
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    Ankle flexibility - Standing and Lunging

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    Hello r/flexibility.
    Is it normal to have ankles that are more flexible when standing vs lunging? Or should they be the same? For example, when standing up and just tracking my knee forward, my knee goes over my toe by a lot. However, when I go into a more 'crouched/lunged/low' position, my ankle mobility seems to just get stopped and doesn't budge at all. (imagine tying your shoe lace crouching down with one leg upright and trying to move your knee forward. it doesn't really move forward a lot for me).

    Need some advice on how to fix this.


    submitted by /u/T_Rumble
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    Beginner tips

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    I've been slacking when it comes to stretching my whole life because i'm really inflexible and it hurts and the more i've avoided it the worse it's become. i do a lot of tough training and never stretch and i'm trying to gain flexibility any tips

    submitted by /u/tybxng
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    A question on hamstrings and psoas flexibility in anterior pelvic tilt.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Me: age 30, very sedentary lifestyle, was even inflexible as a child (I have a clear memory of trying to touch my toes in 5th grade and not being able to get my fingertips past my knees), have had upper and lower cross syndrome for as long as I can remember. Previously doing random beginner yoga inconsistently with zero progress until I found my way here.

    Goals: my main flexibility goals involve opening my hips. I want to forward fold while sitting with my legs straight out in front of me (L-sit?), I want to forward fold while sitting with my legs wide (straddle pose I think) and to be able to sit in that pose with my hips wider than 90 degrees. I want to sit comfortably upright in cross legged position. I want to get my heels down in downward dog.

    Current issue: my back always rounds, dramatically so, in each of those poses. When the yoga teacher tells you to lean forward in straddle pose I literally cannot do it.

    Question: because I have anterior pelvic tilt, I've heard that I should avoid stretching my hamstrings because they're already overly lengthened and weakened by my pelvis position. I read that I should ignore the hamstrings and focus on stretching the psoas instead, which is kind of against the recommended beginner routine posted here. When I try to do my goal poses above, I feel the pulling in my hamstrings and especially almost painful in the insides of my thighs just above my knee joint. Should I avoid all hamstring stretches and focus on the psoas, or am I understanding this incorrectly? Can I strengthen the hamstrings at the same time, or is their lengthened position more prone to injury? Also when will I know to reintroduce hamstring stretches?

    submitted by /u/onlyhereforplants
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    Do you expierence soreness after stretching, a soreness similar to muscle pain?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    Working on my pike flexibility, trying to get my hands flat on the ground with my legs straight. I usually stretch before and after my workout, and use an exercise bike for my warmup and cool down, so I would think my legs are warmed up for stretching. I have a pain similar to muscle soreness in my hamstrings, even though I didn't do any exercises for my legs besides the stretches.

    Is the soreness a result of the stretches? If is from the stretches, does this mean i've stretched too far or over done it?

    submitted by /u/DizzyMint2
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    Mysterious TEARING calf pain when stretching

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    I'm new to stretching, and I have a horrible pain in my left calf. I haven't been able to figure out what it is.

    If I lift my leg off the ground, I can move my ankle on any direction, fully, with zero calf pain.

    However, if I sit down with my left foot extended, and try to touch my toes, I get this horrible burning pain. It feels like my calf muscle is being ripped in various places. Like sharp needles. It feels like the hair on my leg is being pulled hard.

    I find it strange that this pain only occurs when doing certain stretches.

    Anyone know what this could be? It has been this way for 4 days now.

    submitted by /u/AdministrationOne621
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    Article claims stretching is not useful or helpful.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:26 PM PDT


    Does anyone have any responses or comments again these claims? The author suggests that there is no evidence that stretching helps with muscle soreness or to lengthen muscles.

    submitted by /u/anditgetsworse
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