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    Monday, October 26, 2020

    Yoga: [COMP]. And, 2.5 years later.... yoga really worked for this 50-year old. Thanks to my wife for all her love and support! And happy 20th anniversary! I ❤️ U.

    Yoga: [COMP]. And, 2.5 years later.... yoga really worked for this 50-year old. Thanks to my wife for all her love and support! And happy 20th anniversary! I ❤️ U.

    [COMP]. And, 2.5 years later.... yoga really worked for this 50-year old. Thanks to my wife for all her love and support! And happy 20th anniversary! I ❤️ U.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    [COMP] A month's progress! Shoulders are more open now.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    [comp] tripod headstand practise today

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    [COMP] goal is to touch my head to foot eventually. Tips??

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    [COMP] Still working on it, any suggestions to improve my form?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Best Yoga For Someone Who Can't Be Alone With Their Thoughts

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    My wife suffers from depression, PTSD, and anxiety, to the point where she constantly needs to have some form of engaging noise in the background (usually people she's talking to or youtube videos) in order to keep her mind from wandering into dark places. Because of her condition one of the things that's most negatively affected is her sleep schedule. On top of having nightmares almost every night, she has a very hard time getting in a mindset for sleep. She regularly stays up very late in order to pass out quickly from sheer exhaustion when she lays down, so as to not be lying awake with those dark thoughts. This by itself leads her to sleeping most of the day away, meaning less time we spend together (I'm a morning person for multiple reasons), less time she gets to enjoy the fresh outside air (before it gets too cold), and when she does have to get up early, either for an appointment or family/friend get-together, she's tired and miserable.

    A little while ago I proposed trying evening yoga in an attempt to help ease both her mind and body so that she may have a deeper sleep and less nightmares. We gave a few different ones on youtube a shot, but quickly found that she couldn't do them without background noise, thus drowning out the more meditative aspects of the yoga.

    My question is: does anyone know of any yoga/similar activities specifically for people like my wife who can't be alone with their thoughts? Like ones that really focus on the stretching aspects or else meditation thats heavily guided? Any suggestions/insight would be greatly appreciated. I'm really hoping to find something that'll help her sleep better and easier.

    submitted by /u/Mastergamgee101
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    What is engaging the core and when to do it in asana practice?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    What does it mean to engage the core? Is it the same as uddiyana bandha?

    Also, should it always be applied in all the asanas? What is the benefit of engaging the core and what happens if not engaged? Also, can the core be engaged even during our normal lives, such as when walking or sitting?

    submitted by /u/EnvironmentalFloor62
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    Can I do yoga as my only form of exercise?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:45 PM PDT


    I'm 17 and I generally don't like any other form of exercise OTHER than yoga.

    However, I've heard countless times that yoga can't be your only form of exercise and that it doesn't get you the recommended amount of exercise you need.

    Is this true? Do I HAVE to pair it with something else if I don't like any other forms of exercise?

    My only goals in terms of fitness is to have a healthy heart and decrease my stress levels.

    I would really appreciate any sort of advice, thank you

    Edit: I am really into power yoga but people STILL say that that's not enough in terms of the recommended exercise?? I usually do 45 minutes daily of power yoga, sometimes I skip days on the weekends.

    submitted by /u/Bxautifulmxss
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    [COMP] Pigeon on the mountains!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    After Gym Flow

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    Hip Immobility

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    I checked the FAQ before posting, but sorry if this has been addressed before.

    My hips are seriously tight and any kind of hinge is very difficult to do correctly without rounding my back. Even sitting on the mat in easy pose is a strain and only a matter of time before my lower spine begins to round. Even in happy baby I can't grab a hold of my feet without my sacrum popping up into the air.

    What are some modifications and incremental adjustments I can do to work on this?

    Most beginner videos I have seen do not address this level of immobility, so I feel like I hurt myself by following along. Any advice you can offer is very much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/wrathew
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    Injury Prevention

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    I love yoga but always seem to develop pain and inflammation in my elbows and/or shoulders once I've established a pretty solid routine. This leads me to take a break and before I know it it's been months and I'm back at square one. I'm sure my form could always use improvement but I don't think that is the cause, rather I feel the pain is due to overuse and weak upper extremities. Will I ever be able to practice every day? I know I could do hands free yoga but I'd love to not have to since my goal is to build upper body strength.

    submitted by /u/blissedout76
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    Need some suggestions: poses for tight shoulders and neck

