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    Saturday, December 5, 2020

    Flexibility: Snapping Hip syndrome

    Flexibility: Snapping Hip syndrome

    Snapping Hip syndrome

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:20 PM PST

    English is not my first language, sorry if I'll make mistakes.

    Years ago I found out that I probably have the SHS probably in the inner thigh (I could be wrong though) and I don't know how to solve it.

    The point is that I've read a lot of other people describing having it without having problems but I can't stand the snap. It doesn't hurt, I've never been in pain but I can't stand it (idk why), I just try to avoid movements that could cause it because I know that it's something that it's not supposed to happen. Plus unlike some others the snap is loud and I feel it physically, I don't need to touch to feel the tendon sliding on the bone and then snapping.

    It doesn't interfere with my normal life but if I want to exercise I can't do many things: the bicycle crunches, the mountain climber, leg raises, leg circles, donkey circles, hip rotations.. so anything that moves particularly that tendon.

    Who should I contact? Is there a specific doctor for these things?

    submitted by /u/giul16
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    �� Made a little mobility challenge today! Can you do it? #mobilitychallenge

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:56 AM PST

    Cannot stretch the calves

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:02 PM PST

    Hello! I'm fairly new to this sub but I have been practicing various forms of mobility and flexibility work for almost 2 years. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find an answer to my problem. I know that it's difficult to assess online the root of a problem, but still I would like to hear your opinions because I don't know what to do. So, I tried stretching my calves in various ways, like really a lot. Everytime though AFTER the stretch I start feeling a little bit of discomfort/pain in the achille's or near to it on the inner side of foot where it attaches to the calf. The pain goes away in a few minutes or hours, it depends. But I noticed that if I stretch them consistently it remains for days eventually, so I think there's something wrong. I tried aggressive stretches, gentle stretches, static and dynamic, but the result is always the same. I don't have a tendinopathy in my achille's, it just gets strained during the stretches. So I've been stretching my calves on and off for months with no real progress. I tried foam rolling them, I tried Kit Laughlin release method, but it doesn't really affect it I think. The only thing that I haven't tried is to stretch it very lightly, to the point of not feeling the stretch, and then trying to go deeper in time. I didn't try it because I find it difficult to measure, without the stretch sensation it's like it's not even working. It's worth mentioning that I also had it when I was lifting and I trained my calves a lot, so I don't think I can fix it with calf raises... what would you suggest?

    submitted by /u/MrColdFlame
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