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    Tuesday, October 27, 2020

    Yoga: A little sukhasana to carry with me

    Yoga: A little sukhasana to carry with me

    A little sukhasana to carry with me

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    [COMP] Warrior III - I love this pose, it feels good on my lower back and hips.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    My wife does a lot of yoga so I created this painting for her meditation time. I call it "Journey through the mind"

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    [COMP] using my pantry hall for pincha

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    [COMP] A solid foundation in life is very very important.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    [COMP] Getting better. Seems to me a bit harder than handstand.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Red 4 �� ☮️��☮️

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    My first unguided flow!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    I've been doing yoga for around three years and I always use a video or audio with a teacher to give me my cues. If I would try to do a session without a guide, I would find myself fumbling around and just doing whatever pose pops into my head. It was awkward and didn't feel good to my body or mind. Having the cues allowed me to focus without anxiety about "what should I do next?"

    Well, my internet went out, so no videos, and I didn't have any audio flows downloaded. I took a moment to write down a series of poses and movements. I tried to balance different parts of the body and pick movements that made sense together or in sequence. Having that list in front of me allowed me to flow without anxiety and it felt so good! It was shorter than I had anticipated, so I added a few little extras between the big flows and I found myself really enjoying that as well!

    I still need to work on putting together movements to make all of my muscle groups feel good, but it was the first time I had an unguided flow that truly felt good to both mind and body. I might try working unguided flows into my practice more regularly. I'm proud of myself today, I hope you can be, too.

    submitted by /u/PeppermintPancakes
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    Falling over in class - faux pas or go for it?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Hello fellow yogi's.

    As the title suggests, I'm looking for opinions on falling over in class.

    I practice at a hot yoga studio, and the teachers there are amazing. They're really great at building in more challenging poses for those who want to try, and I really love being able to challenge myself and give inversions a go when they come up.

    I don't have an established home practice, so most of my 'learning' comes in the studio. I fall over a fair bit when trying out these new poses. I figure this is part of the process, and other than a bruised ego, I come away pretty unscathed.

    I'm starting to wonder if this is actually a bit rude to my fellow yogis in class, and whether I should practice the more difficult poses at home, so not to distract the people beside me.

    Maybe I'm over thinking it, and perhaps I'm talking myself out of attempting new poses to not 'embarrass' myself, but looking for your opinions!

    Thanks guys 🙏

    submitted by /u/m0thersnacker
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    [COMP] Downward Facing Dog Feedback -Think I need to work more on rotating my biceps forward... What about my shoulder position? Any advice appreciated!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Fire stick apps

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    Are there any good virtual yoga classes? I bought a mat and would like to start doing yoga from my home

    submitted by /u/wbr869
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    Nausea in corkscrew pose?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    I tried corkscrew pose for the first time today and immediately became incredibly nauseous. I tried the other side and the same thing happened. Then I felt out of sorts for about 20-30 min. Any ideas on what might have caused this?

    Some background on my practice: I recently decided to get more consistent with my practice and am on day 14 of daily practice of at least 10 min. I either do a free flow based on how my body feels or use the Down Dog app.

    submitted by /u/thebeardedlady88
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    Yoga class

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    I'm finding the most challenging part of yoga class is staying focused. I'm the only young guy in a class full of beautiful mature women with insane bodies.

    submitted by /u/Shy5646
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    Questions about yoga and anxiety

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    Hi! I have pretty severe anxiety (mostly health related) and have been starting to do some light simple yoga to try to help. I had some questions and was hoping someone with some insight on both anxiety and yoga could help me.

    I notice after yoga I sometimes feel an increase in my anxiety. Is this normal? (It could be due to fears I have about injuring myself, they're very irrational)

    I have watched a lot of videos and listened to meditations about your breathing technique. I think I am doing it right, but sometimes feel I'm getting lightheaded/out of breath. Maybe I should try a different technique?

    I also have trouble in inverted positions (nothing crazy, just things like forward fold and down dog) and I feel like I can only do them for 2-3 seconds before I feel a lot of pressure in my head. Is this normal?

    Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to help me out!

    submitted by /u/Catlady42069
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    Hey. Anyone know what this means? I thought it was a symbol related to a chakra but couldn’t find anything. A good friend of mine gifted it to me and found it in her childhood home. She didn’t know what it was but thought of me. Thanks! :)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    I have a chiropractor appointment coming up. Hoping an adjustment will make me more open during my practice. Anyone have any positive results with pairing chiro with yoga?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    How long does it usually take to master full lothus?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    So I've been practising full lothus for a while and still feel my legs being really stiff while getting into the position, I also usually feel some ankle/knee pain (never too serious tho). I usually do five minutes per leg (I don't know if this is the right way to do it but one of my legs always sits a bit higher than the other which gets a bit more stressed and tired, I know they should be sitting equally but I don't really know how to do that), how long should I practise it for before it will get comfortable to slide in?

    submitted by /u/Sharik1609
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    Question about Hot yoga after having Covid

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    So before the pandemic I started getting really into hot yoga. It was just hot Vinyasa and I was really proud of myself and I felt really good and it was helping with depression and just being more mindful and in touch with myself. During the stay at home order I had a hard time practicing at home. Although after the studio I went to closed so I started attending Bikram yoga studio and also doing power Vinyasa there. I found it really hard and I didn't really like it at first, but then I started enjoying it. I then got Covid from my job (The week before I tested positive I fainted in hot yoga) and so I've now been at home for 16 days and I'm just relaxing, but I would like to go back to hot yoga at some point. Although I'm just not sure when I should I feel like I got super weak obviously from having Covid. I also get random headaches now even though I have had viral clearance according to my doctor. Does anyone have any recommendations of when I can go back to hot yoga? Or has anyone been in a similar situation and can share what they did? I'm just nervous I don't want to faint especially because I don't takeoff my mask.

    I was thinking of starting with candlelight Vinyasa flow and then transitioning into power Vinyasa but I don't know when I should do hot yoga again I'm very nervous

    submitted by /u/beautifulbria
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    Is HIIT yoga fusion enough?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Edit: is HIIT yoga fusion enough for general fitness? Is it enough for recommended amount of exercise?

    submitted by /u/Bxautifulmxss
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    Beginners help

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    So I'm fairly new to yoga starting doing at home during lockdown, I also have hemiplegia on my right side and therefore find certain poses more difficult especially those that mean I have to be on my side. Does anyone have any helpful tips on keeping up practice without compromising body (ie strains/injuries)

    submitted by /u/Disney10154-
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    (YTT STUDENT) Looking for tips/advice on how to bring a class to and through savasana, as well as closing the days practice

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:45 AM PDT

    I'm taking my 200 hour teacher training and I'm looking for some tips and advice on how to bring my class into savasana and then up to seating to close out the practice.

    I'm given a 3-5 minute window. I don't really want to talk through savasana but I'd like to add something to make it a little more interesting.


    submitted by /u/ImNikkiPotnick
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