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    I'm 26, and I've been practicing yoga pretty regular for over a year and I also workout during the weekends so I'm not as inactive. Lately because of long hours of work, including sitting in front of computer screens then walking about 3 miles a day, plus I don't sleep enough and maybe stress too, my shoulders and neck get super tight every morning I wake up and after work. Can anyone suggest some simple poses for shoulders and neck, much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/yogilabgal
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    Sites or books that group Yoga moves in beginner, intermediate and advanced?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    I like to structure my own learning and don't like to follow specific courses. When I'm studying or practicing something I like to get my hands on some syllabus or program and learn all the elements one by one. Is there any such resource when it comes to Yoga?

    submitted by /u/kugkfokj
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    Wheel pose and arm strength?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    I've been practicing yoga from home off and on for a couple years and have recently been making an effort to practice more consistently. One of my videos includes wheel pose and I have been having a lot of trouble with it. I have weak arms thanks to not being in fantastic shape, and even weaker wrists thanks to fibromyalgia. I can get onto the top of my head but cannot press all the way up because my arms don't want to support that much weight. Am I doing it wrong; am I putting too much weight into my arms? Or are my arms just too wimpy for wheel pose as of yet? Variations/modifications welcomed!

    submitted by /u/pasteljuniper
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    Weight-loss Causing New Uncomfortable Sensations in Some Poses

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    Hi all, I recently lost about 30lbs (13kgs) and it's changed my body more than I realized! When I do poses like Happy Baby, I feel discomfort from my spine coming into direct contact with the floor. If I rock left to right in happy baby, I almost tip over because the ridge of my spine is not flush with the rest of my back body. I don't have a better way to describe it other than I feel like a stegosaurus dinosaur when I try to do any postures that require me to curl up on my back.

    I never had this issue before I dropped all the weight, so I assume it's because I've lost all my back padding. I want to make sure it's not uncommon or dangerous to be feeling my spine that much? Will I just have to adjust to this new sensation or should I reevaluate how I align my vertebrae when I'm in these postures?

    submitted by /u/PossumWitch
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    Headaches from simple poses

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Hi there!

    I have taken yoga in college and have tried it on my own, however, every time I do any sort of pose that requires my head to be hanging (downward dog, child's pose) I experience an insane amount of pressure and usually end sessions with a headache or migraine.

    I do suffer from random migraines, I used to take medication for it, but I now only get one once every two months or so.

    I really want to use yoga for my anxiety, to help my flexibility, and to strengthen my body. But not being able to do the most basic and common pose is causing issues.

    Any advice? Or another sub I can post to? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/LynTheCat
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    Yoga after spinal fusion surgery that corrected scoliosis

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    I read the two linked posts about scoliosis in the FAQ's but didn't see anything regarding getting into a practice after spinal fusion. I had spinal fusion surgery almost ten years ago to correct my severe scoliosis (54 degree curvature on top, 58 degrees on the bottom), so I have two metal rods and about fifteen screws in my spine. All but three vertebrae on top and two on the bottom are fused. Had the surgery in middle school, recovery sucked but I healed pretty quickly and am very grateful that I am not on my way to potentially being paralyzed anymore.

    I wasn't super active before surgery, but the rods have honestly not affected my ability to be active (used to jog, hike, play low impact sports, etc..) However, I have perpetually tight muscles in my neck and shoulders and occasionally my hips and have been told by multiple chiropractors that yoga would be a good way to treat/manage this. I'm also looking to get some kind of activity in while stuck at home and become more in tune with my body altogether. I've tried a few times over the years to get into a practice but it has never stuck because I get discouraged over my limitations due to the rods. I was told pre-op that I would never be able to reach down and touch my toes and there are obviously some shapes that my body just cannot twist itself into.

    But I don't want this to stop me! So basically I am looking for advice from anyone on the best way to start a practice that sticks and works for my body! I would appreciate any tips on a particular style that might best fit my situation or how to adjust poses that I'm just unable to do. I want to get into yoga for both the physical and mental benefits but the rods are both a physical and mental hurdle for me. Thanks in advance for any insight!

    submitted by /u/honeysuckle69420
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    Suggestions for Yoga streaming

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Sorry for my bad English. I need to help my Yoga teacher with Zoom for remote practice. Have you any suggestion about the position of the camera/phone? I need that asana figure are viewable.

    submitted by /u/Dark-777
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    Epilepsy and Pranayama

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Whenever I look up information online about certain breathing practices, I always see seizures and epilepsy listed in the contraindications.

    What are the pranayamas that are safe for anyone with epilepsy or a history of seizures?

    submitted by /u/HippieInSpace
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