• Breaking News

    Friday, December 4, 2020

    Meditation: Meditation has replaced my medication.

    Meditation: Meditation has replaced my medication.

    Meditation has replaced my medication.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:44 PM PST

    I always felt like I needed something external to make me "feel well". I was on prescription medications for over 10 years. I drank alcohol and smoked cigarettes. I was restless, irritable and discontent. Then I began to (slowly) incorporate a mindfulness practice into my life. I am now 6 months completely free of drugs alcohol and haven't touched a cigarette in over 4 months. Not every session is perfect, some days life happens and I fail to sit in meditation at all, but the level of peace and acceptance I have for things has followed me into every area of my life. I am so grateful for all those who have come before me and helped lead the way for me. The way out of suffering was through. And the way was also within me the whole time. 🙏🏻

    submitted by /u/awake1inadream
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    Grieving for the abandoned inner child through meditation

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:42 AM PST

    Like a gigantic hand is holding me still...

    Preface: It took 4 severe depressive episodes and 4 painful years to finally realize that I need to drastically alter my mindset on how I view things in life and that the path I am taking is a mere illusion of my inflated ego of a good and successful life. You don't live your dream by imagining it, but by actually living it.

    Now, every time I am sitting down, set my timer for meditation practice, and breathe in and out for the first 5 minutes, it feels as if a giant being - I'm imagining a giant hand - is holding me still. As this presence watches me watching it I can't help but start crying, start grieving. It's genuine grieving for the abandoned inner child who pressured itself into the thought that it has to become someone to eventually be someone and can't simply be.

    I only achieve this sort of grieving with the stillness of meditation and with the feeling of connectedness while said being is felt through my whole body.

    In Pete Walker's book: Complex-PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving, I've learned that grieving encompasses a great deal of self-compassion. Something I've lacked my whole life, until now.

    submitted by /u/OnWaycation
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    I want to get out of my head and live my life!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Does anyone else feel like they're constantly just thinking or thinking about thinking? I feel like I am watching other people live via social medias and programs on tv/movies rather than actually living myself. I find that when I try to focus on me, I don't even know where to begin with "living." I am simply copying what I have seen others do or think... Maybe this is a weird identity crisis, but surely I am not the only one who has felt this way!

    Sorry for the ramble! What I hope to get from mindfulness practice is to get out of my head and into my life.

    submitted by /u/UnderThe_BellJar
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    "Even when you seem to be aware of yourself, you have made yourself into an object, a thought form, and so what you are aware of is a thought, not yourself." -Eckhart Tolle

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:28 PM PST

    Would meditation help me?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:01 AM PST

    Hello everyone!

    Sometimes, among all the overthinking and rumination about the past and the future, I have sudden small moments of clarity and optimism that make me feel good, warm, hopeful and confident that things will be ok and that my flaws and mistakes aren't something that defines me or that irreparable, and letting go of things and people doesn't seem so scary anymore.

    In that moment, I feel like a rush of dopamine and calmness that makes me look at life in a completely different way, and it's beautiful.

    Therapy already helped me a lot, but I'm looking for ways to try to bring those small moments of well-being into a more steady state, and I was wondering if meditation could help.

    If yes, how and which type of meditation do you think would work for me? Any book / youtube / app / names / suggestion / references are welcomed! I never tried meditation before so any tip about how to start is useful.

    Thanks a lot!! :)

    submitted by /u/mrtmrd
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    Has your meditation practice affected the number of decisions you make in daily life that take into account ethics and moral values?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:50 AM PST

    The IMPRINT project will be the largest study to date exploring this important question.

    You can support the research project if you have meditated at least 3 times per week during the last 12 months. You can find more details and the link to the survey on www.ways-of-looking.com

    The IMPRINT project is led by researchers at University College London in collaboration with Imperial's Centre for Psychedelic Research and the University of Zurich. The findings will be shared in open-access journals and the anonymous data will be made available to other researchers in the field.

    Thank you for supporting meditation research. The time you dedicate to this project and the experiences you share are very valuable to us.

    submitted by /u/ways_of_looking
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    Is it weird I fantasize about this stuff

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:18 PM PST

    I think about the human experience a lot, I'm a huge history buff and don't see the death, destruction, or evil doings of the past as wrong. They are part of being human. Humans are the most evil and most good creature to ever exist on this planet. We are the only being capable of wiping out the entire planet, but also the only being that could save it.

    I just think about how deep down inside, no one ever truly belongs. Everybody is a outcast in reality no matter how many "friends" they have. We are all meaningless and the most meaningful creatures in one.

    None of this makes sense what I'm saying, I'm just rambling.

    submitted by /u/alwaysonthemove57
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    Nonduality101 discord community :)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:30 AM PST

    Nonduality101 is a server directed at pointing towards spiritual enlightenment / liberation / wholeness / end of seeking / freedom / what is and has always been the case but can't be explained nor understood by anyone. This server is supposed to create an energy in which the sense of "I" could be glimpsed and the possibility of it falling away.

    There's no strict rules, just no intentional degeneracy.

    link below


    submitted by /u/Noonebutbrahman
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    Which mediation.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:39 AM PST

    What is the best meditation techniques/type to improve concentration and to be mindfulness.

    submitted by /u/sleepnation
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    My muscles feel heavy when i meditate. Is this a common thing?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:25 AM PST

    Ive taken up doing 10 minutes of meditation everyday to help with my anxiety problems and i believe its helping me. However one thing i noticed especially today during my session is that my muscles specifically in my legs felt heavy almost like being pulled down. Not in a painful way its just something i noticed a lot

    Is this a common occurance in meditation? Or is it my brain trting to over analyise? I dont like not having anything to think or focus on which is why i find meditation at times very tricky as i sometimes find it really tricky to switch of that section of my brain and just let my breath and the music do the talking

    submitted by /u/Tcrumpen
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    ELI5 Duality please?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:32 AM PST

    Me not so smart

    submitted by /u/I_am_the_1_who_knox
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    Question about Meditation

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:27 PM PST

    I'm fairly new to meditation, and recently meditated.(for context, I was meditating for quite awhile) Is it normal to see colors while your eyes are closed? I saw dark blues and purples, it was fascinating to me. (I'll Delete post if this is not allowed) I just wanted to know if this is a common phenomenon or what could cause it.

    submitted by /u/High_On_Shunshine
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    Insights from meditating two hours everyday for one week

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:52 AM PST

    Guys, I started a two hour/day meditation challenge. I wanted to share with you one beautiful thing that has been happening lately, its this feeling of absolute awe I have been feeling on such a deep and beautiful level, like I look around and things like nature, people's faces, get me emotional because its creation.

    You know how we often hear that in order to experience the good in life, we must experience the bad? But meditating regularly almost makes you realize that complete inner peace is a state of being and totally possible, like a feeling that can't be comprehended or understood, we have to get there through meditation to experience it and know it, like it makes me think that we are capable of being at complete peace every moment of our lives if we work on our mind and try to elevate to a different state of consciousness.

    Sending you all love 🙏🏽💗

    submitted by /u/rashu95
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    "112 meditations for self realization Vigyan Bhairav Tantra"by Ranjit chaudri

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:29 AM PST

    Has anybody here read this book called "112 meditations for self realization Vigyan Bhairav Tantra" by Ranjit chaudri. I havent and just wanted to know if somebody has.

    submitted by /u/Follabi
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    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:53 AM PST

    Guys i dont want you to waste time just by reading it.so if you guys know about the binaural frequency then check this out

    submitted by /u/priyadharshan783
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    How do I meditate is I’m not religious

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:15 AM PST

    I truly want to get into meditation. However many of the meditation techniques I've found online eventually involve God. Is it possible to meditate when you are not religious?

    submitted by /u/wakeUpAlreadyGuy
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    What is the need of powers of manifestations?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:45 AM PST

    My mental health is deteriorating fast

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:09 PM PST

    Do you think meditation can prevent me from developing something like Alzheimers later on,if it can slow down or maybe even reverse the damage done to my brain then i need to take immediate action but alot of times i am faced with resistance and a undisciplined mind,I think about meditating often but i wind up not doing it when it can be very beneficial at this stage of my life and can change it considerably.

    submitted by /u/BarryO44thCommander
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    meditation and mandala art

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:20 AM PST

    How do you guys focus on your breathing without controlling it?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:33 PM PST

    For me, it's like that "you are now breathing manually" meme. Once I try to focus on my breathing to meditate, I feel like I have to consciously do control it instead of just observing. Is it just something that comes with time?

    submitted by /u/FollicleEnzymes
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    Ardent yoga ‘student’, looking to explore traditions, practices, or whatever outside this one type of meditative practice. Help me out Reddit, give me different things or practices to try! I’m willing to look into or try anything!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:31 PM PST

    My two year anniversary of starting yoga and exploring yogic meditations is approaching. And don't get me wrong, I love it and it's a passion of mine; however, I have been wanting to explore more. I would like to ignite my passion with experiences of different meditation avenues, techniques, or practices. Especially in this pandemic, my yogic practice has declined and it's been more difficult to go to a class. Anyways, I'm open to anything. Traditions, practices, regiments, techniques, or just breath exercises outside of the yogic tradition. Help me expand!

    submitted by /u/t_nutt
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